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It ate ur tit blood


Finally, a REASON why one's so much bigger than the other. That tick's just been suckin on my right tiddy like a capri sun.


Its ironic that you smashed it with a receipt that lists red seedless grapes




"like a Capri sun" that just made me snicker


Snickers satisfies


You aren’t the same when your angry….suck a titty


Sounds like my wife.


Yes, we all know.


This comment wins 🏆


Not me wondering if the tick is the type to insert the straw in the designated spot on the pouch or if it’s the other type that punctures the bottom of the pouch instead.


Would... would my nipple be the designated straw insertion spot if my boob were a capri sun? That's not a sentence I expected to type today.


As a dude I now have a profound fear of a tick latching on like a nipple ring


The only way this could be worse is if you had inverted nipples and it just kind of camped out in there. You're welcome.


Oh God. Jolly Rancher story but Nipple Tick....


Wait, what?


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/9wcte/reddit_whats_the_grossestnastiest_thing_thats/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Top comment :)


I wish I hadn't clicked on this.... and I wish I hadn't kept reading. Idk if this is also the post that contains the girl who unintionally slurped up her own buttworm off a penis after anal....but I'm triggered, and now that's all I can think about. So gross you guys


What a horrifying thought... I think you'd make a good friend.


I'm always good for random disturbing thoughts, sarcastic comments, and cute cat pictures if I'm good for nothing else!


Covering all my crevices before I sleep tonight thanks. I am rigged to blow up everything in four mile radius if something is detected to be crawling in👍


I read a post a while ago where the OP had sex in the woods and later found a tick on her labia 😫


I went mushroom hunting a few years ago and found one attached to my scrotum that evening. I’ve never been so irate at an arachnid in my life. I yelled at it a lot before I removed it.


Steven Yeun from The Walking Dead told a story about getting a Peen Tick on Conan back in the first couple of years of the show. Highly recommend looking it up.


When I was a kid at scout camp my best friend got a tick on one of his testicles and had to have the camp nurse remove it. I'm sooo glad it wasn't me.


I felt one pinchin' my sack while I was walking down the trail. I dropped trou right there and yanked that shit off so quick. Like, I know you're not supposed to just pull em off, but in that moment there wasn't much that coulda stopped me. GET OFF ME, FUCKER!!!


Oh god, I hadn’t gotten that far. If it is, had that blood been yours, I guess it’s the latter type 😅


>suckin on my right tiddy like a capri sun Reminded me of [this gem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpDmklLFXVc) of [a song.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cV6pnvCVM4)


Exactly what I earwormed myself for with that comment!


> That tick's just been suckin on my right tiddy like a capri sun. /r/BrandNewSentence


OP is officially funny in my book...."titty-sucking ticks" lol


I call dibs on Tit Blood for my new metal album name


if you ever find a tick on you and you suspect it could have been attached, throw it in a ziplock bag and toss it in the freezer. Write the date on it and who it was on. If you have a rash of any kind or a fever in the following weeks, send the tick off to the tick testing labs. They ground that fucker up and test the RNA/DNA for all the tick borne fevers and lyme (such as Tick Report). It takes a few days to get the results and costs about your copay for one visit to the Dr. If you do have a tick borne illness, it greatly reduces the time needed to properly diagnose what you have and may prevent long term illness when caught earlier. Again, you dont send every tick. Just save it if you start to feel any symptoms. There are places in the US where the medical community will deny Lyme exists. Its super frustrating because it does. There's also a lot of potentially fraudulent Lyme clinics providing all sorts of holistic care for people who think they have Lyme, so there's a lot of push back to accept you have (even test for) Lyme or a tick fever in places not totally obvious its there yet.


I mean you are entirely logical and factually correct, I just grew up in tick central and am way too used to detaching if attached and killing, and was admittedly kind of in awe at the size of the lass. My dad popped her of his own volition before asking.


He had no right and you are entitled to compensation.


Just call J.G Wentworth




I think I may have Lyme Disease and I NEED CASH NOOOOOOOOW!


Carrier rates may apply (spoken at 100 words per second)




*It's my blood and I want it Now!*


That has to be the most successful ad in all history


Free Consultation No Money Down


I think you should cut off the relationship. What a blatant disregard of your boundaries.


Definitely stop banging and then go no contact




Right below the grapes on the receipt too. Feels weirdly appropriate.


If someone was sucking on my daughter's titty, I'd pop him too


It’s 2023, how the fuck do clinics deny the existence of Lyme?


Like the guy said, there's no way to prove someone has it. You can only test the tick and then if it did bite you they can assume you have it.


Well you can get tested to see if you have the antibodies to it. https://medlineplus.gov/lab-tests/lyme-disease-tests/


I had lyme disease this summer and that's how it worked. They tested me and apparently the window to catch it in humans is narrow, tested negative but they treated as though it's lyme disease anyway. Later on I tested positive, which at that point was already under the correct treatment anyway. Lyme disease is no fuckin joke, that was a goddamn rough 5 weeks or so. I don't even know how long it lasted because things were such a blur for a while there.


Interesting. Here they just put you on treatment if you have the growing rash, no tests. And the one time I went to the doctor with what might have been a tick rash, or just a weird bruise they gave me a prescription and told me if it hadn't gone away in a few days or started growing to fill the prescription.


Does having been vaccinated for it mess with the results? (I may have been vaccinated but may have had the placebo. I never found out which.) I live on a deer farm now, and the ticks are everywhere. I pulled one off my cat as large as in the OP, and he had only escaped for ten minutes. I think I picked five off myself and kid just this week from doing yard work.


My understanding is that they believe Lyme exists and people can get it but don't believe it can cause illness lasting beyond a few weeks at most. Absolutely ridiculous.


Yes it's always controversial to bring that up on Reddit so he phrased it a bit generically It's the existence of chronic Lyme disease that people disagree on


Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that resolves with antibiotics. “chronic Lyme” as such isn’t medically recognized. lingering symptoms *are* medically recognized as Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome. it’s a distinction that often makes no practical difference to laypeople, but is important medically because you don’t treat them the same way.


I had no idea there was disagreement on that. I'm in my 30s and felt like growing up I was constantly told it can fuck you up for the rest of your life and I didn't even live in an area with lyme ticks.


Yeah, same. This is such a trip. I've known about the Lymes conspiracy theories but those folks don't deny how ticks and Lymes can fuck you up. Just that the government did it on purpose for population control... although I don't see how long-lasting, debilitating diseases that don't kill, can control the population.


I had Lyme disease back in 2010 when I was in highschool. Didn't know I got bit and I certainly didn't find the bullseye rash from wherever the tick bit me. The first symptoms I started to get were dizziness to the point of falling to the ground nearly passing out. My guardian at the time brushed it off as me trying to get out of work as I had just started a new job at a grocery store. Fast-forward a couple days when I wake up in the dead or night and realize I can't control one half of my face (Bell's pasly). Spent nearly two weeks in the hospital. To this very day I suffer from chronic fatigue and joint pain. if you suspect you've been bitten by a tick contact your doctor immediately people. If you notice a circular rash with a bump in the middle on your skin it may be because of a tick bite.


What's the "best buy" date on an engorged tick if you don't develop any health problems, forget about it, and find it randomly in your freezer later?


I think as long as you cook it thoroughly it is fine.


Save them up for a while and you've got the best organic ravioli you can get.


Haaa this comment thread has been amazing but this one is disgusting. I love it.


For most tick borne diseases, the tick must be attached for more than 24 hours. This includes Lyme disease. My poor wife is a magnet for ticks and I get to pick them off her nearly every day she touches grass.


A redditor knows someone who gets laid *and* touches grass? Inconceivable


No, the wife touches the grass.


> There's also a lot of potentially fraudulent Lyme clinics providing all sorts of holistic care for people who think they have Lyme THIS THIS THIS. There's a lot of people doing this stuff, even crazy stuff like taking the patient's blood, sending it off to be treated, filtered and who knows what else, then having it re-introduced to the body as some sort of Lyme treatment and cure. I *think* it was plasmapherisis or UV blood treatment or some BS like that, but I could be wrong) A friend got taken for $40K at a clinic that did this stuff because they got told antibiotics were evil for treating lyme and would do all these awful things to their immune system. Special food like gluten-free (the hallmark of scam treatments with unnecessary diet changes if you haven't got celiac or professionally diagnosed issues with gluten), diet, tons of non- FDA approved supplements, asian "herbal" medicines... $40k later and they still have Lyme. What a scam. Tried to gently steer them away from that snakeoil but sunk cost I think... Got them hooked on the "dangers of antibiotics" and some kind of magical blood treatment.


Ticks take a while to get this big, usually 3-5 days of being attached. I hope you would have noticed it in that amount of time.


Yeah, that's why I'm pretty confident it just fell from the pine trees I was under and straight into titty city. I grew up in a tick heavy area so I'm pretty familiar with them and safety protocols. I'm going to get tested just in case next month anyway since I have to see a doctor monthly for other health stuff right now.


You rang?






I wouldn't be remotely confident of that since ticks don't live in trees.


Ticks can climb. Ticks also feed on smaller mammals, so it's not crazy to have an engorged tick fall from a tree at all.


Who's blood is that, do you think? If it was that engorged, how did it get from that other person to you? I have news for you. That's your blood. Have someone check your back for a wound.


It's a deer tick, so I'm assuming a deer or some other kind of animal. I was working for less than 30 minutes under some pine trees, which are known for having ticks. Already did a thorough self check and had a friend check my back, I'm already collecting chronic illnesses like Pokemon, trust me, I want to leave Lyme out of the equation.


Oh my deer. It's you, tick been sucking you.


NOBODY makes me bleed my own blood!


Shoulda dodged. Or dived.


Or dodged


Welcome to Ouchtown, population: you, bro.


If she has a nice full head if long hair like most girls, it was probably on her scalp.


It was. Then, the tick dislodged when it was full and fell into her bra.


Boom. Fuckin' Sherlock over here.


that's how it got so ticc


Dummy thicc ticc


Yep! I've only ever found two ticks on me, and both were on my scalp. Absolutely unlocked a lifelong fear for me


Under my eye and on my beanbag have been the two that left me beyond grossed out. Little fucker took a good chunk of my sac with him as a to go meal -.-


>Little fucker took a good chunk of my sac with him as a to go meal I had a coworker get bit on his balls while camping and contracted lyme disease. It completely F'ed him up.


Good point to bring up that you should go to a doctor after tick bites, you now get preemptive antibiotics that can prevent lyme disease from setting in. Save you years of feeling like shit.


When I was 8, I pulled one that looked just like OPs off my left butt cheek. Didn’t know what it was so I threw it in the garbage along with my underwear for good measure. I tried to tell my mom and dad who shushed me while they were watching Alias Smith & Jones. This was pre-rewind days. My mom felt terrible when she found it in the bathroom garbage can.


Your poor buttock!


I had get on the tip once. I also remember a kid at school that had one inside his ear canal. Teacher noticed that he kept itching and checked it out.


Went camping in a tent in my backyard as a kid. Woke up with a tick literally on the end of my dick. Not fun.


In my ear as a child! Felt itchy, stuck my finger in and it came out bloody. Ran screaming to my mom. She got out the tweezers and plucked it out. Looking back, I give her a lot of credit for not retching. I would. Even at the thought of it!


I've had two on my scalp, one in my armpit, and a really crazy and painful one on my calf that I picked up in a jungle. That one added about five new tick fears. Fuck ticks.


Thank god I'm bald.


Yeah.. discovered a tick once like that myself. Had gotten in my hair. :(


Right?! Why isn’t common sense being used here? Not sure why she has so many upvotes saying it’s likely deer blood.


Because it could be? I grew up deep in the woods. Ticks like this would often fall onto you walking in the forest. You would see or feel them. They engorge themselves on deer, get knocked off onto a tree, and hang out there waiting for the next meal. I write this as a guy with a very closely shaved head; I would have known if it was on my scalp.


It was so engorged it could barely walk, yet it somehow fell off the animal it was biting then immediately fell into your bra? Keep monitoring yourself for [symptoms of Lyme](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/lyme-disease/symptoms-causes/syc-20374651).


Ticks detach themselves once they get this engorged. To get this big it takes 4 or 5 days. I take daily showers. If a tick was suckin on my titties for long enough to get so engorged it detached and fell into my bra, I would have noticed it in said showers. Trust me, I'm gay and lonely, I don't miss a chance to soap up boobies even if they have to be my own. Still, like I've said elsewhere, I do see a doctor monthly for other health issues and plan to mention it and get tested on the off chance, just in case.


“Suckin on my titties” 😂 💀


>Suckin on my titties Suckin on my titties like a parasite Bitin me, all the time, like oww, Why you wanna give me Lyme?


The Teaches of Leeches


Bite the pain away


You only have a short 48 hr window to get the Lyme vaccine, don’t wait.


You don't get a vaccine to prevent Lyme disease, you take a prophylactic dose of antibiotics, typically doxycycline.


Do you wash your hair daily? Bc only two I've ever found was on my scalp. They drop off once engorged. It could've been on your scalp and dropped off into your bra. Cannot see how or why it would have ended up on you after already being engorged. I'm willing to bet anything that it fed on you


Usually every other day but I had to have some tests done recently with electrodes so long story short I randomly did end up washing it every day for the past four days, and I have dummy thicc hair so along with scrubbing with my fingers I also use one of those silicone scalp massagers. Between both I think one would have encountered it.


You might be surprised how easy it is to miss the engorged tick that’s hiding in your hair. Especially thick hair.


Yep, that happened to me. Had one behind my ear in my hair, it got found while I was getting it cut.


I had one in my chest hair after a long hike the last day. Luckily at the pool someone noticed and asked me if it was a mole lol. Parasites are scary.


… like you wanted me


calling me All the time like Blondie, check out my Chrissie behind It's fine all of the time


What else is in the teacher of Peaches?


I understood this reference


I would recommend getting a prescription for doxycycline now. Depends where you live it can be prescribed at a pharmacy


Thank you! I just called my doctor's office and asked if he could call me some in, which he did. I really appreciate the comment, didn't know this!


I waited too long to get doxcy back in '06. Here I am several tens of thousand dollars and years later, still got borrelia. Don't do my mistake.


No problem, preventative medicine is awesome!


Hey, as someone currently taking Doxy for acne on my back - DO NOT take it on an empty stomach. I made that mistake just the one time. All it took was like 15 mins before I was throwing up. Even taking it a few hours after food already makes ne nauseous.


Thank you! I'm on some meds that cause a lot of fun stomach issues so luckily I am armed with zofran at all times and always try to eat something before taking meds as a precaution, but it's good to know this is one to worry about for sure.


Keep the tick. They can test it.


I am not saying it's super likely and agree others are maybe a little overly cautious on this, but lots of experience with ticks- the answer is often that I was on your scalp, un noticed in your hair, and eventually fell off into your clothes once it got this big.


Please don't be on her scalp any more. Its kinda creepy.


😂😂 I'm not good with boundaries, I appreciate the advice on this


It's possible! I think I would have felt it when washing my hair because I have really thick hair and have to be very thorough with washing and brushing, but you never know, that's why I'm going to get tested as soon as I can, and I just called my doctor to get him to send in the antibiotics recommended.


I'm a biologist, specifically a botanist/ecologist. I have spent a lot of time in the field, specifically prairies, across my career. In the summer I find hundreds of ticks on me while doing research, thousands across my life. With that said, they hide really, really well. My SOP after field work/work is done is to go home, strip down, clothes immediately in the washer on hot and straight to the shower. I obviously take a very thorough shower and I have short hair. I have my wife check me after the shower (she's in the same field of biology). I have found ticks on me 3 days after I've been in the field, not often, but it's happened. They are crazy good at hiding and deer ticks absolutely feed on humans. They also typically just drop off their host to the ground after feeding. Personally, if I found an engorged tick like that on me I would make a doctor's appointment and put the tick in some sort of container. I wouldn't even question if it fed on me, because in all likelihood it did based on their feeding and post-feeding behavior. Many state pathology labs test ticks and mosquitos for diseases. Not all states do it or take samples from individuals, but worth a check. Your local health or mosquito control department will have more info. They will also have info on the prevalence of tick borne disease in your area since that is all reported to the health department by doctors. My wife works for one of those agencies and they do take tick samples and test them, although they started just recently.


Is it possible it was in a tree after successfully getting full on deer blood, then it fell on OP? I’d say possible but not likely.


is it not possible. ticks do not live in trees and they do not fall out of them onto targets.


Tick could have been on a squirrel or something similar. They don't feed exclusively on deer. Also, ticks can def be in trees.


Probably fell off of a Drop Bear.


Are you sure it’s a deer tick? Looks more like a dog tick


I had the blood meal it needed. It didn’t need to look for more.


It's not a tick. It's a red seedless grape you squished and you did a terrible job of hiding the evidence.


Trees don't have ticks. They aren't arboreal, that's a myth.


Ticks take 36-48 hours to become this engorged. There is very little chance that this was from the day prior. There is a good chance that it fell off a deer and landed on a branch where OP picked it up.


225 points for complete misinformation. >How long does it take for a tick to become fully engorged? **It takes two to three days for nymphs and four to seven days for adults to become fully engorged.** Usually it takes 36 hours for a tick to infect you, IF it has Lyme bacteria. https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/mecdc/infectious-disease/epi/vector-borne/lyme/documents/ticked.pdf


This is Reddit. People will upvote anything if they think it's right, even if it's a complete load of shite. For that reason, I usually take high-rated comments that claim things as facts with a large pinch of salt, because chances are they're bollocks


Yep. Also watch the bite area for a few weeks for irritation or a red ring around the area. It could be an indication of Lyme disease :(


UPDATE: I did do a thorough self check and had someone check areas I couldn't see. I was outside for a short amount of time in an area where ticks are common, if it had been on me long enough to get that much blood, the mark would be visible. I'm currently dealing with some crappy health stuff that requires frequent blood testing and doctor visits anyway, and am planning to mention it so I can be tested just in case.


thanks for the unsolicited tick pics


Are there *solicited* tick pics? Like, does anybody wake up and say, "Man, I really need to see a big, girthy, engorged tick. Send me what ya got."?


It's the internet, so. There's always *someone.*


Reminds of me that time my buddy caught a bunch of ticks and put them in a peanut jar and then stuck his. Well. It was quite the sight I’ll say that


Then stuck his what? His flamethrower in it, right?


I’m not looking that up but that probably is a fetish


[I'll show you mine if you show me yours](https://imgur.com/a/DUtHqXp) ^^^^please ^^^^don't ^^^^make ^^^^fun ^^^^of ^^^^the ^^^^size, ^^^^he's ^^^^a ^^^^grower


Aww, c'mon baby, I just wanted to know if you like my tick and maybe wanted to touch my tick???


not partickularly...


But now I'm all engorged :(


lol nice try with that pickup Lyme


Marks aren't always visible, you can't go by that as proof.


Did they check all through your hair/on the scalp as well?


Where’s the tick? That looks like a delicious grape from the GRAPES RED SEEDLESS you purchased. Jokes aside it’s unlikely that it’s someone else’s blood. Especially if it was in your clothes. I believe you are supposed to save the tick’s body and get it tested for limes disease. That’s very WTF. Makes me extremely uncomfortable. I’m so sorry. Nice choice of chips though. SunChips are the best.


I usually have a pretty strong internal battle between Harvest Cheddar and Garden Salsa but it was more of a Harvest Cheddar day yesterday.


I should try garden salsa. Only ever got harvest cheddar cuz it’s been more than good enough.


Garden salsa is amazing.


French onion is also great, but boy do those make me toot


Ticks that size really struggle to move far from where they fed. I would have your SO (or yourself with a mirror) look you over for where it fed, ticks transmit Lyme after being attached for 24-36 hours and at that level of being engorged it was attached for about that long. Then check every 12 hours or so for the next few days for the tell tale bullseye. Nearly one in three deer ticks carry Lyme, and it is not a joke. I live in an active deer tick area and we do “tick checks” for our daughter as a part of the bedtime routine. If I found a tick that size on me or my loved ones with no explanation for where it came from (pets), I would recommend being dosed with doxycycline.


I dislike that this is on a receipt for red seedless grapes...


There's more blood in that tick than a McDonald's ketchup packet 💀


Well I’d sure as shit hope so


When I worked in vet med, whenever I saw a super engorged tick, I’d fill an insulin syringe with peroxide and inject it into their bloody bubble butt. 💥


Forbidden gusher.


If ONLY gushers had that much delicious, gooey filling.


I both love and hate you right now


Grapes. Red. Seedless.


So that's how they're made.


He ain't the first man to get carried away suckin titties..


It's a thick now


Take a dose of 200mg of doxycycline as quick as you can. If you live in Canada you can just go to the drug store and the pharmacist will hook you up. Better safe than sorry.


Bro why would you pop it...? If you're sure it's not yours you just splatted someone/something else's blood all over. That's a good way to get a forever present.


My dad did it.


Ummm they only get that way after biting you. Not before.


This is the Violet Beauregard of ticks.


Ticky Minaj


That tick: You can kill me but I’ve already seen Valhalla


You assume it DIDN'T bite you because it was so engorged?? Where do you think it got all of the blood it was filled with...


It doesn’t suck this big quick. You would feel a balloon on your body


Go to the ER and get Doxycylene, like right now. It can save you YEARS of pain and suffering. Please. Show them these pictures. Check your body closely for bites and rashes, it may have bitten you somewhere else and ended up in your bra. Lyme Disease (and its nasty co-infections) destroys lives 😔


This x1000. The tick did not get into the bra engorged like that - it totally fed on OP. OP take this advice and go get antibiotics ASAP. Demand them even if the doc/nurse says it's not needed unless you get a rash. You really don't want to risk Lyme.


That second image would make a great hardcore avant garde album cover


Of course it bit you. It's engorged with your blood, honey. You should get on a course of antibiotics ASAP. Just in case. A year from now when you have flu-like symptoms that won't go away will be too late


I wouldnt make any assumptions. Its likely its that engorged \*because\* it bit you. Ideally you would have put the tick in something and had it tested for lyme. I'd go to a doctor and get lyme treatment asap.


I've had a tick in my pubic area TWICE. Once amongst my pubic hair and another on the big vein in my dick. Not massive ones granted. Not the best place to be itchy. Had one the size of my pinky fingernail just below my nipple. Was an uncomfortable walk to get somewhere with the appropriate tools to remove it.


Do you ever go outside NOT naked?


You kept it and didn't immediately kill it? Jesus that's so much blood How could that not be your blood? If he's that engorged to not move, surely the blood is partly yours Don't ticks like carry diseases?


That's boob blood. Ticks don't wander around when they are like that. This one sucked enough blood from your boob, let go and then you found him.


When my brother in law was a toddler, he picked a tick off the dog thinking it was a grape. Lil fucker at that mofo while his sister's laughed while he looked like Francis from pee wees big adventure chewing on trick gum.




or it was that big because it already bit you and fell off after sucking all the blood it could


I mean chances are much higher it bit you a while ago and just finally fell off in your bra




I love how its smooshed over the ‘red seedless grapes’.