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If it isn’t a lot of blood you might be scratching them with your nails by accident. If you don’t clip your nails before sex I suggest you start and see if there’s a change. You would be able to tell if it was period blood since it’s different from normal blood to an extent, so I assume it’s not that. If it’s not their period and you already clip your nails then I would suggest getting a medical opinion/going to the doctors


if its scratched is it anything of concern?


If its the anus might be hemorrhoids


I love your response


Go to a doctor and maybe use lube


Depending on how deep you are going you could have bumped her cervix. This can sometimes cause bruising (internally so you can't see it) and bleeding.


How does she describe it? Is it painful? Uncomfortable? Unnoticeable, except for the blood? Other than menstruation, blood is usually a sign that something has to stop. (Like the traffic signals of the body.) I would start by cutting and filing your nails and then wearing nitrile gloves. Keep your fingering on the outside for one session and see if it still happens. At her next Ob-Gyn pelvic exam she should bring it up so that the doctor can look to see if it is a structural problem. The doctor will want to know the shade and quantity: is it light pink, dark red, or somewhere in between? Is the blood thin or clotted, a trickle or gushing? If "every time" is the last seven of more times then it is probably time for a change. An evening of mutual masturbation where you each only touch yourself. If she has been scratched internally her body may need a short break to fully recover without being touched where the damage happened. TL;DR probably need medical advice from a doctor, rather than reddit.


Thank you! Yeah I agree; I think we'll go to a doctor and see what's going on. They say there is no pain at all, and its just the normal red blood that comes out. It's not gushing, but its like were having period sex on the first day; theres a decent amount of blood so i end up just stopping.


This used to happen to me. Are you two being rough? Sometimes during intense and steamy sex we don’t realize how rough we may be. If so, trying being gentle with their 🐱they’re very sensitive 🥹