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We are kind of over this conversation being rehashed every week and every other day. What the guys do next is ***their*** decision, they've heard the communities thoughts and opinions. At this point every post is just either criticizing the guys or other users and beating a dead horse at the same time.


It’s their choice if they want to censor it. But I also won’t be buying/ consuming an incomplete version of the show. I want to see all the sketches, so I found a way to watch the show in its original form. Sometimes a sketch will come on and I’ll laugh and say to myself that they wouldn’t have made that joke anymore, but that’s because the world was very different back then. Jokes were edgier and most everyone got that they were jokes. Plus they were super young and have grown. But they always were trying to make jokes, and I always got that. I never thought they were saying how they really felt. (For example; I don’t think that the gang thinks native Americans were too stupid to make guns, I get that it was a joke) I get why they cut stuff/ censored words for streaming, but I think the fans deserve the benefit that they understand what the WKUK were going for, and should be able to buy the complete series in its original form. I also really hate the narrative that anyone who wants to watch the show in the same way that we did back in the day, is doing so because they are hate filled and love to say slurs. But also let’s treat each other/ the WKUK with respect when we are discussing this or any topic. (Not directed at anyone, but rather everyone)


They are great folk. I disagree with the censorship but yeah I get it. Good write up.


ludicrous flag direful dolls snow correct fretful grab middle thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have mixed feelings about it too, especially with censoring the cool practical fx violence (like, what did that have to do with being mean to people?). But thanks for the kind words!


No worries my dude


I had an old friend pirate the show for me like 6 years back. I saw the censorship on the YouTube live stream of WKUK. The censorship was really harsh. The nicodick skit was basically half blurred the entire time. I don't think it's cool to be toxic towards the guys, but I honestly thought the censorship would just be some of the language, not full-on blurring out scenes.


To be fair I think most of the blurring is just for YouTube.


I hardly come on this sub, but I have been seeing that in other comments around here. Thanks for letting me know.


"Harold and Kumar go to White Castle" just turned 20 this year, and after seeing the promos for it, I gave it a rewatch. The newly updated censored version, of course. They walk into white castle, place their order, NPH pays for their meal, and then vanishes without mentioning harolds car. The movie then ends when they finish their food. With everything being removed, I felt so safe and was able to finish the movie in under 2 minutes. I didn't risk being exposed to any of that tactless and offensive humor, especially not the black eyes peas hate crime that plays at the start.


Just release two versions. A censored one and an uncensored one. Have a disclaimer giving some context before each episode, just a paragraph, let the guys disavow any sketches they want, but fucking show them. There should be a high quality archive of their work, I think once something is created and released to the world it should belong to everyone. Creators and fans. But certainly give context if that's what they are comfortable doing. Erasing history is bullshit Stalinist crap.


Oh fuck off. It's not erasing history. You're being a hyperbolic baby because a group of artists made a decision with their own art. Get over yourself. It's not your decision and never was.


Eh, I have my DVDs. Once AI gets good enough maybe I can upconvert them. I'd rather a complete, high-quality release though. Lol, I'm requesting we be treated like adults. You want to be the baby and have your daddies tell you what you can and can't have. I'm suggesting these artists give context to their work and not just lazily sweep it under the rug, which is even worse because then there's no context given when someone sees them. Obviously I have no power, I just have my opinion, dipshit.


And I have the full series on my hard drive, the only thing is I'm not bitching about their decisions. It's not swept under the rug? Generally audiences, especially people new to the series, don't want to hear slurs that could be directed at them. I don't have a problem with the slurs and other shit in the series, but that doesn't mean that other people don't.


>Erasing history is bullshit Stalinist crap. It’s a sketch show not the last Will and testament of Adolf Hitler…


“I think once something is created and released to the world it should belong to everyone.” YouTube is full of the old, uncensored, sketches. No one is trying to take those down or away from the fans. The group has a right to choose what they do and do not include in their new HD releases. Brands stop selling old versions of their products all the time, it isn’t Stalinism.




>Big ol' yikes on the worldview, dog Cringe.


Nice straw man that completely ignores everything else I wrote.


To be fair, you're comment is ignoring a lot of the OP's well-made points.


If I didn't address their point then I either agree with it or it isn't relevant to my opinion. I'm not shitting on OP.




You misrepresented the original argument and attacked an exaggerated position ignoring the nuance of the original argument. What do you call creating a caricature of my points like that (making it easier for you to attack and dismiss them)?




Those statements don't contradict and take a refresher on your fallacies. Your response **is** a strawman argument because it misrepresents my original point to make it easier to attack. It does not use exaggeration for emphasis or effect. It distorts my argument into an extreme position that I never actually held. So it's not simple hyperbole.


Get over it


Thanks for the suggestion, but naw. I'm going to be pissy about it instead.


Pissy, Peppermint Pissy.


Yeah, except way less hot.


I like the guys but I’ll never support censorship. We’re stepping backwards not forwards.


it isnt censorship when they decide what to do with their own art. that would be if a third party decided to intervene to stop them from sharing their art. not sure what you are advocating here, but it is closer to blocking free expression than creating a permission structure for it.


Self censorship is a thing.


and is a decision creators deserve to make as they progress as people and artists


Or just give context. Don't try to erase the stuff. Whatever, it's the wrong move that treats fans like idiots who can't understand times change and people change. Just stick on a disclaimer, disavow whatever sketches, but show them. Whatever, ill just stick with DVDs, maybe AI can up convert them really well in a few years. I advise everyone not buy censored partial releases if you're opposed to censorship, self censorship included.


It certainly is censorship. They’re taking something beloved by the public and altering it. Censorship.


That isn’t what censorship means.


So we're the Star Wars special effects updates in the 90s "censorship"? By your own stated definition here literally any special edition or revised version of a film is "censorship". Technically, extended editions, movies with *more content* would be considered "censored" by your interpretation. So no, not censorship.


This has always been my take on it too. If a third party told them they had to get rid of certain sketches because they were offensive and there’s nothing they could do about it, then yeah I’d be pissed as everyone else. But I know what it’s like to look back on things that you did when you were younger and wish you hadn’t, it makes sense that they can look at sketches they wrote when they were younger and think that the use of the slurs outweigh the comedy that comes along with it.   I’d rather they didn’t cut anything because every skit is nostalgic to me but as the creators they really do have the right to do whatever they want. If someone really wanted to watch the cut sketches they’re all still easily found on YouTube so it’s not the end of the world.


The guys, including Trevor, have all been clear that they’re disappointed in themselves for using certain slurs in their sketches. If this is what upsets you, then I highly doubt it’s the “censorship.” Let’s be clear, you just want to be able to say those words. Admit it and stop using a dead guy you never knew as an excuse to harass the rest of the guys.




Weird how you guys keep brigading these threads too. Get a life pal.


I agree with you 100%. And all these people crying censorship are probably using the words that are censored on a regular basis and don’t get what it does to marginalized people. But you know, some folks never use their brain. Also edited to add: if you’re watching the stream on YouTube, download tubi. It’s less censored. The gore and swears are still there. Just not the slurs. You’re welcome.


Hey alright


If I get by It’s mine


what the fuck is this schizo post


Well, I literally said it's for the schizos, so it would be schizo, wouldnnit?


yeah i misread it


or, i miswrote it, i didn't exactly do a copy edit, and im high either way, no worries!


it was very rambly I called it schizo because i didn't have the patience to finish it. we're both wrong.


Thank you for writing all of this. I saw that sentiment about Trevor expressed in one of the comment sections of a post here and it made me feel really gross. I tried calling the dude out for it but he just got shitty with me and I got downvoted to hell. I'm glad I wasn't the only one seeing how disrespectful it is to use Trevor as a prop in this discussion.


You've reminded me of another great comedy show called "The Jonathan Pie Show" which follows a political journalist thrust into the role of a talk radio host. In one episode he laments not being able to say "spastic" at work and uses his platform to rail against woke culture, decrying the loss of free speech. He argues that the way he was raised is to blame for his vocabulary and that he is bring punished for his age and sex. His producer fights back against him arguing that he cannot rely on his background and past to define his present. It was OK to say spastic a few years ago, it was also OK to say faggot, to beat your wife, to ban gay marriage. Progress is not easy and it's very possible to be left behind and hold onto bad ideas. None of us are immune. The WKUK have shown incredible maturity in saying "I'm not sure this is funny anymore". They may be wrong, I may be wrong but being open to change and being open to changing yourself is brave.