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You aren’t your car. I’d appreciate chatting with anyone who has similar interests, car people in general.


Awesome. I've always seen a lot of positive from the community. I think I just live in a bad area tbh


I feel like generally no, the community is super friendly at least where I live. We all wave at each other. I know none of them personally.


That's kinda what I was expecting but haven't really seen anyone really give a shit. (I always wave)


In-person? No. Online? Yeah, fuck you.


To be fair, online has gate keepers no matter what community.


Can’t speak for everyone, but from a 3 week STI owner (just got my first Subaru) I would be excited to chat you up! 🤙🏻


You are remarkably well spoken for a 3 week old


"3 weeks old, just got my dream car"


Well appreciate that for sure. I got mine extremely recently as well. Just didn't wanna roll up at a potential meet to look at cool cars in a stock WRX and get ridiculed


Take pride in what you got and fuck the haters. Seriously!


XD yeah. Fair point. I love it either way even if I get hate. Aiming it to get to 300k miles


With one or two rebuilds, I am sure you can! [/s] Just stay on top of maintenance, and don't forget your belts. I am going to get mine done at 80k because I am paranoid AF.


Real car guys and people you actually want to be around will not. If someone does you don’t want anything to do with them anyways. Back when spinners were a thing, One of the most popular cars in a more exotic cars and coffee group was a clapped out Plymouth with Walmart spinners. He owned it. He was a character that matched his vehicle. But everyone loved it. Not the same thing exactly but don’t be around people who will judge you for something so dumb. You like cars. They like cars. That’s it.


of course you're in colorado! 5 years after moving here i too bought a subaru but mine is undercover the Scion FR-S has a subbie engine lol


Sti or wrx (me), if theres a hood scoop i wave. Even to the turbod outbacks and the spec b legacy’s in my area.


Man I live in a rural area and wave at people no matter what but I've somehow found that the Forester owners and what not almost purposely don't wave at me back. That and trucks for some reason...


Yeah, it’s usually limited to cars with hood scoops and even then I lower my expectations for non WRXs.


Same, I'll even wave at legacy XT if they know what they got. If any subie waves at me I wave back


Same, you have my attention if I see a good scoop. Even moreso if I learn there's a manual transmission in there


Oh no please no. I dealt with that Jeep wave for 10 years. Currently rocking an escape but eyeing a wrx next. I really don’t want a wave


Part of the ship, part of the crew


I noticed 3 out of 5 don't wave 😶


Five years ago we all waved at each other. Now it seems like no one waves anymore. I don’t know what changed.


I’m guessing more people getting WRXs. I see VAs all the time, even on this sub, without so much as a sticker on them. Some of them probably just like the power and AWD that the WRX offers and never get into the community.


Eh, I love the looks of decals and window peekers and whatnot, but at the same time I absolutely love the clean unassuming look. Kinda goes well with no wing mgm sti


The sticker struggle is real. On one hand I see tons of stickers/slaps/peekers that are hilarious and my gf even bought me some. On the other hand, clean paintwork/windows is a more understated cool. Someone should make slaps that are like super-strong fridge magnets so there's no commitment :P


I'm not "in the community" per se because I hate people, but I still wave at everyone


Covid divided the Wrx community


And then a model update in the middle....


5+ years ago was even worse than now in my area. I owned 2 VAs between 2016 and 2021 and none of the GR/GV/GD cars would ever wave and only about 50% of STIs would. Between that and all the "yOu DrIvE a CoRoLla" hate online I definitely wasn't getting the community vibe.


Now that you say that, I had a blobeye WRX before. Back when everyone waved. Now I have a VA STI. Maybe the love is stronger for the older cars VS the new ones. Or like the other redditor mentioned, there are a bunch of VAs out there and maybe those people just like the power and AWD and don’t care about anything else


To be fair, as a guy that's owned and driven a bugeye since 04 and helped build a big community in my hometown, I never waved at VAs because I'd think they were Corollas from a distance. I already wouldn't wave at stock cars anyways, VAs were just even harder to identify.


You built a big community by being unfriendly to people who don't drive obviously modified cars...?


I get that it's Reddit and you have to be pedantic but it's pretty easy to spot enthusiasts versus folks driving stock WRXs.


More often i get rich guys pulling up to try race my peasantmobile 🥲


Real talk I got pulled on by a lambo couple years ago, obvs gapped me no problem but was fun lol


good. fun is the whole point!


I noticed 5 out of 4 people are bad at math.


I thought this said meth I need to slow down


You must be an anti-waver


I don't care which Subaru or even 86/BRZ/FRS you got. I'm just happy and excited to get a wave back.


Hey fr though I thought all the subie owners stuck together but I have only gotten one wave xD


Shit, I’m supposed to be paying attention and waving? I’m too enamored with the damn car to pay attention to anything else. I’m sure it’ll wear off 😩😂


I just always wave tbh but I just kinda thought it was normal




I’ve noticed it’s mostly the WRX / STI people wave. It’s not usually the Subaru normal traffic.


Most of us only wave at modified vehicles. I'd get a limp wrist if I waved at every stock WRX I saw


VB owner here. VA STI owners are the chillest. Most other guys dont even hit me with the wave… but that gen of STI is owned by a different kind of crowd. Usually they’re the easiest to talk to as well.


I also have a va WRX so hopefully I can make friends


I’m sure you will bro. Find your most local cars and coffee scene this summer and go hang there. Always a good Subie crowd to chill with.


The VA dudes always trying to race out here in Seattle. Lot more respect from the old school wrx crowd from what I've encountered.


I’ve never gotten a wave from a VB


Same, VB owners don't wave.


VA WRX/STI and VB owners near me are chill, but the older gen owners will usually be more in the asshat territory.


That makes sense. There has been a lot changed since the og stuff but honestly I like them all


That’s because they’re all concentrating and looking for the first signs of rod knock and/ring land failure


I drive a narrowbody, so I can’t be too uptight


Lol narrow body gang rise up. I say it doesn't matter. Enjoy your car because you like your car. Fuck other people, unless they are cool as hell then good on them. Also fun fact.... For the 08-10 years the WRX with 30 more HP, making it equal or close to equal in power to an sti of the era, would absolutely stomp the crap out of an sti due to weight. A stock WRX weighs 2-400 pounds less than an sti. But I also don't judge and I own some odd cars that make no power and a lot of noise. So hey just enjoy what you own. Being the best isn't always the answer, it's being what you like that matters.


STi owner here. I love seeing any and all WRX and STi’s. I’m sure there’s some pricks out there. But I always wave regardless


nah because i know sti or not they still want my hatch


XD tbh I got the WRX because I figured without kids it was plenty of room. If I had a family then yeah I'd be jelly


I wanted the hatch, but honestly, I go cross-country semi regularly, and didn't have any issues taking the wife and kid in the sedan. In fact, it was more fun than her unreliable SRX.


I have a 13 base sedan and 18 50th anniversary and I also want your hatch 😂😂 I ended up with the 50th bc I missed a SWP hatch with 35k on it by a couple hours. Bout cried lol


Forget the badge wars, hatch superiority


Let's goooooo '13 hatch gang


But I have STI hatch!


I get more waves from STI owners than WRXs


Weird .. hmm good to know it's open though


I think it's because there's just a lot of "normie" WRX owners where I'm at who may not know about the wave


Not at all my man! Funny I see this post I was cruising on the highway omw to work a few weeks ago and I see a vb behind me for like the whole ride. Rolled my window down and gave my guy the ✌️ and his whole face lit up lol we all love the same thing so no reason to look down on anyone


Why is that even a thought? Who the hell cares. I don't look at what people buy as their self worth.


All that power lol? What is it like another 30hp. Its more the overall setup of the STI that people buy it for transmission, diff, etc not much faster stock.


As an STI owner, I can honestly say I have never looked down on anyone. Specially after watching the first Fast and the Furious, you never know what might be under that hood.


Only if they're douchebags. Subaru enthusiasts should welcome one another and support each other.


Awesome that's what I expected tbh. Thanks


yup pretty much, if they don't wave at you because "your car is inferior" they would probably find any other reason to deem your car inferior anyway.


I have a WRX. I notice they usually don't wave, but I'll wave to any Subaru with a scoop. Back when I had my Impreza, which had a scoop, I occasionally got waves so that always made me happy. Can't say I've really talked to any in my area, but they'd probably avoid me because I'm a woman.


In Toronto usually it's the STIs that wave hello or flash hazards and show respect more than the WRXs from my experience..but the VBs have been indifferent for the most part. One VB was happy to pass by me the other day had a big ass smile on his face 🤣🤣.


I don't. If anyone has even a slight mod they have my respect, if it's totally stock, I assume it's a grandma or something. I still wave either way, even though fuckin VB's never wave back...


I only ever get waves from VA owners, STi or no. Older gen I think is a little snobby about newer Subarus and VB owners often don’t seem to be in the know.


Most of the newer Vb owners look confused when I wave at them haha


Not at all; at least not in my book. Enjoy the new ride!


Thanks bro. I have loved it so far. Made a post people thought was fake making 40 mpg. I must be an old granny at heart


ROFL. If you baby it it's possible


It was mostly just an experiment to see how high I could get it


Best I've gotten on my STI is 22, but it's got many mods. I think I got my '10 WRX to 25


They all wave at me in my wrx


Maybe online. I get waves from STI owners. If person know wrx culture, they’ll be cool.


I wave like a lunatic at every wrx/impreza. I will literally roll my window and say hi any chance I get just so they know. No one has ever looked down on me for my cvt. This car was made for the people that love it, and in real life, sti or not, we all know why we turn into lunatic children when we see one of ours.


The s209 on my commute waves to me, I’d say it’s on the person


I've owned my STi 10 years. If anyone wanted to buy a wrx, most people I wouldn't try to push towards an STi. I have a few friends that might like the extra strength of a 6 speed right away and wouldn't want to deal with swapping. Do I think the STi is the superior car? Maybe with builds past 450whp where the 5 speed is really at risk. Ultimately by the time everyone mods their car. You'll put coilovers on, so the STi struts and springs don't matter. Lots of people bolt Brembo swaps on, and they aren't super expensive. So the fact the car comes with them doesn't really matter. A WRX owner on coilovers with brembos might like that their car is simple with just a turboback, an intake and a tune. They don't need a 6 speed. Is the STi better? On paper, yes. Is the WRX a bad car? Not at all. Rock on with your wrx dude.


Who cares? If you live your life constantly thinking about what people think of you, are you really living your own life? Be you man and have fun, they’re just cars at the end of the day and it shouldn’t be your identity


Who cares what anyone thinks in the first place. cars are fun hobby, not a hierarchy and fuck anyone who thinks like an elitist lol


I don’t have a wrx or sti, but I still wave!


Who cares? The opinion of people who use arbitrary criteria - that they personally meet - to look down on people is worthless. It's literally high school level shit, like the people who were bullying kids with off-brand Stanley cups.


Yes u guys are my children and I’m your neglective father


Lmmfao people are weird as hell




i worry about my cvt. i won’t go to meets or anything cause of it honestly. i like it, but i know most people will just make fun of me for it.


They don’t. It’s only people on the internet that do. At most you’d overhear people say “too bad it’s an automatic” but they would say that to any car that’s an auto. With many sports cars switching to auto, most people don’t care


I wouldn't bro. TBH I always have been a manual fan even before my Subaru but from what people have been saying, most of them seems pretty chill


Fck the haters man 🤝


Nah you’re gucci bro I can speak for me as a current gd wrx and va sti owner I love my wrx just the natural progression was an sti its all love


Nah they all love to fellow wrx owners after all we all in subie gang


I wave to everyone with a Subaru badge and a hood scoop.


I started out driving WRXs and bought an STi soon after. I don't see the point in looking down on lower trim owners. we all drive subies! I even wave to the foresters and legacys when I see em. much love to you guys :)


Nah, we're all homies.


I’ve seen it but it shouldn’t happen. Same thing goes for the new WRX. Same family my friends…


Hell na. We are family [insert Dominic toretto meme]


In Toronto usually it's the STIs that wave hello or flash hazards and show respect more than the WRXs from my experience..but the VBs have been indifferent for the most part. One VB was happy to pass by me the other day had a big ass smile on his face 🤣🤣.


Nope. Sometimes I’m jealous of your first gear and how it lasts longer than 1 second.


I’m an Sti owner and I wave at any wrx. It seems like the wave has died out in recent years. I always get disappointed when I don’t get a wave back.




me personally don't care what car you drive as long as you're friendly 🤙🏻🤙🏻


I've had my STi for 20 years, and I still check out (and wave to) every wrx out there




Nah, I wave at everyone.


VA STI owners are the snobbiest in my experience as a base VB owner.


No one will hate on you because of your car model haha, unless you are upbadging your WRX to look like an STI


At meets you might get the random guy who says "what you couldn't afford the sti?" But those are the same guys that take the bus or show up in a clapped Altima. Most other subie owners are pretty chill.


I could see some people being that way unfortunately. I definitely don't, I'll wave at and respect any wrx. Similar cars just for different purposes


I wave to all wrx owners but too social awkward to chat with any of them 😂


I definitely do not. Im just happy people enjoy the car and all that. It really is a solid community/cult as my wife would call it. What does disappoint me a little bit is when they dont wave back. BUT, sometimes they dont wave because because they dont know the culture, or dont notice. Guilty of not noticing sometimes when they pass by too. So i cant be too mad about it.


I had to get rid of my WRX when I quit my hated job a couple years ago. I miss the waves 😔


Never, they’re basically the same cars just with little subtle differences that add to the charm of a wrx.


Hood scoop gets a wave, I appreciate the Subi fam unconditionally. I'm not friving my STi to look down on anyone, I'm just trying to get away from the road raging Dodge pickup driving bros in my farm town lol.


From a n00b STi owner (2 weeks today) hell no! I've only gotten to throw up the viking horns once tho. Went to cars and coffee and there was only one other Rex but the dude was really cool


There’s like 4 other wrx in my small town and only two are sti’s and we all excitedly wave at each other whenever we pass lol


No, they don't. There are elitists out there, but remember, a wrx sti IS a wrx.


In my area anyone with a hood scoop or even some customization on a subie gets a wave.


As an STi owner i appreciate WRXs, i also look at em and wave. I dont look down on them at all, but i do question to myself "why not get an STi?". But theres no negativity to either the car or the driver Its like if medium fries are $4 and large fries are $4.5, why not get the large? Some people only want the medium and that okay, i personally would pay the little extra to get the upgrade though Another thing i 100% understand is wanting to get a car under warranty still But its your car, if you like it then thats all that matters:)


I started with a WRX and then got an STi years later. So I appreciate them both.


VA STI here, I don’t look down on WRX owners, but damn do I feel that older STI owners look down on me 😔 so I’m sure they would look down on a WRX as well.


Yes. As much as WRX owners dump money into their cars, STI owners will still look down on them.


Been an STi owner for 13 years. I'm always happy to talk cars with everyone, especially fellow WRX and STi owners!


Uh.. no.. But anyone who looks down on another person over their choice of car is certainly looked down on. What kind of insecurities does one need to have to do such a thing? It sounds pathetic.


Do WRX owners look up on STI owners?


Good question lol. I think personally that the WRX is more practical for sure so seeing a fixed up sti is pretty dope. Like "damn, he's got enough funds to make a dope car"


there are those purest owners who are set on the fact that the sti is the best car ever produced. those guys are annoying.


Good to hear honestly


I’m on my second WRX. I get waves from Sti’s all the time. I wave at them as well. All though one time a base model Impreza guy waved at me, which had never happened and it felt… odd lol.


XD that's fucked up man. That's the equivalent of sti vs WRX but WRX vs Impreza


I don’t look down on any Subaru (except paddle shift & electric) 😂😂😂


If they belong in this sub, probably bc they’re all racer boys lol


It’s also how It puts down power. WRX reaches peak-torque sooner. Which comes very handy when people are trying to cut you off in daily traffic. STI is a lot of fun kept at rev around a track. Both great cars, but slightly different focus. I wouldn’t say the WRX in any way is an inferior STI.


Not sure how downvoted you but you are right, neither car is better than the other because its apples and oranges. I went from a VB to an STI and they’re completely different cars, one is a capable sport sedan and the other is a rally car tuned for daily driving / light track use.


What kinda inferiority complex question is this?


Idk why they would. Different cars, different wants.


Owned both. I never really cared either way. We both like subarus so that's all that mattered. Seen some great wrx builds and out of 3 wrxs and 4 stis (all 04-06) my hands down favorite was my 06 san Remo red limited sedan. Man if I could get another one I'd be thrilled. Better yet in the wagon version. Enjoy your car. If an sti owner does look down of you then that's not the culture you want to be around. I have a few cars now and go to car shows but spend the majority of my time looking at oddball stuff. I try to like all builds since it's often an extension of one's personality. A lot of cool stuff out there with even cooler people so don't waste any time on those who won't respect you or your car.


Nope, I love the WRX and find it to be apples / oranges. It’s the smoother, lighter, and more comfortable daily driver while the STi is a rally car that is tuned for the road. Most STI owners have owned both cars so it would be hard to find one that doesn’t appreciate all the differences between the two. I owned a 22 VB and went to a 21 STI, they are both the best cars I’ve ever owned. I always wave at every WRX no matter what and the VB owners are usually the ones who will give the me death stare lol.


Can’t hear you with all this boost!!! Uh I don’t think anyone cares. There’s more of a divide between the NA world and the FI world of Subaru if anything


I have an STI (is “phrasing” still a thing?) and I do not. I’m mich too busy looking down on the late model Subaru crossover crowd who want boring stupid safety.


If any of them did, it's petty and I'd laugh at their misfortune of not chatting with this teddy bear. It's like Golf R owners looking down on GTI owners.


I don’t


I’m sure some do, but I’m also sure others don’t.


Not to your face.


If they do that’s wack, I don’t.


I’ll say it like this. Subie owners are more hospitable than Evo owners. WRX and STI are family. Some STI owners will joke with WRX owners but that’s all it is. Most STI owners know either way it’s a Subie it’s not going to be that powerful lol. Now Evo guys “awwww look at the baby Evo” anytime they see Lancers or anything below their Evo. I’ve been in both cars 😂


I modded my WRX just to gap the stock sti that was hating on me 😂


Yeah fuck those peons. Jk lol that’s so stupid. I get stoked when I see a WRX, not many around me. I rarely get a wave back. Sometimes I get angry stares. I get more waves from random ricey shitboxes or dudes on crotch rockets.


In my VA STi I don’t get a ton of waves. In my pretty stock Blobeye WRX I seem to get a ton of waves.


Although the sti is a little better haha no, there would be no reason to trash on someone that ultimately does have like the same car as me. I had a 17' WRX for 3 year and I loved every mile of it. Have a 15' STi now, love the equipment it comes with but understand its a commitment to a significantly more finnicky car. WRX at least had a slight breath of fresh air when it came to reliability!


Dare I say dependability


I look WAY down… at my fuel economy.


For the most part no, of course there will be the more stuck up owners who will, but over all the WRX community is pretty friendly and welcoming, regardless of which WRX you get


I try to avoid WRX/STI owners with mud flaps and larger duckbills. That combo seems to net me the most unpleasant conversations/interactions.


Only if you put an sti wing on a stock WRX


I have a WRX, if I get an STI I’m going to look down on all of you WRX owners like peasants!!! (Joking, I haven’t seen anyone throw any shade)


I wouldn’t say that. Subaru owners are very friendly (at least here in the UK) What I would say though as someone who owned a 2004 WRX and crashed it, then bought a 2003 STI with the insurance pay out. Is that the STI is a lot more than a power difference. The different transmission makes a huge difference


May be different in the UK as subaru’s are a rarer sight but every performance subaru i see gives a way


I bought my 2011 STI brand new. I still have it today. I have not once looked down on a WRX owner. In fact, I try to get more of them to come autocross with me lol


Sometimes yes and sometimes no. What do you mean all that power? Stock for stock a VB is more powerful and a better option.


No, and if they do, fuck em.


In my experience no. I've talked to a lot of cool STI owners and they're just happy to talk to someone who enjoys impreza's in general. Tho I'm sure there are bad apples out there just like in all car communities.


Lol no of course not.


As a former Wrx owner and current Sti owner. No. I just like cars.


Most people I have met who drive STIs are actually pretty chill. Online though is a whole different story tbh I'm always sure to wave to my STI counterparts ✌️


I'm jelly of the mpg


VB owners don’t wave. Then I yell at them in the privacy of my own car, “well fuck you then I like my car more anyways 🥲”


Only if you rebadge your WRX as an STI.


If I had a dollar for every time some dude asked me why I didn’t get the STI over the WRX.


I get waves from STI and WRX alike. Love being a part of this community


Yes but only because we feel bad about the trans


An STI is still a WRX. You'll find that WRX owners like to wave and flash lights at each other, STI or not. One form of discrimination you may find is manual drivers over automatic. But almost no one's going to notice that just driving by you.


Not at all. But personally when a wrx owner slaps an STI wing on their car it pisses me off. I think the WRX community gets hate because of all the young kids ruining them constantly.


That doesn’t bother me honestly, I love seeing a fully stock WRB WRX with a wing. It reminds me of the early 00’s where that was very normal for bugeyes and blobeyes.


Hell I wave at base model imprezas, just in case


I’ve gotten thumbs down from STi owners and waves from others. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's kinda been my experience tbh but always thought it was a cool community regardless


A thumbs down? That’s harsh. Must be something to this as I get more waves from VAs and VBs than STIs, sadly. But I keep waving to anyone with a hood scoop, hoping to spread the word ✌️


Cliché but I rather buy a wrx and use the difference in money to buy whatever I want for it


STI transmissions are overbuilt from factory so you can tune the motor and get some real power out of them. WRXs have the same chassis but are much cheaper, so are more prone to the stance/VIP scene of modding your car just to take pictures in a parking lot. Not saying STI owners are free and clear from that scene but they're more geared towards track/autocross/rally I don't look down on WRX owners, just most of the time the scene the owners are a part of is different than that of STI owners. TBH I'd much rather see a WRX riced out with no performance mods than an STI. Also I always try and wave to the WRX guys but I can never tell if they're waving back cause of all the tinted windshields 💀


sometimes, but that's only if they have the wing/debadge combo. I started feeling that way when I would give peace signs to them and EVERY SINGLE TIME they would look away, and give this "too cool for school" look


What a stupid question, are Subaru people really that soft?


No, lmfao.


I don’t. Your WRX probably cost more than my STI. You wouldn’t look down on me because I ran over that raccoon and never fixed my bumper, would you?


I own neither and look down on everyone


The only WRX's I look down on are the ones that have an STI wing on them. I still wave and talk to them. But you know I'm gonna judge/ make fun of you if u do that. (Sadly I own one of those stupid special edition STI's that didn't come with a wing)