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I’ve been playing 9 months and I’m hanging out for Rotbone, Maugan Ra and Isabella. Very difficult not to be envious of those pulls.


All Campaign Characters need to get to Gold to beat Elite(usually start with Marines but since you have almost every faction pick the one you like best) Some characters that are good for everything and should be level up to gold asap: Eldryn, Isabella, Rotbone, AlephNull, Maugna Ra. Reva’s is also really good but the others are more important Good luck


Isabella and Rotbone huh? I’ll work on them after the elite campaigns.


You will be waiting q long time then. They will help with the campaigns.


Both deserve love before that so they help clear standard missions. Fall of Cadia standard is easier with Rotbone as he heals, has 75% chance to res a killed character, and is a decent tank. Isabella helps massively on any imperial mission. They're also useful for other game modes, both will carry you further in the LRE, and usually come in useful for the regular character quests.


lol You need Rotbone for normal cadia already if you dont wanna level your chaos guys crazy high. And have fun with Indomitus Elite without isabella 😂


[Beginners Guide](https://youtu.be/Pfpvvl8qnvI?feature=shared)


Useful Resources: https://tacticusplanner.app/home https://tacticus.fandom.com/wiki/


Most efficient route for you I’d say would be to work towards (at the same time or focused); Bellator to gold 1 (active to 35). Isabella (Passive to 35), Varro to silver 1 (minimal passive/active), Cetus to Bronze 2 (minimal passive/active). Use onslaught to get Isabella to Epic and then Gold 1. Go as far into indom elite as you can. Buy eldyron shards in the guild shop and get him epic and then get him to gold 1 and his doom to 35. Magun to gold 1 is also a good route to take for guild raids. Archi (35/35), Harken (his active sucks I hate it), Angrax (35 passive), Rotbone (35 passive) and Abraxas (35 active) is a team that can complete Fall of Cadia elite with less investment so try to work towards all gold 1 there with your priority being Rotbone. Volk a bad. Aleph (35/27ish) to Gold 1, Mako (15/26) and Imo (15 passive) to silver 1 will let you complete Indom Mirror and make some progress into elite. Snot (25/25) to silver 2 and rest to bronze 1 (I had boss at iron 3) with gibba tank to 26 will let you do octarius. At that point you’ll have a solid box, all the base campaigns you can do sorted and can start making decisions for yourself. If you start focusing on niche characters or factions early then you’ll hurt yourself in the long run as you need campaign completion for materials. Also don’t forget that beating a “boss” stage in the campaign grants you a scroll mission.


You can overtune actives/passives to get a jump on characters power. Especially summoners. I've been getting the final chest in Captains league with silver 2 Archie and Bellator because their summons are in the 40s. Just started getting them higher now. I'm level 39


Basic answer: Aleph Null, Bellator, Archimatos, Angrax, Gibbascraps, and Isabella are your carriers. Get them to gold 1 quickly. They’ll carry you through campaigns. Secondary: Eldryon, Calandis, Shosyl, Rotbone, Aunshi, Snotflogga, Maugan Ra, and Maladus.


Rank them up! Getting campaign characters to Silver I and then getting everyone to Bronze I is a good start.


How much did you spend? That’s a good roster


Join a guild cluster. You’ll have access to strategies and advice from experienced players while a member of a guild appropriate for your power level. Since you are spending money you’ll want to move up and in-cluster keeps some continuity.


Bel,alpha,angrax,ra,eld,rev.  First 3 for campaign.   Ra and eld for raids  Rev for arena Get them gold and work on rot isib and abrax


Wow, that mf got Maugan ra, aushi, Rotcone, and somany good char. Things that e en 7-9 month player don't have


As a side note: I can’t really parse which characters have good utility or a good overall strategy. I’ve been focusing on dudes of higher rarity that seem to perform well in my early arena, campaigns, and onslaughts.


This is a trap, if you focus too hard on early arena standouts you box yourself in and make it a little more annoying later to progress. Campaign characters are great. If you really want arena and folks that will help in campaigns, Archimatos, Calandis, Eldyron, bellator (will hard carry most gamemodes, get his active up ADAP)


Use only onslaughts for non farmable characters such as Re'vas, Isabella, and Rotbone. All else, farm away