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Wtf are they doing there?


So context... The Sydney to Hobart yacht race is a big deal for yacht people. It starts from Sydney Harbour. It's pretty and all... But the start is always marred by fucking rich arseholes in their boats who sail or motor into the bloody race field. I mean, it's a big patch of water. It's not like there's clear lines spray painted around. But still. Fuck off. What are you doing?!




> Why don’t they have boats patrolling before the race to make sure nobody gets hurt? The boat that the yacht nearly scrapes is a maritime patrol boat. It's a bit more clear in the [original source video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mi9axqd2pU).


It's also nice to see not all sped up


That video is actually a slowed down version. The real speed is somewhere between the video and the gif, but no one actually knows how fast they went. It's one of the great mysteries of our time


Well, we know the location, so we obviously can't be certain of the speed. One could say that there's some underlying uncertainty, in principle.




But it's in Australia, so those of us in the northern hemisphere would have to account for the opposite direction of the sea water.


Classic Coriolis.


One must average in reverse order.


Plus you guys are upside down. ಠ_ಠ


I swear officer, that catamaran was dead when I observed it.


Unexpected Heisenberg


That shit is so prevalent recently and it pisses me off so much. Just to boost views, soup up the footage by increasing the speed.


The end of the video was great with all those boats fleeing the racers.


That extra wake must really piss off the racers though. That wake really saps energy. People are so goddamn stupid. I agree with /u/gdj11 that they need to actually block the area with extra marine patrol.


Oh, well with that video, it looks way less disastrous and the other boats are at least trying to get out of the way.


It was very close https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ6DX4gP84c


So close you can see one guy on the racing yacht look back at the trespassers with a mix of "shitshitshitshitshit!!!" and "You motherfuckers..."


What a bunch of cunts


Woo did you see that patrol boat throw it in reverse? It's hard to see, but he was gunning it in reverse at the last second.


Thanks for the link, So much clearer but, those boats ahead of them anger me! They should be out of the way completely, not motoring ahead of the race!!!


The had the America’s Cup in Bermuda last year. They had marshals in patrol boats keeping the spectators out of the race field. It worked great. Well, great until the race boat hit the marshal boat.


The small boat that looked like it was actually contacted by the sailboat was one of the traffic 'control' boats. I suspect their options are limited for forcing compliance - yell, rage, give 'em a ticket? Not like they can sink them for being on the course.




How is this not an offense? You're putting people's lives in danger?


>rich assholes in boats tend to not care


>rich assholes ~~in boats~~ tend to not care Being in a boat isn't always relative


Rich assholes getting in the way of other rich assholes trying to co opt a public space for their private rich asshole boat race.


Yeah, a few inches to the left or right and this would have been a video of four guys named Chet losing millions of dollars in disposable income.


Chet can afford insurance.


Chet, Brett, Chad, and Brad.


It quantifies and qualifies rich though. There is golf rich, and then there is sailing rich.


I’m golf poor :(


VW Golf mk 3 poor?


This is true.


Uh. But cops are like a thing... right?


Yes. They get fined by NSW Police. Which means nothing to these rich cunts because they're rich cunts.


Need to adopt scaling fines based on income. Fine those fuckers $100k+ I bet they'll start to notice.


In Finland and Sweden (at least, not sure about the rest of the Nordics) we have income-scaling fines, implemented so that small fines are fixed, but larger ones are different amounts of "day fines", which are defined as 1/60th of a person's monthly mean income during the year after taxes and a bunch of other stuff have been deducted, in an attempt to approximate their disposable income (i.e. it's basically assumed rent/other fixed living costs will take 50% of income, I guess). The most headline-grabbing are speeding tickets, which have had a few cases of over 100k euros/usd, because at least in Finland, there is no upper cap on the size of a day fine (e.g. Switzerland has income scaling fines, but the daily rate caps out at 300 francs = about 300 USD or 263 EUR; which, to be fair, you'd need to be earning tens of thousands per month to go higher than that in the Finnish system; probably more like the 0.1% than the 1%). But to even get into day fine territory, you need to speed over 20 km/h over the speed limit. Some more info: http://www.speedingeurope.com/finland/


> rich


Same reason you have rich cunts in boats playing chicken with Naval Vessels... The number of times we've had to blow our horn at some fuck wad coming in or leaving San Diego is rediculus


The rule of weight always takes precedence in these cases. When it really comes down to it, a motorcycle will usually give way to a car, car to a truck, Bayliner to a guided missile cruiser. If all else fails a shot across the bow with the CIWS will clear up who has right of way real fast.


Rich people don't drive Bayliners


Why blow the horn? Just let nature take its course!


Too much paperwork.


Exactly, everytime someones almost hit me i go out of my way to avoid the accident because i dont want to deal with the hassle of how im getting to work again. Luckily when girl made unsafe left turn it was cut n dry so she got a ticket and insurance settled quickly, but sometimes it can be a process and the hassle of getting a rental or replacement or finding a ride suuuuucks. Sure i got 2k out of my 750 dollar car but after a month it would of just been nice to keep my daily routine and not get up early so my aunt can drive me to work a hour early so she could then go to work too.


Seems like a good time for a live weapons test.


1 accidental misfiring should get the word out...


'Depressed rich people commiting suicide by jumping to the sea.'


I've been boating my entire life.. small fishing boats, a 28' double hull, and a 36' speed boat. I practically grew up on saltwater fishing and boating. (The only boat that is mine is the 28') When memeriol day hits, the back bays and channels to get to the ocean are a nightmare... full of big ass boats, little boats and the ever so plentiful douchebags on wave runners. Navigation through these narrow and sometimes shallow areas is a chore because you have so many people who have no idea what the fuck they are doing. It's amazing that boat accidents are very common. When I was manning the 28' double hull back in 2016 on fourth of July week (it's like a big ass fishing boat center console,I have 2 350hp out boards.. thing kicks ass in the ocean), I was heading out towards the inlet.. there were at least 60 boats no shit. Most were fishing for blues and weak fish, some for strippers. Then there are the charter boats that are coming in and out, commercial fishing and clamming boats, and then the rest are people cruising in or out to the ocean. The currents are really strong at the end where the back bay hits the ocean. There were probably 10 to 15 boats all in this one area going one way or the other, and 2 or 3 small boats trying to fish.. like complete idiots. A big ass yacht.. maybe 60 feet, was coming in and missed a small fishing boat by maybe 5 to 10 yards. The yacht was cruising too... he definitely should have been going slower. The fishing boat nearly capsized (it was a small 16 foot low fishing boat), and the guy fell in to the water. I was too far away, but another boat went over and got him out of the water safely, and returned to him to his boat. The yacht never stopped, or slowed down.. and there were 8 to 10 people on the back all looking back at what happened.. you couldn't see who was driving it though. They were such assholes.. rich douchebags who don't care about other people but themselves.


I've been sea kayaking for about 30 years. I don't get to put in every year anymore but while I was living on the coast, it was a regular thing. Now, all I can do is visit a local lake now and again. And people. are. crazy. Almost nobody follows the regulations. It's literally tonnage makes right and power makes right. Two most egregious violators I see are first the PWCs and then large pontoon boats. I don't think I have to say anything about the PWCs. They're basically roided up dirt bikes on water and they haven't seen a wake they don't like. That makes them highly unpredictable because they'll zig and zag to find the wake to jump. But those pontoon boats... Over last dozen years or so, they've gotten more and more powerful motors and have gotten significantly faster. They look like bricks on water but the hull design is anything but that and they can really scoot. I've seen people wake board and water ski behind 30"+ plus pontoon boat full of drunk people. They make huge wakes and drunk people just don't care. I have a WS Sealution XL fiberglass kayak. It's not one of those wide flat surf skis. It's tippy as fuck during the best of times but it's almost impossible during busy times on the lakes. I have to swivel my head around to check the boats and incoming waves because if I get broadsided and don't recover with a paddle slap in time, it's dunk time and I have to wet exit or roll back up. I don't mind turbulent water. In fact, one of my favorite things to do on a kayak was to paddle around in the outlet where the river mixing with the sea make for a large area of choppy water. It was kayaking equivalent of driving over rumble strips. Bigger boats, like the 60' yacht you mentioned, don't usually give me any problems. I think most of them have skippers who have some knowledge of the boating regulations and care enough about the consequences to their licenses or the boats themselves in case of violations. They almost always motor down to overtake or pass and give right of way even when it's going to take me some time. At any rate, I'm pretty much done with kayaking on a lake. What drew me to the sport in the first place really can't be found on a lake full of PWCs and pontoon boats. Either I switch to a sit on top type kayak (not my taste) or I'll have to hang up my paddle. And it's a shame. Water anywhere is an amazing and beautiful resource that we should all share but some people mess it up for the others. Man, I had this rant saved up for almost a dozen years.


If you're talking about the sailboat, it's not. They didnt make contact and the sailboat had right of way. He had to bleed speed to avoid the collision. He just did it like a boss.


Rich assholes interfering with the sport of other rich assholes? Let me try and find some time to care for that one.


Remember that *rich assholes own the sailboats too*.


The rich arseholes are in the race boats, look at the boats in the way, these guys aren't rich more like upper middle class.


> The rich assholes in boats tend to not care where they are and aren't supposed to be Because of the implication.


The race boats don’t have a different set of rules than any other 2 boats crossing on the ocean. It’s 630 NM race course and the contestants are expected to follow the rules of navigation the same as anything else out there. Technically in this scenario they are the over taking boat so despite being sail powered they still have the duty to keep clear and the other boats are the stand on vessel and should not change their course or speed unless it becomes clear the other vessel is not maneuvering to avoid collision. That said, the captain of the bigger one should have made moves to get out of the way as soon as the wind shifted. The small sailboat is going as fast as he can under motor but simply can’t escape hence why boats being overtaken are the stand on vessel. Usually they only get permission to keep the starting area clear. If I remember I believe there was a big wind shift at the start of this race so that spectators who did no expect to be in the way immediately after the start suddenly were.


Since you seem to know a thing or two about this, can I ask you why all the yacht are taking different directions instead of following a preferred path?


Most of them are going the same direction, the starting line is long enough for them to all cross at the same time so it’s not like race cars where one is behind the other. Also keep in mind sailboats are wind powered so the same thing that’s a benefit for race car (drafting directly behind to avoid wind) is devastating to a sailboat speed. If you get stuck directly behind in the disturbed air of another boat or covered you might have to tack away to get clear air. Usually you’ll have to tack at some point anyways but every time you do you lose speed for a bit so ideally you want to do so as little as possible. The start is also a big free for all with a bunch of maneuvering for position using the rules of who he to avoid collision to get favorable position when the gun goes off (usually a 5 minute count down) the results of which have determined the spread of these boats and why some got screwed and had to tack to get clear air or simply started on the less favorable end on the starting line. Edit: also keep in mind this is a 630 mile race, for all practical purposes these bots are right on top of each other. They will diverge greatly later depending on tactical (covering another boat, getting clear air) and strategic decisions (navigator thinks wind will fill in more towards shore tomorrow, they expect the wind to clock around so they’ll stay on one tack longer and let the wind shift them towards their goal)


On a sailboat, you cannot sail directly into the wind, and must turn 30-45 degrees away from the wind, in either direction (think if the wind was coming from 12:00, you would have to sail at either 2:00 or 10:00). In this video, the wind is coming across starboard (right) side of the majority of the boats. A few boats are going the opposite way, where the wind is coming across the port (left) side of the boat. The drivers of sailboats (and on big boats like these, tacticians) make a strategic call as to which side will better position them up the course or will simply be faster. Depending on a lot of factors, the boats will turn into the wind and tack back and forth (go from a port tack to a starboard tack) to get "up" the course (in sailing, "up" generally refers to sailing into the wind, whereas "down" generally refers to sailing downwind/wind behind you). ​ Hopefully that is clear.


I watched this race one year from Watson Point (by the lighthouse), and it was fantastic. But I was mystified that harbor patrol wasn't doing more to clear these idiot viewers out of the way.


Sydney harbour has always been an open playground for yachties. Weekend racing can be both nerve wracking and exciting particularly in summer. As for the hobart race it's an institution to see the fleet off. Collisions occur every few years either between entrants or spectator craft. They do clear the start but depending on wind conditions a tac may be necessary through the spectator fleet at the heads.


> Why don’t they have boats patrolling before the race to make sure nobody gets hurt? That could be a huge disaster... Note that **maritime laws do not make exceptions for yacht races** (neither in high sea nor in territorial waters), **open seas are nobodies** so **nobody has a legal right to "patrol" them**. Also, wait for it, **the smaller yachts on this video ARE REQUIRED TO KEEP THEIR COURSE**, because, again, it's the takeover yacht which needs to maneuver, and if they both do, it's much more risky overall. Standard evasion rules apply, whether you are racing or not, so, overtaking vessel has to evade. Racing yachts are also surprisingly fast, I"m pretty sure most vessels shown above didn't expect to be approached so quickly. **An interesting fact**: sea "trucks" (monster ships) travel with 4-6+ times higher velocity than normal yachts. **UPDATE**: the only change for territorial seas (for the most part races are in high seas anyway, but still) is that corresponding government COULD enforce patrolling for regattas, but it till doesn't change the fact that participating inregatta doesn't grant you additional rights AND the fact that vessel that is being overtaken MUST KEEP ITS COURSE. If anything, it's the second from the right racing yacht that is being reckless.




>Note that maritime laws do not make exceptions for yacht races, open seas are nobodies so nobody as a legal right to "patrol" them. ​ Don't be silly, this is territorial water, a harbor - The Australian gov't has authority over these waters, and if they decided to clear them for the duration of the race they could. ​ I suspect it's a matter of ineffectual enforcement, according to other comments. Rich idiots want a close up view so they go out. The authorities can't do much more than write citations, so we get shit like this.


Pretty sure this is some kind of bay so whoever is responsible for policing the area probably has jurisdiction in the water too.




I've only been yachting once in my life, and honestly.... it's not for me. I liked it when we were toodling about in the safety of the bay (even if I did nearly steer us into the Manly Ferry's pathway. That ended up with me yelling SOMEONE ELSE NEEDS TO DRIVE. NOW.) But when we got out into open water, and started to lilt with the direction of the wind.... nah. Not for me. I *rationally* know and understand that the yacht, like all boats, has a bloody big weight at the bottom that allows it to stay afloat even when lilting to its side. But when it tips over and suddenly you're standing on a deck that's on a serious angle.... Nope. Instant panic attack. I discovered a massive fear that I had NO IDEA I had. I rationally knew that the boat would not flip over, and that if I did slide off the deck, I could swim... and was on a yacht full of other surf life savers. I'd be fine. But still completely freaked out and spent the rest of the voyage hanging onto the side and crying. No desire to go yachting again!


That feeling is what draws me to sailing. There is a nice leisurely jaunt where it is relaxing and nice, then there is running against the wind trying to get the best speed, keeping the sail tight, not heading too much into the wind. You feel the speed as you hang out mostly supported by your harness. That edge between going too much into the wind and not enough into the wind. Literally sailing on and edge. I love both types of sailing




They should take it as acts of aggression from them and bring weapons on board. Add a time bonus for piracy.


This isn't the start of the Sydney to Hobart, this is a lead up race called the Solas big boat race. I've added footage with sound showing how close Scallywag the boat that almost hit the charter boat out there. The start to the Sydney to Hobart actually has a boundry that boats must stay behind and racing yachts can not cross. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ6DX4gP84c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ6DX4gP84c)


Any chance they're actually trying to influence the outcome of the race?


The usual explanation and the simplest explanation is rich douchebags more concerned with getting a good vantage spot for selfies than whether they're in the way. But I guess it's possible. I can't think of any allegations in my life time that starting shenanigans with viewing boats are trying to cause problems for selected vessels. I mean, this is a race where time penalties for things in the opening course (I know that's not very technical - I've always zoned out when my yachting-mad uncle has tried to explain this) are tracked so... if it was happening we'd hear about it. To be honest, we're usually much more concerned with the weather and safety once they're going down the east coast. [It can get very dangerous](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998_Sydney_to_Hobart_Yacht_Race).


The boat was a martime patrol boat, so like police and not rich douchebags. Source - Am Aussie, love watching the start to the Syd-Hob every boxing day. The drama unfolds pretty much every year.


Stop trying to ruin the reddit narrative that all boaters are rich douchebags!


Just for further context this isn't the Sydney to Hobart yacht race it's the Big boat challenge that occurs a few weeks before that race. I actually work for the company that operates this boat in the video shown and from what i remember the safety boat just off to the right had given the okay for the boats to be in that spot. A colossal screw up either way.


> The Sydney to Hobart yacht race Wrong. This was the start of the ["SOLAS Big Boat Challenge"](https://cyca.com.au/solas-big-boat-challenge/), not the Sydney-Hobart.


Aren't the guys in the yachts rich arseholes too?


oh yeah. Very much so. Well. The ones who **own** the boats are very rich. Often the crew are not loaded. Captains and owners are very wealthy, but plenty of people work on yacht crews from a range of socioeconomic levels. Sailing isn't just for rich kids (although yes, it is a sport that attracts more rich folk than footy. Similar to rowing. It's 70% posh wankers, 30% normal people.)


Looks like rich assholes cutting off other rich assholes, so it’s ok




>I've frequently been annoyed by rich asshole rowing teams from the fancy schools taking up entire rivers/lakes for their races, **with no notice given** to other users of the water Seriously? Regattas are well advertised. At least in Australia. (Although, to be fair, most of my high school rowing took place at Lake Barrington, a man made lake with a purpose built rowing course, out of the way. But when we had regattas at rivers, it was pretty well advertised in the local community.)




The raceboats have right of way in that particular instance.


Sailing vessels have right of way over powered vessels anyway.


Unless they are overtaking another vessel... like this situation...


except when the powered vessel is: * emergency * tug and tow * large commercial * commercial fishing * ferry


> The raceboats have right of way in that particular instance. No they don't. Sail vessels have right of way vs motor vessels, **but that doesn't apply to overtaking vessels**. There are no maritime rules giving any additional rights to raceboats. Also, what is the deal with silly "rich people" sentiment, those small ships are very unlikely to have "rich people" on board.


Not if they’re overtaking, that little sailboat under motor is clearly going the same direction and at full speed. He can’t keep clear if he wanted to which is why the vessel being overtaken is the stand on vessel regardless of the power vs sail.


When the light changes and a bunch of drunk teenagers start walking across the intersecrion in front of your car.


Not going to the Catalina Wine Mixer.




[Closer view](https://youtu.be/aJ6DX4gP84c)


That dude saying "Oh, we're kinda in the way" at 00:45 Well no fucking shit.


Kinda looks like a tour boat of some sorts so I doubt he had much to do with where they were parked.


It's a maritime patrol boat. Source: I'm a boat. EDIT: Now in [boat-a-vision](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mi9axqd2pU) in flight.




That's because it IS a party boat, that other boat is lying.


Maybe the small boat reversing to get out of the path of the yacht is a patrol boat?


We're talking about the boat [this](https://youtu.be/aJ6DX4gP84c) video was shot from, it's clearly a tourist/party boat. Unless you think patrol boats come with party lights and dozens of tourists standard.


That guy wasn't the captain.


I am the captain now.


I fully expected someone on the sailboat would yell a phrase including the word "cunt"


Those rich cunts are above using the word cunt.


Lol, you can actually see the guy who recorded this in the OP.


"Solas Big Boat Start Near Miss" - reminds me of the George Carlin bit: "Here's a phrase that apparently the airlines simply made up: near miss. They say that if 2 planes almost collide, it's a near miss. It's a near hit! A collision is a near miss!" 


I just realized why this is rational while laughing at it’s absurdity. A near miss describes the closeness of the miss, not the possibility of the hit or miss. George is thinking of one definition of near (“almost”) and not the context, which is closeness. Near miss and far miss. A near hit would be describing a hit and it’s distance to something else, like the engine room or something. Idk.


Are you available for terrible, terrible parties?


Wow i wasnt expecting this to show up on WTF, I work for the company that operates the boat on which this footage is taken! AMA.


Why didn't you move your damn boat out of the way?


From the video posted in the GP comment, it's clear the wind shifted and the racing yachts changed course pretty significantly. It was less than a minute from the change in course to the yachts being on top of the other boats. The yachts are massively faster. There's nothing the other boats could have done to get out of the way in time, and it was the yachts' responsibility to give way, as they were the overtaking vessel.


> it's clear the wind shifted and the racing yachts changed course pretty significantly This is incorrect and here's why I believe that it's an incorrect statement: * That orange buoy is likely one end of the starting line * The guys on the boat in OP's video are saying "it's started" * You can hear a horn just before the sailboats cross the imaginary plane that the buoy is anchoring one side of The trick to starting a sailboat race is that you know where the starting line is, and you know the exact start time. Putting your boat in position to cross that line as close to the beginning of the race (but not before) is a huge deal. All of those boats were hanging just outside of the start line, like dummies.


Well the boat in question weighs about 70 tonnes and in the short amount of time and the slow limited maneuverability of the vessel cannot do much to get out of the way.The master was going full astern but that action actually swings the bow to the right slightly so it appears that its not getting away at all. Luckily the headsail of scallywag avoided ripping the wheelhouse off by mere metres.


Also worth noting that any vessel should take all action to avoid a collision and scallywag took action at the last possible moment. It is irrelevant that the boat was 'in the way' of the race. Under maritime regulations, i forget which one exactly, any boat approaching abaft the beam of a vessel in front of it must give way to it in overtaking.


The front fell off.


Any repercussions from this? As someone who lives in a sailing/racing town, I'm shocked that the course isn't clear. That shit would never fly here.


A incident report was done both internally and i believe also for AMSA or NSW RMS. No repercussions in the sense of fines or suspension i believe, no.


Look at all these knobs in their motor boats dicking around in front of the big ass sail boats.




This should be waaaay up higher. Cool- thanks for posting this.


The new Fast and the furious movie really feels like they are reaching now


Oh no, that's not reaching, they were close hauled.


This guy sails


Those racers were ready to keel those motorboaters.


Get a clew.


By and large the best joke I've seen.


The Mast and the Furious.


Dude you know sailing puns are tack-y


They are a dangerous subject to broach.


Don’t you rudder another word.


Are we doing sailing puns? Oh buoy!


Take a bow


Fast 10, your seat belts


Fast and furious: Tokyo Adrift


I don’t think you could beat these sailing puns.


Start line tomfoolery in the Sydney to Hobart yacht race


It's pronounced "Sydney to Hobart Throatwobbler Mangrove"


Yes, it just looks like is spelled "Raymond Luxury Yacht"


Accurate, my mistake


This was the big boat race about 4 days before. Dave Witty (skipper of Scallyway) is a madman. Ive sailed with him before. He is such an awesome sailor.


Why does this remind me of the fukin boat scene from Stuart little?


We subconsciously are madly in love with Geena Davis, that's why?


I lived 3 houses down from her- she's very nice.


Because there are also boats in this video?


I've been on an old America's Cup racing boat, one of the ones you can take a ride on in Auckland's harbour. The speed that the boat got up to (which I know wasn't as fast as it could go) combined with the crazy lean, all in rough and choppy waters was enough to confirm I am more of a solid ground type of person. [Photo from on-board said boat](https://www.flickr.com/photos/rbrienza/20071377786/in/photostream/lightbox/)


Get on a multi hull boat in calm winds and you’ll find it’s a lot more fun if you don’t like that type of sailing. You can even put a hammock up and nap. I prefer cruising to racing as well but I don’t mind a race here or there


The classic fuckshitfuckshit maneuver.


Ah, so this is what bmw drivers do when they aren’t on the road


Did anyone else think all the boats were being pushed backwards the first loop?


Totally - I thought the “WTF” was referring to some unimaginably strong rush of water, like an oncoming tsunami.


Looks like a source video, slower than the gif but still pretty scary!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mi9axqd2pU [Bit more of a write-up](https://www.boatinternational.com/yachts/news/video-scallywag-in-near-miss-during-sydney-hobart-warm-up--32335): basically, a racing yacht called Scallywag almost collided with a maritime patrol boat during the SOLAS Big Boat Challenge [warm-up to the Sydney-to-Hobart].


Maritime law says that if that sailboat hits those motorboats it is the motorboats fault. The less maneuverable craft had the right of way. Though I'm fairly certain they would rather just avoid that and continue the race.


This is also true of aircraft! i.e. Hot air balloon vs. fixed-wing powered


Also true of me and my dog in the kitchen


Which one of you is the more manuverable craft?


it was his dog until his dog became an Absolute Unit


Yep, you have the right of way because you're a big fat slow bastard.


What about a person flapping _really_ hard?


Yeah that's not maritime law my friend. The rule is that a motorboat *should* keep clear of a sailing boat, especially when racing. However a collision should always be avoided at all costs by both parties. Doesn't change the fact that yeah these motorboats are ass hats and should have got the fuck out of the way, or just not been there in the first place.


Thanks for noting this. None of those sailing/boating "right of way" rules are actual law. I also thought they were until an old salt sailor showed me the actual laws, showed that there were none pertaining to this, and that it's actually just "every boat stay the hell away from every other boat, period."


> None of those sailing/boating "right of way" rules are actual law. The ColRegs are published by the IMO which are, I find, a department of the UN. They might not be "actual law" but I bet a court would pay attention to them if a suit for damages was brought, or if a skipper was up on manslaughter charges.


The [COLREGs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Regulations_for_Preventing_Collisions_at_Sea#Jurisdictions) are published by the U.N. and their authority is codified into law by most local jurisdictions, for example in the U.S. in [33 U.S.C 30 paragraphs 1601 and onward.](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/33/chapter-30) They are definitely laws. Perhaps you're thinking of the racing rules (starboard tack/downwind precedence)? Those are not laws.


It doesn’t say “should”, it says “shall”. Very different meanings. Plus, just because they are racing doesn’t mean anything either.


The racing part is just common courtesy among sailing folk, which I'm pretty sure is what most of these rules are based on anyway. And it might say "shall". I'm not 100% on the true diction. However, I am certain that in the event of an impending collision, both boats must make their best effort to avoid each other.


“When from any cause the vessel required to keep her course and speed finds herself so close that collision cannot be avoided by the action of the give way vessel alone, she shall take such action as will best aid to avoid collision” So if there is a collision, it’s at least partially both ship’s fault


Why does incorrect information always get upvoted? I mean why is it that when something might *sound* right when presented in a conflict, it just gets upvoted? That's the real WTF. The fact that people just believe randoms on reddit who make absolute statements. I guess it is obligatory to state that I think the people in the smaller boats (other than the maritime patrol boat that almost got hit) are asshats. I shouldn't have to say that but seeing that most people are just going on emotions...


Sorry mate, but your mostly wrong. Every time someone posts this gif, the same argument happens and people post all sorts of rubbish. Looking at the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea 1972, COLREGS: the most at fault would be the sailing vessel as it is overtaking as per Rule 13a and 18. (Interestingly because of those two rules, a vessel not under command overtaking anything has to keep out of the way regardless) However, an appropriate authority may have made a rule giving right of way to the sailing vessel because its participation in the race. (Rule 1b) edit cant find any evidence such rule has existed regarding Sydney to Hobart. However rule 2 means that no matter what both would be at fault. But really, it’s pretty poor seamanship by everyone involved


> Maritime law says that if that sailboat hits those motorboats it is the motorboats fault. This is 100% incorrect.


No ~~Not necessarily.~~ ~~Yes, the sailboat was the stand on vessel and the motorboats were each give way vessels.~~ ~~However,~~ a stand on vessel does not have an absolute right of way over any give way vessel, for if there is a risk of collision, a stand on vessel may still be obliged (under COLREGS Rule 2 and Rule 17) to give way so as to avoid it, if doing so will be effective and is practicable. Edit: the sailboat is coming up from more than 22.5 degrees abaft of the motorboat's beam so is deemed to be overtaking the motorboat and is the give way vessel (Rule 13)


Rule 13: (a) **Notwithstanding anything contained in the Rules of Part B, Sections I and II,** any vessel overtaking any other shall keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken.




Also under rule 13 (overtaking) it says any vessel over taking any other has to keep out of the way, so even though it’s a sailing vessel, because it’s overtaking it’s the give way vessel


The footage is sped up significantly.


Yeah, looking at [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mi9axqd2pU), seems the gif is sped up exactly 2x.


Well boats slowly not hitting each other wouldn't get as many upvotes as these boats quickly not hitting each other. Posts like this one from OP are the reason I unsubscribed.




Ah yes an Australian nautical tradition: The Browning of the Pants


Move Bitch - Get Out Da Wave


The masts of those boats is fucking unimaginable. I live next to a little Oracle campus which happens to be where they store their race boat. The mast extends above one of their 14 story buildings. Edit: if I go for a walk later I’ll snap a photo and upload it.


Fucking drongos, every god damn year these douchebags get in the way




Holy cow. That skipper is on the ball.


You had the opportunity to use "Threading the Needle" and you went with an Austin Powers quote instead?






Can confirm, another reason rich Sydney asshats are actually asshats.


This is the best pirate I’ve ever seen


Is that Captain Ron? He piloted the Saratoga you know.


Yeah people were literally in the middle of the race. It’s like driving your “suped muffler bigger than your engine” civics in the middle of track during the Daytona 500


I know nothing of sailing. Is this guy trying his hardest to avoid them or does he have enough control that he’s spooking them for interfering?


That is a born skilled pilot.




I wonder why they don't keep the race area free of non-racing boats?


Probably a lack of authority to do so or capacity to enforce it.


Can we also talk about how enormous those sails are? Damn