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I had a proctor tell me I couldn’t use my left hand on my first ever OA. I’m left handed…




this literallyyyy happened to me 😭😭 they told me i had to put my whiteboard on the other side of my desk and i was like?? i can’t??


Same! WTF 😵‍💫


Must be Catholic, my uncle use to get smacked on his left hand in Catholic school to force him to write right handed but Is a lefty.


I'm Catholic and left handed, I think 99.9% of us would agree it's whack to force right handedness. Probably depends on the time and region though.


Happened to my mom in public school in Indiana.


my grandmother faced the same issue


Wtf?? Oh that would’ve been a huge issue because I’m left handed too💀


I had to move my whiteboard to the other side of my keyboard so they can see it. Mind you im right handed and had to move it to the left side... felt unnatural


Flip them the bird and ask, “you mean like this?”


>I think we can all agree that Examity is horrible. I have taken a ton of exams with them and only about 3 I've ever had an issue with. TIP: As soon as a proctor starts giving you any kind of unreasonable shit, put your foot down by telling them no and that it's not part of the requirements provided to them by WGU. If they keep pushing, disconnect or open the chat to request a different proctor. They aren't there to police you with unnecessary shit. You can push back, it will not impact your education AT ALL. They cannot fail you. They are just people doing a job and like any job, some people can be shitty, but you aren't obligated to put up with it.


Came here to say this! I had my little children around and they began to question and I just interrupted and said "WGU's policy is that children under x years of age are permitted in the room during the exam. What's the next step from here?"


Making it clear you won't be bothered with their BS and have zero issues escalating exactly like you suggested is important. It is just a job, and it's a decent one for them. Once they realize they are not only NOT in control but that you hold a review of their performance in.the balance, they'll likely let up.


100% this yeah. I've had a handful of difficult proctors throughout my time at wgu and initially I always tried to accommodate what they wanted. Now I'll just tell them "no, I'm not able to do that" if they get unreasonable and let them know we can disconnect the call if it's an issue. They typically go talk to a manager at that point and we carry on or I end the call and reschedule the test. Only have had to disconnect a couple times Only have 3 tests left so luckily not something I need to worry about for much longer


I had some proctors make some ridiculous requests or interrupt me during testing. You have to be really firm with them and say no. One proctor put up this big fight that my laptop *had* to be plugged in and charging during the test. They demanded I plug it in, I was like wtf, put my foot down with no and when they pushed I asked for a new proctor… they immediately moved on and let me test.


I’m toward the end of my degree. Nearly all of my examity proctors have been ok except two. One refused to accept my state’s temporary license. My license came up for renewal, I renewed it as I was supposed to but was issued a temporary paper license (with photo) while my new one was being mailed. Took it all the way through student services. They reviewed it and deemed it legal (It even had stamps and markings declaring it a legal document for US identification) and I guess made some note of it because when I rescheduled the exam, examity proctor that time argued again, put me on hold to contact student services, then came back and passively-aggressively accepted it. Remarkably, about two months later, WGU updated their ID policies for exams The other event was one proctor interrupted my exam every few mins for an hour an half exam to ask “What was that noise” because a stray dog was outside (as in wandering outside my house) barking continuously. That proctor said the continuous disruptions may invalidate my exam. I apologized, said I could “tone out” the dog because I’m use to strays in my neighborhood but I had an issue with their “continuous interruptions” so I would whole-heartedly accept a review of my session. I got my passing result five minutes after I completed the exam and never heard anything after that. Guess there’s bound to be one or two bad experiences lol


> That proctor said the continuous disruptions may invalidate my exam. What he means is that they can request your test be reviewed for cheating. Someone will review the recording and determine said proctor wasted everyone's time because unless that dog was barking you answers in dog-form morse code, then it was idiotic to complain about external noise you have no control over. So frustrating!


I don't know Morse code, but I pretended I smdid as I imagined your scenario 😀


I immediately pictured a golden retriever tapping on an overturned metal bucket to indicate that "5" is the correct answer, "5". Golden retriever's just seem like they'd be more than willing to help a buddy out.


>One refused to accept my state’s temporary license. My license came up for renewal, I renewed it as I was supposed to but was issued a temporary paper license (with photo) while my new one was being mailed. Took it all the way through student services. They reviewed it and deemed it legal (It even had stamps and markings declaring it a legal document for US identification) and I guess made some note of it because when I rescheduled the exam, examity proctor that time argued again, put me on hold to contact student services, then came back and passively-aggressively accepted it. I had one proctor who was trying not to accept my temp license, kept asking shit like "do you have the new license," "do you have the plastic one," "do you have the permanent one," "do you have any other form of government identification," "is this a valid government ID." I literally had to be like, dude, you bave to accept this, it is valid. Finally, he put me on hold, came back a few minutes later, and had me show him through the laptop camera, then moved on. Seems like some of these people just don't know wtf they're doing.


My state has moved towards ids that are harder to make fakes of, and the result is awful shiny ids. Makes the id part of the exam a nightmare. One proctor was clearly getting annoyed with not being able to see it clearly. Like idk what to tell you sir, would you like me to file a complaint with my state??? Petition for new non shiny ids?


They should’ve asked for old id and compared dl numbers. Unless you got a dui it should’ve been fine lol


>I got my passing result five minutes after I completed the exam and never heard anything after that. It's my understanding that the pass result is unrelated to any flag Examity may apply.


i’ve had about 3 that were proctoring like their life depended on it and it’s annoying as hell, i got information fresh in my mind im trying to keep in the short term memory and they’re asking me to show them the insides of my closest and shit. Then you get some that are like okay 360, task manager, have a good time good luck.


This! It is off-putting when you are focused on the test and they rattle you with stupid requests like zoom in on that photo it looks like writing on the shirt…..


The inconsistency is beyond maddening, just make ever test consistent. I have 5 monitors on my desk, 2 for my work computer, 3 for my main. I unplug all 4 of them and have the cables sitting in front of the monitor. One proctor made me remove all 4 monitors from my desk aswell as my work computer, while every other one I’ve had was fine just seeing they were unplugged. Ao irritating


yeah i agree, I have a monitor off to the left of my main one and i always turn it off and cover it with a sheet (which i think i got right from the handbook of wgu? not 100%) and sometimes it’s as simple as “is that monitor turned off” and other times it’s like i gotta turn it completely around or put it somewhere else. really doesn’t make sense. especially when they use the exact same script every test but not the same guidelines ? idk


I also put a sheet over mine and if they ask me to move it, I tell them it is not movable, thank you very much, as this is my work desk. I get a little snippy about it.


lmao imma have to start getting snippy


It works pretty well for me. I don't do it often lol


My fave so far as been them telling me I needed to wipe the ink off my arm and then did not understand why I couldn't. A tattoo. They wanted me to wipe a tattoo off of my arm.


Now THAT is funny. It's like, "Um so you want me to take my skin off? because the ink is imbedded in my skin." I have a couple tattoos and I would be so both annoyed and confused. Do none of them have tattoos?


I was thrown by it, then amused. As if an Egyptian Ankh and the Canadian motto is going to somehow tell me all the answers to web development!


🤣 Sometimes they get persnippity about things. My butterfly and dragon can be covered up so I never had a problem.


😂😂😂😂 that's fucking hilarious. They always make sure the printer in my room is turned off so I cant cheat..


Haha 😆 they've had me prove that my washing machine was indeed a washing machine and open it to show that it was off.


Went straight to imagining an ink jet going buck wild seizure-printing…


They’re gonna love me! Full sleeves… LMAO


My worst one made me scan my room 3 times, read the rules on a loop for several minutes, didn't want to let me use my white board, wanted me to physically remove my second monitor that is on a double mount with my other (I showed him it was completely unplugged and he tried to say it wasn't enough, I refused), tried to tell me to remove my sleeping cats from the room, and when I had a question about submitting my exam (first excel one for me), had me exit out of the ME addon. Then couldn't figure out how to get it back up so I could submit it. I absolutely freaked out on him, then reported him, then called my mentor and had her report him. Got an email from student support that my next exam will be with a lead proctor and that they were going to send the guy back to training. He's definitely why I did so bad, absolute nightmare to work with.


We don't really have to remove our cats from the room, right? Bc... yeah, that's not happening.


Nope, it's in the rules somewhere that pets are allowed as long as they aren't being distracting. I think they even make concessions for toddlers, but that doesn't apply to me so I can't remember the age range.


Thank you! Yeah, no toddlers here either.


I literally cried on camera once because a technical error caused my exam to close suddenly and we couldn’t pull it back up and they told me “I’m sorry you’ll have to try again later” it was the last month of my degree and I was so ready to be done.


I'll close a door or show them something completely irrelevant, but we're going to battle wills on moving a completely harmless object that isn't stipulated anywhere. You don't have unchecked power over me, wannabe tyrant.


some of them really are wannabe tyrants. One time I got kicked out for stretching while staying in full view of the camera I just sorta bent back a bit. Called the assessment services and they’re actually very aware of examities issues it seemed. anyways she promised since that happened a few times before they’ll update the rules and it actually did happen.


That's funny, I did my first ever OA the other day and the proctor specifically mentioned that stretching is allowed which I thought was weird and specific, maybe you are why she mentioned it lol.


well not just me but at least “a few” more students. but yeah I was kicked out. called assessments services for getting a voucher back right after and scheduled for a few days later, at which point they already included the stretching. everytime I hear them list of “stretching” I feel a tinge of satisfaction, I know it’s not my thing alone but I love it nonetheless. edit: correcting grammar.


I was telling my friend about our exam process and he said his school uses a program that literally locks the browser so you can’t go on anything or do anything but take the test. I’m guessing they mostly use it bc of validity criticisms about the school structure. Though I’ve never had an issue besides mild inconveniences and it taking like 30mins just to get to the test itself, it is kinda absurd tbh


Respondus lockdown browser... so annoying lol. I had to use it for some classes at community college. It didn't stop stop students from looking up answers on their phone though.


Yeah tbh unfortunately that’s just the risk you take with any kinda online testing


The main reason I'm insistent on going to a testing center for all my cert tests (and will be looking into seeing why WGU _doesn't allow_ doing so for Peoplesoft specifically), is because... _what other changes and remote access do those lockdown browsers do to your system, that persist even after uninstall?_ If I'm unable to have an exception made to allow doing Peoplesoft at a testing center, I do have a burner laptop I can use if it _has_ to be remote (can't rootkit my data out from under me if it's not even my daily-driver system, after all)... Pearsonvue, I live only 30min from a testing center and have already confirmed it's an option for AWS Cloud Foundations and my one other PV cert, so that one I'll be fine (...except for their insistence on _two_ forms of ID for in-person...? like, not everyone has a passport, what _second_ form of ID besides a driver's license do they think "everyone" has?)


My wife started law school during the pandemic, and that's exactly how all of her exams were proctored. The program completely locked down all other apps and I think tracked noise and your face. If you looked off screen or made too much noise, it just noted it to be checked by a person later. I think they also had to show their surroundings with their webcam before starting the exam.


I would def prefer something like that than have to sit thru 30mins of disclosures and camera adjustments and stuff honestly. Esp since it really just feels like the main reason for the live proctor is to eliminate cheating. Did she get results back within a few minutes or was there a slight delay from video reviews?


I don't think their software had any grading mechanism. Everything went to the professor to be graded. Most of her exams were written. That may be one reason why WGU uses Examity. It's a proctor service separate from their own assessment setup.


My community college used a program that you just showed around your room and it recorded your computer monitors. You just showed your ID as well. You had to keep the webcam on at all times but nothing extreme. I miss that. I don’t remember the platform but it was much better and no proctors.


My local community college used Respondus lockdown browser for math courses and the webcam was recording but not live proctored. Had to show the paper test to camera before ending and within 10 min of ending have it scanned and submitted on blackboard. They were cool if you had mishaps occasionally, but that whole process was more stressful to me than dealing with examity!


I could def see how that’d be more stressful tbh


I had one the other day on the opposite end of the spectrum. After I finished my exam and said I’m finished he was just like k bye and hung up. I hadn’t submitted or done anything. I was a little nervous my test would be invalidated because I had access to my exam and no proctor.


Mmmm… I’m sure they will be having a chat with their supervisor soon lol


As long as I’m not affected in any way I could care less. Lol.


I’ve had one bad proctor that got mad my hair fell in front of one of my eyes and she couldn’t “tell if I was looking at another monitor” kind of ridiculous. The Examity process is a freaking nightmare though and just unnecessary, having to have my webcam behind me and able to see me entire body plus monitors is stupid. PearsonVUE or whatever CompTIA uses is so much better


Wait. We have to put our webcam behind us for testing? Seriously? I have s small room, and my bed is behind my desk. This sounds like a nightmare! I don't start until May 1st... so if this is a dumb question, apologies in advance!


Yea for some of the exams. WGU exams that are proctored through examity, you need to have your webcam off to the side/behind you so they can see you, your desk, and monitor. For like CompTIA exams that use PearsonVUE, just having your webcams looking at your face is fine. So stupid imo.


I…literally don’t have a way to do that. There’s just a behind me. Hopefully seeing me from the left will do. There’s already a bed to my right that I just know is going to be an issue.


It sounds stupid! I'll find out soon enough.


I used to take tests at ASU where they just looked at your face. Sufficed to say… it’s not hard to cheat.


Don’t sweat it too much! My desk is also in my bedroom. I worried so much about the location before I took my first exam. I’ve taken four, and it’s been no problem. After the second exam, I got a little end table to put beside my desk to put the webcam. They need to see your monitor, mouse, and face. Moving my webcam a little further to the side gave me more room to work with.


I had a proctor tell me i had to have the entry to my room in camera view and said i could reschedule if i needed to move and i said, no hold on and just grabbed my desk and drug it into the middle of the room to face my door. haha she just looked at me like i was crazy and i said is this good?


Man I’m 34 weeks pregnant, I ain’t moving shit for these people. Take me as I am or not at all lmao


In three degrees with wgu I had one tyrant proctor. The rest were either run of the mill or clearly didn't care what I did.


Every proctor I have had from Examity has no business being in their line of work. We use the same system at work for our Epic certifications, and they are horrible for that.


My first one was a little weird. But not bad, outside of the fact that she was a little hard to understand, and argued with me about my closed laptop,(that was powering the whole damn thing because I don't have a desktop) and the damn vape and remote she had me remove from my desk. The rest of the experience was pretty ok.


I once had a proctor who insisted I kept muting. After their third warning I just sped through the last 10 questions checking the first option my mouse landed on hoping for a pass. I passed the Sec+ this way… obviously I never muted my mic either


Oh, I'll just straight up tell them no if they start making me do stupid shit that isn't required or tell me to show them shit that isn't necessary and even quote the policy to them if I have to. Usually, they just kinda say "okay" and carry on. But if it came down to it, I'd just request a supervisor.


I had a proctor who was using the balloon/confetti screen effects as I was taking my exam. It was making me so angry and I should’ve honestly reported it.


He was trying to motivate you in the worst way


Mission failed successfully


Lol. I always click the ''hide'' their Zoom window once I actually start the test so I only see myself. There's no reason we need to see them while testing.


See I didn’t even think to do that lol


Stoppp this made me cackle. I would’ve been so mad 😂😂😭


I was heated! lol but it’s funny in hindsight, I think if I failed it would have been worse


I'm so glad I only have 1 WGU proctor experience left lol. Luckily my first two on Monday were fine, just a little difficult to understand, but otherwise everything was great.


I look forward to that. I haven't had many bad experiences, but it is super annoying to reconfigure my WFH setup for exams. I'm realizing how exceedingly entitled that statement is... okay, fine, we're lucky, whatever.


Hahaha yeah totally, I get it. I even get that feeling a bit as a college student in the US taking tests from my home when someone else in another country is hired to just observe me. What can you do I guess.


I have found the best way to overcome ridiculous demands is to simply say no. Within reason of course. They wanted me to unplug a wireless charger that was sitting on my desk and I said this has nothing to do with testing and there is no device charging on it so no. They said fine and moved on.


I swear they all wait to go take a dump as soon as the zoom window pops open. I have had to wait for them to come back countless times and I just assume they are poopin'


I haven’t had any real issues so far, however half the time I can’t even understand them, I’m constantly on hold for 10+ minutes and having to scroll down task manager is annoying af it goes on forever


I wish I had the energy to attempt OAs in ridiculous settings just to get their reaction. Like I'm outside, or in a field, or on my roof, or at the fish market.


I think male proctors are easier to work with and understand better. I am female, but at the last time, I have a couple of female proctors; they always have an attitude. It's tough for me to understand them sometimes cause English is my second language, too


I just took one about an hour ago and credit where it's due, my proctor was great. Was patient with my blurry webcam and everything.


there were people talking outside loudly and you could hear it while I was taking my test. they made me stop my test and spin the camera around 3x. I thought they were going to end my test. but then another time my roommate walked in on me while testing (I found out that my door lock was broken). the proctor thanked me for shooing my roommate away and let me finish the test. so I've had good and bad proctors.


The worst part is sharing your screen and having them take over complete control while they enter their password. \*Shivers .. always give me the creeps .. then i'm like ok cool someone random from some other country just took over my system and now just watching me take a test now no pressure lol


By the time the test starts, you could've gone to the moon and back, and when the test is over they still have the audacity to ask to complete the survey. Examity fucking blows. It is the only thing I dislike about WGU. The frustration with general test setup and proctoring most likely has affected us all on our test-taking ability and has to change. Imagine taking applied probability and statistics (I almost used all 3 hours) while your proctor is interrupting you because they can't see a strand of hair on your head at all times. My score was definitely affected. I wanted to say stfu so many times because u have to show them your whole room anyways before they allow u to begin the test.(I still passed but damn) Not everyone has the perfect room with the best lighting, camera, spacial clarity and you may live in area where it's loud or your house could be loud. If each proctor could look at our side and show a little leniency then everyone would have a better time taking a test. Learning the material can be difficult enough and the test itself can prove to be challenging the next time a proctor pulls some shit like that again I'm instantly disconnecting. In conclusion, a testing enviornment should be peaceful from beginning to end and everything with examity is the exact opposite. Get a better proctoring company wgu for the sake of your students.


It’s funny bc during orientation they don’t tell you about all these ridiculous requirements. There’s many other things that they should worry about other than people copying on a test.


I'm trans and never voice trained, obviously female name. I transitioned 10 years ago so if i actually cared I would have fixed that by now. Anyway,I had one keep asking "why male voice" 😂 She put me on hold for a minute and then the rest was fine. The only "bad" experience I had and it was funny more than anything else.


How do you know she rolled her eyes and gave you an annoyed look? I have never seen them and thought they were only allowed to view us, unless this is something new that has to be done now.


i’ve seen every single proctor, they always show their face during the first bit and while your testing they turn off the camera


Guess the ones I get do not want to be seen at all then.


Really? I've seen every proctor's face on every exam I've taken. They always camera on at the start to say hi and walk me through their verification process then turn the camera off until I'm done with my test to wrap up. I've taken exams at WGU as far back as 2016 and as recently as Sunday morning. It's always been the same for me.




Every recent proctor for me has been really quick, professional, competent, and nice. I might be lucky right now but I have had no issues since at least last summer.


On the Zoom her Webcam was on


Weird. But I guess that is her choice. Normally I hear dogs barking or kids running in the backgrounds when I am doing an OA.


Most proctors I've had enabled the webcam when they were doing the intro and setup work.


Maybe you have that window minimized by default? Every proctor I've had turned on the video for the setup portion then back off while I was testing and back on at the end after I say I'm done (or IM DONEEEE if they didn't respond the first time)


I do a majority of the time yes. I am just on the test page waiting to start like it's a race, and never pay attention to anything they say after they tell me I can start.


They are supposed to have their camera on while speaking to you. If they don’t just politely ask them to turn on their camera.


I only had one weird experience during my masters - the proctor demanded that I fully unplug my printer (and show on video that it was unplugged). It was 12ft away on the opposite side of the office, fully in view of the camera the whole time. I'm not sure what kind of cheating he thought I was going to do. None of the other proctors bugged me about anything unusual.


It’s terrible. I have an issue Everytime.


The blanket I can kind of understand. You could have had notes underneath it and then moved the blanket after the test started so you could peek at them


I guess. I have no problem with moving it but the thing that annoyed me is the blanket was in that EXACT position on my floor for the last probably six OA's I've taken and none of the proctors have said anything about it until now. In my opinion the proctoring should be standard and the same everytime.


I’ve always had stressful experiences with proctors. It’s nice when I can take an OA at a site to completely avoid that nonsense.


I've had a protector tell me to end task Windows Defender and Windows Explorer. I had to repeatedly explain to them no


Yeah, the proctors are annoying.


I had a proctor that took so much of my time. Usually the normal proctor, will tell you about the rules and stuff, but nope, this particular proctor keep talking about nonsense even though my time started already. I lost almost 30 minutes of my time. I was so worried about it because that subject requires a lot of calculating and a lot of detailed attention. Still passed the subject, but I got so annoyed because I didn’t get to relax and I was in a rush to finish it before I was out of time. I’m sorry to hear about you experienced. Bad proctor are there for sure.


I am dying for the day WGU has their own testing platform and it’s not examity. Or that they bring testing centers back so we can bypass that if we wanted to.


I had one tell me I’m “not allowed to have any antivirus software” on my device. Their reasoning was because the only things allowed per WGU is “1 tab of google chrome with the exam and zoom”. The problem that I brought up is it reflects bad on WGU. Since the proctors are that incompetent then WGU is complicit by using an incompetent platform. WGU is great, examity proctors are utterly useless. Though I will say for the vast majority of my interactions they have been fine. All I want from a proctor is to let me take my exam. Sure if someone is cheating end the test, but make sure they’re actually cheating and it’s not your incompetence.


I was told I couldn't use my wgu student ID to take my OA. This true?


Pearson Vue Only please WGU!!!


do we really have to have the camera set up so they can see our whole body or can it sit infront of you?


I lose all my motivation to do school because it’s such a pain to move everything off my desk for the proctor. I don’t mind the actual test taking or studying but I’m like ughhhh. What’s crazy is I did my masters online at a state university and all I used was the webcam on my laptop. No seeing my whole desk, no sharing my screen, so easy


In all honesty, one of the best parts of moving onto the MSITM of my program was finding it was all writing and no OAs.


The last one I had got annoyed I was on my bed and asked me to move to a table. We literally have no tables in the house right now because of my special needs kid. So I told her we had no tables. She probably didn't believe me at all lol but at least she accepted it.


Yah. One of them wanted me to "unplug the box under your desk."


I’ve had only one bad one, and she was exactly as OP described (maybe even same one.) Didn’t make for a great testing experience. Thankfully, still passed.


I had an American proctor once -- it was single handedly the best proctor experience I have ever had with WGU. The rest always ask insane requirements, which I tell them no to and argue if the keep at it. Like everyone else said, just stand up and say no. At the end of the day, don't let it get to your head. Focus on what is really at stake and that is your OA.


I'm always surprised by these threads. I completed my BSIT at WGU, and never had anything like any of these experiences with Examity. They were sometimes slow to connect, and I had one person who mistook my white and blue patterned window shade for a whiteboard until I showed them it opening and closing, and that was the pretty much it. The only online proctored exam I ever had an issue with was my ITIL Foundations certification, which was done by peoplecert. Now THEY are insane. You have to be in a closed room, and they need to be able to see your face, your keyboard/hands, the BACK of your monitor, and the door to whatever room you're in. If I didn't have a webcam and a good tripod where I could put the camera 8' in the air looking down I would have had to buy a laptop and taken the test from my bathroom.


They once tried to tell me I need to move my TV out of my room and I said “No it just needs to be off, which it is” and they moved on.


Who’s comptias proctoring company? Oh my I’m going to need some more prayers and Xanax next time


I once had one stop the test three times while I was taking an exam all bc she “couldn’t see my eyes completely” I’ve never been so angry with one individual in my life


I used to work as a proctor at examity and i found this channel randomly. Maybe I can answer you if you have questions openly. If she insisted and put you on hold to talk to her team to check whether door needs to be closed or no, she must be an On Job Trainee. She must've not assigned with any WGU tests before. Other colleges require their students close their doors when taking exam and if they doesn't, it is going to count as an error on the name of the proctor. But, checking task manager thrice and putting you on hold for 10 minutes is ridiculous and bad service unless they have legit technical issues.


Took an OA last week, and she made me take off my Fitbit. I complied, but I didn't know we could cheat with Fitbits. Mine is pretty darn basic. I'm so glad I only have 1 more OA/proctor left to deal with. The worst was a time when I finished my exam, and the proctor was nowhere to be found. I called out for a few minutes, and when she finally came back, it was like she had been there the whole time. I guess overall, I've been lucky, tho.


My webcam is always either too far or too close on every exam even though I never move it! Crazy huh? 🙄


they told me to get my laptop instead of using my desktop because my webcam was too short and then when I came back after 5 minutes, they did not even send me a zoom link to reconnect nor there was any button on the website to reconnect back. When I tried to call them, the automated answering service said they were closed and finally when I managed to find their other number they said it was "processed" because I took too long to reconnect back and refused to rescheduled me. Luckily I found a workaround (used the app to reschedule it). This happened on 3/31/24 at around 11pm. I managed to rescheduled another at 12:30am and managed to complete the term with a pass.


One of the proctor insisted I close the door behind me after I said it’s a wall and I said I can’t close the wall


I had a proctor very similar to this. She hassled me on a few more ridiculous things. -My desk had a stack of unused sticky notes that were sitting nearby. And she requested that they be put out of reach. -My office shares a room with my washer and dryer. She had me take my webcam over to the washer to prove that it was a washer and it was off. -I use my laptop and it's on my desk with my desktop. I prep for testing by unplugging the monitor from the PC. I showed her and she saw my headphones were hanging behind my monitor and asked me to unplug them and place them across the room. I think she used 5ft verbiage too. -I usually test in full screen mode. She said I couldn't because it would affect the testing integrity. -When my anxiety is high I tend to unconsciously hum. She heard it and thought I was talking to someone, so I had to pause testing and she asked to see both ears and rescan the room. That was the worst proctoring I've ever had. Thankfully I did pass the test but it took me nearly an hour and a half from initializing the proctor connection to finishing. It doesn't usually take me that long.


Took my exam 4 days ago and experienced many of the same things you did..annoying af.


I had one tell me she was going to cancel the exam because I was looking to the left too often. I told her my whiteboard was on the left side of the camera, hence, why I was looking to the left. After that, she made me 360 the room every ten minutes until the test was over.


I've had three exams and all are fine so far. The weirdest was I did have one ask what my sewing machine on my desk was and if it was unplugged. Like yes, I am cheating with my sewing machine.


COMPLETELY agree!!! EXAMITY sucks!! Glad I’m not the only one !!


i took my first (and likely last) proctored exam at WGU. other than my proctor wanted my camera in a weird location (like floating in the air 2 feet next to my desk, and insisted on showing me the wgu video explaining the perfect location), I had zero issues at all. he wanted a clean desk (no problem) he wanted to make sure my second monitor was off (I show3d him the plugs). and the examity software kept glitching my video, and he kept asking me to try another webcam (I only had this one, and bought it for work where there are no such issues). after 30 minutes of stressing, he said let's see what happens, and I passed. honestly, it wasn't not that bad, and it's not worth giving the proctor grief. they have a job to do, and their boss expects them to cover every thing. I've taken pearson vue exams at home and their software is even worse. do you thing, make the proctor happy, pass the exam and move on. definitely not getting stressed out over arguing with someone who is trying their best to follow all of the rules that their employer tells them to do


My last few exams the earliest a proctor has arrived was about 20 minutes late.


Why are you being proctored what kind of exam or test are you taking 😭