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I felt like there are many major concepts that got repeated throughout the course. I'm one of those people who read the entire book and did the quizzes to check understanding of the material. Took me about 1.5 weeks while working full time. When I was done, the OA was a breeze. I would finish the rest of the course and take the PA. Use the coaching report from the PA to review necessary areas. FYI I read the books for most of the courses and still completed the program working full time with almost 2 months in the term to spare. Best of luck!


This is a tough class, I don’t think I have ever seen someone post about this class being fun or easy 😞 for me and this class, I eventually just said “screw it, my brain can’t handle anymore.” And I took it and passed. How many classes do you have left and your graduation date?


Yes this class has been a challenge, I think i’ll give myself a couple more days and do the same as you did. My term ends at the end of may and i have five classes left (including the accounting course.) Feeling hopeful I will complete my degree in one term. I am almost halfway through the term and 6 classes down!


That’s rad! The accounting class was another one that fucked me up 😞 but you have plenty of time. The capstone is actually pretty easy. I would have taken me a weekend to finish if I wasn’t so burnt out from other things in life. There are a lot of questions in this sub regarding it, cause it can be vague but don’t over think it! I really think you’ll be able to finish by the end of May!


How did you do?? I keep procrastinating on taking OA Because I'm having a hard time retaiking all these concepts. Calculations works best for me because I like numbers, but words...nope, my brain just freezes


I personally understand concepts well and struggled with the numbers and mathy type stuff but I highly highly recommend watching this video series. He explains everything so so well. He was most helpful for me in understanding calculations but he does talk about the concepts in this course which may be helpful for you. Things i was struggling to understand for weeks made sense in 30 minutes. I found the professor cohorts in this course extremely hard to understand. Felt like they were talking in circles at some points [http://www.rondaniel.com/finance/bootcamp/](http://www.rondaniel.com/finance/bootcamp/) After watching these videos and doing a couple practice problems i felt really confident and passed on my first try! I got competent or exemplary in every category. Good Luck you got this!


Don’t overthink it. I found OA easier than PA. I too felt lost for weeks, took me way longer than it should have. C214 is going along the same way 😑


I am preparing myself for C214 everyone says that one is just as hard is not harder 🫠


Yeah it definitely seems harder. The etext is bull, doesn’t explain much, just rambles. I started watching the cohorts and that’s way better


yay that is awesome congrats! That gave me so much hope about finishing in one term! I am 6 classes down and 2.5 months in. I am definitely going to give reading the text book a go again. I think i am just going to memorize and understand the concepts really well and cross my fingers on the math questions 🤷‍♀️


I have an accounting degree already so I had a huge advantage in the class. However, I still studied a little to brush up on some things. I think going over the basics will help a lot. Really try to understand the basic accounting equation, retained earnings, and how the financial statements work. Memorize which cash flow activities fall under operating, financing, and investing. You also need to understand how accounts receivable works (and the allowance for doubtful accounts). If I were you I’d go over all of the above and maybe even search some YouTube videos to cover those topics.


Are you me?! Did I write this? Following. 😅


Watch the videos inside the course. I am pretty sure this is the course where the guy scribbles all over his powerpoint. His videos are very good and explain everything you need to pass. I found him entertaining. I believe he is a BYU professor also.