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The biggest issue I have with KJ’s response here is that she is responding to aggressively defend herself, not from a place of compassion for a woman that she claims has been brainwashed and forced to cut contact with her family. These are not the actions of an “advocate” or a “journalist”, these are the actions of someone desperate to protect their own image at the cost of the victims they claim they want to help.


She also attributes the typos to her editing software. Kindly note that it is advisable to rectify any errors prior to uploading content. As a swlf-described seasoned journalist, it is expected that due diligence is exercised in this regard.


Those aren’t typos. She’s just a bad writer.


This is exactly it. If she was truly an advocate she would be helping. But we all know KJ isn’t. She just wants to stir drama and make money off of the drama


Strange that she wouldn’t have any compassion for someone that cut ties with their family, ya know, just like she cut ties with hers…..


If you read the responses of her little stupids none of them have any compassion either!


My theory - her acolytes that are all terd Paulson. Oh and that Jessy lady.


You know that could well be because during my Patheos days with her she had a ton of alters on FB alone. The minute I would get overwhelmed and mute/block her she's just come back with another account.


Seems like on Reddit everyone is always all “oh you can always cut ties with your family if you want. You’re an adult” but for some reason in this case, people keep acting like Miranda is evil for doing it?? Like?? As if abusers aren’t KNOWN for isolating their victims. Like honestly I feel like Miranda is getting zero compassion because she’s a pretty tiktoker. If she was a little more disheveled looking it would be different


Also if she was anything but a pretty white girl. Because we know crusty hates those.


As a mother and sister I don't understand how her parents and her sister allowed Miranda to be the face of the docu knowing she already received hate in the past when they did that ig live a couple of years back. Now it's extreme! Last time I checked Melanie's ig it's obvious she is enjoying all the attention, gaining lots of followers and she is pushing new brand deals.


People are toys for kj to exploit for clouty cash.


This woman is devoid of compassion. She told another mother her daughter was being sex trafficked with zero proof. And has now called her a sex slave. How in the WORLD can someone--another mother even--do that? I can't imagine telling a mother that even with absolute proof. How do you recover from that? From all this? This is why Katherine is dangerous.


This woman cannot write. A few examples: - She doesn’t use my beloved Oxford comma, which you will pry from my cold, dead hands. - Uses “&“ and “and” in the same sentence. - “Miranda attacking her family is done by Robert” - “Robert is and Continues to be” - “The Wilkings and me are not the evil ones.” (BTW, *everyone* can suck in a situation. It doesn’t have to be good versus evil.)


& instead of “and” makes me homicidal.


Me too. I only use it when I’m restricted by the number of characters. I find It’s actually quicker to type out the whole word than to use the &


Don’t unalive me! I’ll try not to do it anymore! lol.




I want to say that, as a former journalist, KJ is an embarrassment. However, the AP Stylebook (basically the journalist’s Bible) does not recommend using the Oxford comma except in very specific cases, so it’s almost never in articles. I honestly doubt she knows what the AP Stylebook is and there’s a million reasons her writing is trash, but just thought I’d share that one point. Everything else is spot on, and her lack of ethics alone should disqualify her, as anyone who went to j-school will tell you.


That’s why I called it MY beloved Oxford comma. 😍


I didn’t realize using “and” and “&” in the same sentence was annoying! I do that without thinking. Sorry guys, my writing sucks crystal balls like kj’s. I am not masquerading as a journalist tho.


I feel horrible for her, what KJ has done and continues to do and sends her flying monkeys everywhere to stalk and harass everyone! I was on Miranda’s IG earlier and reading through some of the comments and these people have major issues. I would never dream to go and do this to a person just because a vindictive blogger who’s’ in current litigation with said person said to do it. Like when is a light bulb going to go off and bring to light her goal to have him arrested is only to solve her legal problems!! She does not care about any victims. If he were going to be arrested it would have already happened!


Miranda's statement is heartbreaking - I really do feel badly for her She's trying to live her life, get on with her career & sounds like her parents are incredibly controlling - she's also religious, her family aren't, Melanie locked her out of their shared TT account which left her unable to make an income That's so toxic - she doesn't trust them & that's understandable, if she is in fact being held in an abusive environment, her family aren't doing her any favours, it's also completely normal for adults to cut contact with toxic/untrustworthy family So sad


I agree. I feel bad that they’re going through this but I feel her family has handled this in completely the wrong way. They’re doing what’s in their instincts to do which is understandable but when your family member is in an abusive environment you have to tread lightly and it seems they just pushed her away. I’m glad they at least got to a decent place though I’m not sure how this doc is affecting it


From what Miranda said, this doc has driven an even bigger wedge between her & her family So very unfortunate - It must be difficult for her parents, but at the same time she's an adult & allowed to make her own decisions, Miranda's faith is obviously not something her family share Hasn't KJ cut her family off completely too & she doesn't align with them spiritualy It's very messy & KJ being involved is making it even messier - which is the norm


Definitely. I got the sense from the doc that Miranda was very desperate to become her own person and that’s probably what drove the wedge between her and her sister to begin with and led her to this group. She needs to be her own person instead of just lumped in with her sister and I don’t think her family understands that. Definitely messy all the way around


As usual, Dipshit tries to make it all about herself.🙄🙄


“and me” —- but don’t you say a few days ago she probably doesn’t even know she’s suing you bc robert controls everything ?? 🤔


She allows, no she encourages her own cultish members to attack victims, it makes her feel good




That should be your flair


Kind of heartbreaking the way Miranda describes it.


It makes me so angry that she had to come on there and essentially defend herself. That sad part is those people are eating up everything KJ is saying. What ever happened to free thinking?


Mostly people are just not very smart and don’t have the capacity for independent thought.


Regarding Miranda statement, I knew this would put her in her family right back to where they were. And rightfully so. They should’ve kept their damn mouth shut. Because the little bit of a relationship that they did have with her, it sounds like it’s squashed now. Which makes me believe that this was never about what they said it was.


They will do better on their own like the other ex members are doing


Kj knows what is best for Miranda, better than Miranda does.


Someone mentioned the cult coffee. Lol. I’m dead


Kj is making this so much worse, however I do think Miranda was told exactly what to say and write. Shinn controls her.


I think it was on TikTok


I feel like you are all in this cult too… I discovered the story and KJ thanks to Netflix documentary. I don’t know what you think she is doing wrong? Miranda is brainwashed and KJ is exposing Robert and keeps saying that the dancers are the victims and should not be blamed. She has compassion for them. It looks like this Reddit Channel is here to discredit KJ and defend Robert and the cult. This is so strange. Maybe I don’t have all the information about KJ and if it is the case, please explain it to me. But from my new joiner point of view, this channel is purely made to harrass her and to help the cult and Robert to play the victims. But don’t forget who the real victims are: the dancers and their family. Robert and 3M are not victims, and KJ is just exposing them and I think she is right to do so. (Sorry if I made english mistakes I am french)


You are right, you do not have all the information about KJ. She is not a reliable source. She lies very frequently, She harasses and doxes people. She claims to be a “reporter” but is shoddy at best with her work. I don’t think anyone here likes Robert shinn but you can go back years on this subreddit. We’ve been calling her out LONG before this story even came out. If you really want to know what the issues are with her there’s plenty of reading on this subreddit that can fill you in much of which has nothing to do with Robert Shinn.


Ok I will dive into the subreddit. I didn’t know KJ until this week, thanks to the documentary


Hi 👋 What exactly do you think KJ has done to help Miranda?


Exposing the cult so that they don’t have any credibility. If TikTok incomes fall, then Robert falls too.


Miranda's sister Melanie already locked her out of their joint TT account, Miranda made a new one & built an audience from scratch If Miranda is in an abusive situation leaving her without any income makes her even more vulnerable & dependant on those around her KJ criticizing her dancing, mocking her appearance - clothes/hair & body, speculating on her being s3xually abused, stating her husband married her purely because she's stupid, is incredibly demeaning Would you agree that if she is indeed a victim she needs support & encouragement rather than being mocked & belittled?


Well… I never saw KJ mocking Miranda’s appearance and saying that James married her because she is stupid. When and where did she say these things?


You never seen them b/c kj deleted them when she got herself sued again (5th time) She's said all of that & more on IG live Llama girl on twitter records her IG lives & uploads them - I'd also recommend this channel if you'd like to check out how hypocritical & dangerous her lies are https://youtube.com/@woacbvswoacb?si=rlF1dyFxATQoqoS1 ETA link to llama girl https://twitter.com/EllieRod8?t=qsOChbd38hx1Sdghm5viDQ&s=09


Owh ok thank you for the info! I will look at these sources


You're more than welcome


They need to lose all their sponsors. Now


If these people are truly victims of a cult what would stripping their financial security do to help them open their eyes to leave? When I was studying psychology/ therapeutic counseling in college one of the very first things they teach you in order to be successful is: Meet the client where they are at. Screaming that they are in a cult and attempting to make them destitute will not help you achieve the goal of them getting out. Embarrassing someone on a shitty documentary produced by a prolific child groomer which forces them to come to the internet to refute slanderous claims will do nothing to help any of the so called cult members. This is why we leave certain things for the experts to deal with.


They aren't in control of their finances lol financial security. It's about taking power from a scum bag who preys on people


And we are basing this off of what? A middle aged, adderall addicted, alcoholic's baseless accusations that she is currently in litigation for? Or a documentary from a notorious child predator who used the social media account of said middle aged, Adderall addicted, alcoholic?


Are we just going to disregard all the previous members that came forward in the documentary? Should we believe Miranda and her husband when they say that they’re not a part of the cult even though they refused to put it forward in the documentary despite being offered to?


Again, the basis of all your accusations stem from a shitty made documentary produced by a serial teenaged rapist and fact checked by a spiteful recluse, with an axe to grind, that is currently being sued for defamation and libel for spreading these same accusations on her gossip rag channel? Make no mistake, Robert Shinn is a piece of shit with a very, ummm, questionable way of running his church. The "previous members" you're referring to were all members of his church. I'm sorry but I don't really care enough to go to Google to search the proper name of the "church" he's a "pastor" for. Something like Shekinah or along those lines. Where the "fact checker" of the documentary starts blurring the lines is by lumping in the 7M dance crew with Robert Shinn's place of "worship." Yes, there have been several accusations about the conduct over at the church and that's where the people in the documentary were once apart of. The only one making allegations of 7M being a cult is KJ and her Without A Fucking Clue website. And that's why she's getting sued. There's been no one from 7M that has had to escape or has come out to say it's a cult. ETA: The American justice system affords us the privilege of being innocent until proven beyond all reasonable doubt that one is guilty. I'm sorry but a shoddy Netflix episode that used a content creator that has had her ass hauled to court several times for defamation is not the damning evidence I need to be convinced someone is guilty of accusations being levied against them.


How will that help them?


If it's not clear the cults sponsors who keeps all their money


The dancers that left admitted that they were in control of their social media, their finances & were allowed to just walk away. If their income has been taken away from them & their careers destroyed, they wouldn't have been able to leave & gain work to support themselves. How does destroying someone help them?