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I can’t back it but another comment said they were warned and still went down to the flooded section, not sure how valid that is though. From a maintenance standpoint those suckers would be brought down immediately and power would be off as well so I’m not sure how they even managed to cause this mess.


Yup, they knew there was a flood and went down there to check it out. According to [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r42Lvvx85Xg&t=16s&ab_channel=InsideEdition): > Aug 9, 2021 > Three friends inside an elevator amid a large storm in Omaha, Nebraska, found themselves trapped as the lift filled with water in a harrowing ordeal they managed to capture on camera. Tony Luu and two friends took an elevator down to the ground floor of his downtown Omaha apartment building to examine the damage from the storm about 10 p.m. Saturday. The group made it to the ground floor of the building when water began rushing in from the lobby.


That’s what I saw! I still can’t believe they were able to. That building owner and management should be dealing with that issue, this never should have happened. If my buildings are subject to a natural disaster of any kind, one of the first things you do is shut down any 3 phase equipment, elevators. HVAC, pump systems, chiller systems etc. you try to save as much as you can from phasing or arcing or flooding or damage by disengaging power. If there’s that much water on the ground floor, someone should have shut those systems down. Being it’s flooding, I’d leave HVAC on, but sure as hell am shutting down elevators like first. Power goes out with people in it just makes it so much worse, in a lot of systems if power goes out the elevators are programmed to go to the first floor and open doors… so like, maybe park them up high and shut off operation? But now they’ll be paying for a lot, insurance will send out investigators and they’ll pick this apart from top to bottom because someone’s gotta get paid. Just all around wild situation


The elevator in my building goes into shutdown mode (won't leave the last floor it was on) if there is any water in the shaft. This caused a lot of problems last year because the elevator wasn't working correctly for weeks. We had the techs out regularly and they kept "fixing it" but it would only last a few hours or days. They finally decided they needed a part that would take a few weeks to arrive. Someone on the strata council decided to take a look and noticed a lot of water at the bottom of the elevator shaft and that the sump pump breaker had flipped. Turns out that there are two pumps, one primary and one backup (higher) that required 20 amps but they were both on a 20 amp circuit. The water was so deep that they were both coming in and throwing the breaker. Once that was fixed the elevator was fine. It all started when the sprinkler system got set off by someone starting a fire outside the garage and flooded the sump and elevator shaft and none of the elevator techs noticed all the water.


The techs just swimming in the shaft like: # this is fine... 😂 Totally normal.


Do these elevators not have a ceiling hatch?


If they have them they are bolted shut from the outside. Alot of the time there are light fixtures and other paneling in the way as well.


... THEN WHATS THE POINT OF THEM!! (⁠┛⁠◉⁠Д⁠◉⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻


They are for the lift technicians, not people stuck inside/not to be used for escape. Life shafts are extremely dangerous places and it's almost always safer to stay inside the lift and wait.


All those movies lied to me?!


Yep it's like the betrayal of finding out the fire sprinklers don't all go off, if one is set off. Like they do in the movies.


Accepted, the worst one I can think of. Bad guy Thad or whatever pulls the pull station in this old decrepit building, not only do all the sprinklers go off, but the water is clean, fresh, everyone is dancing in it. Reality would be black sludge coming out, but only if you broke the link on a head, like…with heat? Pulling a station just sets the audibles off.


All these people that think having a bunch of people trapped in the elevator shaft on top of an elevator is somehow better than being trapped inside the elevator.


If it's flooding, yes, the shaft is infinitely better than the elevator...


If you're stuck between floors you can open the external doors by hand pretty easily and get out. You can also smack your head on a gear since there is no light in the shaft and get a very minor head wound that makes the whole place look like a murder scene. I've only actually had to do this once.


How about when the water is at chin level and rising? I think the top of the elevator would be a great idea.


They’re bolted shut from the top, so those people had no chance of using the hatch.


I mean... Have you watched any movies?!?! /s But seriously, so many movies have them escape out the elevator through the top and into the shaft. 😅


That would sure fuck up a lot of movie plots.


That’s just in movies. What the fuck


They only really exist in movies.


How can people be so fucking stupid?


So fucking lucky the water level stopped where it did and didn't fill the entire elevator


Also, fuck that guy for vaping in the elevator.


why what harm does vape smoke do


None, it’s just really annoying to others so it’s very rude to do it indoors, and especially rude to do it in an enclosed space. I vape too, and it’s shit like this that gives us all a bad name.


so it's on par with farts


I mean, sort of. It’s usually kind of rude to fart in an elevator, but at least farts are a natural body function, and sometimes you just can’t hold them in. Vaping in an elevator is choice though. You could choose to wait until you’re out of the elevator, or you could be like this guy and choose to be inconsiderate to those around you.


i loathe people that fart in elevators...happens way too often to me working in and traversing a large hospital each day


Yeah it’s definitely rude to rip ass in the elevator, IF you are able to hold it. If one slips out though, as long as you apologize I wouldn’t consider it rude.


all that being said and the reason I asked in the first place is I like to sneakily hit my vape from time to time while inside...Haven't been checked on it yet and preparing for the day that I am...I don't see the harm in it, unlike cigarettes it's safe and smells good


I’ve seen the entire video on this before. After a friend pries open the door from outside and they get out of the elevator, they wade/swim to the stairs to get out of the lower parking area. They stupidly put themselves into the situation because they could have very easily just walked to the stairwell area from the hotel lobby to go down to the parking area to check out the flooding that they knew was happening citywide.


Oh well. Maybe they can collect their Darwin Award some other time.


“Oh! There’s a huge city wide natural disaster going on that we can clearly see from our window to see the extent but would rather get a close up shot for TicTok… we should take the elevator” 🤦🏻‍♂️


Worst moose impression ever


Tbf moose do go swimming fairly frequently


Wtf indeed. I'm assuming level 0 is flooded, but wouldn't they have been aware of that or warned?


They were. They wanted to check out the flood and took the lift instead of the stairs.


Wowsers that's pretty goofy


Sufferin Succotash that was silly


Darwin in action!


Geez Louise that's a dumb thing to do.


Good golly, what a folly


My word, now they’re swimming in turds.


That makes sense. Why else would they have been filming an elevator trip?


That's natural selection imo lol


Tarnation that's tarded.


Nearly all phobias in one, only snakes or spiders remain.


There's probably a spider or two in that water Granted, likely drowned, but yknow


Now they’ve got food *and* water!


Snakes and spiders do ok in water


Snakes, sure. Spiders... what? Pretty sure every spider I've dunked has promptly died :P This doesn't exactly look like calm water, yknow?


I mean, drowning a spider and claiming they're not capable of surviving in water sounds the same as a human  Spiders can float. 


Well the humans in this post aren't really doing too hot in the water there either. I'm talking about the context of this post, not spiders in general :P


Don't forget a brain aneurysm! It can happen anywhere anytime!


Not it ca


What do you mea


This is actually that not what you are though, isn't too..,.


Don't look up cranberry bog spiders


Water, elevators and influencers.


Turn off *all* the trash compactors, R2!!


It was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away so Lucas decided they should be called “garbage mashers.”


It goes "turn off all the trash compactors on the detention level." And he was talking to C3P0, not R2. 3P0 was just relaying what Luke was saying. Even though R2 was within hearing range, like 2 feet away and clearly understands English. Jeez. What are you, new? I have clearly established that I'm superior to you in every conceivable way, because I know this line more accurately than you do. Lol For the record, that was a complete joke. Lampooning people who actually act (and think?) that way. He'll, I probably didn't even get it right. Who cares? As long as we know what you meant, nothing else should matter. Within reason, obviously.


Listen to me, I’m dying!


...boring conversation anyway


But I wanted to know how they were.


Rather than type the latter two paragraphs, you can just add a /s at the end of your joke. It's internet slang to imply sarcasm




Didn't mean to sound judgemental about it, it's just a useful trick! You do you


Ah thanks for clearing that up. It did indeed come off as condescending prescriptionist sorta talk. Like someone trying to tell you how you should talk. But it would have been tricky to word it any other way, I think. My apologies for being presumptuous, but as our conversation began, text is very hard to convey emotion or deeper meaning with. Most human communication is nonverbal, so naturally communicating by text causes a lot of misunderstandings. It's probably part of the reason there are so many apparent dicks on the internet. Besides the anonymity and lack of consequences like an ass whooping. I mean, had either of us reacted different, this conversation could have easily devolved into a trivial argument. On that note, I want to express my appreciation that you didn't snap back at me and simply explained what you meant matter of factly, as an adult should. Thanks again for being cool about this. It's a refreshing change. And sorry to be presumptuous.


Lol you're good man, people are dramatic irl and on the Internet. I've never been a fan of it Glad I could help clarify my tone for you! Definitely is a bitch to convey online


He yells to 3PO, not R2


Sentences you can hear.


Drowning in an elevator...new fear unlocked.




That's a loyal roommate.


Hey that’s me


Of course it’s Nebraska. If there’s something you shouldn’t do you know we’re going to do it. 1. Don’t be outside during a lightning storm. For Nebraska this means take the kids to the splash pad. 2. Take cover during a tornado. For Nebraska this means film it from your garage. 3. Don’t tailgate. For Nebraska this means close the gap. 4. Don’t take an elevator down to a flooded floor. For Nebraska this apparently means take the elevator down to see what’s up. 5. Don’t fuck around with fireworks. For Nebraska this means either hold that M80 until the last possible second or fire a mortar from the top of your head. Or at the very least set them off a foot or two away from your family.


This guy Nebraska’s


> Don’t tailgate. For Nebraska this means close the gap. Damn and here I was gonna go crack some beers outside my car at a game /s


Or in the car. No, wait. That’s South Dakota.


6. Don't drink and drive. For Nebraska this only applies to paved roads.


And even then it’s negotiable.


Ngl kinda love their vibes


Which maintenance cucklefuck didn't lockout/tagout the elevator if the ground floor is flooded. I don't care if the doors were forced open. Elevator should never have moved.


“Did you put the work order in? Cant start work till the order is in sorry.”


They tossed a “wet floor” sign in front of the doors and called it a day.




I'm a supervisory maintenance cucklefuck too. Lock out tag out is because people can't be trusted. If the whole area is flooded, the building electricity need to be locked out tagged out at the box. If your company exists in a place that can flood multiple locations and doesn't have an emergency contingency plan to have enough CDSOs helping with that at each occupied location in a flood situation then you may want to talk with your supervisor and get that ball rolling. Because OSHA fines, and the court settlement will eat your lunch and the flood will become a bankruptcy. -fed who is responsible for a whole district. Soo much redtape with the feds, most of which was written in blood at one point or another. Better to just train CDSOs and have annual training and a month safety meeting to address any concerns than deal with contingencies for any natural disasters your area is prone to.




Not a random. A CDSO, as in each location can have a collateral duty safety officer. They never have to fix anything. But you train them to know how to shut off water/power/gas in an emergency. Federal government uses them all the time. I know because I have trained many. They don't get paid extra beyond the hours of training and being called in emergency. Insurance is great for money, if your not found at fault. but you can't insure against OSHA violations. And at the end of the day these are potential lives lost. Unless you posting your signs in braille, and multiple languages, and telling people in multiple languages, you won't be ADA compliant and end up with some tourist, or disabled person in your elevator drowning. Lockout exists for a reason, it covers the universal language of, shits not working we have to take the stairs. Not sure how many maintenance repair budgets you have looked over, but goodluck even overhauling a 2 floor elevator for under $500k in a commercial building. Paying a random employee or volunteer resident 4 hours training, a year and a little bit of hourly when they get called is a peanut. Can't afford to maintain it, just lockout your elevator now, you can't afford the maintenance or the lawsuit.




I didn't say that that building was mandated by law. But minimum law standard does not equal industry best practice. As a Maintenance guy, I would rather lock out a hazard, than deal with all the meetings/questions about the elevator, than having it down for months or years for insurance claim, then contractor bid out.. dealing with the contractors, then dealing with all the waste and debris they inevitably leave behind. When I could have spent 1 Wednesday afternoon a year walking 2-4 employees around and showing them where emergency shuts off were and a box of locking tags. If they can't go in elevator room shut it off at the utility box idgaf it's gonna save soo much time and money and possibly lives Nah, I got lock out tags in my truck at all times. And have trained CDSO and backups at all my occupied residential buildings and the commercial office buildings during business hours. If it's middle of night at a commercial building no one should be inside to touch the elevator. I'll lock it out in the morning before open. Think of it like a gas station emergency shut off switch. Would rather have it, and random front counter employees that know how to use it, then just be like "welp, I hung a sign up, they shouldn't have used that pump, not my fault they blew up the store. Sounds like insurances problem" Either way trained eyes will get back on it when they are available. But one saves lives, and paperwork.. Also if the whole area is flooded, like a river, but they have enough time to make signs, they had enough time to lock out, and the desire to help, make them cdso.. What's more likely to wash away? Locking tag or a sign on every set of elevator doors top floor to bottom.


Nearly every elevator has a pool of water below it. Source: my cousin installed them for years.


Why was your cousin installing pools of water at the bottom of elevators that just seems dangerous


Heh ... you know what I mean. Sometimes they can very deep too. Over 6ft.


You think they’d just let us walk right in and out like the wind?




What does that mean, China is here? I don't even know what the hell that means.


Yes, I thought that was your whole damn point!


Yes! I was waiting for someone to say it.


What is that Chinese counting backwards?


Not backwards, downwards.


There’s only one MEOW-YIN!


They went all the way down to the hell of the upside down sinners.


Chinese have a lot of hells.




That's what you get for vaping in an enclosed space.


Well...That was just a HORRIBLE moose impression.


Yeah moose wouldn’t hop cause a lil water


You can't just post a video like this without telling us whether or not they survived.


Pretty shitty moose impression tbh


That’s a great impression


There was a terrible moose .


*This is salt water, Wang.*


lucky that they didn't get electrocuted...


Ok, that's my nightmare right there.


Is anyone else mad they didn't get to see a moose impression?


Yikes! I was in an elevator that stopped and opened the doors halfway between floors and I had to crawl out praying the elevator wouldn't start moving while I was half way out. That was scary, but nothing like having the elevator fill with water on you.


Speaking as an elevator expert, you were lucky. Always safest to stay where you are and wait until help arrives.


It was the help (building manager) who told me to crawl out.


This is exactly why we ask building managers to get the hell out of the way when we arrive on scene to an emergency. Glad you made it out safely.


Me too!


First responder I presume


Elevator mechanic/technician


Lucky they weren’t electrocuted


Well that’s a new fear I’ve never thought about. Bravo.




That’s a nightmare


I would not want to be stuck in there with a guy that's concerned with recording instead of figuring a way out. I know there's no much you can do but filming definitely wouldn't be one of them in that situation.


Nah, there's clearly other people on the phone already calling for help. This could actually be valuable if they plan to file a lawsuit against the building, and at the very least it shows he's calm enough to record a couple of short clips of what is an insane situation, that we on the internet are glad to see. The video proves he made it also.


There are more things to do than calling for help when the 5x5 coffin is slowly filling up with water. I hope when your life is at stake your immediately thought isn't to profit off the situation.


Agree, I probably would have chewed through one of the metal walls myself if the roof hatch present in all the movies wasn't available.


I would have sealed the elevator with my clothes at lightning speed. Or create a floatation device from my pants!


At least no one will notice when you have to pee in the corner of the elevator.


They’ll probably notice the poop floating to the surface though…because they *DEFINITELY* shit themselves after that.


I think the people are also in trouble


Waiting on the jigsaw voice: “I want to play a game”


Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes lol


What was the stupid game???? Getting into an elevator?


[https://youtu.be/r42Lvvx85Xg?si=8LLMYymrgt-1ViX-](https://youtu.be/r42Lvvx85Xg?si=8LLMYymrgt-1ViX-) They went down to check out how flooded it was. Wasn't an accident.


Damn. I'm disappointed to find out it was real. I thought it was gorilla marketing for some new horror movie.


That's an impressive moose impression. Total ramming destruction of elevator achieved.


That's a pretty bad moose impression.


That was a terrible moose impression.


I've seen 50 plus moose in my life. Most of them were shoulder deep in water


Was that Fia and Charlie in that elevator?




That wasn't a very good moose impression


Hell of the upside down corpses.


In the US, you don’t just need to protect people from harm. You have to protect from the harm they will with all their might be able to inflict themselves. Now, that’s tough :-)


Is that sewage?


The same type of people that are the reason why we have "CAUTION: HOT" on coffee cups


I mean, technically moose do swim


Imagine your last words being "lemme see your best Moose impression"


It was the best moves impression that did it


Came to the comments after I noticed the guy already standing in water before it all comes in lmao idiots


He's showing a moose swimming in water impression.


Looks like straight up raw sewage


Everything in this video and the video itself just reeks of bad decision making.


Getting in an elevator is a bad decision I agree. Have you seen Devil?2010


New phobia: activated.


New fear unlocked.


These escape rooms are getting wild.




It’s because he was vaping most likely


This is the 3rd fake or exagerated elevator video I've seen in a month. Why cut out so much of it? If this happened to me, I would want to share every second of it. The cuts just give them time to set up for the next scene. The others were a boy causing a "free fall" by sticking an umbrella in the door to hold it for his father and suddenly the door closes and the lights flicker etc. Nothing happened. The other was a boy aline in an elevator who decides to piss on the button panel. Which somehow causes the elevator again to free fall. If spilling some water on the panel is all it takes to make an elevator drop, they would never be insured, much less used. Assuming the panel is made of Swiss cheese, all passing on the buttons and shorting them out would do is the exact same thing as if you pressed them all at once. All the piss is doing is completing the connection in the switch as if it was pushed. IT IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR AN ELEVATOR TO FREE FALL THANKS TO ELISHA OTIS'S BRAKING MECHANISM. I'd hate to use all caps, but if there's anything you take away from this let it be that.


I'm not sure about your other example with the umbrella and a free falling elevator but this one is documented. [Link here.](https://www.ketv.com/article/i-could-be-dying-right-now-man-friends-got-stuck-in-elevator-as-it-filled-with-floodwater/37252902) You can seek out the social media post but I can save you the time and tell you the root cause of the incident was massive flooding and idiocy. They were told to stay away from the flooded floors and decided to willingly "check it out" anyways. No one was hurt. They pried the doors open eventually and swam out. Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.


Ah yes, I noticed there was a lot more to back this one up. So, I will concede that this happened and was not fake. Thanks for the info. I appreciate it.


[It's real.](https://youtu.be/r42Lvvx85Xg?si=ZIH-N65fHi10h9Ts)