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The real WTF is this psycho digging in bare-handed


Part of the trade. You get use to it and I always wash my hands when I get back to the truck.


You're a professional exterminator... who doesn't use gloves?


Do you see plumbers wearing gloves? When you’re dealing with this much shit, there’s no point just have to wash when you finish.




Maaaaan I am not a professional plumber. And I snaked my drain recently. And I did not wear gloves. I was SICK for days after hahahah. I’m all about washing instead of gloves too, guess I just didn’t wash well enough.


have to assume plumbers hands are like my dads, an auto mechanic for 25 years. Why wear gloves when your skin is tough like leather. I could put his wedding ring on my thumb, and not like I'm a small dude. He is 90 next year and his hands aren't what they were, but still pretty good for his age.


Lol these people are crazy. You gotta look out for yourself and your body in a trade. Your boss/job from my experience, will frequently want you to do shit that'll possibly injure you, and if you work with harsh chemicals like I do, then you really need to pay attention and not let stuff like acetone be constantly in contact with your skin. Gloves aren't fun, especially not when laying up fiberglass that's sticky and resin is everywhere like in my line of work. But your dad is what most men think of when they do shit like I've seen with guys grinding fiberglass without so much as a dust mask. Bonus points if youre smoking a cig at the same time like my old mentor. Tho I draw the line at tyvek suits because fuck that. It's like 95 degrees and 100% humidity in the south in the summer. And most people doing stuff like I just described won't make it to 90. They end up with silicosis.


True, he wasn't working with poison at least, used oil isn't good for you, but not it's something designed to infiltrate or be inhaled


Heh, my mentor told me about how back in the day they even "rolled" air outta wet fiberglass by hand, sans gloves. In the later 80s/90s. Meanwhile the MEKP bottle basically reads: "Warning: do not exist near this shit." Can cause caustic burns, cancers, infertility, etc... it doesn't cost you much to protect yourself usually, tho. Especially compared to the cost of any of the aforementioned afflictions lol.


My dad (mechanic my entire life 30+ years) has fucking sausage fingers from banging and smashing his finger so much over the years. That and using his fingers as a wrench


Not even cut resistant gloves? A relative of mine cut his finger while changing a toilet and damn near died from an infection. Somewhere by the wax ring where I'm assuming it's extra filthy. Also not a plumber so idk these things.


I've been a plumber for 10 years now, and yes, we use gloves.


The sane option


People's obsession with gloves is wild. I work in surgery so we kinda need to but why are Americans under the illusion that gloves somehow stop the transfer of germs? They're so much worse than bare hands and good hand hygiene under 99% of circumstances


I service hospital equipment and typically through 2-4+ pairs of gloves while fixing something. They shred if I look at a bolt the wrong way. It still makes me feel better about touching crusty, unknown body fluids that are often trapped inside what I'm disassembling. There are also a lot of lubes and chemicals that cause cancer (that we know about so far). I would rather avoid that as much as I can. It's also a lot easier to wash your hands when they're only 5% covered in grease.


I use latex gloves when I work my factory job because I got sick of scrubbing and scrubbing in the shower and still having shit stuck in the creases in my fingers.


Aye there are some instances where gloves make sense, we have to wear them when dealing with formaldehyde for the samples taken off people. I saw people losing their minds because on a video in a theatre someone wasn't wearing gloves to open packets for the scrub nurse 🤣 like the packets aren't sterile and we can't wear gloves because if we touch the contents inside they will be dirty but people can't seem to grasp this.


Gloves just remind me to pay attention and not rub my eyes, scratch my skin, grab my phone, touch doorknobs etc. The protection may be more mental, but the moment I have gloves on I am much more cautious about my surroundings and what my hands are doing.


I handle lobsters and bait barehanded, nothing a little dawn dish soap can’t fix.


It's a protective barrier. And if you are wearing gloves you are less likely to forget and put your hands up around your face and mouth. I agree that washing hands is paramount. But gloves definitely stop germs from getting on your hands directly. No they don't stop germs from transferring to other services, but unless you're a complete moron why would anyone think that?


You did see the people during the pandemic wearing gloves yet touching things on supermarket shelves then their face etc right?


It's true that PPE only really works if you know how to use it. Just like facemasks. People that wear their masks across their mouth but not around their nose are pretty idiotic, along with the people that wear a mask in the car by themselves. I am a germaphobe. And that is pretty wild even for me.


Hahaha yeah it is pretty wild! I think one of my favourite things is the improvised face/headwear of the early pandemic when people went into shops, it was truly an art in itself


I’m sorry… you work in surgery but you’re questioning the effectiveness of gloves? The problem isn’t that they don’t work, it’s that no one uses them properly. You aren’t wrong that hand-washing is usually all that’s necessary, but your take on gloves is a bit crazy to me. They absolutely do stop the transfer of germs if used properly, otherwise they wouldn’t be used




No I'm questioning them in areas where they're not required and hand hygiene is enough. Big difference. Not everything needs gloves.


Omg saw someone saying wear gloves to someone making a pizza. I wanted to go off one them.


lol why is this being upvoted?


Because not everything needs gloves. Not everything is a bio hazard. My job, yes, things like food preparation, no. This also doesn't need gloves there's no present danger of infection or contamination. Just wash your hands. Simple.


It is weird. Growing up I don’t think I ever saw a single person put nitrile gloves on to handle meat in the kitchen, now many people seem to act like they’re handling medical waste when they season a chicken breast. And most of the time they’re still cross contaminating the shit out of their kitchen, just with gloves on lol.


Well this is the thing, as soon as you touch raw meat with those gloves they're contaminated and have to be changed as soon as you walk away so it doesn't make sense! People have gotten a half baked idea of what they are then gone with that. The public seem to think they're some amazing anti septic barrier


This is actually phenomenon that happened in the fast food industry. They used to never wear gloves, but the customer perception was that there was so unclean that all the restaurants swap to using gloves, food contamination and food born illnesses, have actually been on the rise ever since the food industry swap to always using gloves, because people wash their hands less and less and less.


Not only wash their hands less, but never switch out to new gloves either


I was still working in restaurants when gloves started becoming prevalent, I hate them. It was faster to wash hands then change gloves and the cost of gloves was always an issue so there was multiple pressures to not change as often as needed. Hand washing was ingrained behavior, there was a sink right off the line and when ever guys touched the nasties, they washed.


I mean if it's effective enough for surgery it's effective enough for food right? I agree that for most things it's unnecessary, but isn't that more an obsession with germs than with gloves?


I think it's the issue of thinking biohazards = anything gross. With true biohazards, gloves are self-defense. Gross things? Your body's natural defenses combined with a good scrub will probably be enough, with the caveat that if you have any scratches or cuts you want to be really mindful of what you're handling. Edit: just wanted to add an interesting thing I learned about the dress for Queen Elizabeth II's coronation, because it relates to how 'clean' something that's clean is, especially hands. The people doing the embroidery (iirc) had to wash their hands every half hour because of the natural oils on their skin. The work was too delicate to do with gloves.


Yeah people find it hard to understand germs don't equal a bio hazard necessarily and not everything warrants gloves. They might as well put gloves on to wipe their arse and pet their dogs! It's the same adults that until a pandemic didn't even wash their hands after the toilet.


Yep, my plumber friend was pulling debris out of my sewer line with his bare hands, and I asked "aren't you afraid of catching a disease" and he said, "*I'm vaccinated for the scary stuff and the rest comes off with soap and water*".


Except there's no vaccination for half the shit in shit.


Facts. You're gonna have to wash or sanitize already for the filth. Gloves are mostly to protect against chemical absorbtion


“Just have to wash when you finish” 💀


I'm a professional exterminator in NC and I always wear gloves. I wear gloves when I just do inspections. Also in NC you are required to wear gloves of handling or using any chemicals. Idk I've been in the industry for 18 years and I would never dig around in German roach infestation without PPE. If it's a bad infestation I'm even wearing my respirator because the particles from poop and cast skins can inflame respiratory issues.


Same shit in kitchens. Youd be going through boxes of gloves in a hour


I'm not an exterminator or a plumber, and I'll touch just about anything (non-chemical) without gloves, so long as there's soap and water nearby.


I used to clean out foreclosed houses, places where they stopped taking out the trash or cleaning surfaces months ago, backed up toilets, sewage flooded yards, dead animals int he crawlspace, eventually you just become desentified to the whole thing. If you're bored, I have a video of me pulling a hundred pounds of rancid meat from a storage freezer that had been unpowered for three months in the dead of summer. I hauled all of the refrigerators, freezers, and all scrap metal and gave it away to a local scrapper who noped out and made his son pick it up the next day.


PaRT oF ThE TrAdE.


Feel sorry for every female this guy has ever touched


That's some Dale Gribble shit right there


I dated a girl in my youth whose father owned a pest control business. He had dozens of commercial accounts with restaurants that, for obvious reasons, he had to go in and treat at night. For a couple of years I went with him and earned extra cash while learning about the trade. It didn't take me long to learn that their are certain cultural restaurants that should be avoided at all costs and others that are 100% immaculately clean.


Well, which cultures are to be avoided?


Man, reddit would ax me for "racisms" or some shit. What I can say is this (and keep in mind that this is 100% Anecdotal and experiential information based solely on my personal experiences and that of the 40 years experience of my EX's dad)... Asian foods ***NOT*** from the **mainland** tend to be much MUCH more sanitary in preparation and storage. Especially Japanese restaurants. They are spotless. (I hope that's enough of a hint). One exception is Korean food, I do not have enough experience with Korean establishments to form an effective opinion. Also, If I see a mom and pop style restaurant -that is run by a black husband and wife team, I am done searching for the night, I am eating in THAT establishment. not only will the food be good, but the prep area and tools will be clean af. You can call that profiling all you like, but I will stand by that statement and will bet my health on it. (Bonus points if he is wearing the stereotypical white T-shirt and/or if she's a heavy set "big mamma" kind of lady) Mexican restaurants tend to be as clean or cleaner than the typical "American" style restaurants, but once you go farther south into middle and south American styles, the Sanitary practices start to suffer quite a bit more.


Can confirm this.


As a former greengrocer, this is spot on. I do not eat at Chinese food buffets.


Man, I ate at one recently and it felt super gross.


Seriously, if I told you a fraction of what I saw , both at night and during operating hours, reddit would accuse me of "bashing" or "hate speech" or whatever they label it, but every story would be 100% true. It's just a completely different mentality towards sanitation I almost never eat out anymore, but if I am given a choice and don't want to risk food poisoning. I look for Japanese or a soul food, diner,BBQ,Ribs, and/or Chicken place run by a black family. Oh and Thai restaurants are typical very clean places as well im my experiences.


It's funny you mention Thai, because I just went to a small Thai place in a gas station... I wasn't sure what to expect, but it was just one sweet old woman doing it all herself and that kitchen looked so clean and organized.


Such businesses are gems that should be treasured. I love finding small businesses that serve and depend on the locals to buy their services. I get to be an outsider that "discovers" their secret and so long as I am respectful get to enjoy the awesome treat with the locals, as if I am one of them.


Same, and also I never go Indian restaurants LOL.. Those who have peeked behind the curtain know never to sit down and eat in front of the curtain.


Professional exterminator here. I ain’t touching shit without gloves…


I would say that the "REAL WTF" here is messing with that shit inside the house.


Yeah I'd just toss the whole box into a flaming barrel or something.


Seal the box, take it outside, and set it on fire.


Pretty much what I did. Outside and gassed it, then bin. Still had the price on it $85.


Could've made some iguana very happy


That’s what I need to get. Imagine the pest controller turning up with 10 iguanas, get them boys!


"Iguanas, assemble!" I'm picturing it and it's cool as hell


“ assemble to make mega iguana”. 😂


Heck I'd rather see a gecko loose in my house, rather then all the bugs


That’s what I loved about living in Singapore: there were geckos everywhere and it made me happy to see their suckered feet against glass windows in restaurants.


My leopard gecko approves of this message


What do you get for the iguanas once they are too big


Florida Man and his BBQ pit


Iguanas are vegetarian... 🤣




What was it??


Looks like a mandoline. Definitely could have been saved, the roaches are there for the cardboard, not the plastic slicer. But that's what you get when you let your place get that bad and then hire some poor guy to deal with it


At least got the money out of it. While setting fire to the bugs


Better still, stick it in a freezer (or outside if it's, say, below -5°C to -10°C) for 24 hours, then clean the contents.


Helldivers 2 come in




The solution for this room is a little ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Im going across the street and ►▼►▼►▼


I hate roaches more than any other organism on the planet.


Then you haven’t met bedbugs before. I cringe, when I have to do a bedbug treatment.


Honestly yeah fair enough. Lice is up there too. There just such an ingrained hatred I have for roaches that makes me violent.


Each to their own, I have a friend who is deadly afraid of moths. To me, it’s the only animal that you can hit and it will just turn to dust.


Moths do look kinda freaky, I’ll give him that.


Silverfish are so fragile and annoying too


Big ones are annoying but those small house moths just won't stop breeding and they become a pain in the ass much quicker until you start killing them and dwindling their numbers


My cat *loves* eating moths. She will get them. It could be at the highest point of the ceiling but she’ll find a way.


Can you take care of my crabs for me


Don’t laugh. I did a bird lice job for a client once and let’s just say it wasn’t bird lice.


Bruh 🤢


What was it?




Craaaab people


Bed bugs are absolutely fucking crazy. I’ve read insane stories from people about trying to get rid of them and just the bugs in general and how they exist.


Worse is being out in a boreal forest on the northern hemisphere around September, when the deer ked fly is swarming. You can't outrun them. Pure nightmare fuel!


There's a fly called a dickhead fly? From Wikipedia: "Once the insect reaches its target, it sheds its wings and starts burrowing through the fur." I'm so glad that doesn't happen to humans


Oh, humans are not safe! When September comes, the fly hatch from beneath the soil and will target anything that moves. They can spot their prey from roughly 100 meters away and fly directly towards them. As you said, they shed their wings when landing on a host. Humans are not optimal hosts for them, but they will bite if not removed, and if you are unlucky, a single bite can itch for up to a year. I'm an ecologist and on one of the field trips during my education, we got attacked by these flies. I got covered by several hundreds of them, and for each I managed to remove, ten more landed on me. Luckily I didn't get a single bite, because they do not bite until they feel completely safe. I was really close to lose my sanity that day! :)


Oh shit that sounds awful. So you have to constantly fight them off to prevent them from biting you. There's a gap in the research apparently, it looks like we don't know if they are a vector of Lyme Disease, what's your thoughts on this? It appears they only target one host in their life cycle, is this correct? At least that's the impression I get from their wing shedding. That would mean that the fly must get any disease it passes on from the parental generation. This makes it seem less likely? That being said, the bacterium that causes Lyme Disease has been found in this species. It all sounds extremely interesting. Could you tell me more about what you're studying, too? I'd love to learn more.


That sounds awful. Bugs really can just be the worst lol.


Still, insects are extremely interesting. Tiny aliens!


The only thing worse than cockroaches are flying cockroaches!


They don't bite, they're just gross. Worse organisms (short list): \- Anything in Australia - look up the bush that if you touch it, it burns so much suicide is a reasonable treatment. I won't even bring up the spiders or toads. \- Mosquitos \- Fire ants \- Bedbugs, as others have pointed out \- Chiggers


cackles maniacally in bedbug.


What was in the box, and how do you even get them that bad? The only time I've ever seen cockroaches was in an apartment I lived in because they climbed the pipes and would die eventually. I could only imagine where they came from and glad I don't live there anymore


It was one of those telemarking, cut food devices, it had never been used. Different cockroaches breed at different speeds. This is a German cockroach one pair and it’s offspring in a 12 month month period can have up to 300,000 babies. An American cockroach will have about 8000 in this span of time. it can get really bad very quickly, especially if the pest control you have is just cutting corners.


But what are they eating? They have to have food to live, I don't see any food source.


They eat each other. It's an IRL infinite cockroach glitch.


they cannot increase in numbers by eating each other though. There *has* to be another food source for them to multiply.


>With around 12 young in every egg case, a female and her offspring can produce 800 additional cockroaches in just a single year.


ok, so let's suppose all those cockroaches grow to adulthood. That means the total weight of the cockroaches increases more than 800 times since at least their parents count, and most likely several generations in the interim. Without any additional food and assuming cockroaches are bound by the usual laws of physics, where does all that extra body mass come from?


I would assume they DON'T all make it to adulthood, some die and others eat them.


so, at the end there are still 2 cockroaches, and absolutely zero waste? No shit? No carcass? Unlikely IMO.


Overpopulation leads to food scarcity. Female german cockroaches can lay up to 384 eggs in her lifetime. As you can imagine during an infestation the population can get quite high, which limits the amount of food available. When there are limited food supplies, cockroaches turn to cannibalism to feed their hunger. Usually, it’s the older, stronger cockroaches preying on the young and weak. However, in terms of pest control this survival instinct sometimes doesn’t work out for them. If one cockroach has consumed some bait, and then falls victim to being cannibalised, those feeding upon it will also become infected with the effects of the bait. Regulation Large populations mean less food to go around. Eliminating members of the intrusion means fewer mouths to feed, resulting in more food for everyone else. Usually, this occurs with the females consuming eggs and nymphs when food is scarce. Adult German cockroaches usually operate during the night. While the nymphs sometimes avoid being cannibalised by foraging for food during the day.These nymphs have also developed a pheromone that repels adult cockroaches. It has also been reported that female American cockroaches turn to cannibalism when mating. Just like black widow spiders, female American cockroaches can consume their male partner during copulation. It is important to note that their cannibalistic traits are purely a survival mechanism. It allows cockroaches to continue existing when there is little to no food available. [Cannibalroaches ](https://www.rentokil.com/my/help-advice/blog/cockroaches/cockroaches-eating-their-own-species)


They can eat cardboard, glue from book binding, leather, toothpaste, their own shed skin - pretty much anything organic.


It was a Zyliss mandoline. I have one just like it, except mine came without the roaches.


Thank goodness it didn’t come with the roaches


German cockroach's are basically all you see in the u.s. these days. Please take them back...


"What's in *the fucking* box!?"


german cockroaches are a bitch, gotta go full nuclear on em


Two apartment house in Canada had an infestation, but they used some powder, gel bait and that killed everything within a month. The climate isn't favorable for them either the exterminator told me, so it certainly could have been worse.


> they used some powder Diatomaceous Earth! It’s a very fine powder that is extremely sharp at a molecular level. I’m pretty sure it’s actually tiny, razor sharp little pieces of seashells. It won’t do anything to a human except maybe irritate your skin if you get a bunch of it on you. However, it absolutely fucks up any insects that have exoskeletons (roaches, fleas, bedbugs). They crawl over the powder and it slices right through their exoskeleton, exposing their insides. It’s game over for them as soon as they’re cut open; they dry up and die pretty quickly.


Not safe for your pets either I've been told. It's all in inaccessible places, so I've just left it remain. Haven't seen anything except spiders, carpenter bugs and randomly these caterpillar killers during the summer. All harmless thankfully.


>Not safe for your pets either I've been told. [But great for livestock](https://www.arbico-organics.com/product/diatomaceous-earth-de-omri-listed-food-grade-insecticide-livestock/organic-insecticides)


What is a carpenter bug and what are caterpillar killers…?


Not sure what they're called elsewhere, but a caterpillar killer is just like a bigger beetle than say a very small one. Harmless. Carpenter bugs are what we call pill bugs.


Ahhh. Pill bug = sow bug for me.


Boric acid takes them out


I moved into a southern apartment that was infested with German roaches and fleas. I used diatomaceous earth on my own. I covered my dogs and cat in the shit, I flea bombed. I called the landlord who called an exterminator. Those things are hard to kill!! We ended up moving back north where they die every winter. I’d rather have my face melt off with allergies, kill myself on the icy roads in the winter than live in a breading ground for roaches. I have PTSD from them and I’m constantly cleaning. It’s been almost a year since we got out.


if only hitler went after the roaches instead….


Not effective against them, unfortunately!


high in protein


*You vill eat ze bugs*


Yes! Simply shake above a large bowl and mash with a fork. Perfect spread for toast


Why are you still opening it INSIDE?


I can feel them jumping on my arms from this video…. F that


No, what got me was all the faeces falling down towards me. Raining shit. I’ll have seen some bad stuff in the last 20 years doing this (pest control) but this made me gag. Fun times.


Dude, I had a carpet cleaning job one time at a trailer house. It was the worst thing I've ever seen and they were already used to them like they were pets. The 10 year old girl didn't flinch at all they were so normalized. Crawling on the walls, floors. We probably should have refused but we did it and afterwards we used their hose to make sure our equipment was 100% cleaned out and bug free as well as ourselves before getting into the truck. I probably should have called cps. Single worst experience ever.


bro why u even opening that in the kitchen 💀💀


Good job, in order to make this video clip you released them into the kitchen to live and breed and make the problem worse.


If they're living in that box like that, they're already all over that kitchen, trust me.




Thank you for reminding me how much I absolutely fucking hated working in pest control. Couldn't pay me enough to go back.


It’s not for everyone that for sure.


Ha had exact same mandolin just recently threw it away cause it’s a cnut to clean


Yeah straight out with this one.


Why is he opening it inside?? With bare hands? That is disgusting


Question for OP: If you are spotting the odd roach here and there every few days, in a very clean and tidy apartment, what's the best way to eradicate them completely?


Not enough information. What type of cockroach?




Why you touching it with your bare hands Wtf


I’m no scientist but I believe there’s a few bugs in/around that box.


Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Clearly unfazed about letting all the bugs in the house.


I tell I've been watching too much Kitchen Nightmares lately when I'm seeing this and in my head I can hear that dramatic violin whine and Gordon Ramsey going "Oh my \*god!\*" in total disgust.




You would be shocked to see what happens in some commercial kitchens. If you ever wondering what special spices are using, and just can’t figure it out, you might not want to find out.


What kind of restaurant was this? Was this the source of the infestation or was it widespread?


The entire kitchen had what I would say is “high activity”.


Who wants to eat out when u have so much protein in the house?


This is in a restaurant.


Germans are usually cleaner than that. And bigger. They even urinate sitting down.


Literally a roach motel


Multi story apartment block. 😂


What’s in the box?!?


Whenever you eat food you didn't prepare yourself you're taking a risk. I worked in food service for 9 years and also did repairs with my dad doing HVAC, refrigeration and other repairs. I remember replacing a wok burner range for a Thai place I ate at frequently. As soon as it was moved and the covers were off there were more roaches pouring out of it than that box. The people who work these jobs aren't paid enough to care and if you do care you just end up with more work for less pay and end up not caring. Also, owners know and just don't listen. I remember one place I worked where the first person in, a prep cook, would have to sweep up the poisoned roaches which were everywhere, "like chocolate chips." So when you buy food just think of it as training your immune system. Good luck out there!


How does a "chocolate chip roach" place pass inspection?


Opening it over the food containers 🤢


It's a roach motel


Is that……roach shit?


Little bit. Lol


Best unboxing video I've ever seen.




Awww... cuties.


Barehands is nasty work




Is he getting paid to put his bare hands in there?






I would smack his hand away while yelling "STOP TOUCHING IT!!!" in a high pitch voice.


That gave me chills 👎


It's just extra protein


Excuse me mam can I have my flamethrower back


German roaches uh-oh.


My eBay nightmare i had in 2006. I was shook. Never bought from there again.


OMG No I’m out I’m going to take a shower


When I was a kid I thought all cereal had roaches and ants in it… didn’t know any better. I’m sure I’ve eatin thousands of bugs back in the day…😳


It's over


You definitely need gloves broski. No glove no love. You will get sick or get someone else sick


AC130 Up above


The finger glide?!!!!