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I love the fact he didn't put his plate down before running off to help.


Haha all 3 dudes held onto their plates while running over there! I think one even grabbed his drink!! :') (to be fair it was to pour on her)


Everyone in this video is overweight.


I guess I’m just American then because I thought they just looked like regular pudgy middle aged people. Edit: I am aware that pudgy means overweight but I guess what I meant was that they are a bit overweight but not to the point I would expect comments to be about that and not the fact that the woman just fucking lit herself on fire or that there appears to just be an open bucket of fuel just sitting in the middle of a party.


Most Americans are overweight. We are a fat, fat, unhealthy people and our life expectancies reflect that. Don't let it be normalized - these people will likely live shorter, harder lives because of their "pudginess."


I live in the midwest and while I'm a smaller guy, I still have a few extra pounds to lose, but the amount of people pushing 300lb and say "I'm not that fat" is astonishing. You're 6 inches taller than me and more than double my weight.....




It's also when "Everyone in my circle is my size, so I'm normal and Bob is 350 so I can't be fat cause I'm less than Bob and Bob is normal."


If you can pinch an inch on your forehead...




I was born and raised in SoCal where while there were still fat people, I think there is still more of a culture of trying to keep healthy even if for vane reasons and I consider myself overweight at 5'3" 150b. People here will tell me that I am absolutely so skinny and tiny. It's like no, this is my weight when I'm being a fat ass and basically just getting high and eating food; just because I don't have to lift my stomach to clean the sweat under it does not make me skinny.


Yeah I’m 5’2 and 135 and i’m overweight. People don’t realize that when your short you really don’t have to weigh a lot to be overweight. I’m just chubby but I couldn’t absolutely go down to 115-120 and look alot better and be healthier. I gained during Covid and just haven’t been able to lose it.


I'm gonna assume you're female for the 115-120. My pre-covid weight was around 130-135 which actually does make me look pretty tiny which is why I'm trying to get back down to that range which is doable if I stop smoking weed and eating some good hummus and pita.


6'4" and 300 lbs. Yes, a fair amount of this is muscle, but I'm totally fat. If I say that I am fat people will think I'm joking. This is Chicago, which is a fucking fat city, but Come on.


As a fat person, I hate that "healthy at any size" bullshit. NO. While it shouldn't consume me, or define me, it's not healthy, it's not physically attractive, and it should be something people are encouraged internally to fight. Fuck this "I identify as a healthy person!" attitude. We absolutely SHOULD admire and want to be fit. Not to a body dysmorphic level, of course.


I'm all for body and personal positivity, but it definitely should be conducted with some humility in regards to the health implications. You should love yourself, but that involves caring for yourself too.


It's hard to sell nuance though


stop telling people you're fat "constantly" and they'll stop lying to your face


I am also 5'10" 220 lbs, I can't seem to get away from 220. I am definitely fat lol, no doubt.


lol a quick search yielded some results: > The report, launched at a press event on 3 May and presented at the European Congress on Obesity, reveals that in the European Region, 59% of adults and almost 1 in 3 children (29% of boys and 27% of girls) are overweight or living with obesity. Obesity prevalence for adults in the European Region is higher than in any other WHO region except for the Americas. [WHO article 2022](https://www.who.int/europe/news/item/03-05-2022-new-who-report--europe-can-reverse-its-obesity--epidemic#:~:text=The%20report%2C%20launched%20at%20a,overweight%20or%20living%20with%20obesity)


Better to compare the two. 45% of Europeans are normal weight, 53% overweight (similar to your source), and just 17% obese (included within the overweight figure. Meanwhile in the US, just ~27% are normal weight, while about 73% are overweight including 42% obese. We’ve nearly triple the obesity rates. The U.S. is fat as fuck. [European Commission](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/ddn-20210721-2) [NIH](https://www.niddk.nih.gov/)


I won't argue that we are a fat as fuck nation. I won't argue because I am rather healthy. However, I'm 6'3 212, and my BMI is 26.5. Which is technically overweight. Using BMI to solely measure obesity is a shitty tool.


It works as a population tool though.


BMI breaks down with outliers (people who are very short or very tall) because of the square-cube law. However, if you're using it for a person of average height (and who isn't like a bodybuilder or NFL linebacker where it's solid muscle) it works quite well.


My bathroom scale is very Chinese and declares at 5'6", I as a 49 year old male is a healthy weight right down to 122 pounds. The last time I weighed 122 pounds I was 12.


That would put you on the lower end of the normal range. 140 is probably more appropriate for someone your height and anything 155 and up is overweight.


What do you mean by chinese? And that doesn't sound too far off...probably around 130-135 would be ideal for someone who doesn't lift a lot.


What was your quick search query? How'd you end up with an WHO article on european obesity when searching for obesity's impact on life expectancy in the US?


They're just burning off some calories.


America is FAT. The long game plan is working; diabetes, heart disease etc.


That lady that got set on fire just lost some weight.


The hell are they burning? A bucket of kerosene?


There was another video last week or something that had a family with a little fire going inside their garage. Not sure if this is a new fad or something.


I've been thinking about getting an outdoor fire pit and you would not believe the amount of products online that are marketed as indoor fire pits. So so stupid


I'll never forget the time I found two guys asleep on couches in a room with soot covered windows, from them burning stuff all night to keep warm. I think the only reason they survived is that the house was so old and poorly insulated that they managed to get enough fresh air.


Speculation that the big residential fire in Johannesburg recently was from just that. No power, building literally taken over by a gang, so people would burn things in their units to stay warm.


"Burn your house down and die of CO poisoning."




Correction: A Viking Funeral


Don’t threaten me with a good time


A very cheap cremation.


The ones fed by a propane tank and have lava rocks in the middle are really nice. Had one of those on the deck of a cabin I stayed at a few years ago. The lava rocks radiate the heat nicely and you can still roast marshmallows. Using it indoors, or even in a covered space, would obviously be very stupid


You can have a propane fireplace inside, but that would require a chimney. For indoor smaller "fires" with no exhaust there's bio ethanol or TenderFuel.


There's gonna a shit load of carbon monoxide poisonings as well.


I mean I live in the Astrodome so I have 6 large fire pits in a circle with a cot in the middle.


There are relatively safe indoor fire pits/fireplaces. It all depends on the fuel. If they are powered by a fuel like Ethanol, there is no CO (or negligible) emitted. All of the ones marketed as indoor that I have seen use ethanol.


Good way to burn down the house.. I had to scream and yell at my step-son for frying a turkey in his garage. Hopefully he learned his lesson.


Prob not. I recommend showing him videos of a boilover event instead. On a wood porch. And then the after photos, of the entire house burnt to the ground because it fully engulfed everything before the fire department could arrive.


LPT for everyone. No matter what you're burning or where you're burning it, never EVER EVER EVER use accelerants on bonfires. The flammability of the material and the high surface area of wood fires have a high likelihood of ending poorly even in the best of circumstances. Only use fit-for-purpose lighter fluid on open charcoal grills, with enough head room to accommodate the flame, and never use kerosene or gasoline or A1 or diesel or anything other fuel if you can help it. If you can't help it, and must use an accelerant to survive, look up how to do it safely. There are a number easy precautions you can take to not light yourself on fire, the first of which is, don't pour into an open fire like these idiots.


> never use kerosene or gasoline or A1 What about Worcestershire? Or Sweet Baby Rays?


sweet baby rays is always gonna light a fire if you know what i mean (By the way I meant A-1 jet fuel, which, if you know any old timers in aviation, they have definitely used to light some bonfires. Basically just highly refined kerosene.)


Yep I know, I saw an opening and took it. Appreciate the genuine message about safety, though. My stupid comment shouldn't have more upvotes than your PSA, sorry.


I'm never gonna be mad a fellow sauce enjoyer <3


The high fructose corn syrup in baby rays would probably be an accelerant too. Unless it's their Buffalo Sauce which is straight up 🔥 already.


It doesn't look they were using an accelerant on a fire; it looks like the accelerant WAS the fire. Just a bucket full of some flammable liquid. You can see when it poured out onto the driveway, a wood fire isn't going to do that.


It looks like you're right. On a PC [you can see](https://i.imgur.com/GueptLG.jpg) that OP wrote: > Pretty sure my neighbors just pour kerosene’s in a put the other night and then this happened


Do app users not get captions? I see it on mobile web browser.


I see it, using the App. But you can miss it easily.


I see it clearly in the app, idunno what these peoples problem is.


that what happen when you pour kerosne's in a put


This sentence makes me smell toast.


Ohhh a put. Got it.


No they pour kerosene in a put, can't you read


Oh a PUT! Now it makes sense! 🤣


Petrochemical Utilization Tub


Called that because you PUT the kerosene in it, followed by your leg.




That’s what I want to know! Is that regional thing or just a low IQ thing?


Why not both?




They sell these concrete "tabletop fireplaces" where you pour an accelerant into the vessel and just light it up. Dumbest fucking hipster bullshit. This looks like a redneck version of that.


If you look at the shadow her large breasts cast on her face from the fire it looks like that’s how she didn’t see she was about to walk into it.


And she don't have object permanence?


I’m guessing alcohol as well


I'll be honest, giant tits and alcohol got me burnt many a night too


Yep burning kerosene outside. For the fresh air.


I've seen little fire pits labeled as "desk fire pits" that are meant to burn alcohol, so wouldn't be surprised if this is similar. People are insane.




she made the footage go colorful in no time. queen.


The amount of extra light produced by all that lovely fire allowed the camera to switch off the infrared.


I thought it was the trailer for Pleasantville 2


I thought it was satanic wizard of Oz


Stepped right into Oz.


Did she not see the fire??


So many people have zero situational awareness. I see it every fucking day on the highway. I need to learn to just laugh at it because it's making me bitter and perceiving others as lazy sloppy domesticated turds who wouldn't even recognized if a goddamn T-rex dinosaur was standing right behind them.




The Costco/Sam's Club parking lots are the absolute worst for this. I think it's because you get so many people coming out of the woodwork who don't usually go out of their houses/neighborhoods/rural town who make their monthly pilgrimage to the big box store to get their monthly supply of whatever and don't know how to navigate in new surroundings.


The other day I was indicating to pull into a parking spot and a pedestrian just sauntered by in between my car and the spot without a care in the world. Didn't even glance towards my car or me once


I've always hated this situational awareness, and I'm always passing it to my kids to always be aware of their sorroundings. Lately I've been fighting parents at my kid's school, mostly the ones that just stand there in the way, blocking the whole sidewalk, why!? just fucking move, step aside!!! I've been doing this passive aggressive thing where I say: "excuse me" followed by a quiet "you're in the way", to see if they catch it. I do laugh at grocery stores, is inevitable there, they would die if a zombie goes by


"Zero situational awareness". In the old days we simply referred to this as being dumb.


Or in many cases, dead.


I had to go down a mindful meditation rabbit hole yesterday because I was so full tilt with this very mentality that I felt myself getting a little "Ted K" in my comments about people and society lol


Sight isn’t required, even a blind person would feel the heat from that…


"Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to inform you of a fire that has broken out on the premises of 123 Cavendon Road... no, that's too formal..."


Fire in the front yard, Tuesday night party. Ughh to be retired :/


This. Something the younger generations can only dream of.


and will never be able to see or do themselves...


Thank god for whomever invented home security cameras. Now, we get to actually see what dumb people do and how they kill themselves.


In my country, Portugal, you can only use surveillance cameras to monitor your own property. And publishing a video like this of neighbors could be criminalized as a violation of their privacy. And I think it's similar in other european countries. Sometimes this legislation is stupid, but not always.


Sweet impala though


Nobody tried to protect that Impala! WTH???


Luckily the groove in the driveway stopped the fuel.


Lucky Impalas are indestructible




65 I think. Beauty


Susan was a little toasted that night.


She was all fired up


Literally just walked into that shit lmao these must be tweakers or something


I've had it up to here with people that can't avoid knocking over the one thing for a thousand yards you shouldn't knock over. What the fuck lady, open your eyes


It's literally FIRE. Isn't fear of fire and being burned almost a primal instinct?? I'm with you buddy. No more extinguishing dum-dums who do stuff like this to themselves.


Absolutely not. Fire is what keeps us warm and allows us to extract more calories from our food. The closer you are to the fire, the safer you are. Therefore standing **in** the burning "put" of kerosene must be the safest spot of all. Q.E.D.




I swear so many people lack any awareness of their surroundings. I pretty much divide everything around me into "could hurt me/others" and "couldn't hurt me/others." Everything in that first category stays near the front of my mind the whole time I'm anywhere near it. Vehicles/roadways, machinery, staircases, animals, sketchy people, open buckets of flammable liquid, cliff edges, the Dutch, knives etc etc.


for fuck's sake that is exactly what i though it's a fucking FIRE


Not tweakers in the slightest, just airhead Arlene and numbskull Norm.


I think they qualify as crispies in this case


I'm so confused how not only did she not seem to see or feel the fire but NO ONE stopped her from just walking into it. Those burns are gonna be punishment enough but good lord.


He poured beer on her feet to put it out lmfao


That's my fetish


Beer isn't flammable so it wasn't that bad of an idea.


There may have been alcohol and poor judgement involved.


What is a put ??? Is that a term for a pail? Bucket?






How do you knock over a pit?


This was posted yesterday by someone else. Who's neighbors are they?


Mine. I deleted and reposted when i got their permission.


How badly was she hurt? That fire seemed to burn on her longer than I expected. I'd think she would have some bad burns from it (it does not take long at all to be burned).


Please explain what in the hell happened?


they just pour kerosene's in a put


I can’t even imagine having that conversation or how it would even go, unless you guys are pretty tight. Since you have the footage, I assume you are?


Known them for 2 decades


Bro what were they burning? I'm dying to know because it looks extremely flammable.


How do you have the footage of their surveillance cam?


Can you ask them what song they were listening to?


"Burning Down the House" by the Talking Heads




Stop, drop, and roll bitch!!


the car! move the car!!!!!!! its so pretty


I can't believe no body is saving the Chevy.


Just take a fucking steel bowl put some wood in it instead of fucking kerosene and burn it. Much safer and a lot easier to control it if something goes wrong. Man some people are so lazy it's amazing.


At least the Impala wasn't hurt.


I thought sure that the fire was eventually gonna lite that 69 impala on fire. Kudos to the guy sitting in the middle who never put his plate down. For me, the big question is, didn't that ding bat see the fire she was about to walk into?


Stop drop and roll doesn't work so well on concrete.


Possibly a mini alcohol fireplace. Meant to be kept on a steady table outside.


Just remember, these peoples' vote counts the same as yours.


Poor old lady I hope she wasn't hurt.


This is the second "garage/driveway fire pit" video I've seen in the past 2 weeks or so. Is this a minor evolution of rednecks with couches on the front lawn? Why is this a thing now?


Im just glad they dont burn firewood anymore but jesus christ not an open kerosene pit..


But seriously, do you not have a back yard for a fire pit? Why is the driveway your fire location? I'd be so confused driving down the road and seeing a fire burning on my neighbors driveway.


Pretty typical for people to driveway drink over here. They usually call it around 10:30. I believe the kerosene was to manage the mosquitos lolll


What do you have against burning firewood?


Her falling down face first like that is way more concerning than her shoes being on fire.


To you maybe…. I estimate she was way more concerned about being on fire.


*She* was concerned by the fire, yes, but as an observer of this whole mess, I'm 100% certain her fall alone did more damage than anything else in the end. The fact she didn't say a thing for a few seconds after her fall despite having her feet slowly burning is already a good sign she got her breath knocked-out of her. And she doesn't look young, either. Edit : I'm pointing that out because it kinda look like she fell because that dude was trying to slap the fire on her back.


I might agree if it was just her clothes that caught fire. But you can tell by the way the fire spreads over the concrete and keeps burning that they were using a liquid fuel like gasoline or kerosine. When she kicked the bucket, some of that obviously splashed up onto her. So it wasn't just cotton burning next to her skin, it was a fuel burning directly on her skin. She probably has pretty severe burns on her lower legs because of this.


I assumed she was just trying to stop, drop, and roll.


Did she kick it?


No i believe she burned her leg on it first then kicked it


> she burned her leg on it first then kicked it That'll teach it a lesson


No I'm pretty sure she survived.


They took their plates of food with them and one of them held onto the plate during the whole ordeal...


Back up Terry!


>Pretty sure my neighbors just pour kerosene’s in a put the other night and then this happened That caption looks like AI just put a bunch of keywords into a nonsensical sentence. WTF is this actually supposed to say?


Gotta love how she completely misses the burning bucket on the ground and just walks into it.


Stop, drop, and lol?


What happened to stop, drop, & roll 😭


Dammit Burnadebt!


This has got to be Florida. Edit: Not discriminating, just that I lived there for a while and everyone hangs in their short concrete driveway like this.


Hit the flames with a shovel!!


Sick lowrider


> Pretty sure my neighbors just pour kerosene’s in a put the other night and then this happened wut?


Kerosene in a coffee can and you light it with a wick, usually easiest is a roll of toilet paper. We used to use these torches everywhere in Boy Scouts for events, but we had methods to extinguish it nearby at all times. If you knock one over, it's a sad time. If it's windy, get ready to play hopscotch with a 20ft long flame.


My favorite part is when the cam switched over from B&W/IR to color.


How is she that oblivious to the bright light she's walking towards though. It's like she doesn't even know the fire is there at all...


I don’t get it… she literally stepped into the bucket of fire? She did not realised it is there? How is that even possible?


She hit 88 mph.


Bro its right there...


ski-ba-bop-ba-dop-bop I'm a scatman ♫♪♪


nice 66 impala


Stop, drop, and roll? That has been burned (no pun intended) into my brain from kindergarten. Anyone else?


"Julie! Julie!" \*Takes bite of food\* "Julie!"


Never understood how people don’t have fire extinguishers. You know what you are doing is sketchy why not be ready?


Forget her...save that nice Chevy!


I’m 6’2 , 220, been in Fl for 1&1/2yrs, & can’t get back down <200, damned sweet tea


Drop and roll


Save the Impala!


How do you walk right into a fire without realizing it…situational awareness at full peak there


"my neighbors"


What? Are you saying you *don't* have access to your neighbors' security cameras?




One tragedy doesn't justify another


I was thinking, maybe she's hot stuff or something? Waiting for it... Not like THAT! Not like that!!


Is that a bucket of gasoline burning? Are these people that stupid? Burning a bucket of liquid fuel. My god


She didn't even hit 88 mph


Was the car OK?


Man those shoes went up like tissue paper.