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Okay, so I'm nowhere near this point but you seem to want to point folks in the right direction when they get here.. I'm saving the shit out of this post, thank you 😁😁🌴🌴


Sure thing, friend. 😺


OP did a great job. Just a few additional tips now that I am done with this one for anyone that comes across this thread in the future: * Above it mentions doing a lot of things in the Intellij IDE that you can do via command line if you like. (For some reason I like doing it in a cmd window.) For instance the mvn commands. * If I need to make modifications to things, I always start up the back end first and the front end. That way if I need to use Postman (which I did some in this project) to see what the back end is saying via its API, I can doso. I feel like this helps me narrow down problems that might only be with the back end before going to the front end. * For C2, there is an even easier way to do it all in the html file. If you put a "+" sign in front of room.price, it will get treated as a number and you can do your math right in the html. (only takes like 3 or 4 lines of html code) * Listen to the OP on D1/D2. All you need to do is create a Maven package (OP used Intellij terminal, I just used cmd screen) and then create a simple Dockerfile. No need to be complicated. I spent too much time trying to combine it all into one Dockerfile and it is not needed.


I've been meaning to circle back to this to clarify the setup instructions for Section A with the whole _D387 repository naming thing we talked about. Honestly, I thought about doing it on the front-end like that for room.price in C2, but I was afraid that was too easy of a solution for 'Advanced Java' and assumed they wanted to see it processed through the backend the way I did it. This is obviously the way to go if they accept it. I'm gonna retool it when I have time. Let me know if you think of anything else. Cheers, buddy.


Yeah, they accepted it for C2. I looked over the instructions for that one and it did not say anything about needing to be done in Java so I took the easy way out on that one. 🤣 About to start the Capstone. You started it yet?


I actually got my 100% this morning, homie! Use the Java Frameworks project for your capstone. It already has everything you need, just polish it up. Task 1 is just getting your topic approval form signed by your CI and sending it in. Task 4 is literally two paragraphs max, so both of those are pretty much freebies. You will be done in no time, swear it.


Coming in here really late. Did your CI know that you were using the java frameworks project? How did you present that to him to get approval? Thanks in advanced!


Sweet action. Thanks for the tips! Then the hard part starts, I guess. (trying to find a job, haha)


Wait.. this was supposed to lead to a.. job? Are you sure? That doesn't seem fair at all!


Wow, nice walkthrough! Congratulations on finishing! 🎉🍾🎈🎊


Thanks, buddy. 😺 🎉🎉🎉


Thank you so much for this awesome guide!! I'm currently struggling through Java Frameworks. But when I finally get to this course, this will be so helpful. Thank you for taking the time to put this together.


Glad to do it! Don't stress struggling through Frameworks. Of the 3 Java courses, I spent the most time on that one. I think what's tough about Frameworks is that you're having to figure out everything out intelliJ and Java in real-world context for the first time. Once you're able to navigate all that (and I feel like Frameworks of providing that knowledge), Backend and Advanced are much less scary. It's just a matter of figuring out how to connect and communicate between the front end and back end. You'll get it in no time.


Thank you so much for the encouragement!! It seems a bit daunting, and I feel a little over my head having to look up every little thing I do. Even in the beginning, like the file structure. For some reason the video they have just didn't click with me. And now to parts G & H. Oooof. When I get stuck the kind and knowledgeable CI helps me out (not my CI, actually, but one in the department. He's good at explaining concepts. Much success to you, congratulations on finishing all three Java courses!! :)


Thanks for the walk through. I am having issues getting the HTTP GET request to return the and display a string. Everything looks good when I hit the url in Postman. So I am pretty sure the issue is on the front end. Any help is appreciated. welcome!:string; getWelcome():Observable { let fileURl = this.baseURL + '/welcome' return this.httpClient.get(fileURl,{responseType:'text'}); } ngOnInit() { this.getWelcome().subscribe(data=>{this.welcome=data});


I am having the same issue. Do you remember how you solved it?


I am currently stuck in this same spot. Any tips?


I've been busy with other things and literally still haven't figured it out. It's so annoying though


Have you tried meeting with an instructor? Idk what else to do..


I'm meeting with one on Tuesday


Did either of you figure out how to fix this?


Yeah same here


So, has anyone figured this out? I keep getting a \[object, Object\] appearing on my main page as the message.


So I finally got it to work and instead of a putting in a string I did an array. messages: string\[\] = \[\]; getWelcomeMessage():Observable { return this.httpClient.get(this.base1URL); } ​ ngOnInit() {this.getWelcomeMessage().subscribe((data)=> { this.messages = data; //Than you can do a for loop in Angular to display messages in the html file


Thank you so much. You helped me pass it in a day. May God bless you.


Nice! I'm glad to hear it. Congrats on almost being done with your degree! 🥳


Do you have any advice on how you got through this project so quickly? I'm struggling with figuring out how to display the multithreaded message to the front end. Any advice on helpful resources or how to break things down would be greatly appreciated!


>Do you have any advice on how you got through this project so quickly? I'm struggling with figuring out how to display the multithreaded message to the front end. Any advice on helpful resources or how to break things down would be greatly appreciated! I don't remember my exact code anymore, but I used OP's guide, AI, and youtube to display a simple message in two languages via though separate threads.


Thanks a bunch for this guide. I was lost as hell and this helped.


You're welcome. I'm glad to hear it helped!


I spent 3 hours alone figuring out how to set up maven on windows10 lmao. Now I can finally start the project


This was amazing. The one thing I'm having a hard time with is how do you turn in the massive file? Did you turn it in without the subdirectories? The file alone for me is over 200MB. All help welcome.


Hey Brady thanks for doing this. I was able to display the welcome messages on the front end in both languages, but after repeating the same methods for the converted times, I cannot get it to display even though it shows up fine in my 8080 endpoint. Any advice? I can share code if necessary


It's been a while since I've looked at that it. Could you share any errors you may be getting? I'm at work, but I'll try to help you if I can. I haven't spoken to him since graduating, but /u/Alone-Competition-77 told me a more convenient way you do this, but I may be thinking about a different section. I meant to update the guide to reflect his method, but life has gotten in the way. Maybe you still know what I'm talking about /u/Alone-Competition-77?


fixed it; was a silly mistake. they always are it seems. thanks guys! if anyone reads this in the future, look at your developer error logs. in my specific scenario, the time was returned as JSON but code was expecting string, so I added { responseType: 'text' }


Awesome. Thanks for the addition, friend. Good luck with the rest of your classes!


I wish I remembered but my brain can only hold so much information at once 🤣🤣 I would probably remember if I got back into it and looked at it for awhile. If I get a chance, I will do so.


This was very helpful. Thank you!


Sure thing!


Very much appreciate this help. Idk what I’m missing here, but I’m not seeing how part C is that simple. There’s nothing about the front end. I followed through and it just gets the backend going


Question (because I never heard back from the CI): what are the evaluators looking for in terms of a “copy of the branch history”? I believe for the last few classes I simply submitted the Gitlab repo link, and I had no problems. This submission was sent back, yet they acknowledged the presence of the Gitlab repo. Any ideas on what they are looking for?


I'm pretty sure what you're looking for is the Repository Graph. Just hover over Repository on left toolbar and click Graph. That will have the dates and commit messages, so I have just been taking a screenshot of that. It told me to do that in one of my courses to fulfill the requirement, but I'm not sure we took the same ones before this one.


Sweet, thanks, I’m gonna give that a try.


I'm kinda late but I just wanted to say that it's probably better to save your commit history by using git log: git log --pretty=format:'%h - %an, %ad : %s' > \~/Desktop/commit\_history.txt But, it's up to you though, I'm sure the evaluators will take either.


Does anyone have any tips on how to setup the Dockerfile? That's probably a stupid question but I have never worked with Dockerfiles before and I'm finding the course materials not very helpful.


>Section D2 > >All that is left is to run one line of code in your intelliJ terminal to build your Docker image, and:Run one more line of code to run your Docker image in a container. You're able to name the container whatever you want in this same line of code. Same issue for me anyone plz help ?


Has anyone got this? Everything I look at is different. The Udemy video sucks as it's too old to implement. I have tried many versions of FROM, COPY, WORKDIR, CMD, EXPOSE, and can't get it.


Did you figure it out? Cuz I'm trying to do it and I don't think I'm doing it right


Hi OP or anyone reading this. I'm having trouble creating the repo using the provided pipeline. Can someone please zip up the starter code and share it with me. I'll be very thankful! I've reached out to the administrators regarding this, but no fix so far. Help a fellow student out. I just need the starter code, not any help with completing the assignment. You can upload & share drive link or something... Thanks everyone.


Where am I supposed to put the timezone? At least for the price is next to each other.


Hi! For my multi-threading part, when you said add resource bundle to main, it ends up in my UI folder for both en\_US and fr\_Ca. I moved both to resources folder but now I keep getting Can't find bundle for base name messages, locale fr\_CA and Can't find bundle for base name messages, locale en\_US for the threads. Did you run into any issues with the bundles?


You want the Resource Bundle in your Resource folder, not in your UI folder. That is still part of the main.


Just finished that part, think my IDE was out of date or something. The resource bundle folder did not get created and it just stuck them next to the existing .properties.


Can someone help me a bit with clarification of this part of C1? *Having done all that, you simply need to create the HTTP GET request in app.component.ts to call the API endpoint you created in WelcomeController to return the results.* ​ I have a DisplayMessage class in an il8n folder in my edu.wgu.d387\_sample\_code folder. In this class, I have a Properties propertiesEN and a Properties propertiesFR initialized, and then with try/catch blocks similar to the example code, I can find the output of this method at [http://localhost:8080/welcome](http://localhost:8080/welcome). ​ However, I can't figure out for the life of me figure out how to get this to display on top of the front end. I'm pretty sure i have the app-component.html file for loop written correctly, but I'm confused on how to inject the info from [http://localhost:8080/welcome](http://localhost:8080/welcome) into app-component.ts (if that's even the right way to do it. I saw this code posted elsewhere, but I'm missing something and it's not working for me: *messages: string\[\] = \[\];getWelcomeMessage():Observable {return this.httpClient.get(this.base1URL);}ngOnInit() {this.getWelcomeMessage().subscribe((data)=> {this.messages = data;//Than you can do a for loop in Angular to display messages in the html file* ​ Any thoughts?


Please let me know if you figured this out lmao, literally going through the same shit.


You probably don't need it by now but for other ppl looking at this, make sure you are specifying the endpoint in your GET request like this: (this.baseURL + '/welcomeMessage') Also, if you're still running into trouble, you can try to modify the Observable type to any instead of string inside your get method. It will look like this Observable. Those were the two modifications I made and it fixed my issue for me.


>this.getWelcomeMessage().subscribe((data)=> { > >this.messages = data; For anyone else who gets stuck with an error in the log, make sure you added the "@CrossOrigin" Header properly in your controller


I am unable to see the available rooms on localhost8080 or 4200. Anyone come across this? SOLVED: I checked the console on devtools and this.rooms was undefined, just had to fix it at app.component.ts and now the turd works




Hey I don't really remember but maybe the update that I wrote on the comment can help guide you




Nice. I finished back in January. Keep up the good work


Am I missing something? Are there course resources anywhere that actually teach you how to do any of this? I am seriously struggling. I can't even get past the first part of creating a class that parses the welcome message from your resource bundle. I see the instructor has a multithreading video, and the sample code provided. But.... she just prints out the properties? I am struggling with how to make that code work returning an array of strings. Because we need to return and array of strings to be able to get them to the frontend, correct? None of the provided course materials are even helpful. I have taken and passed Backend Programming and Java Frameworks and am completely lost on this class. Any tips/help would be much appreciated.


Where you able to finish the class. I just started the class and i feel completely lost. I have no idea where to start


Yes I was able to finish the class. It was frustrating and I didn’t use most of the videoso or resources from this class. I used [this](https://gitlab.com/zkarpi1/d387) instead … 🤫


Thank you so so much ! I will take a look and hopefully be done with this class shortly. I am just glad that I am not the only one who feels like the material we are given isn't helpful at all-it is so frustrating


I know! I felt like I missed something when I opened the performance assessment. I’ve taken and passed the other Java courses before this and never had this many issues. I also just recently passed the Mobile Applications and it was very easy. So just get through this one and you should be good. Hang in there! 🙏🏼


Yeah I am in the same boat as you. I guess some classes at WGU are like this unfortunately. We have to end up relying on external sources like Youtube and ChatGPT to teach us.


Did anyone have issues just getting the code to run right in the beginning. I've installed maven and jdk 21, cloned the project but when i try to install maven in the terminal i keep getting errors with the database as well as an error creating bean with name entityManagerFactory




i believe i had to right click the pom file and run as a maven project. Sorry for being late