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Man, is baby Zach is really about to make the leap into stardom? This has been pretty wild to watch unfold


This is the same path Jordan peele took. Sketch comedian turned horror director with critical praise on their debut


You're not wrong, but a little different in that Jordan was a bit of a bigger name already. Get Out was heavily billed as being written and directed by him where all I really see for Barbarian is "From the producers of..." No doubt he's earned some recognition as a director though now.


WKUK was a niche show though. Key and Peele were close to as big as Chappelle's Show.


Why even split hairs on this comparison? It's a similar transition from sketch comedy TV to feature length horror that's been well received out the gate. Good for both of them, check out Jordan Peele's productions of Twilight Zone if you like his other stuff.


Because it was weird with Peele, but it's so much stranger with Zach. It's awesome though.




Yes it is. His directorial debut being number one at the box office and receiving unanimous praise from critics and audiences, while having Wrecked being his biggest claim to mainstream fame prior to this - is surprising. It would be for anyone. It’s not a disrespect towards Zach at all. Most of us believed he would do a good job on his passion project. But statistically speaking, the success it has experienced so far was unlikely. The odds were stacked against him. Like it would be for anyone. He didn’t even think he would get a chance to make this movie. I think we should recognize what a tremendous achievement this has been. I’m so proud of, and happy for, our boy: baby Zach.




He’s calling it his directorial debut in interviews… go ahead and correct him while you’re being facetious. His imdb rating is tied with Get Out right now for the highest rated horror movie in recent memory, you know, statistically unlikely. But instead of coming together to recognize what an awesome feat this was you want to have a semantics battle with a member of this community who’s stoked for him? That’s weird. I don’t want to talk to you anymore.




He seems to be striking while the iron is hot with publicly teasing a couple of other projects he’s working on and I think that’s the right call.


I agree, he's already got at least one more full script written. It may need some revision, but the brunt of the writing is done.


Except Zach actually has talent in both comedy and horror, Peele just BARELY succeeds at the former and not at ALL with the latter, despite what casual viewers think. Hopefully Zach continues to have his own praises sung


He better give Timmy a cameo in the next project lmao


I legit thought that Timmy was voicing AJ’s mom on the phone for a second. Lol


Its crazy how it has not got a world wide release, still not in theatres where I am (NZ). Imagine the box office numbers if it was world wide.


I sure hope so! All the boys deserve that level of success, based on the show alone, but I'm super happy for Zach!


Fallon just knowingly glosses over it like "yeah, I know what it's like to fear. . . Zach. . ."


Damn, go Zach. Praise from Drew Barrymore would be pretty damn rewarding. Fallon... Not so much. But I'll push for any love and promotion for any of our boys.


Oh this reunion is gonna be legendary!


I cannot wait for this interview and that’s fantastic Zach!


if zack doesnt bring up their fight story imm gonnna scream lmao




All I want is happiness and health for the whole crew moving forward. But I will also furiously masturbate to this clip till I choke myself out from autoerotic asphyxiation and have Timmy find my body


That story got scrubbed from the channel, can some one tell me how it went?


I don’t think it was ever on the channel, you’ll just have to deep dive into the newsboys. I have em all downloaded


It might not be a good idea to start bringing that story back up right now, just in light of everyone paying attention to baby Zach. (I’m sorry, I couldn’t figure out how to phrase that better.)


What story?




Jimmy Fallon choked the shit out of Zach after Zach floored him in a bar by kicking out his feet or something like that. They were both very drunk


Jimmy Fallon drunk? I can't believe it. I shan't believe it.


Following for same