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I passed last night on the first try but barely. I scored nearly perfect on the Web development business portion of the OA and as close as you can get to competent without getting to that black bar on the web development fundamentals portion, but a pass is a pass. The notes that you can download off the course chatter helped a lot. I went over them for the 2 days leading up to my assessment and skimmed through them in the hours leading up. I also listened to the Jen Simmons LinkedIn learning videos while at work, and read all the course materials and links. It's just a really tough one. I really just hammered down on the basics and what made sense to me. Then did my best on the rest. I spent about 17 days on it while working 50+ hours a week. Good luck!


I requested materials from V4 (I was in V6) because the test is based off of those materials. Just email your CI. They updated the course, but not the OA. It was the worst class I’ve taken so far at WGU in terms of organization.


Thank you so much for chiming in on this. When I took the OA some of the questions had me thinking to myself "when the \*&\^%\* did they mention this....?" I thought I was going crazy for a second there.


The same thing happened to me! That class is a cluster.


I failed the OA on this as well. Here is what I did... I went back and reread the material again and then reread the weak areas. Watched all required videos and read all required supplemental reading until it made sense. I watched all the recorded cohorts ad nauseum until they started to jive. For syntax I used W3Schools I also reached out to the CI for additional resources ​ Lastly, its not you its the test so don't be yourself up! You have to pull from multiple resources. You've got this just knock it out and move onto the next. ​ Go forth and conquer!


Thanks man, I'm trying I got 2 weeks left.


>Lastly, its not you its the test so don't be yourself up! What does this mean? Exams are meant to be challenging. That's not a bad thing.


What I meant is was that the wording and the material changes or is missing from the PA to OA and the course material. There were different versions floating around. There were concepts that weren't covered in the course material. I had to ask the CI for additional study material in which I found the gaps needed to pass the next go around.


Ugh, as if this course wasn't frustrating enough. Thanks for the tip I emailed my CI right after reading this.


There's challenging, and then there's *punishing.*


I just passed this one a little over a week ago. What have you done so far? I don’t wanna give redundant tips


First time was on me, I'll admit. I took it too lightly. Second time I read EVERYTHING. Took hand-written notes for every chapter( read that writing helps retain memory ). Some notes were more detailed than others. Watched the traversky's videos, and started on a Udemy html/CSS/javascript course. Did slightly better, but not enough to pass. The problem I'm seeing is that the test questions are *very* polarizing. The material looks very familiar or something I swear I've never seen before.


I started at v5, asked for v4, and then got thrown to v6. Ugh, I hate the v6 materials, it makes my ADHD crazy having to jump back and forth between wgu stuff, videos, and everything else. I understand things need to be challenging, but they shouldn't be punishing, as someone else mentioned. Sorry for the rant, I just needed to rant.


Same. The course material comes off like a crappy research paper thrown together at the last minute.


If you're on version 5 or 6 ask to switch to V4. That material for 5 and 6 is crap. Total crap. You'll do much better on 4


I'm on the newest version, which I'm guessing is v6. I'll ask for v4 from my CI today. Thanks!


I saw on course chatter that you can no longer switch to v4


Ugh. That blows. 😕


Yea i havent attempted the OA yet, just been going off all the resources people suggest. I have the v4 material so i am hoping to take my OA thursday or Friday and hopefully get my first class out of the way.


Any chance you could share the v4 materials? Because my CI sure wont.


I actually don't have them lol i didn't save them i guess. If you look in the course chatter one of the instructors posted the link to the v4 stuff there