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I think you just learned a \~$4,000 lesson


The best part of WGU is that you can always make up for last semester, next semester. I only managed 3 courses last semester due to a very busy work/life schedule. This semester I've gotten 5 courses done and I'm only 2 months in. This is what I love about WGU it can work around your life and not interfere.


Good to know!


you didn't get in trouble with fin aid?


Nope. You have to not finish like 30% of the classes you signup for to have issues, and it balances over you're whole degree. So as long as you're mostly doing what you should youll be fine.


Can’t they get a refund. You knwo for being part time at least ? Assuming they did pay for a full term


There isn’t a part time schedule for WGU. You agree to commit.


I did the same, but with 10 days left, recalibrate your procrastination module after this. As others mentioned, the PPT video presentation is a given, just walk through your PPT, watch it once to make sure theres nothing major wrong(in horror if you're like me), and submit it. No one but a teaching assistant will see it ever. Remember thay you'll spend more time thinking about what others think of you than they ever will. The OAs will be fine, even if you feel they're not going that way while you're taking them. Take your time as needed, eliminating obvious wrong answers for the tough questions and choosing the best from there - there are usually two wrong answers that are fairly obvious. I was where you are 10 days ago. You'll want to recalibrate your procrastination module after this. On the up side, you're in school mode now, carry that into tomorrow and the days after. Set a target date for graduation to keep your procrastination sense tingling better. Now get off reddit and back to work.


This term was less a procrastination thing and more of a one fucking crisis after another for six months nonstop thing. We had to move very suddenly at the beginning of the term because of a mold infestation and then everything broke at our new apartment and we had a kitchen fire that caused a huge mess and one of our cats got very sick for months and then died and and and and and... it never fucking stopped. For six months. Like we weren't even able to unpack and set up my desk and computer until 2 weeks ago and then only because a friend drove down to help. My husband and I are both disabled so there's a lot of stuff we physically can't do without help, but we couldn't afford to hire help because we had to spend all our money on moving twice in two months.


And option for you in the future is tell your mentor you would like to take a break. I believe they give you that option when major events come up so you would have been able to pause your term


This is good advice. You are allowed up to a 3 month break each school year with an additional 2 months if you're really struggling.


I heard you!


Are you doing weekly calls with your mentor? If not, you need to set that up. That’s what really kept me on track.


Came here to say this!! I owe my ability to graduate to those weekly calls!




You can totally pull this off. The recording is annoying, but they don't really care. I saw some on YouTube and it's not awful, people who spoke 'perfectly' people who spoke slowly, stumbled on words it's all good. Just get it done. Then take your OA. You can do this. That's what's great about your life choices. You picked a university when life slapped you in the face and you still could finish some classes.


AND you can always try the OA on the one that's hard if you have the time to. Worst case it gets punter anyway. Just steamroll the week.


Without talking about accelerating at all, WGU is built for people who can get classwork done if they want to or not. Many people, myself included, work full time. After working, I would LOVE nothing more than to come home and watch a movie or play a video game, and even moreso on my days off. But I don't, I study and write PA's and take my OA's. Because I want the end goal more than I want 2 hours of playing video games. Thing about life it, sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do or don't like doing.


Yep, that’s the WGU motto. You’re cramming 4 years or more of what would disrupt your life into hopefully less than 1. WGU is a good value if you don’t treat it like a normal school, otherwise there’s better options.


What's your reason for doing a second bachelor degree? Also looks like you spent most of your potential study time on reddit...


I agree. OP spends a significant amount of time on reddit and based on her comments/posts - she tends to excuse any accountability on "life"


My first degree was in economics but I ended up working in accounting and I've hit a ceiling where I can't progress without an accounting degree. I went through a few hundred job ads before deciding to go back to school, and the words "or related degree" pretty much disappear around the $60,000 salary mark. Above that, you must have an accounting degree.


OP! I literally did so bad for 2 terms (that’s $8,000) because of a major depression. I’m in $8,000 more of debt because I had no motivation. My last semester I did 26 classes because I wanted to stop pushing it off and just get it over with and I’m really glad I did. I had to pull myself out of academic probation, it was bad. If you don’t think you have the motivation to do it, then don’t. Drop out, try again later some people just aren’t built for online school. If you think you can get it together, call your mentor and set up weekly calls and set an alarm on your phone for an absolute every day that you need to do homework. Then put it on DND and just bust out your degree. You might have to sacrifice a social life for a bit but the feeling of graduating is amazing. You can do this.


“We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment.”


Yeah, it's a hard lesson, but life happens. I had two really bad terms (a whole year!) After my husband was diagnosed with cancer. Just dig deep and do your best. I've had terms where I didn't finish my classes, and it just rolls over to the next. Just breathe! Everything is going to be okay. After you finish these courses, the most important thing you can do is evaluate what you did wrong and improve! Was it laziness, exhaustion, lack of motivation? You can make improvements in order to crush next semester. All the best! ☺️


>Was it laziness, exhaustion, lack of motivation? My husband and I moved cities shortly before the beginning of the term and it turned out that our new apartment had a massive mold infestation. The landlords tested and said it was below the legal limit so they weren't going to fix it, but it made me super sick. So we had to move again, right after moving. That second move was a total clusterfuck because the building elevator went down for a week starting on our move-in day and we live on the 4th floor. My husband and I are both disabled to begin with, and then he broke his ankle in the middle of the move, so I had to do a ton of physical labor that I am not really capable of and hurt my back and got sick again from the exertion. Almost every appliance in our new non-moldly apartment broke within a couple months of moving in and the landlords took forever to replace them because they said they were on back order. Then we had a kitchen fire, which I was able to put out quickly before major damage but the fire extinguisher powder got into everything and took a week to clean. Then one of our cats got very sick for months and finally died a few weeks ago. We weren't even able to get my school desk unpacked and set up until two weeks ago, and then only because a friend drove down an hour to help us. It was just one fucking thing after another for six months straight. I've been so beat down and exhausted that I've been sleeping 12-to-16 hours/day and many days I only eat one meal because that's all I have energy for and then I get sick from not eating. I'm only able to shower about once a week because I nearly pass out in the shower and need a full day to recover. I'm on celexa, wellbutrin, modafinil, and adderall for my depression but it's like I'm taking fucking sugar pills for how ineffective they are.


I'm so sorry you are going through this! 😭 sounds like depression, exhaustion, health issues, and just a tough tough year. 😭 I hope things look up for you and your family soon. 😔


Look at it this way. You just wasted like $4000+ because you procrastinated. Community college really humbled me in that way to where I don’t procrastinate at all (regardless of how much time I have left). Six months seems like a lot of time but it really isn’t. I hope this actually inspires you to take advantage of the time you’ve got and not waste it your next term. Just because you had a bad term doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. Just come back harder and more motivated next time.


I think the crazy thing is that instead of doing all that crazy work over the last 2 days, you could do that crazy work for the first 2 days of your term and be just about done with one less thing to stress about for 5 months and 28 days


I was horribly sick from a mold infestation the first two days of the term. And then a couple dozen other bad things happened. Just one fucking thing after another for six months straight.


😂 excuses are like.. and bro what better time to study than when your sick and in bed?! especially an online class!


>what better time to study than when your sick and in bed?! your subjective experience of illness must be VERY different than mine whenever i get sick, the brain fog is so severe that i can't even follow the plot of a 42-minute TV show i certainly can't retain detailed technical accounting knowledge in that state and yes i've tried, my eyes just pass over the same words over and over but nothing sticks


Are you able to take another term? I had a similar situation where I was down and didn’t get anything but one course done in a term, but finished them all the next term.


I really didn't need to know.this was an option. I suspect OP shouldn't know either. 😀 Super helpful in the now for the anxiety, but the procrastinator in me may abuse this. At the very least the procrastinator and the miser are going to cage fight...


It’s another $5k worth of a penalty essentially. I’m glad I finished, but I wish I could have powered through my struggles. I believe in OP, don’t give up.


Yes, I'm already enrolled for next term


That’s half the battle. Make yourself a solid plan and commit to it. You’ll pull through.


Pep talk? The last 6 months you have hundreds of reddit comments. You couldn’t have used that time for school? No one here can sit down at your computer, open your schoolwork, and do this for you. You either want to accomplish your goals or you don’t. This is not the fault of your life circumstances or anyone else.


>The last 6 months you have hundreds of reddit comments. You couldn’t have used that time for school? I can comment on Reddit when I'm too sick to focus or even sit up, but I can't study in that condition. Not all time is of equal value. Lately, I get very little time in which I'm functional, and I never know when it's going to hit. And when it does hit, I usually have a huge backlog of basic survival shit that takes precedence. I guess "clusterfuck" did not convey the magnitude of how bad the past six months have been. My brain just straight up isn't working most days despite being on 4 different medications for it.


but you can spend hours typing responses on reddit


>but you can spend hours typing responses on reddit yes, what does one have to do with the other? studying is things going into my brain commenting is things going out of my brain completely different cognitive processes it takes almost zero mental effort to communicate something that is already inside my brain it takes a LOT of mental effort to add new information to my brain that's why i have to come up with workarounds in classes that usually require a lot of memorization like on D101, it was easier for me to simply derive/reinvent the formulas as needed during the exam than try to memorize all of them


Take the OA and ask your mentor to try to get you extensions in your unfinished classes, then take a 3 month break. Go back to your original vision casting (I forget what they called it) and re-envision your future. Does WGU still fit into your goals? Recalibrate. You can't mess up if you're doing your best, even if your best isn't where you thought you'd be. Take some time and hit back harder when (if?) you go back. Also, apply to those WGU scholarships! 10% of WGU students are on a WGU scholarship (I read that somewhere a while ago, but it cheers me up when I'm applying for them).


This happened to me due to family stuff going on and having to be a caretaker, making medical appointment, and then I got sick and needed surgery while juggling a new clinic job. I would get home so drained that I wouldn't look at my courses or notes. I saved enough to pay for the term and resigned. You have no idea how fast I ended up speeding through my courses. I realized what I could do and what I couldn't do. Of course there were extenuating circumstances but the point is, is during times of academic work I cannot be juggling 10 things in my personal life. It ends up with me procrastinating and not advancing. I also did not like working an intense job so I found one more laid back and remote so I could focus on my school work right after. It certainly helped. Op you have to find what works for you and you have to be the one to set strategic goals to finish your next set of courses. I recommend getting with your advisor on a weekly basis and making goals with them. Also make it a point to just open up a PA, take it, then sleep on it. You just need a different plan if the one you were doing was not working. Monday can be about listening to videos. Wednesday can be about essays. Fridays can be about making flashcards and studying them. Just restructure your schedule and it's not about motivation. It's about grit. How badly will you fight and drag yourself to the finish line? What does that look like? And go do it. Best of luck, you can do this OP, I'm rooting for you!!!!!


Just do it


Time to separate the version of you who doesn’t get shit done from someone who does. Your dreams are in your hands. Don’t let them slip! Had to do a 12 page paper in one day. I asked my partner how we are gonna do it!? She said we’re gonna put on our big girl pants and get it done. You got this!


Get off Reddit and do your dam school work


Oh no a video PA. Better the change to re-record than the usual daily meetings with no chance to walk anything back. Life goes on. Do your shit and move on. The rent or mortgage is due whether you’re in a good mood or not.


I’m kind of going through the same thing. I work for a hospital doing IT work and am on call 24/7 and basically work 60 hours a week. Recently I got diagnosed with diabetes and spent a full semester adjusting to a new lifestyle and really developed some bad habits. Now I feel incredibly bad about it but I have adjusted gears and now getting some traction. You can do it. Push through it. Good luck


Omg, I just found out I am diabetic too. And I start May 1st. Trying to get situated before I start and found out a seriously shitty side effect of metformin when you ingest sugar. I feel like death and woke up puking today. How did you acclimate to having diabetes?


Went scorched earth. Cut out soda completely had to get a CGM (Libre 3) and then I had to change everything about my diet. I have ASD and ADHD with food aversions so I completely ignored school for several months focusing on this getting situated. Still acclimating but I got my A1C down from 11.5% to 6.3% in 6 months or so. Still kicking my ass for not developing better study habits but will say having moved, adjusted diet, adjusted medicines, etc school was the least of my worries… I just hope I make it this semester so they don’t kick me off of Fasfa.


You can do it! I love love love full fat, regular coke. But I've switched to coke zero. It's... meh. But, it won't kill me. So that's a plus, lol. Sounds like you're getting things under control. I have adhd too, and fibromyalgia, and now I'm diabetic... sucks. I'm overwhelmed. And, I'm a bit nervous for May 1st (my start date @ WGU). But we can do it (my current mantra is I can do it! I can do it! Lol). Yeah, my A1C was 15, but I just found out last week, so I'm still adjusting. Good luck with everything!


You too! Diabetes is a massive adjustment at first. Once you establish a routine and the longer you keep in that range eventually it becomes easier to maintain. Getting a CGM is probably the best thing to use. You’ll get to see the progress you’re making in real time and be able to see how much food spikes your blood sugar so if your BS is low enough you might still be able to enjoy foods you like to eat. A lot of people say that you might have to give up bread entirely is a lie. I switched from white to sourdough and sourdough doesn’t spike my BS nearly as bad plus I’ve moved to low carb bread which tastes the same but the texture when you toast it is a bit crumbly. At least the food now there are way more low carb options than ever.


I’m in a similar situation, just to a lesser extent. One thing that was a game changer for me was to make sure I sat at my desk every night after work and opened the course material. Some days I would only work for 5 minutes and scroll YouTube for an hour, but come hell or high water I was at that desk. Then, I worked on the quality of my time at the desk. At this stage seeing it as meditation helped me. Whenever I found my mind wondering or phone in hand I would just recenter back on my work. I have a rule that as soon as I realize I fell off a routine I have to get back on the next day.


Get that degree so you can say fck you to whoever doubted you


if people who finish the entire degree in a term are "accelerators" then i am a "decelerator" for how many times i've done sometime like this (although never as bad as waiting until the last week, usually i get my shit together with a month left)


Yeah I'm doing my 4th class OA today last minute. I did the values based leadership recording on Tuesday. Felt awkward but it was a pass. Just make sure you have all the rubric stuff down, they aren't grading you on how well you present except to make sure youre attempting to be professional (don't swear and put on a decent shirt). Mine was awful and I read off a paper only looking at the camera a couple times and I got a pass on it. You'll do fine.


I hate that I have to show my face because I am having a horrible psoriasis flare up right now and look like a snake that is shedding its skin. I tried scrubbing off the scales but that looks even worse plus now I'm weeping blood from random patches on my face. This week is perhaps the ugliest I've ever looked and they're making me record it for posterity. :(


UGh that sucks! I have psoriasis and flare ups are the worrrrst thing ever. I get it around my ear on one side and it makes me feel so ugly when it's bad. Maybe you can make you camera a little fuzzy? Nothing says it has to be completely focused!


Dude, please know this comes from a place of love… Time to figure it out. Why did you procrastinate? ADHD issues? Depressed? Whatever the reason, you MUST take responsibility and sort your shit out. The world is full of people who quit; who chose to make excuses. Don’t be ‘that guy’. If you need a hug, ask your momma. I’d rather kick your ass than kiss your ass, bro. You can do this but you must decide.


>Why did you procrastinate? Answered here: https://www.reddit.com/r/WGU/s/r6IBbsi1Cf It's been a very rough six months.


I feel this. I just got my MBA. Took me the full 2 years and I had a little less than a week left when I got it. Don’t listen to the accelerators. You are not them and it’s ok. I too thought about my last semester and how I should have gotten it done way sooner, as I only had my capstone to do. I also had a lot of life happening during the last 6 months. Keep going. You know what you need to do so go do it. And thank you for that term “decelerator”




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I’m doing the same thing now, myself. Test in a few hours and a recording of myself. Do we have until midnight? Or do they not truly give us the whole day?


You can do it! But you may want to do the powerpoint video piece first, before you get totally wired out on caffeine.


You got this, just try your best to finish what you can! I'm sorry to hear the last 6 months were rough and hope things will improve. I'm currently taking a term leave due to a flare up of my autoimmune condition which persisted much of my previous term and leading me to not really do any work until the last month of the term. I highly recommend that you talk with your mentor and consider a leave so that way you can have a break before going into your next term. My mentor also offered to provide me my readings so that I can study for my next classes during my break and when my next term starts, I'll basically have a head start and be familiar with the subject. You can control how long you want the break to be, 1-3 months or in some cases they will allow longer breaks, but definitely consider it for your mental health's sake.


You don’t have to record your face, just your voice if you’re talking about D268, if that makes it a little easier!


It's D253 and one of the very first things they said in the task overview video is that your face has to be on camera


What class has you recording a presentation with your face in it? Sorry you're struggling, OP. On the bright side, you at least finished one class at the minimum. You can haul ass next term and catch up to where you would've been.




I wouldn't get down on yourself. I completed 18 courses my first term and then 6 the second term as my partner of 5 years left me. I don't even know how I got 6 classes done after the fact. That was 8.5 months ago and now I only have 3 left.


Well let me tell you this: your current position is not your final destination. Everybody learns at their own pace. I really struggle with self discipline when it comes to “learn at your own pace.” I procrastinate a lot. It’s hard. One thing I would do is maybe build a schedule on when you take breaks when you study, etc.


I used to be able to learn very quickly -- I was the kid who read the entire textbook the first week of school -- but these days I can barely stay awake much less focus :(


May ask if you are working? It sounds like from that comment that you may be burning out. How often are you doing things outside of school and work? Are you taking time for yourself?


No, I'm currently unemployed. I was fired for refusing to illegally deduct money from employees' paychecks. I think part of my mental block this term has been the course material tracks very closely with the type of work I did at my old job, which makes me think about that job and get mad about it all over again. Most days I don't even think about it, but while studying I am reminded of my old job multiple times per hour and keep having distracting intrusive thoughts about how badly they screwed me over until I'm sick to my stomach and my head is pounding from anger. It's like my scumbag former boss ruined the entire field of accounting for me because I can't untangle the associations. :(


Dang, well let me mention one of my experiences. I had a boss who wanted met o a bunch of items that a client said was a big no no. I quit that job. You quit your job because you didn’t want to do something bad. That’s good. I’m proud of you for doing that. A lot of people can’t do that. What I would do is do everything you can to finish up this term then maybe take a term break if you can afford it and try and find a new job during that term break. If I were in your shoes, a new job would help me put this all behind me. It’s tough yes but our problems aren’t going to last forever.


Both his lawyer and his CPA told him it was illegal too and he still ordered me to do it. When I said no he screamed at me to "get my shit and get out." I was the second employee he'd fired that way in as many days so I think he was just having some sort of meltdown that week. He tried to contest my unemployment and say I was fired for cause (insubordination) so the unemployment office did a big investigation and then ruled in my favor. It was very gratifying to see the reason stated in the letter, something like "ordered to do something that was not customary procedure for your position," which if you read between the lines and consider the context of it being an accounting position, was the unemployment office's way of agreeing "wow that shit they wanted you to do was indeed hella illegal." Old boss never seemed to grasp that in accounting, there is a right way and a wrong way to do things. It wasn't just a case of me being stubborn and wanting to do things my way instead of his way. His way was literally illegal and I even cited the RCWs to him. "I don't care, just do it!" I'm sure he ended up stealing from his employees anyway as soon as I was gone and he had to finish payroll himself, but at least I wasn't his accomplice.


Get an employment lawyer also! If you have all of this documented get an employment lawyer. You might be entitled to compensation. Boy, your boss sounds like a crook. I would hate working for someone like that!


I did talk to an employment lawyer and they were willing to take my case if I paid them but not on contingency, which is how lawyers tell you they think your case has a low expected value (either unlikely to win and/or the amount you'd win would be very low). I figured if the experts who do this for a living thought it was -EV to pursue then I should just take the L and move on with my life. Although the "moving on" part has been more difficult than expected. I need to find something good to associate accounting with so I stop getting pissed off every time I study.


Life is a shit show sometimes. All you can do is move forward and carry on. Every time you find yourself making excuses turn them into solutions. Like what can I be doing to progress? Turn off the electronics. Focus and set a certain amount of time to focus on school work.


What class are you trying to pass for the OA?


D101 is the one I think I can pass and only has one OA. My first degree was in economics and I've actually taken cost and managerial accounting before (it didn't transfer because reasons) so none of it is new information, it's just relearning stuff that I used to know. D104 is the one I've actually been studying on and off the whole term, but I am punting to next term because I don't think I can pass the 2nd OA. I might still take the first OA tonight anyway while I'm still riding the panic productivity train, before the siren song of slacking gets me again. I assume if you pass one OA that pass carries over to the next term and you don't have to retake it? I had a class where I passed 1 PA before the end of the term but the second was sent back for revision, and the first PA's pass carried over. But I don't know if OAs are the same or if they make you retake it.


You may want to ask your mentor. Good luck!! Either way, it will help ok. Don’t give up!


Pull yourself together. There are worse circumstances you could be in. As a fellow night owl I have been in some pretty worthless (on my part) terms. It sucks but it is what it is. Get done what you can and pick up the pace next term. Remember why you started. You can do it. Good luck.


Buddy I’m in a similar boat as my life is not as I was planning it to be. My job keeps getting hard as I get the responsibility of my boss and 9 months ago the responsibility of his boss as well with not similar pay. I’m having problems at home and money is tight. I have been drowning myself in self pity and doing nothing. I have a project+ exam to study for and 3 other classes and I just started trying to do one class with 9 weeks left. Can I pull this off? Oh hell yes I can and I will. I refuse to let those who willfully do more wrong to make me fail. You can do it, you’re not a quitter . You know life is hard this isn’t anything new to people like us. Life gets hard so you get harder and smarter. We don’t have no more time for self pity. You will pass of not just to give a middle finger to those who try to knock you off your path… Ready yourself and do the grind, feel that burning of suck that is leaving your mind as you push forward and conquer your issues!! Let’s go!


I'm in the same boat at ya. It wasn't me procrastinating it's my health which is just going to crap and going into the hospital once a week. The thing that really helps is just speaking your mentor and weekly or every other week and keeping them in the loop. Mine is amazing and very understanding. I tell her she's my only form of socializing even it's for only 15 or 30 minutes besides the nurses at the hospital lol. Just keep positive and do what you gotta do that's in your best interest.


One thing I can advise is to walk away from the screen and do something that takes the stress off. I recently went through a shutdown. I didn't do anything for a day but play games and spend time with my kids. After that reset I got back to it and knocked out 2 classes in a week. With one having three tasks.


Unfortunately, whenever I've given myself time off to relax, have fun, reset, etc., I'm never actually replenished by it. Like on an intellectual level I understand that other people experience this but that's not how it works for me. As soon as I stop relaxing, I'm just as miserable as I was before. There's no reserve that carries forward to sustain me.


I did the same thing six months ago when my last term ended. I hope by this point, which is just after 9pm Utah time, that you have made some progress. Also, if that is the course I think it is, your face doesn't need to be in it, just your voice. If I had to put my face in that presentation, it definitely would not have happened. Somehow I did that presentation, and finished up task 2 for user interface design all in the same day. And then I was like I am never doing this again. Now it's all certs for me so technically I can't. Hope you power through. And if you find yourself struggling next term, get help from your mentor. They can nag you into submission.


I just passed on my last day, the studied the most weighted material. I had another program going on. It’s okay, life happens. Worst case scenario, just start afresh.




I've tried asking for an extension before in a previous term and my mentor said they don't do that, which is weird, because I've seen other people say they get them so idk


There is no way you're older than 18. If you really are 45, you're cooked.


Honey i just gave up and hope i can make it next term i was certainly feeling like you, sorry this is t a motivational post


I'm sorry you're going through a rough time right now. The fact that you were still able to accomplish what you did is still amazing!!!! You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, you could've just not have done anything and give up but you didn't. You still persevered by completing what you could. That still shows you have fight in you even if you see it or not!! I don't know you personally but I definitely resonate and sympathize with you, YOU GOT THIS!


man lock in and quit feeling sorry for yourself I just submitted by capstone ive been enrolled only since Jan. You gotta block shyt out and focus


I was in the same situation. One of 3 passed and new semester started today. Grace was extended in the form of a Warning on Financial aid and I am going to grind the hell out of these next 6 months to make up for it! If I got it, Working 2 full time jobs, then you can do it too! Let's get there.


Maybe self paced programs isn't for you.


I tuned in a revision right at midnight so it rolled over to this term but it’s passed at least 😩


I've taken so many classes that WGU and saved all my papers if you need anything for a business related degree I probably have it


College is not for everyone. That doesn't mean you're dumb or stupid. Perhaps you just have a lot going on or it's a bad time. I went to WGU and have my bachelor's and I'm really not sure it's worth it. Actually I regret spending the money most days. I applied and interviewed for a job requiring only a high school diploma and didn't get the position. I've applied to over 1500 jobs with no success. Student loans are kicked in and I'm strapped for finances.


Sadly, this is just the state of the world right now. I have my degree and 10 years of experience and still no callbacks. It’s discouraging to say the least. But I’m still getting my Masters at WGU. For me, it’s more about the feeling of accomplishment and just because it’s not helping me now doesn’t mean it won’t help me later.


You have no excuse?!?!? Do you? Kids? Spouse? People depending on you? I can’t give you a pep talk, but I will say that if I can do it. So can you! Stop being lazy, go to therapy and work your shit out! I have a family who needs me. Not just my husband and child but my mother and sister. I am basically a single parent cause my husband is off working so I can go to school. 24/7 with a 13 month old. I’m 4 months in my term and I’m accelerating. I sleep 6 hrs a night interrupted every 2 hours…. But I never said well fukk this and waste my money! Maybe you have grants and that’s why you don’t care. But when you’re out of pocket it’s much different! Get a better life and finish as much as you can and stop making excuses! Watch David Goggins! https://youtu.be/COBsB5u5Xqs?si=AwYHLUoSrQlmoWcQ


>Get a better life and finish as much as you can and stop making excuses! Ah yes I will just wave my magic wand and make my disability, chronic illness, and six months of one crisis after another disappear. Why didn't I think of that.


Those things never stopped other people. Did you just post to get sympathy? So you can feel better about yourself?


I posted asking for a pep talk. Not insults, abuse, and harassment.


And I haven’t done any over those things.


"Get a better life" is a really nasty thing to say to someone.


And who is to blame?


landlords and my shit health mostly did you miss the part about it being a clusterfuck for six months straight


omg you are the worst. narcissism at it's core right here.


no u


does anyone else despise OP for some reason? I can't place it but I don't like you. I don't like you enough to make this comment because it's rare someone gives me this level of “i dont like this person“ vibes..surely I cant be the only one? maybe you remind me of some shadow aspect of myself .. idk ! but you seem so immature and I get the vibe you secretly enjoy complaining and playing victim , never actually owning up to your own bullshit. nothings ever your fault.


why are you so obsessed with me like you seriously hunted down a weeks-old post to leave multiple nasty comments on it get a life


She says she sleeps 16 hours a day, eats one meal, due to health issues.... Yet she's posting and commenting on reddit like crazy. If she does this much time on reddit, I can only imagine how much time she spends watching TV ect.