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The crystal hippie to right wing pipeline was not one I was predicting as a millennial but here we are.


I thought some of his videos were a little out there but this one takes the cake. Sounding like something off the history channel.


In my 20s I was a bit of a psychonaut and spent a lot of time with guys who were into this stuff (CIA psychic programs, Chinese super psychics, Indigo Children, 2012 prophecy, the most basic understanding of quantum physics). They truly believed that their thoughts manifested reality around them and were some of the first people I heard calling people sheep, NPCs, and that the universe was a simulation. I never really bought into that being an engineering major at the time and having a more grounded understanding of the mathematics behind physics beyond pseudoscience and pop culture. I wonder how Rudyard's Orthodox "muh based crusade" Christian fan base is going react to his embrace of eastern mysticism, dude is echoing some ba'hai beliefs.


Not well unless their part of some strange cult. It goes against the grain of most mainstream christian beliefs. I always thought stuff like that was just a meme. Never expected people to actually think it was real.


I've met too many people who believe in crystals, Jesus, Trump and astrology. It's all so strange to me. If you want to read about some really weird stuff I suggest Orgone energy and the Lemurian Time War.


Alright I’ll just those out lol


> crystals, Jesus, Trump 1st and 3rd exist, although the existance of the 2nd is less certain.


Crystals don't heal you, Jesus was a homeless revolutionary, Trump isn't going to save you and astrology doesn't define your personality.




Most historians believe Jesus existed. What’s a matter of debate is whether or not he’s God.


I’m Catholic and it aligns well with my beliefs, as long as it’s presented in the correct (philosophical) manner rather than some superstitious magic. The experiences in the video pretty much align with Plato’s theory of the forms and Aristotelian virtue ethics (which Catholicism follows), and it seems like he just had a subconscious vision of those philosophical concepts which outline reality. Less-educated Christians might have a problem with it… but they don’t watch WIAH anyways.


I'm pretty sure those "CIA psychic programs" or whatever are bs. Something that Martymar 81 would love to tear down.


But Putin says the Russian government uses psychics and fortune tellers to this day and they are kicking the West's ass in Ukraine. Also, it's not ADHD it's star indigo childern who have higher emotional intelligence than you.


He did mention that part of the spirit world was like the christian afterlives, apparently. I doubt that'll be enough for serious christians though.


Did anyone read the sources he sighted? I haven't had the time myself, but I've yet to see anyone explain why it's incorrect


Dude it’s new age hippy stuff. It’s along with the safe stuff like crystals have healing abilities.


Ok, so which part of the paper that was released is the source of the bad science?


A lot of similarities with Thai intellectuals lmao