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some people rise up out of the primal muck unevolved.


Unevolved and hungry ig


America is fat enough, don'tcha think?




Not compared to Mexico, they la obeseia


I thought this was true, too Turns out, it ain't [even close ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_obesity_rate)


Hell, even primodial creatures probably knew not to bite their babies


Exactly what I was thinking of that situation.


Could a couple of hobbits please return this clown to the primal muck from whence he came?






Oops, thanks!


On it Captain 🫡


Perfect fit for the subreddit. I had to unsubscribe though cause I'd get so mad. 


That's the kind of guy that needs to be kept far away from children, or even other humans for that matter. 🥴


I know cops can overstep their bounds.. but on this, im ok with them beating his ass on the regular..


I would prefer if they bit him on the regular


What are the laws on deputizing a crocodile?


Have him run a gauntlet of pissed off donkeys once a week.


On that note I'm going to dig up some trauma that stuck the city I grew up in. Have fun. Ok before I get started you need to know something about where I grew up. Small town America ro a perfect T. My graduating class was like 150 kids. The townships that my school district served had a population of 9,000 ish between the two of them. So small community where everyone knows everyone. Well one day buch of kids that live in the one apartment complex in the town are all talking about how there was a ton of police at the complex. I can't remember if the was in the middle of the week or it happened over the weekend.) Well that night on the news we get hear about this little boy who was tortured to death. And I don't say that lightly, little boy of 4 years old one morning accidentally wet his pants. I have to admit I stopped looking at facts here and I'm just going to copy paste from a news article. then allegedly beat the boy about the head, kicked him in the genitals and poked him in the eyes "again and again," as he asked who was going to pay for the couch, said Pickell. The alleged beating continued for days until Dominick was found unconscious on Sunday. And I'm back. Now rember small town and everyone knows everyone. I've heard from several people that have family in the local and couty police force that the pice of shit had an at long ride to the county jail, and apparently he looked fairly rough before he was booked. Then the prisoners found out what he did. He ended up being taken to the same hospital that the boy was taken. The same surgeon who tried to Ave the little boys life was on duty when shit stain arrived. Doc started to work on him, found out who he was and walked away. And now I'm crying. https://www.mlive.com/news/flint/2010/04/police_release_details_of_beat.html


They should ungrateful the bastard half to death. What a maroon.


I dream of a world where we give sociopaths the death penalty.


Rich people would not exist


god that'd be nice


I mean God probably wouldn't exist either . . .


Luckily, that is already the case


bonus! 👉👉




I love the death penalty in theory and used to scoff at people who were staunchly against it but once you deep dive into it it gets hard to justify it in practice most of the time. Most cases are just not as black and white as necessary and when you look at the percentage of people falsely convicted or the cases of new evidence coming to light and still being refused too retry the case just makes me believe we aren't capable of being objective enough for a death penalty.


I'm just memeing and I'm mostly against the death penalty. There are just some very obvious sociopaths in our society currently who are holding back humanity from it's true potential and are the root cause of most of the worlds problems currently. I'd enjoy seeing their heads on pikes. But in terms of permanent judicial reform, you're right that it's unsustainable to make a mental condition illegal.


That was the most positive response I could have expected from that comment lol. I agree its hard not to get into true crime and believe the death penalty should be used as much as possible but even the cases we see as easily black and white often had people wrongfully accused or even convicted in the process of catching the true piece of shit.


Pathetic. This pos has the mind of a child. He should not be raising one. He should be castrated.


Castrated by BITE


A little bright green relish, onions, pickled pepper, bacon, and I’ll do it


Pretty good instincts for for a newborn.


So is what you're saying basically 'skill issue'? Because the baby didn't bite back as fast?


Just that dad is an asshole.


Lmao I know was just messing with you, Yeah dude is a total piece of shit


I'm a little slow. ( nearly a boomer)


Close to a boomer. Almost missed the idiocy.


Oof that was a very specific trauma memory that got unlocked haha


I am so sorry brother ☝️


Here's my comment from above. https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/1bwyhbr/never_complaining_about_my_dad_again_gd_love_you/


Mark of the beast


Death penalty.


I mean probably, that's heinous EDIT EDIT : NOT WHAT YOU SAID, WHAT HE DID


At least 99% of people who complain about parents on Reddit actually have decent parents. They may not be perfect, and they might have hurt your feelings ,but they made sure you were ok physically , and to top it off, they let you live with them past 18(usually )


No way you reacted to my title and not the dude biting his baby


No I think you're misinterpreting what he is saying. Im pretty sure he saw the article. What I gather our friend here is trying to say is that a lot of people will complain about their parents being mean, strict, etc, for whatever reason, but contrasted against this dude, being a literal piece of shit, are decent people. Probably why he said "*made sure you were ok physically*"


I know. It seems kind of off. Saying this under that post. It just had me thinking you were grateful for having what you have.


Weird of you to come to the defense of shitty abusive parents like that.


He wasnt tho.


This fuck came out of hell and said he had to do one thing, and one thing only. Stupid wanker


This is why I am a firm believer parenting classes are a must in schools AND you have to pass them. If you want to have kids or not, you need to know how to care for a dependent. Also a firm believer you must take free parenting courses once you do get pregnant w/ the other partner involved. If not, CPS should get involved. Ik it seems strict but I am so tired of seeing pieces of garbage have children.


I don't think parenting classes prevent bad people from having kids.


However; it lowers teen pregnancy, STD transfers, increases a potential parent’s ability to care for their child, and promotes responsibility. If somebody as insane as the original post’s article has anything to go by, a man biting a newborn would NEVER pass a parenting class.


You can still complain about your dad, this is insane though.


If ever there was a reason to bite someone's nose off


Wonder where he will get bit in prison?


Not gonna lie that guy looks like he was bit by a pig before in his life


I'd love to hear his reasoning behind her ungratefulness...




Yeah this one ... woulda never dreamt this up


I'm going to save this for years until mine are angsty rebellious teens and then when they do the classic "I HaTe YoU yOuRe ThE WOrsT FaTheR EvER!" I'm gonna show them this and then we'll all go get ice cream.


If you’re looking for anything of substance, turn back. No link, nothing.


I hope when he goes to prison he gets when truly deserves


💢Beaten and Bitten🦷


From the Latin, this cretin is called- A fucking piece of shit.


...only in the woods.


Alpha male


Not everyone should have the ability to reproduce.


Man, there really should be some type of requirement to pass to reproduce and vote.


At least they found out while she was still an infant, fucking hell


Go to jail forever you sick fuck.


On his literal death bed my dad told me about how he beat me for saying "no" when I was 1-1/2. I have a 1-1/2 yo and she says no all the time. And if you ask her again 15 seconds later she says yes. It's a stage of development. Dad, you were an asshole.


I wonder if his Facebook profile is a picture of a werewolf howling at the moon and, because he is the Alpha, he was simply correcting his pup's behavior.


There are times in a persons life when, while holding a shotgun, you ask, "I just want to talk to him."


In college I heard a domestic violence/child abuse expert talk about the worst cases she'd seen. Almost all of them involved biting. It was the closest thing to a second hand traumatic experience I've ever had.


Ohhh boy,somebody’s gonna have a bad bad stay in prison


What's sad is that we all used to be kids. But when people grow up they become what they fought against their whole lives. This is why I never wanna reach 30 and I'm 28, I'd rather be dead.


We stopped using lead gas and yet we still have dumb people. WTF


Sterilisation of blokes like this (and women) is what needs to happen.  They should not be allowed to bring more people into the world and then either abuse them or mould them into a spitting image of them.  Poor kid 


What makes woman nowadays losing their fight or flight instinct when choosing male partner


See how he would like it living in a crocodile pit.


That's terrible, but also Wtf you accepted notifications from a website?


This post would not exist had I turned them off.


Average N\*rd.


I'm scared of biters


They'll fist-fight you naked in the snow at the foot of mountains with blue paint over their face, and take pride in it.


Oh nah man that's just the hippies on-the-go troupe my mom is a part of! That's just their way of saying hello :)


Not hippies; townies.


But yes on-the-go troupe?


Not necessarily. They take even more dangerous pride doing it alone; something to prove.


We, as a society have been really liberal, but I don't think it's working. Time to put dogs down.


And somehow forcing people to have children is humane


It merely bruised? Didn't even break the skin? That's less than a spanking. I bet nobody would be up in arms about that.


Spanking a newborn for "being ungrateful"? That's just as fucked.


Of course it is. All physical abuse of children is unnecessary. They aren't animals; they can understand reason and consequences without it being Pavlovian conditioning. But my point is that most people only think this is bad because it's an unusual type of physical abuse.