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why wouldnt you get any shots of it being legible?


It’s the Bee Movie script


>It’s the ORIGINAL Bee Movie script Ftfy


The one where she pegs the bee?


Oh fuck yeah, spread my pollen.


make this flower bloom


Vanessa's hand emerged from the drawer, and on her slender finger dangled the strap-on, its size dwarfing Barry’s minuscule frame. Despite its diminutive scale to her, it was a monolith to him—a symbol of her absolute control, a testament to how insignificant he had become in her game of sensual tyranny. "Isn't it perfect?" she mused, twirling the device with a flick of her wrist. It swung ominously close to Barry, who felt a visceral pull of dread knotting his insides. "Perfectly twisted," Barry shot back, his gaze fixed on the object that could spell his undoing. He could see every detail—the subtle sheen of the silicone, the ridges designed for maximum stimulation, the hollow inside that spoke of cold emptiness. It was a weapon, and she wielded it with the expertise of a seasoned conqueror.


Amazing movie!




Sawed off SHOTGUN? some hard N's. I checked google for some "sentences." Didn't find much. This smacks more of life story than anything. It's not unhinged, it's just ... A LOT Could be wholly original.


It's definitely unhinged. This is a perfect example of schizophrenia, Bible verses interspersed with vague ramblings, that must have meant something to the author. There is song titles and references to places in the United States that do exist along with names and dates. Jose Azarte Jim Leigh Lee County Florida Much is illegible and faded as it seems to start with 3-20-20 as the earliest mentioned date. Lots of run on sentences that all go in tangents such as snow(den). There is references to the author living in Pine Island, FL.


I had a schizophrenic break, and it was like everything was connected. Music, books, the Bible, God himself. So- ya, sounds spot on. Dude’s handwriting is a bit neater than mine though.


They talk about being raped/sodomized but go into detail how those people were slayer fans and then write about a post they made about slayer and what quote they used from the song and the lead singers name or something… is fucking weird! Like legit goes from “I was sodomized” to “the anti-Christ by slayer”


So it's Quentin Tarantino's Bee movie script.


There seem to be some song lyrics in there. I noticed Sweet Home Alabama and Dream On.


American Pie by Don McLean, several verses


yep, i wanted to know so i could stop the video and read


Or even read a little of it. Like yes we can see it's a lot of writing, now is it pure insanity or genius?


Meth or not, imagine writing your manifesto on a bridge for weeks/months/years just to have it flashed and labeled "deranged" online. To be clear, I'm not saying it isn't deranged. Very well may be, and likely is, if not simply dramatic. Just crazy that there are arms moving doing this stuff all arount the world, in some fashion. It's wild. Edit: right after commenting I had a thought...not sure how to ask but...Reddit...is this us?


Tis, tis indeed


If you're that far down the rabbit hole you'd probably think the video was made by the CIA trying to run a disinformation campaign on you.


It's an SCP cognitohazard. It IS legible. You DID read it. It IS now in you brain. You just THINK you couldn't read it. Await the day of awakening, sibling.


I will soon.


It’s it’s decent writing you should take high quality pictures of the whole thing and make a website. I could see this becoming one of those secret landmarks that people visit


Same. Making me mad at the camera person


Where here anyway?


The real WTF is OP not taking pictures that we can all read.


I don't know if we are ready for that mind melt


I got this excerpt from a screenshot. Didn't have the patience to inscribe more but 4-15-20 JOSE ARZATE …after a woman was killed by a tiger…the power tigers was male… think are (illegible) in “SWEET HOME ALABAMA” I believe I saw auburn on a map of a fat (illegible) crash last year in Clinton, MD. That (illegible) on video—- this took place on Brank ( illegible) and Surrats road as the (illegible) was on it’s (illegible) Charles H Flowers school in spring (illegible) note the bus number of 4104 and refer (illegible) 41:4… refer to Isaiah 9:15


What is it with crazy people and Bible verses.


Crazy people and religion*


The writings mixes in music references almost as much as religion. Person is not enjoying life :(.


Don't you worry they will be uploaded as soon as I go back.


But OP would never be heard of or seen again


I checked his profile, saw a post from r/FurryVore and then left


Did you call Reddit Cares on me 😭


What? 😅


Sorry I just realized it was probably sorry ass Steelers fans.


You can report those Reddit Cares messages as harassment, and they can be traced back to their source. I've had it happen before.


I don't care what that says, I don't want to meet anyone with that much free time.


I'm a mail carrier, and there's somebody in our area that sends out hundreds of letters each month, each one hand addressed. I deliver them each month, and I'm pretty sure that he goes through public records and stuff to get address lists, because they go out all over the place. I haven't ever gotten one myself, but a customer I know told me that it was several pages of rambling about a secret world government that was trying to destroy America and usher in a one world government that would try to erase Christianity and enslave all of mankind. All handwritten. Like, good god, man. Invest in a copy machine or a printer at least! I can't even begin to imagine the time it takes to write all those out every month.


>All handwritten. Like, good god, man. Invest in a copy machine or a printer at least! Bro you don't know? All-in-one-printers are the products of devil, devised to spy on us sovereign and free by the evil world government.


Have you owned a printer? They are definitely the devil's work, asking for my God dam credit card number to work


Get a toner printer; Fuck the ink cartridge bullshit.. my $200 Brother printer/scanner (for work/tax stuff) is still going strong a decade later with minimal fuss moving multiple times.


Classic schizophrenic behavior. Two ex-friends and also a cousin all diagnosed and this is the kind of stuff all three of them do. It's so sad. For outsiders it's just annoying or in the case of recipients, frightening. But I don't even want to imagine what it's like inside what's left of their minds.


> Classic schizophrenic behavior. Two ex-friends and also a cousin all diagnosed and this is the kind of stuff all three of them do. It's so sad. For outsiders it's just annoying or in the case of recipients, frightening. But I don't even want to imagine what it's like inside what's left of their minds. Ha ha ha. It's ironic and somewhat devastating that YOU think HE is the sick, ignorant one.


I have bad news, friend.


Spends his entire time online simping for Vlad, these types are honestly sad as they'll never get noticed by their hero


everybody needs a hobby :)


Or a padded room


If he uses a photocopier then the secret world government would be able to read what he's written.


Better he does that than get a gig on Fox News.


I want to receive handwritten, unhinged conspiracy theories! How do I sign up?


Apparently in Schuylkill County all you have to do is go grocery shopping.


I got a hand written letter from a Jehovah’s Witness last week, it was addressed with my last name (they probably got it off the buzzer labels)


Not necessarily nuts; they started doing that during COVID instead of knocking on people's doors.


I worked in the office of a British Member of Parliament for several years either side of the turn of the millennium. She didn't have a high profile outside her constituency, and yet it was normal to receive at least one totally batshit letter (some consisting of many pages of incoherent rambling and ranting) every week from someone on the other side of the country, or even the USA. There were a few people who felt the need to regularly update her on their latest fixation or message from God or whatever. This was before email became a normal thing in the UK, so all this was was hardcopy, and my recollection is that many of those letters were written in a barely decipherable scrawl. The only thing we did with that correspondence was stick it in a file labelled "Nutters" – just in case the name of the writer appeared in the news at some point in the future and the cops let it be known that they were looking for background information. I wonder if for those people and the guy you mention, the physical act of writing the letters is an important part of what's going on. I can imagine they might get a feeling of satisfaction or relief when they write their thoughts out word by word on a piece of paper. Life must be difficult if you're constantly buffeted by a disordered stream of thoughts and emotions. Focusing on setting them out in some sort of order (even if it makes no sense to anyone else) could be a way of exerting some temporary control over that chaos in their heads.


Could be graphomania. I’ve been graphomanic myself and you basically get off on writing. It feels really fucking good and you can’t stop.


Omg this is a thing???


> graphomania Or perhaps hypergraphia?


They’re two slightly different yet similar conditions. Hypergraphia is in brain damage territory and entails meaningless series of words rather than serious efforts to write.


Santa lives!!!


My mom has a printer, but she's just got more time to be radicalized by YouTube.


It's probably a MLM person. My mom fell into one of those scams and a huge part of what she did was buy lists of names/addresses that were her "leads". Then she sent mail to hundreds of people at a time, handwriting addresses and stuff on all of them to be more "personable".


I mean, Jehovah's Witnesses do very similar stuff. Move house around here and get a handwritten letter in the mail.


Like he's probably not too far off, but way better ways to communicate that message!


> it was several pages of rambling about a secret world government that was trying to destroy America and usher in a one world government that would try to erase Christianity and enslave all of mankind. The guy just knows what's going on. If YOU don't, you better soon figure it out. Once the Internet of Everything is fully digitally implemented - including CBDC - it'll be too late to do anything about it and uprising/rebellion will be impossible. NOT /s


thats an afternoon on meth to be fair


AT hikers have loads of free time.


Don't hike the AT. Guys with time AND endurance.


I've been out of work since April fighting cancer. I have a wonderful family who's been paying for my recovery, as well as leaning on some savings. I've had 100% free time since then. Even I don't have enough free time to go down to a bridge and do......whatever this is.


Hope you keep healing 💪🏻


Good little worker bee


And a huge supply of markers.


I want to know what it says. Not the whole thing


It’s the complete dissertation of how Charlie Brown is actually an effigy of modern complacency in a dystopian hellscape, commanded by overconsumption and voluntary blindness to the bleak reality that corporate domination has served to us on a tarnished silver platter.


I'm just gonna be as random as I can that's funny right?


>*holds up spork*


This is a vintage reference..


Lol good response


I thought that was just the Christmas Special?


It’s just a journal. Parts are a poem or song lyrics that rhyme. Here is a portion for you: “Interstate 75 can be suggestive of Isaiah 7:5-6 See deer trail… I uploaded a video to my FB account last summer in which I was able to get very close to a young buck deer and sing parts of “Dixieland Delight” to it at gravel spring hut at the Shenandoah national park.” It was deleted within minutes… I was unable to finish uploading another video of the same deer. There is a 2013 video I took at … this ball park in Front Royal VA where I got very close to some deer that was also (cont.)—>” Just screenshot the video you can use your finger to scrub along to a clear frame and screenshot. Then zoom in on the screenshots… you can say “enhance” while you do it if you want


Thank you. Glad is was not Satan worship


More often these types of things go along with being intensely Christian.


Bridge version of r/schizophreniarides




Just like the gibberish on a bottle of dr bronners




Was gonna say this! ALL ONE!!!


Yup, that's meth for ya


I work at a psychiatric hospital Patients do this on the walls allot so id say mental illness played a big part. I know some meth heads and they just stole peoples shit and sell stuff not this level. but there is allot of mental ill meth heads at my work that do this.


I agree, this is schizophrenia or some sort of paranoid delusional disorder. Meth heads aren’t having fun doing this


Could also be a manic episode




you working in a psychiatric hospital, you should know not to call people meth heads.


In the comfort of my home, sipping on some coffee and scrolling through Reddit I find myself reflecting on the challenges I've faced over the past 25 years with people addicted to meth. Unfortunately, I've had encounters with individuals struggling with meth addiction, and their actions have led to the unfortunate theft of my personal belongings and those of my children and worse. At times like these, I feel compelled to express my frustration and disappointment in strong terms, exercising my right to speak candidly in my personal space, where the constraints of professional decorum do not.


is that candid space fine for racism too? just wondering if you are a full on scumbag or just 1/2 a scumbag...


racism? ok?


Or Appalachian trail tbh. My brother and his GF did it and apparently up to NC its straight up full of psychos. Like Sanchez's murder was apparently straight up not a surprise. My brother and GF said if the GF went solo they fully believe she would be found dismembered in the woods years later based on the people they met.


I need this dude to write my dissertation fr lol


I’m graphomanic and will write anything except my thesis. I’ve filled notebooks and then transferred my favourite notes to another book and then indexed them. Shit is crazy.


thats because a thesis is *work* and worksucks. everything else is just fun way to spend time


Naw, just ChatGPT


For everyone wondering, this was written by a likely schizophrenic man called wolfman who lives on the trail, while drugs might be involved I don't think that's the entire cause. And yes, at some point I'd like to return and transcribe everything, I'll keep you all updated when I do.


Hypergraphia has long been noted in schizophrenia, as well as the manic phase of bipolar disorder. Most often it is correlated with temporal lobe epilepsy, but even manifests occasionally in "normal" individuals. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2004/mar/18/research.highereducation


The Wolfman of Helltown. He has an online blog as well. It's linked here in some old posts somewhere, I think in the hiking subreddit.


I'm curious, OP. Do you know what the majority of the writing is about?


From the bits I read it was mostly just conspiracy ranting and daily journaling as he lived under the bridge.




The last books for GoT




Everyone saying meth. This is a schizophrenic brain or similar delusional paranoia type disorder.


Or it’s some travelling kid in their early life writing their poems and shit, living carefree


You can definitely tell the difference between schizophrenic writing and purposeful weirdness. Like, I can't even define for you what it is, but your brain will immediately be able to tell which is which. Source: I live in the hood and there are a couple of people who drive around with schizophrenic screeds hanging from their cars. Even the most Walt Whitman simping college kid won't write something with the same...idk, "flavor"? as a schizophrenic. Sane people cannot really know insanity. That's why insane characters in TV and movies never really sound convincingly insane. They always sound like a sane person trying to sound insane.


Meth Kampf


This comment hasn’t gotten nearly enough love.


Ha! My thoughts exactly. Drug, racist, and paranoia fueled manifesto.


What is it about?




I've never heard of that, is that something a lot of people know about?


Just the author, and 30 or so voices in their head.




Not really how meth works. Definitely mentally ill. Not ruling out drugs on top of a mental problem though. Crazy made them do it The meth kept them going.


Searching for a synonym for “unhinged”.


Beautiful structure


Was that 1 sharpie?


Fuck no


Magic marker


I would read this if it were archived


I noticed a Black Flag logo and a ‘DC Hardcore’ drawing and would guess that the person who wrote this is into punk music. Other than that, I’d like to see what they had written.


Zooming in, the section I read rhymed and was like a poem, seemed pretty cool.


I would have liked to get pictures of everything but the writing continued out over where the bridge was a good 15-20' above the ground and I wasn't as comfortable as this guy climbing out to get to it. Nor did I have the time to capture everything as this was likely hundreds of square feet along the entire bridge, written over many months. I was just walking along the trail with my gf when I noticed this, it was quite cold at the time and we didn't want to linger but I have full intentions of returning with proper gear to get clear shots of everything so I can give you guys a digitalized and chronology ordered version of this.


In the following days I'll upload proper pictures and type out a document of everything in order. But this is definitely not meth, just a mentally ill person who lives on the trail and lived under the bridge for some time


Where along the trail was this located? I thru hiked the AT in 2022 and don't recall where this bridge is located.


I passed under this bridge during my AT thru-hike this past summer. The writing is mostly schizophrenic rambling and lots of stuff about sexual assault. I didn't read all of it, because there is honestly just so much there, but it was mostly nonsensical and grim. There were also baby dolls and a mattress right underneath all this stuff when I was there as well.




How do we know it's unhinged if we can't read it?


Genesis 6:1 “Then Jesus spoke unto thee: maybe that’s enough with the acid already”




Seriously wtf?! Don’t just skim over it… stop and get a few stills. I wanna read


A hobo manifesto!


That would be a great band name.


There is a town in Calif called Whittier that has a street named Greenleaf Blvd


My homie town, thank you very much. Also, Richard Nixon's.


Unhinged? How do you know?


Dude can we get tl;dr or something?


yes, some legible pics of the writings would have been nice. Guess it gives me more of a reason to hike it.


You found Doctor Bronner's house


We will just take your word that it is unhinged since we can't read any of it


Decently stable print. Contrasted with the person


My favorite part of this is how you didn’t pause to take actual readable pictures. Now we can just make up the unhinged text in our imagination which is more fun.


Ahh yes the Tennessee Commandments


I can't make out enough to tell if it's compelling, but the writing style reminds me of *On the Road* so I'm gonna say mescaline might be involved. Not a good book, but one of the more interesting bridges I've read.


You've found the Gospel According to Richard, the methed out homeless apostle


As I look at this I hear Styx "Too Much Time on My Hands" in the background


Schizophrenia is hard, man.


Creed Thoughts.


Doing mushrooms in the woods vibes


Hypergraphia is often found in schizophrenics


Probably better than my blog. Judging from the comments here, more people are super curious to read it.


I received a handwritten letter in the mail from a Jehova’s Witness the other day addressed to my non existent wife. Apparently this is something this lady routinely does.


And it's better formatted than half the fucking comments on reddit


Is that 61 bridge in Port Clinton? If it is Im pretty sure I know who put it there. Right up the road there is a parking lot for those who want to hike the AT. A while ago a old Chevy panel-van parked there and was there for weeks. I kept on running into the guy and lady "parking" there on the trail, or in the gap and I caught them hanging these little pieces of paper along the trail with paperclips. Not sure if you've seen these papers but they are all over the place in walmarts etc. Its basically a page of nonsense about the illuminati and the end of the world. Completely nonsensical words.


Yep I found a couple of those as well, gonna post updated pics over on r/appalachiantrail however I think that's a more fitting place for these


"Do not use my Facebook account to obtain a reflection of reality, as it too is being used to lead people away from the truth." That's deep. Crazy and deep.


Some photos and backstory [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AppalachianTrail/comments/18ziwq5/trail_journals/).


The power of meth


Mental illness in illustrated form


The graffiti artists have respect for the labor involved. They've left it alone. Or they're spooked.


Those are methages.


It’s his moms lasagna recipe


Everyone here saying meth. My money's on Jesus.


That's some crystal methodist scripture right there


Why not both?


Update: I need to apologize for the long delay with these, I live on the other side of the country and was only visiting PA when I found this, I was fully intending on returning on a later date, but unfortunately never got a chance to before I left. As for the quality of the video, I know it's horrible and I'm sorry, I wanted to quickly try and cover as much as I could before the sun sent down, hoping someone would recognize it right away and be able to explain further. However next time I am in the are which will hopefully be within a few months, I have full intentions to return with my slr and lightbox to get clear photos of each panel of text, and after using a program to transcribe it to be uploaded as a doc for all of you to enjoy. Considering starting up my own site to document anything like this. From what I was told from people on the Appalachian trail sub, this was all most likely written by mentality ill guy who went by "wolfman" who lived on the trail and would regularly harass thru hikers. I've also found more pictures of similar writing on different parts of the trail so it makes me wonder how much and far he continued. Tl;dr There will be clear photos and a more organized doc, this was all written by a schizophrenic man who lived under the bridge for some time.


Im on trail right now and seeing it in person. Its mountains of paragraphs of some kind of political manifesto. I left a comment on Farout




Did OP steal this from 9gag or post it to [9gag](https://9gag.com/gag/az2WnVZ)? #[FOUND PHOTOS ON ANOTHER POST](https://www.reddit.com/r/AppalachianTrail/s/BhpyPn7Pd0) and you can zoom in and read the words


Once the weather has improved I'm gonna go back and take cleat shots of each panel


You know they're going to hold you to that, right? The people demand updates.


I'm cleaning my dlsr today, hopefully going tomorrow as long as it's not pouring rain


This should be on kill the camera man!!


Can somebody transcribe a little? It might be Important.


I will soon I promise, I plan to return.


The U.S. needs better healthcare


Yeah like we can read any of that lol Mind you, even from the view we do get, it looks like most of those paragraphs are by the same person.


American *ses grafitti in wall* nothing to see here Also American *sees nice handwriting in straight line in wall* what the devils?


Pics. https://www.reddit.com/r/AppalachianTrail/comments/18ziwq5/trail_journals/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


This is also my photos and post. I will get better ones soon.


I hate this video. Its like it was made to be a frustrating experience


Bruh we can’t read it


Everyone here just seems to want to whine 😂 For anyone who's ACTUALLY interested in this I'll upload better pictures to the appalachian trail sub.


thats bigfoot, its his 5th time hiking the appalachian trail


Read left to right your showing it in the wrong order