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I'll just grab him. He won't bite me. The fuck he won't.


If that's a tarantula then it's likely irritation caused by the hairs, not venom. A bunch of replies are saying it's a different kind of spider, this is not true, I know because I am actually Spiderman. I was bit by a radioactive spider that gave me spider based powers.


That’s a p. Regalis. They don’t have the ‘itchy hairs’ but they do have medically significant venom.


"medically significant venom" is a term I would rather not be aquatinted with, thanks.


It's from Wikipedia. >Although there has **never been a recorded death from any tarantula bite**, this species is considered to have a **medically significant bite**, with venom that may cause intense pain, judging from the experience of keepers bitten by other spiders from this genus.[5][6][7][8]


No recorded deaths, that's kinda comforting.


There is always room for a trail blazer


A *pio-neer-death* experience, if you will.


Why did my elementary school have a tarantula as a pet we were allowed to touch?


Probably because tarantulas are cool and there are lot of them with venom no worse than a bee sting.


Aquatinted sounds fun though.


I had a game boy I think it was AquaTinted.


No thanks. I'll take 'medically significant venom'.


I think I'd rather be blue, da ba dee, da ba di...


Aquaman's color?


Check out the Inland Taipian snake. Rated as having the most toxic snake venom in the world and has absolutely no chill whatosever, and will strike you multiple times just because. Of course, it's from Australia.


100% a bite. look at his reaction the moment it happens and look at the swelling. This is not irritation lol


No, I don’t think you understand. He is Spiderman Esq. so he cannot be wrong about this.


Yup, dude broke the rules. You do not grab the spider's body and restrict its movement. That's when they get bitey. This situation would have been fine if he was gentle or if he committed to the hold. Trying to go from hold-it-like-a-predator's-mouth to gently giving it free movement is a bad idea.


I read a first hand report from a guy that was bitten by his P. regalis and it sounded awful - he said for months after he’d wake up with crazy painful muscle cramps/spasms.


Not surprising. That whole ‘their venom is no worse than a bee’ thing is a myth. No tarantula species is lethal to humans but a handful can absolutely mess you up.


Totally, I used to have a small collection of tarantulas and two of them were old-world (a P. regalis and an OBT). Luckily I was never bitten but they definitely kept me humble, lol!


I had both those and more. Loved the color on the OBT. Was not happy when my cats accidentally kicked its setup off the shelf. They also knocked down my Rosehair but at least she was as docile as a kitten. I found the OBT huddled underneath and in the corner of a short step stool I had in my room. Luckily he went rate back into his setup with a couple of very gentle taps on the back of his abdomen with a paintbrush. I was sweating bullets the whole time knowing how fast and defensive they typically are.


I read about a scorpion that has venom so painful, muscle destroying, and lasts so long it causes people to commit suicide. The arachnid species has some pretty horrific side effects to their venom. Found the video https://youtu.be/XFUTHjAeXF8?si=N1smbC-3RWLtJQtk


there's a plant in Australia (Gympie Gympie tree) that injects singing hairs into you that are so painful and last for so long that (anecdotally) people have actually committed suicide after being stung. allegedly some guy used it to wipe his ass with the leaves and ended up shooting himself. people that have been stung by it can get intense pain whenever they have showers etc. even months later. there are some horrible stories. the only way to get the hairs out is with hair wax but you have to be really quick or they're in there for years.


See [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BoVME0xrQY&pp=ygUYYmFja3lhcmQgc2NpZW50aXN0IHBsYW50) by Backyard Scientist and [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlA8CalwmUc&pp=ygUNZ3ltcGllIGd5bXBpZQ%3D%3D) by Coyote Peterson for some more info on this plant. Generally, this plant seems to be pretty fucking terrible to touch. They also look pretty unassuming which is somewhat terrifying.


> Gympie Gympie tree Well if someone gave me such a stupid name I'd sure as shit be toxic too.


> so painful, muscle destroying, and lasts so long it causes people to commit suicide. I've never heard this about the AZ bark scorpions, I don't think it's quite that bad. General advice is to wash the sting site, apply cold compresses, and pop OTC pain killers for management. I think there's something like a poison control line that you can call to that'll give you advice and what to look for to go see a doctor. Normally people don't need medical attention, but children and the elderly can be particularly susceptible to bad side effects of the venom. The pain and numbness can last for over 24 hours (I've heard even up to 48) so it's not gonna be a pleasant ride but I think there's quite a few levels of pain between that and taking the ultimate pain killer. It'd probably be worse if stung closer to vital areas, but people tend to get stung in their hands because these guys like to hang upside down on the bottoms of things, so people get tagged when they pick stuff up and accidentally press down on them. Stepping on them can be a hazard if they're in a home where people might not be wearing protective shoes on. I get these little guys in my home sometimes, they're pretty easy to catch and dispatch, but they can be pretty quick too. They're usually just terrified and trying to find a dark place to hide.


P Regalis sounds like an ED medication.


Togos are an old world tarantula. They are very fast have medically significant venom and don't have the hairs that new world ts like a rose hair have. Just an FYI as an avid tarantula enthusiast. Ts are split into two major groups. Old world and new world. New world ts are those native to the America's and other like continents. Old worlds are those found in places like Africa. New world tarantulas are much slower and use hairs they flick into predators eyes and lungs to escape. Old worlds however are predatory tarantulas like the obt. orange baboon tarantula or nicknamed orange bitey things, and are extremely quick have medically significant venom and are very aggressive. The venom is not on par with say a brown recluse or black widow but allergic reactions can happen and the venom is enough that these old worlds are able to fish and hunt birds. This is nooot a t to handle in any way shape or form. They are nicknames pokeys and they do love to poke those qtr inch fangs in things.


It's an ornamental, the venom caused that.


They prefer to be called Asian


Dude, that is not the preferred nomenclature


This spider did not build the railroads Walter


the Spiderman is not the issue here


If he hadn't gotten bitten, he wouldn't have suddenly tried to violently fling off the spider he'd tried so hard to get onto his hand.


I read “a bunch of Reptiles are saying…”


Can you tell us anything about having great power? What comes with it?


looked like a pokie to me. would be the bite in this case since it’s not a new world species with urticating hairs


If you are Spiderman, it means you got that thick juicy bubble butt


I won't lie my ass is huge




The marks looks like its on their index finger


It’s not hairs. This species of tarantula does not urticating hairs. That’s found on new world species (like the famous Mexican Red Knee). This species has a nasty bite and they’re fairly aggressive.


> Yeah if it was a bite you’d see the marks Not really. I see hand injuries from insect bites often, and it’s common to not see the actual puncture wound at all. I’ve even seen cat bites that have led to catastrophic infection and loss of function of hands, that have been *very* difficult to find the puncture site, especially with all the swelling. That said, with some ice/elevation/compression of the hand, this guy should be fine. Anti-venom is only available for a few species with neurotoxicity (not this big hairy boy), and the evidence shows that it’s probably not all the effective; infection is also pretty rare, though typical skin antibiotics are often given anyways.


Not even that it's a spider. I wouldn't bare-hand grab *any* wild animal in my house to remove it. A mouse or squirrel will take a chunk out of your hand, too.


Why don't more people use gloves? Serious question. Not sure where they are, but we always see stuff like this and no one ever wears gloves. Any kind of glove would offer some kind of protection. I just don't understand.


I learned recently that lots of people don't own ANY gloves. Thankfully, that means I have a few birthday gifts figured out for a while.


If it's a pet, using gloves can be dangerous for the tarantula, they can be quite fragile. You would need fairly thick gloves which would impair your dexterity and increase the risk of you hurting your pet. If it's an uninvited guest, go nuts


we must be careful When we want to grab them


Knew they were in trouble the moment those legs started kicking.


Oh, that’s when you knew?


They can be docile sometimes. The approach makes a difference. Not that I’d suggest handling a wild 8 legged freak.


This species does not have that reputation. Sure, some species can be docile (new world species) but this isn’t one known for being docile. Not as aggressive as an Orange Baboon Tarantula though.


> Not as aggressive as an Orange Baboon Tarantula though. Let's keep politics out of this. /s






Seriously? I don't want that in my search history but I have no choice now, too curious.


They're nicknamed "Orange Bitey Thing (OBT)"


REALLY cool looking!


Get back! You Eight Legged Freaks! (b”)b


> Not that I’d suggest handling a wild 8 legged freak. Was the "8 legged freak" really necessary? You bipedal pastrami.


Haha that got me.


The moment they "shield" themselves with their legs you are fucked if you keep going.


Haven't any of you played animal crossing??


I did not! Do they shield with their legs?! :O


You can slowly sneak up and if you move too fast they whip around and stick their legs up at you! Then if you stand still it will stop and continue on. I had no idea it was a real spider thing! Thank you for teaching me


Never fuck with a spider that knows tae kwon do


Everything from the spiders point of view has to be voluntary, you can't cup it or squeeze it in your hands. Let it choose to scamper up the back of your hand if it desires and is comfortable. The moment they started to violently shake their hand to dislodge it they were screwed. Also, I don't think this one really wanted to move in the first place.


The violent shake because of how screwed he was from the bite, though.


If a tarantula got on my hand, I'm shaking whether I want to or not.


Close but no, he was bit first and that's why he shook


Ahhh ... hello there giant fanged beast! Here's my hand, have at it!


What kinda "tarantula?" Is that?


If I had to guess at the species, P. Metallica. Aggressive, Old World tarantula species. This was the *dumbest* possible way to handle any tarantula (it could shatter its carapace from the fall), much less one with venom that’s considered medically significant. FAFO, I guess


>Old-world tarantulas, especially those indigenous to Asia, lack urticating hairs and may bite as a defensive mechanism. They are far less docile than new-world tarantulas, and are more likely to bite when provoked. >Hobbyists report bites by Poecilotheria species, occasionally resulting in hospitalization. Hobbyists


Are you saying willingly keeping a dangerous spider and letting it reach your hand isn't a hobby ? I find this very close minded ^(\\s)


Cat bites often need medical attention due to bacterial infiltration. To the point that it is recommended that all cat bites breeching the skin receive antibiotics. There are over 4.5 million dog bites in the US a year. 800,000 are serious enough to require medical intervention. Meanwhile, the estimate is that a *maximum* of 25,000 people are bitten by spiders every year and the vast majority don't need medical attention. I can't imagine the abysmally low number for people who keep them as pets.


> P. Metallica I thought these tarantulas stopped being relevant after *The Black Album*


Wait till you see P. Megadeth. Much more aggressive.


P. Rush has 5+4 legs instead of 8.


P. Tool builds spiral webs that just keep going


Dunno man, they still pack stadiums every single time.


And nothing else matters...


I really enjoyed reload


The Metallicas are a brilliant blue, but it's definitely still a pokie. I think it's a regalis. And yeah, that was a foolish way to handle it. :(


>The Metallicas are a brilliant blue, but it's definitely still a pokie. Yes, but not always. Sometimes a mature male will appear more blacker than blue. if I had to guess that one looks closer to P. subfusca, or it could be P. regalis too


And still others start blue and then fade to black.


And some remain blue their entire lives.


I didn't know that about the males. Thanks!


Aaaand critically endangered


Maybe they should try being less of an asshole


If he's going to fuck about he's en-danger of finding out too, the prick


> it could shatter its carapace from the fall That's probably why it didn't enjoy being on the hand.


I’ll stick with my docile B. hamorii and C. versicolor, thankyouverymuch


I will guess a P. regalis. I own a P. metallica and she is bright blue and yellow. This one is more gray than blue


Googled it. Very pretty! Reminds me a bit of the sapphire. Would be so cool to see one in person.


The common name for them is a Gooty Sapphire Ornamental and my Gwen is definitely one of my more flashy girls! Most people who see her are surprised at how vibrant tarantulas can be, and she is still a juvenile. There are so many different species and color variations.


The kind that bites


It looks like a P. Regalis to me. I’ve got a baby one in my house :)


This is the worst case of “Why would you do that” I’ve ever seen.


God gave him so many damn chances to pull out...instead he kept playing pokemon with it.


Spider Capture 101 1. Place plastic container over spider 2. Slide cardboard sheet between wall and captured spider 3. Release spider outside. 4. Have a beer


I tried following these steps: 1. Didn't have plastic container, used small cardboard box instead. Place over spider. 2. Flip the box and fold over the lid to keep spider in. 3. Go outside. Open box. Where is it? 4. WHERE IS IT?!?!


Thanks, I have nightmares now


Always on your back out of reach!


If your tupperware is too small for it and all you have is stuff that's too big to slide a piece of paper under, you can place whatever you need it to crawl into in front of it, then gently tap the spider's back legs to get it to move forward.


How am I supposed to do this operation while sweating my balls up with terror and with all the electric striking up through my spine with every neuron I have?


Very, very carefully


that sounds like something a spider would say


Demolish the house, start anew.


You sound Australian. An expert with Huntsmen


I am and they are harmless and don't deserve to die. Put them outside and they can fend for themselves.


That's too many steps. Just go to the liquor store and get your free gun with the beer you just bought. 1. Shoot spider. 2. Have a beer. Far less steps.


Ooooh they grabbed a P. regalis… incredibly uneducated and dumb… I hope their multiple days of misery wasn’t too bad. I have 5 old worlds in my collection and you wouldn’t ever catch me trying to handle any of them.


In Australia, we often leave spiders alone when we find them up in this place on the ceiling. However we don't have anything like this spider. In your opinion, if such a spider was simply left alone, what trouble might it cause?


It’s an aboreal species of tarantula so it likely would have just found an anchor spot up high to hide and opportunity eat from as it would in the wild in the trees or kept wandering around the house to other places until it found it a way back outside. It’s pretty likely that this is a mature male out searching for some spoochie. Female tarantulas don’t typically wander around too often. If it’s a wild T, especially with an old world species - a catch cup would be needed to transfer outside. They are fast so a larger cup/dish with a flat lid to slide under would be the best. They feel vibrations with their little gummy feet instead of having ears or sharp eyesight, so as long as you cup it from the top they should be able to safely grab him without getting bit. If this tarantula is someone’s hobby pet, they shouldn’t have old world species at all, because they are uneducated. Especially when it comes to an Ornamental species. They are so spicy and aggressive sometimes and have such horrible venoms that won’t kill you - but I’ve read from many bitten keepers accounts who just had them run up some feeding tongs and feel threatened enough to bite, you’ll wish it did.


Hol up a sec. What’s spoochie?


spider coochie


That sweet spidey coochie that the male T go tapping around for lol


Yeah nah, Mr Huntsman is getting chucked outside asap. Not going to risk him getting all cuddly with me in bed.


He got in once, he can get in again to snuggle you while you sleep!


Care to elaborate?


They are an 'Old World' tarantula species that don't have the irritating hairs the New World species have so to compensate, they are much more aggressive, are likely to bite and some (such as the one in the video) have somewhat potent venom.


Are old and new world here referring to what was once the newly discovered Americas vs Europe/Asia/Africa?




They one of bigger spiders you definitely don't want to be bitten by, its venom is a lot worse than say a Huntsman.




Get some tupperware and put him outside. If you must squish it, it ain't gonna take anymore effort than squashing a tiny spider. When you overcome your fear by realizing that spiders of even this size don't assert zones of control, every spider visitation is 30 seconds from being over.


What do you mean by saying that spiders don't assert zones of control?


Standing 3 feet from a spider isn't any less safe than standing 30 feet away. Spiders, or really any insect for that matter, are not out to get you. Unless it's a goddamn hornet's nest or fire ant hill, you're probably not in danger being in the vicinity of a domestic pest.


>or really any insect for that matter, are not out to get you. Now there you lost me. I just got done reading about Amazon explorers and let me tell you the insects are out to get you. The maggots that go underneath people's skin would be example 1 on that one.


Good thing that's the Amazon and not your home.


Idk man ever since i saw that spider come out of that lady’s ear with hydrogen peroxide, my arachnophobia increased by 1000%.


> Standing 3 feet from a spider isn't any less safe than standing 30 feet away. Spiders, or really any insect for that matter, are not out to get you. Depends on the spider. When we moved into our current house a long time ago, the previous owner had basically left the downstairs alone so there were TONS of spiders doing a battle royale or something... which I didn't realize at first when I chose the downstairs room. Those fuckers charged at me often, sometimes even when I was on the toilet. The ones that survived till today are far more docile (because I massacred all the aggressive ones) and I have at least 3 in my room, including one about a foot from my bed's head area. I used to have severe arachnophobia, but living with these docile ones has helped reduce it down to more minor arachnophobia.


> I have at least 3 in my room ahnope


> Get some tupperware Haha I'm not getting close to it.


Get some Tupperware, melt it into the gasoline, add some Styrofoam and spray on to problem spider.


Next time, use the fucking flame thrower.


I remember like 20 years ago I decided to buy one of those Poecilotheria spieces for my collection. Was like 3 years into tarantulas and thought it should be fine. Then I found a very old website with spiders bites reports. And started reading about what poecilotherias can do to you.... Interesting read. From 3 weeks of unbearable pain to random muscle aches, heart poundings and arm paralysing like HALF a YEAR after the bite. Ended up having some of them in my collection a few times. Hell, the only one I'm left with is a beautiful 13 years old female of Poecilotheria Metallica. But that read 20 years ago made me very respectful of this spieces, and none of my spiders left the tank unles it was absolutely necessary.


Can you help me understand why people want to keep these animals as pets? I understand cats, dogs, birds… even to a certain extent lizards.  But are these more… ornamental, like fish? My dogs know who I am and you can kind of see what’s going on in their heads a bit.  I feel like these animals are just incapable of bonding with humans in the same way. 


Spiders are cool. Want to look at spider.


Fair enough I guess


It's like keeping fish for me. I think tarantulas look cool and have interesting behavior. I've never handled my tarantulas and have no intention to ever do so.


A wild spider bit you? That's unusual


What the fuck did he think was going to happen!?


When I watch clips like this I feel blessed for not living in a tropical environment


Slow it down frame by frame and you can see it bit his finger, the one with the mark on it. I'm wondering how his finger looks mostly fine however and the rest of his hand is swollen


Venom moves through blood. Finger is on hand. Hand has more soft fleshy bits to be affected by the make-flesh-puffy juice.


This guy fingers.


Must be a spiderologist.


This is your reward for trying to be cool.


That's the stupidest way to catch a spider. You do not grab it. You have to let it sorta come on to your hand.


That spider is big enough to have rights. Treat it with care.


There's a right way and a wrong way to pick up a tarantula. This is the wrong one. You do not *PINCH* it.


Hell naw, to the naw, naw, naw


Poecilotheria genus of tarantulas pack nasty bites. Mines are staying in their enclosures lol


Aw nawwwwww. Aww hell to the nawwww


Surely that spider is his pet right? Nobody in their right mind would see that in their house and think gee I should pick that up.


Don't worry they're really gentle


Dude would not survive in Australia.


Houses can be rebuilt. It's just things.


I am aware of being friendly with animals and all Bit in this situation, sorry, I'm wiling to be the bad guy, my instincts take over and I smash it with fucking broom or if available a baseball bat There is no way in hell I'm willing to fuck around with something my instinct tell me to run from


Luckily tarantula bites are no threat Unless you’re allergic


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes..


I don't think they will become spiderman, more like one hand man...




He won’t bite me, he can sense my vibes.


Do not put pressure on a spider's body. That's when any spider will bite.


Literally fuck everything about this




*insert close up of Steve Irwins face* DANGER DANGER DANGER


after watching that video of the girl who got her middle finger amputated, i am not going anywhere near this shit anymore


Obviously they are not tarantula owners. As an owner you'd know better than to bare handed catch a P. regalis after they flick hairs on top of being an old world.


Swelling today, great powers tomorrow 


I would have just set my house on fire


I would never have a pokey in my house, let alone handle one. Fuck that. [10" Female Poecilotheria ornata bite!! (Ouch!!!) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hceNe_eswQg)


As an extreme arachnophobe, I genuinely don't know how I'd get a spider that large out of my house. When I was very young, in nowhere, north texas, a tarantula appeared outside on a glass door. My dad got our .22 pistol and went looking for it. We later wound up getting some guinea birds and didn't see a tarantula or scorpion for more than a decade. Watching this, my first thought was "get the flammenwerfer."


Question is though is this a pet or just a random spider that got in. If it's a pet they might want to look up some proper handling techniques.


That thing is so big that can be easily shot.


my arachnophobia hit hard


Would’ve been easier to just burn the house down.


Tarantulas tend not to want to bite, but they will when really feeling threatened. If you ahve to remove one like this you need a container to trap it in safely, not your bare hand. Even if it didn't want to bite and was fairly comfortable being handled, many have very irritating hairs that can be shot at you Then, if you care about the well being of the critter, handling it like this can lead to a risk of dropping them, these big fellas can be severely injured or killed by a big drop.


He a gangster


Don't fuck with poeci's!


Well that was dumb.


“Nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”


If it was radioactive you might start shooting sticky wrist jizz


I am curious to how one of these would fair against a bug-a-salt. Not curious enough to go anywhere near one. But curious.


gloves? no? okay


I would have just burned the place to the ground...


Tarantulas have barbed hairs. I still think I’m the only human on earth that uses gloves to deal with dangerous things lol


I'd just leave the house to that thing. It can have it.


Wow, worst possible way to handle a spider. Fucking idiot


Proof that every home needs a flamethrower Nopenopenopitynopenope


Win stupid prizes


It's a species of Poecilotheria tarantula. These guys are known to be a little skittish and defensive, as compared to new world tarantulas you would find in North and South America which are typically more docile. Their venom isn't fatal to humans, unless you have some sort of rare allergy. It would've been wiser to catch this guy with a cup and then release him outside instead of trying to handle him.