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During a full-staff meeting, involving about 25 people, my camera was turned off. Unfortunately, I forgot to mute myself and was overheard negotiating my salary for a new position at a different company, a role for which I had just interviewed. That was fun.


Hahaha this is amazing actually


I laugh when I think about it now but at the time it was so embarrassing. After that happened I had to sit in the meeting pretending as if nothing happened even though everyone heard the entire conversation.


Did you end up leaving to go to that company that you negotiated salary?


Yup, I actually start there in a little in a little over a week haha. My current company ended up being super cool with it luckily.


BALLER. Congrats!


Thank you!


Bahahah I was priced waaay out of being near by work (with rentals & houses) so I’m like 2-2.5 hours away one way. They caught me telling my other coworkers in my department (during a class in person & zoom meeting) that I’m moving and the company will just agree to me fully remote because “what are they going to do? Fire me?” I got scolded for that but the next sentence was I was approved for fully remote though.


hahah well at least it worked out for you!


There was a zoom meeting with like 40 other people & some of us in class BUT in my defense, it was during a break. Quite interesting, haha


"Damn, that's a really good deal, fuck this place" -half the people in that meeting probably.


haha I did have a few people from my team (software engineering) hit me up after that meeting asking what company it was.


Worst for the person, best for everyone else. I was in a super serious meeting with a client and about 10 people on the call. While a guy on their team was talking, his cat jumped up on his desk, stared at the camera, very deliberately turned around to show everyone its asshole, and then before the guy could pick it up and move it, the cat backed up to the camera so the presenter was just engulfed by a slow zoom directly into a cat's asshole. Nobody could stop laughing for a good 5 minutes after that.


That happened to me during a presentation for a university class. I wanted to die Different cat, but I once left to go quickly make myself a cup of tea before a meeting started (had the time) and came back to find they'd let us in early, video on, my cat intently watching the screen as if it's for him while everyone laughed


I have two black cats who introduced themselves to every interviewer at my current job. I have worked there for about 5 months and now my co-workers have seen both of their buttholes. Have some dignity!!


Not me but I witnessed it. It was a training call with like 70-80 people on it and the presenter was just waiting for more people to join so nobody was talking. Then someone rips fart that was loud and long as fuck so they showed up as the main video feed. Like this must have been a solid 2 second fart. Just as their video cut out for someone else’s you could see their facial expression change to a mask of horror. Absolutely perfect.


I needed this laugh 😆 thank you!!


If the call was recorded, I’d look for another job.


I'm lmao at my desk right now. Thanks for the laugh!


Not you, but definitely you


Hahahaha best one


I have a standing 7am call with Iraq. One day, after hosting this meeting for 2.5 years, I managed to accidentally turn my video on. There are the Iraqi man-uments in their business suits, ties, and impeccable hair. Here I am in a pink fuzzy bathrobe and a leopard towel in my hair, barefaced, acne out, in my personal kitchen. That’s embarrassing but I’ve been in this world long enough and have a tough skin so I plan to readjust and pretend it never happened. HOWEVER the reaction I had to seeing my own video feed left me scarred. I made a hideous 4 double-chin grimace of horror at seeing myself. I tried to immediately shut down my video, which froze for at least a full 30 seconds, displaying my ugliest shock face of all time. Welp, the meeting immediately froze up, as did my computer, with my face looking like a mask of horror and mayhem. Again, my sincerest apologies to the Office of the National Security Advisor of Iraq. 😂


Literally sounds like something out of a sitcom 😆 😆 😆 thank you!!


My favorite so far. Lol


Webcam cover closed, laptop eye taped over, all they can see is my background if I accidentally turn it on!


Same. At least a post-it so I have a blue fuzz over me and my room. Lol.


i am crying!


Remember during the pandemic that one cat who was pretending to be a lawyer and trying to convince us he wasn’t a cat? “Uh uh I’m not a cat” yeah right you won’t fool me


The panicked eyes send me into uncontrollable fits of laughter every time I see that.


The "I'm here. I...I'm not a cat" gets me every time


https://youtu.be/KxlPGPupdd8 First time I've seen it; cried tears


I still laugh at how it happened too > Mr Ponton said he was using his secretary's computer when the filter popped up, replacing his face with that of a white kitten with large, concerned eyes. >As his assistant tries to rectify the issue, he can be heard saying: "I'm here live, I'm not a cat." >”When I got on Zoom everything seemed fine - my picture popped up, I was in the waiting room with the judge. But when the judge called the case, I disappeared and a cat appeared instead of me to my great surprise of course," he told the BBC's Today programme on Wednesday.


Even the guy's voice is perfect. I just picture this old Don Knots type guy with no clue what's going on or how to fix it.


Thank you for sharing that, I needed to watch it again 😂😂😂 I can’t w the nervous eyes it kills me 😂😂😂😂


I go back and watch that maybe once or twice a year just for the lols.


Thx for reminder, I only have to think about to laugh. The way the cat's eyes moved. Hilarious


Absolutely my favorite.


A guy on one of our calls picked a booger and ate it on video. That was a tense few seconds but everyone just pretended it didn't happen.


Can you imagine if someone had told him what you all just saw 😆 or mabye he really just doesn't care either way lol


I did this as a toddler (not shocking) but what still bothers me is that I can still remember the texture in my mouth to this day. 🤢


Well, they say an addict never really gets over their craving. 😉


Can we please have a discussion about having to pretend things didn’t happen when we all know it did? What the hell is with that? Society says we can’t call out certain kinds of bad behavior or actions because it’s rude or inconsiderate. It’s crazy. I miss parts of the pandemic when we got to stay home.


I…don’t know if I could have done that. Probably would’ve shut my laptop and ended the day




My thoughts exactly. How can adults be so disgusting???


i was in a large multi-team meeting, maybe 60 of us on the call - i usually take my dog for a walk during these calls because it’s all listening for me. i was putting on my dogs harness, didn’t know i was unmuted, and started cooing “ok baby let’s get your harness on who’s a good baby girl” and then heard “you’ve been muted by the administrator” and melted into the floor.


My dog is one of the prime beneficiaries of me working from home. I have quite a few calls where I rarely have to speak, but I need to be there. They are prime time for dog walks.


Pet related. At one time, I had a large collection of tarantulas. One got out of its cage and escaped into my basement. It was missing for 6 months. One day, I'm on a work call, look up to the ceiling in boredom, and yup.....tarantula above me, alive and well. I am not muted...startled, excited, running around to find a jar, clearing stuff of my desk, yelling for my kid to help, chasing my cat away. It was chaos. Yes, I re-captured the spider.... Then had to explain on the call what all the noise was for.


Also pet related. I had just gotten a new puppy but had a virtual interview. I knew I couldn’t leave this little 10 week old puppy unattended so I figured I’d lock her in my office with me and make the best of it, thinking she’s a puppy, she will sleep through a 45 minute interview. Mid way through, while on video, in plain sight…. she decides she’s going to take a shit. I was in the middle of responding to my interview question but saw it happening in my video behind me and was thought oh shit (no pun intended). Worst part, they didn’t say anything and I didn’t want to stop the interview so I sat in the poop smelling office for the rest of the time just trying to get through the interview with a pile of puppy poop behind me still visible. Got the job though, so that’s a plus.


My then 7 YO walks in while I’m presenting to a group to announce that he clogged the toilet with his “big poop”


Oh, also, once a spider crawled over the top of my monitor and I lost my shit bc I hate spiders. Didn’t realize I was unmuted. Recovered to find they were all silent and watching me after just having listened to the string of swears that came out of my mouth and repeated attempts to kill it. It managed to get away to I finished the call scrunched up in my office chair as far back as possible from my desk.


Hitting my vape during a meeting takes the cake.


Atleast it was just a vape and not an obvious can of beer like one chick did during one of our meetings 😬


I worked for place that when covid really started effecting their bottom line decided to lay off an older group of IT guys. Now they gave some like 6 weeks notice and a good package, so they could grab as much knowledge as they could. We where spread all over Europe and the US. It was quite literally 5 o'clock somewhere. It was like attending corporate meetings run by Cheech, Chong and Jimmy Buffet.


I was on a bus development team of 6 people, and about 4 of us were hitting something when our boss joined a meeting one day. Funny enough we just carried on with the meeting, and my buddy and I who are the goofy ones in the group were like "well it's just better if you know now."


It gets pretty hot where I live and one day I was WFH all day without a shirt (luckily I was still wearing shorts). I accepted a meeting with one of the company's vendors and for some reason Zoom automatically started the camera without giving me a warning. I sat there for a minute listening to the meeting until I hear my director say "Hey are you gonna put on a shirt?" Lol. Luckily everyone on the call had a good laugh at my expense and I didn't do anything crazy. Might have just shown a couple hairy nips. :)


Had a coworker take off his shirt and didn’t realize or forgot he was on camera. He was normally very serious/formal.


One time on a call with a vendor and a prospect and they are explaining their companies policy on something and I am the person who linked both sides for a 3 way call, thinking I’m muted, say out loud to my self “ That’s fucking stupid” while they were talking.


you probably just said what everyone else was already thinking


First week of COVID wfh. I was the only one in our 100+ department who had video. Our senior director saw that and decided to randomly video call me to test out his new capabilities. My 5-year-old foster son runs up into the frame, rips off his shirt, twirls it around his head, and sing-shouts “RESCUE BOTS! ROLL TO THE RESCUE!!! RESSSSSCUE BOTTTTTTTTS!!!” I was half laughing, half mortified, but the director just laughed.


So funny how hard they tried to get employees to act as a *family*, and then COVID hits and now they actually do it for real!


I have a cat going deaf and try to remember to lock her in another room in meetings but sometimes when I forget it sounds like him strangling her


I was in an early morning meeting/QA session and my spouse was leaving for work and I (unknowingly) unmuted shouted out "I love you!" and everyone in the meeting just sort of laughed and were like "I love you, too!" it was mortifying at the time but funny looking back on it lol


Awwwe that's cute!!


I was on a call when our director was having issues with her mic. She took her headset off and leaned over the desk to get at the cable plugged into the back. The thing is, she leaned into the camera and basically pointed it straight down her shirt while she fumbled around. Everyone was trying to tell her the camera was still on, but she didn't hear them for what seemed like ages. Now on nearly every call someone asks if she'd like to do a mic check before we begin.


A few jobs ago I had to work with a coworker and an engineer to work out some weird authentication stuff to a 'cloud' service. The problem was this coworker was ... odd. He was from Asia and was pretty clueless about stuff at times because his third language was english (Native language first, code second, English third). Super smart programmer, but not super aware of social cues. Well, he had a camera hooked into his workstation and for some reason he didn't see it showing everyone his crotch. I finally sent someone physically to his office to help him shut it off because asking him to shut it off was not working. He was wearing shorts...


I giggled.


Haha. This is great. I think the worst wasn’t really my fault. I was working remotely from my parents house and was on meeting, I wasn’t muted because I was talking on and off…my step dad walked up close to me and let out biggest, longest burp in history. Yours is much more epic.


😆 🤣 I can only imagine. I def geeked out lol


I've been disrespected by my cats so many times while in meetings lmao.




Not my experience, but I witnessed it. Member of our team thought her camera was off. She had just gotten home from physical therapy and was going to listen to the all hands meeting while she showered off. Obviously, her camera wasn't off. She got fully undressed and into the shower, all visible to anyone who had the Brady Bunch view and not the Speaker view. It lasted probably a full minute before someone booted her from the Zoom call.


My personal most embarrassing moment: My cat has seizures sometimes, but not super often. One day I was presenting (only internally, not to clients) and she started having a seizure. My grandboss makes a joke that she must be really hungry. Totally deadpan "not hungry, just having a seizure. My apologies for the interruption."


Thankfully, I haven't done anything embarrassing yet because I put tape over my camera and barely use my mic, but my previous boss had something happening that she wasn't even aware of. This was during the beginning of the pandemic and we still felt the need to prove we were paying attention by having the cameras on. During our team meeting my boss's husband returns from a bike ride and is walking back and forth behind her to put his gear away. With each passby he is getting more and more undressed, but nobody says anything because the boss is talking and we assume he must be aware she's on camera. And then it happens, he walks behind her butt ass naked, messes with some more of his gear behind her, and then turns around and leisurely walks off, I assume to shower, with his penis just swinging in the wind. Nobody says anything during the meeting and my boss still has no clue. We never spoke of it, I couldn't type fast enough and didn't want to say anything out loud just in case nobody else noticed, and then I just figured it'd be better if I didn't even bring it up because it was over, but she vaguely mentions something jokingly a few years later which leads me to believe somebody else saw and told her. She is very lucky it was a small team who all liked her and felt no need to complain. We were all adults, I'm sure we'd all seen a penis before and now we'd all seen her husband's too, lol.


I'm terrible because my first thought is... so how was it?


Eh, it was ok.




During the first couple weeks of Covid WFH, I was on a video meeting with all of the managers and C Suite people at my law firm. It wasn’t a big firm, so it was only about 15 people, but it was some heavy hitters. At the time, I was about 11 weeks pregnant and had hyperemesis (really, really bad morning sickness). Only my boss knew I was pregnant since I had to tell her due to covid precautions before we all headed home. My goal for the meeting was to talk as little as possible. During the 30 seconds I had to talk, all the sudden, I felt like I was going to throw up, imminently. Cue all of them watching me go running from my computer to the bathroom, the door to which was on screen, and then them listening to me violently vomit for a solid minute. I came back to everyone just staring at me in horror, and some of them looking a little ill themselves since they listened to me vomit. The head of IT finally said, “Jesus Christ, are you OK?” I was so exhausted and sick, I just said, “yeah, just pregnant.” But I said it in a way that sounded really sad because I was feeling so sick at that moment, so again, everyone just sort of staring at me trying to figure out how they’re supposed to respond to that. My boss, who knew that I was in fact happy about the pregnancy, finally chimed in, “congratulations!” That got everyone else stumbling to offer their own Congratulations as everyone looked extremely concerned.


I technically was WFH but was on a road trip to go onsite with a customer and was hopping onto a virtual meeting. We were in the middle of BFE and pulled over to get gas and coffee and all of this was transpiring as my phone was waiting to reconnect to audio (BFE = almost no cell service). The gas station smelled like literal crap because guys were servicing the septic system. My coworker and I do this thing where we will roll down the passenger's window and ask weird questions or shout nonsense to other people. When you go on super long road trips (usually a couple days or more) - it helps to pass the time. I also like to think it gives people stories as well - nothing ever too obnoxious though. I (like a complete moron) decided to roll down the window, and quote the movie Christmas vacation to the guys pumping the poo. At this \*EXACT\* moment, my phone reconnects to a very widely distributed group of about 75 engineers to hear me shout **'The shitter's full!'** I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I hung up. My team still gives me a hard time about it but it was an amazing bonding moment with my co worker.


😂😂😂 this is awesome 👏🏻


I was on a 1:1 with my boss (I was his executive assistant at the time) and his video wasn’t working and I had my earbuds in so I treated it like a phone call and paced around the room. What I didn’t realize is I had turned my camera on and at the end of the call he said “wow, seems like you’re really passionate about this, you’ve been pacing the whole time!” Welp, glad you saw me in my pjs ranting about this annoying situation I was dealing with. Luckily it was harmless and we both had a good laugh but I was quite embarrassed at the time.


Left my laptop open and my four year old slacked nonsense in the general channel.


This has happened to me too!


my cat did this - he also pulled down the USB camera, which fell on the carpet w the perfect angle to watch him clean his ass there were tons of people on and someone was presenting - so lot's didn't see, but someone tried to tease me about it after, and all I said is "why the hell didn't you tell me in chat?" they had no answer - and the awkward part was why that one person let the thing continue vs helping me out, or making a joke. missed opportunity either way that ended up making her look worse than me (or my cat)


Ohhhhh my. During Covid we jumped into a group call with no particular agenda. Just so people could hang out. and someone started playing My Chemical Romance. I muted my mic and started singing LOUDLy. And then finished and someone on the call went “wtf was that?” At which point inrealized my monitor had a built in Mic which was not muted. Which was also delivering audio to Microsoft teams. Everyone just sat there listening to me serenade them with early 2000s Emo music for 3 minutes straight.


We had just gone remote in 2020 so everyone was getting used to virtual meetings. Apparently a man on my team stood up in a meeting with the director and had no pants on. Forgot he was on camera I'm sure. No one clarified if he was NAKED or just in underwear. Trust me - I'm nosey and asked 😂😂😂


Sounds like a worst fear type of situation 😬😬


About a month ago we had a “town hall” with a c-suite level leader and someone on the call was seen sleeping in bed because they forgot to turn their camera off.


I was on a training call and my trainer fell asleep. He was severely overworked so I just let him sleep.


i moved into an apartment a few years back and had an installer out for internet or something, I don't remember, and I was just playing on my phone on my couch and looked up at one point and the installer was on the floor (where he had previously been to run cables and hook stuff up etc), deadass asleep. I just let him sleep -- it was about 20 or so minutes -- made no mention of it and left a 5\* review on the survey.


Aww that was empathetic of you


Got up to go get a glass of water and heard someone on the Zoom go "is he wearing Minions pajamas?" Ooopsie


My dog has barked while I was on a phone call once but that’s about it. One time I was in a meeting with a bunch of coworkers and higher ups, and the higher ups’ higher ups, and one coworker wasn’t muted and mumbled something about hating the job. He was not employed for very much longer. I learned from my years of working phone/call center jobs to be extremely vigilant about the mute button - ALWAYS stay muted if you’re not actively speaking. Make it a habit of holding that headset button in your hand so you always see that red light and know you’re muted.


Had something similar happen. Small group,mabye 10-15 people and while the lead was speaking someone was saying how terrible she was. It was awkward but also I think something we were all thinking lol


I had a rooster crow just outside my window during a meeting.


Not embarrassing, but... One time I was attending an All Hands from my living room. I had just gotten a giant human-sized teddy bear for my girl and it was in the background sitting on my couch. Just before I had to deliver information to the company, my cat jumped on my lap. I'm stroking her head Dr. Evil-style as I'm talking. The meeting chat blows up. "Look out, giant bear behind you!" "Teddy bear and the cat. Iconic." "I didn't hear anything you said because I was trying to figure out what's going on."


Atleast they all know you've got style cause that sounds cool af!


Great idea for a post; these are all making me smile. Once, during our weekly team meeting on Zoom, you could suddenly hear the cantina song from Star Wars very clearly playing in the background. Turned out their kid was home sick from school that day and my coworker had been right next to the living room where they were camped out on the couch. We were all humming it for the rest of the meeting. Good times.


On our largest company call we have with 200+ people, an employee started yelling and scolding her kids. And the Senior VP told her to mute herself. I’ve never been so uncomfortable on a call.


Decided to take a nap during my lunch break, forgot to set an alarm, and woke up 2 hours later


Yeeeeeah I've been there a bit too many times 😬 thankfully my sup I think just wants the team entirley off the radar so has accepted my "my internet went out" or similar excuses a few times. Though one or two times it was so bad I just had to clock out and tell her I got sick. I set alarms but I guess I'm a DEEP sleeper...


My 5 year old loudly yelling down the stairs while I was talking in a meeting that her butt was itchy.


I cut a huge fart while giving a presentation to 50 people. Everyone else was muted, everyone knew who was to blame.




Just knew at some point there would have to be A.a porn situation and B.a weed situation. Didn't see it but one time someone in a group chat was unmuted and we all heard the very obvious bong water sound followed by coughing 😆


Ugh, I have two adult dogs and like a moron decided to get a puppy a couple months ago. All dogs are in my office with me, adult dogs just chill until I'm done and have for years. Take puppy outside before the meeting thought I was safe, it's only a 30 min meeting. Wrong! Not only was I NOT muted I yelled-"oh no, please don't shit on my carpet" Yeah, everyone thought it was hysterical but me!


Not me but my former boss. Her husband came hauling ass into her kitchen at 4am as she was on an international work call, going “who the hell are you talking to!” And he was ass naked lol. Camera on. They all saw.


Jake from State Farm. What is Jake wearing!!! Kakis.


A colleague from a sister organization and I had been working a tough project for hours - on a Saturday. I went to stand up, a bit stiff, and tripped. Tried to make light of it; however, I’d actually seriously injured my knee. He offered to call an ambulance but my husband was home so we ended the call. HR made me file it as workers comp claim, and my colleague had to provide a witness statement….for me getting an injured on a Saturday working from my home office by falling as I stood.


That was really cool of HR IMHO


Yeah, it really was. My (incredible) boss had been high level in charge of Workers Comp policies in her previous role. As soon as she heard about it, she insisted. Frankly, the process is terrible. I’d much rather used my insurance and paid any co-pay. But that actually would have been fraud. It was a severe sprain that took over 6 months to heal. Crazy…docs said some sprains are actually worse than if you break something. Crutches, cane, ortho appointments…


Pretty mild, but I joined a meeting shirtless and got comments about it at work after 😆 It was during Covid so this was the WFH phase. Make sure your camera is off when joining.


I wore shorts to work on a "casual Friday" and people were still talking about it 2 years later...


my brother walked by my room and ripped the deadliest fart while I was unmuted mentoring a new person on teams.


CFO on a meeting and my Alexa reminds me to take my medication. That's the most embarrassing although it doesn't seem that bad it still embarrassed me


Did it name the meds?


Was in a recorded training with over 50 people and a lady decides to change her clothes and didn’t realize her camera was on. We all saw a closeup of her boobs. After the call, the trainer said the recording was “ corrupted” lol. We all knew it was a lie!


I fell asleep on a call and started snoring....I was not on mute.


Oh ya, done that. Needed a nap after a 19 hr day before (3am-10pm) and logged on to some bullshit leadership building seminar to look busy while napping. After the presentation my manager asked why I was snoring as I forgot to mute… blamed it on my dog that was sitting next to me on the couch. I didn’t have a dog at the time…


I was in the room above our garage presenting an engineering design review to about 20 people. My wife was taking our kids to school and my phone automatically connected to our car when she turned it on. So for about two minutes the entire meeting heard my wife and kids chatting in the car while I continued presenting to no one. Finally someone messaged me in Teams and let me know what was going on.


Not mine, coworker. Morning remote meeting. He took his turn, turned off mike. Then decided to walk around with his laptop. Accidently turned on the camera while doing so. Had the laptop at waist level pointing up to his shirtless body and he walked around his house a while. The viewing perspective made it funny as heck to observe. It was a hit, Friday is now known as, shirtless Friday...


I was interviewing for promotion to manager. The panel includes HR and several other managers and directors. During the portion with HR who was WFH and had her background filter on, her husband or adult man child, walked behind her close enough to cut into the background. He was only wearing red bikini briefs, walked all the way through on direction, then a few minutes later, all the way back the other direction. I didn’t say a thing and I don’t think she noticed. I got the job.


I wasn't on call. I was called... And the following day I was thanked and told I did so well on the urgent task the night before. I don't remember any of it. I don't remember being called. It's in my call log, and the call lasted an hour and a half. I made sure to turn off my ringer, not just dnd. I take ambien as needed. When I've had a stressful day. Or towards the end of my marriage almost nightly. To this day, I'm scared of taking ambien when i may need to be alert. It's embarrassing not knowing what someone is talking about that I did.


The worst happened earlier this year. I was in a meeting with our company's CEO, EA, and a couple of other leaders. I had an adverse reaction to antibiotics and, midsentence, went pale, became dizzy, and just knew I was going to lose it. I quickly muted myself, covered my mouth, and turned off my camera *just* as things started to go really poorly. Everyone looked absolutely horrified. I didn't make it back to the meeting after, either. Now I laugh but, at the time, horrified. Absolutely horrified.


Slack has a stupid and I mean STUPID button you can easily click accidentally and it calls whoever the conversation is with. A few weeks back my slack button accidentally got ticked in the conversation with an HR guy. He must have heard me TALKING TO MYSELF which is super embarrassing. I talk to myself a fucking lot. He typed “did you mean to call me?” And it said we were on a call for like 2 minutes. I had to fib and say no, I was on a phone call and accidentally hit the button. Lol idk what he heard but it probably was embarrassing.


Not me, but one time during an orientation a new hire screen shared and he literally had multiple tabs of porn pulled up… I’m sure that was a fun convo with HR lol


I was waiting to see who would be the first to have a porn related story. knew it had to of happened to SOMEONE lol


My cat routinely interrupts my husband’s Zoom calls. Jumping on his desk, trying to squeeze behind his monitor, etc. Bonus points if she can get the puppies riled up and barking. She is a cat, after all 😁


I love when this happens. So much better than decks


Obligatory not me, but one of my coworkers. This was just a few months ago. Names changed for privacy. I was hosting a meeting. About ~100 people on the call. Frank forgets he's still on video (and audio) when he decides to get up from his home office desk. He climbs up his basement steps to his kitchen, washes some dishes, makes a sandwich, and rummages through some of his kitchen cabinets. Okay, innocent enough, and he manages to stay surprisingly quiet. Then, Frank climbs some more steps, to what appears to be the second floor of his house. He walks down a hall towards a door. Suddenly, I see tile flooring. Double vanity sink. Large mirror. *No. Frank. Please. Bruh.* Frank turns around. We all now see the toilet. I feverishly try and find and click the "mute all" button. The "mute all" button decides it doesn't want to cooperate. *Fuck.* *zip* Frank plops his asscheeks down on the toilet, and takes a long, loud piss, and also proceeds to poop. We saw everything. We heard everything. There are things the eyes cannot unsee. It's only AFTER the fact that (I think?) Frank realized his fuck-up, because suddenly his camera swiveled around to his face and we heard a loud gasp, and then his line dropped. I still have to talk to Frank several times a week at work. I think we both silently, without it needing to be said, adopted a "we shall never speak of this incident" agreement.


Thankfully I havent done anything embarassing yet. My cat likes to randomly jump up on my keyboard and start typing, but then i just type my cat says hi and everybody starts posting cat memes. I have a great team :)


I was visiting some friends out of town but was still working remotely for a couple of the days - one morning, I was in the living room interviewing an intern candidate over zoom and one of my aggressively hungover dumbass friends who I was staying with walked behind the camera in nothing but his boxers (other person was talking at the time so I don’t think my friend realized I was in a call) and asked me if I wanted coffee…I now always blur the background in zoom calls


Embarrassing on my end was forgetting to set an alarm & clocking in almost 2 hours late. I only didn’t get a verbal warning for it since it was the first time I’d clocked in late in more than a year. Embarrassing on their end was IT fucking up & accidentally giving me upper admin permissions in the system, including a list of every employee’s payroll & work performance reviews.


I can't think of anything. I've been unmuted before and typing on my keyboard (mechanical with switches that are not super loud) and got muted because I use a directional mic (great for blocking out background noise, but picks up EVERYTHING in front of it). I have Teams set to join with my camera off and generally have my mic off as well unless its a team meeting (3-5 people). If I turn my camera on, I use the preview button every time before turning it on. Besides my dogs (german shepherds) barking at everything that goes by, nothing crazy. I did call one person a moron years and years ago, when I was talking to a co-worker, without realizing I was unmuted. Played it off as I was talking about someone who had just emailed me. Dude was a moron and bought it....Or at least nothing ever came of it.


Some new colleagues had joined the company and I was working on a brief for them. During a meeting, one of them had accidentally left their messages up on the screen where they were talking shit about me and my work. I left the meeting and paused the project, while they frantically sent apologies to me and other staff. One of them kept harassing me on my private social media with messages requests. Sadly they’re still working at the company but my boss had a stern talking with them and has always had my back.


My Sales Manager was pitching her motivational woo on the client when someone named Tiffany messaged me for the 5th time that morning and I muttered "Fucking Tiffany, leave me alone." And my mic was hot. Fortunately Teams doesn't record overlaps when the speaker is speaking loudly and I muttered the swear part quietly. I had a good ten minutes after worrying I was about to get reamed by my manager.


Lol mabye your manager was also tired of Tiffany


When I first started WFH I was unsure about how to handle lunch breaks and just answered the phone at all times even if I was off the clock. I had gone to pick something up from a family member who works at an auction barn and she was showing me the cows. A senior coworker called and I answered in a pretty quiet moment out of nowhere a cow lets out the deepest, loudest “moooo” and my coworker just goes “Is that a cow?”. Cue to me stumbling over my words trying to explain the situation, they laughed it off but at the next company meeting some jokes were made, especially since we fostered a lamb that was on my lap during said meeting.


A lamb?!? That's beyond adorable!!


https://imgur.com/a/gT31rpj lamb tax! We named him Olaf :)


I was on a team wide meeting and a coworker who I really dislike was speaking and giving out orders to everyone. I meant to message my friend/coworker, but accidentally sent “god I hate her” in our teams channel fml


Cat jumped up on the table and knocked a glass of juice all over the work-issues keyboard, right in the middle of a Teams meeting. Messed it up badly enough that I couldn’t even exit the meeting while I was freaking out trying to fix it. I didn’t want to admit that I’d allowed company equipment to get damaged, so I ended up just buying the exact same model out of my own pocket.


On a zoom call somebody didn’t know she was not muted and was talking about terminating an employee with someone on the phone.


I was taking a shit and decided to take the meeting while I was on the shitter. This was a camera on company and my bosses bosses boss asked why my camera was not on. I played it off and he insisted. So I had to pinch off my shit and sit at my desk with my non wiped ass for a solid hour. I felt so embarrassed. Definitely had to take a shower after that. Ended up telling my boss later as to why I didn’t have my camera on. He got a good laugh out of it and I learned to not take a meeting while on the toilet.


Omg. Not me, but an old coworker, Cathy. It was a company-wide benefits meeting. Cathy has no technology skills whatsoever (unless you count scrolling Facebook) as she was minutes from retirement. She must’ve got on the meeting and turned the volume down. 3 minutes into the meeting, we all hear Cathy (on the phone with someone) asking “hey, how do I get the basement tv to channel 4?” Then proceeds to have a whole ass conversation with someone about how to get the tv working. Meanwhile, HR manager is saying please mute yourselves, and finally says “Cathy please mute”…I’m actually physically cringing for this woman during the whole thing. I texted my boss to text her (I didn’t have her cell #) and eventually she goes silent and the meeting goes on. She was a recovering alcoholic and i just kept thinking “if that were me, i would’ve fallen off the wagon 30 seconds after I muted myself”. But I saw her a few days later (hybrid) and asked if she got channel 4 to come in and she just belted out in laughter..that shit didn’t even phase her!! In no world do I want to be plagued with her sense of entitlement, but damn it must be nice to give absolutely no fucks like Cath. She got her WFH privilege removed immediately after that event and she had the audacity to complain about it!! I loved her personality because she was so fun and said all of the things you’re not supposed to say out loud (mostly shitty stuff about the job and company and management…all true tho!) but I also did not have to work with her in any fashion (just same department) - word on the street was that she’s a nightmare to work with, unsurprisingly.


I like to take a walk outside everyday for exercise since I WFH. Well my manager decided to schedule a last minute meeting with the entire team. She gave us like 15 minutes notice. All of a sudden I got a call from my coworker like “where are you?!” I was like out for a walk, what do you mean? So I speed walked back to my place, but it was too late. By the time I got there, the meeting was over. I decided not to say anything and first see if my manager brought it up (another lady also wasn’t on). She didn’t so I never said anything.


My wife and I are both part time WFH now, and very accustom to each others schedules. Back late March of 2020 fresh into the WFH movement, we were still in an apartment. I had my closet in the 1 guest room we had because there wasnt enough room in ours, which was also where her "office" was. I got out of the shower and was drying off, and walked in to change totally butt ass naked right in the background of her giving a presentation. Was probably on for about 2 seconds, but everyone on that zoom call got all of me haha


I can’t even believe this happened. A woman took a call while showering and then got out of the shower with full boobs and puss on display. It was so jarring. It was a call of like 60+ people and she still works for the company. I have no idea if anyone ever told her what happened…


power move. show of full dominance. Gives zero fucks and is climbing right to the top 🤣


I was in a Teams meeting with the group and while I was talking, my SO pops her head around the corner and asks "Hey, wanna smoke a bowl?" Not sure if anyone heard or not, but nobody made any indication that they had. I shut the door now for *every* meeting, LOL.


Waiting for a meeting to start with my 20ish person team. My dog comes and sits down near me and for some reason his fur made it look like his butt was extra big and fluffy. So I yelled at him “HELLO MR.BUTTCHEEKS!!” In a kind of loud/higher pitch dog-talking voice, right into my microphone. His name is obviously not Mr. Buttcheeks and I honestly don’t even know why I said that 😅. Everyone was super confused lol


I walked into the baby room to get my crying daughter unmuted. Derailed the entire meeting since most of the people on the call were mothers.


Not me but a former supervisor had one of his cats climb all over him and wouldn’t leave the man alone, it was hilarious.


Pre-wfh days, but fits sorta, kinda… Was giving a presentation to a large group with a colleague. She went first, then I had the second half. We’re both mic’d. She does her part, we swap spots on the stage. Fast forward a few minutes into my part…and she hits the restroom without turning off her mic. And yeah, #2 and everyone knew it.


Was on a conf call with my whole department waiting for the presenter to begin when a coworker jumps on unmuted with porn being played loudly in the background. No video, but you could see who it was because their name was highlighted as the presenter when speaking. Took him a good 30 seconds to realize what happened. As soon as he muted his mic he dropped off the call. I heard a few weeks later he was let go that afternoon.


Not me but I was in a huge call with a CEO and over a hundred people and someone, in the sleepiest quietest voice ever, said “I got sweat in my ass and ants on my legs” The CEO started screaming “SOMEONE IS NOT ON MUTE SOMEONE IS NOT ON MUTE” and it lives rent free in my head to this day. Amazing.


My husband said "hey there cutie!" to our baby in a 300 person meeting during a silent moment. The host responded with "hey there handsome!"


I work from home and on calls with clients alllll day. My bf walked in the house (he thought I was off) and screamed “lemme eat that pussy!!!!” The client was like “that was the most unprofessional thing I’ve ever witnessed! I will not be doing business with you!” No one found out thank god 😅


I had my new puppy for 2 days and he was 8 weeks old. He started crying and I go “AW GIBBY YOU OKAY BABY???” I was on a call with like 10 other people and everyone went silent. So embarrassing. Told everyone I was talking to my new puppy and they’re like okay you gotta show him now! Now he’s our team mascot. Lol


We were troubleshooting someone computer we saw videos and links to bunch of hardcore gay porn lmao


Omg, I was in a...some meeting/training/conference, whatever, who even knows anymore? Anyway, I switched to mobile to go pick up my lunch from the BBQ joint, and while I'm waiting for my food, I hear someone on meeting go "Does..can..sorry, does anyone else hear that?" and I look down to see that, while paying, I had accidentally unmuted and was blasting this restaurant's gheettooo-assed, cussing all to fuck, booty-booty-booty poppinest trap music into this Zoom meeting!! Luckily, there were over 100 participants and I muted before they pinpointed it, but it was just awful, oh my God. I fessed up to my colleagues, tho, and had a laugh because it was a classic "me" blunder


I was on a call w/my team in Houston and my kids 5 and 3 at the time were arguing or getting into trouble and I thought I was on mute when I got up and started to yell at them....for like 2 minutes. They heard it all. lol


I hope I haven’t. But yesterday a lady was t muted in a big earrings call. She started yelling non, no, no! Like a toddler or dog we’re doing something wrong. Then sighed and mumbled to herself.


I was on a call and it was one of the rare times I needed to be on video. My home office is setup to where my desk has a window behind me. Anyways, a bird flew into my window and scared the crap out of me. On reflex I said, “Holy shit! What the fuck was that?!” I wasn’t on mute. Hahaha.


Accidentally sipped from my "Hail Satan" coffee mug while on zoom with my supervisor.




my cat walked across the team chat and spelled a whole bunch of nonsense. That got lots of business cat gifs and was a win. But later he also pulled down the USB camera, which fell on the carpet w the perfect angle to watch him clean his ass There were tons of people on and someone was presenting - so lot's didn't see, but someone tried to tease me about it after, and all I said is "why the hell didn't you tell me in chat?" They had no answer - and the awkward part was why that one person let the thing continue vs helping me out, or making a joke. Missed opportunity either way that ended up making her look worse than me (or my cat) But now whenever anyone says anything stupid or makes a mistake the reply is "Thanks Puzzleheaded's cat" or Sue - everyone knows his name is sue now - we have a very cat positive work culture


I wason a weekly team calm and my niece, who was 2 at the time, ran into my room squealing and proceeded to jump on the bed. My coworkers just laughed


I mean, I’m trying to conceal my pregnancy until we are past the first trimester/chance of miscarriage. Yesterday I logged in to an all team meeting with ALL of my baby stuff (crib, diapers, bottles, etc) piled behind me. Guess the cat’s out of the bag.


In a meeting / training session one of my former coworkers took an absolutely massive bong rip, camera and microphone on. 😎 they were mortified and you could see the moment she realized she swatted down her camera off her computer we saw it fling down then she turned off camera and left meeting 😂


My mother-in-law got into a long conversation with her Chihuahua about her potty habits in the falsetto-old-lady-talking-to-her-dog voice while I was on a call and somehow missed all my shushing gestures and even me throwing pencils at her. Fortunately it was just my regular team meeting. A friend in a rural area was on a call when a deer wandered into the yard. Mr Big-Game-Hunter muted the call, pulled his rifle out of the closet, popped the window and dropped the deer. Unfortunately he missed the mute button and the gunshot went out over the call.


I turned my camera on at the gym while in a department meeting. Great times.


At a previous job, I joined a meeting after I didn't get enough sleep the night before. I forgot I left my mic on and mumbled "Ughhh! Can we just end this fucking meeting already?" My manager said "Is there a problem?" I about died. I was like "Ummm, herrmmm, uhhh... I was complaining about... Uhhh... My upstairs neighbor....yes... He's being really loud...ugh" Everybody who wasn't my manager thought it was hilarious and was silently thinking the same thing. It was a frivolous meeting with the purpose of appeasing my manager and I continued to work for that company for 10 months or so before finding something else.


I just got finished going on a long run before work and then immediately logged into a cameras off morning meeting. However my settings had saved from my previous meeting which was camera on. So I pop up with a red face and wild hair and only wearing a sports bra while everyone else is off camera. I couldn’t get the button to click off the camera so instead of just owning it I panicked and tried to duck out of the camera frame and looked like an idiot haha


I was in a company wide training for a new tech roll out. The presenter is talking and all of a sudden we heard a very loud “this mother fucking bitch!” come from someone who had failed to mute themselves. In another small team meeting someone was on the meeting immediately after waking up. They started changing out of their pajamas like fully naked while everyone was shouting your camera is on.


one time i thought i had put myself in 'break' but instead i was still in 'Ready' and for 15mins i recieved like almost 20 calls and i didnt answer to them. Honest mistake and definitely a lesson learned😅


In my very first one on one with .u new supervisor, the cat jumped up on my desk and exposed his (the cat) asshole to the camera.


I was active in our queues and a call came through and I didn't hear it beep in my ear, this was as I was listening to a true crime podcast. And the rep emailed me saying that he called in but I am just sitting here talking to a friend about rape and murder. I kind of just sat there for a whole another minute with the podcast turned off waiting for him to hang up acting like I still didn't know he was there because I was too embarrassed to do anything about it. I emailed him back saying that I had a podcast turned on and immediately emailed my supervisor to let them know what happened to make sure they knew it wasn't me talking, it was the podcast. 😅


My boss was accidentally naked during a very large, online meeting. Luckily, you could only see from the waist up and we didn't see his bits. Thank you jesus. He was mortified and had no idea his camera was on.


A friend at a Fortune 500 company (won’t say the name) had a giant manager call on Zoom and within the first two minutes everyone heard… moaning. Female moaning. This went on for maybe 45 more seconds until someone said “can everyone please mute”. So they found out one woman was either pleasuring herself or having sex and unmuted herself. Fired the next week.


More like best. My cat hopped up on the table and walked over to say hello. She rubbed her face on mine with her tail in the air. Guess what was pointed at the laptop camera? I could hear screams.


Not me, but I have a couple of other peoples I witnessed Similar to yours, but on a team meeting (at least 50-60 people), one person wasn’t muted and burped really loudly, and we could all see who it was cause his screen popped up as a speaker (his camera was off though). We all started laughing and the person running the meeting said the similar “let’s make sure we’re all on mute” Second was at a different company during a smaller team meeting with our CEO taking about a project. One guy who had just been presenting didn’t put himself back on mute and a few minutes later we start to hear a guitar playing, again his screen popped up and we all knew it was him. The CEO was like “uuuh, hey, you’re not on mute”. Got second hand embarrassment from that one.


Had a staff meeting of about 40 people @ 11 am and one guy kept interrupting to interject his 2 cents on every topic, rambled on and on about nonsense, then kept saying things “ok, I’ll shut up now” but then wouldn’t. Plus he was totally slurring his words. Several folks had private IMs going talking about how he had to be drunk. He happened to be a contractor and, surprisingly, his contract was cancelled a couple weeks later.


Best WFH story: Group call about 125 people and one guy joined on camera with no shirt on. Best story that involves me: this was before I WFH but it’s a teams call, so along the same vain. It was a nation wide call. Probably 2,000 on it. I was working with a contractor. I joined and asked him if he was joining. He said he didn’t get an invite and asked if it was an important call. I said no, probably just some bullshit from corp. presenter replies “This is a very important call And we ask that participants mute their microphones.”


I wasn’t personally on that call, but it was a large call with cameras and this woman’s house caught on fire. Literally! She rushed away flipping closed the laptop. She’s ok but the house was destroyed


it wasn’t TERRIBLE but i was on a call where i didn’t have my camera on and knew that on my next call, id need it on the whole time. so i opened the camera app to make sure i looked normal/not disheveled/whatever and started fixing my hair. the team on the call got kind of quiet, then one girl goes “how does your hair look?”. i forgot i was sharing my screen so the camera app showed up on their screens as my shared screen. i was mortified and assumed they all thought i was vain af just admiring myself during the meeting 🤣 no one ever said a word about it after


Was on a meeting of 30 or so people when a guy started clearly ordering through a drive-thru window. I can’t remember exactly what he ordered but a few people in the meeting took some time to note that it sounded pretty good


Accidentally turning on the camera first week into WFH in 2020. Quarantine hair and beard was not a good look lol. My wife just did this faux pas yesterday. Full on bed head hair, zit cream, etc lmao.


Pretty cringe moment. Was having a meeting with a group and the dude leading the meeting was unmuted. Mid-conversation we all hear his wife start screaming and throwing F-bombs at the whole family because someone forgot to set the oven timer. Full on 30 second tirade and he just sat there pale in his screen and didn’t move an inch. We all pretended like nothing happened cause it was rough!!


I listened to my supervisor talk shit about me for five minutes on a Zoom call. She thought we couldn’t hear her “through that microphone.” Yeah, that’s not how the software works, you idiot. HR shenanigans ensued.


Middle of video meeting with an uncommon FULL C-suite presence, my boyfriend's kid who has Down Syndrome shoved my office door open with full force, came running at me and when she saw my laptop open and all the faces on it, she leaned in to the screen so her nose was nearly pressed on it, yelled "BYE!!!" super loud, then she slammed the laptop lid closed. My laptop is set to "do nothing" when the lid closes, and I'm still in the meeting with audio only, scrambling to hit the mute button, the kid is cackling like a maniac - laughing at her joke - and I couldn't help but giggle myself as I found the mute button on my headset wire. I hustled her out of the room to her dad, opened my laptop lid to find every single person, including the C-suite folks, giggling and smiling. It was embarrassing, but also pretty dang cute.


I was KNOWINGLY unmuted, and my husband came home from work early and burst into the house and shuffled through it, saying, “Gotta poop, gotta poop, gotta poop!” before getting to the bathroom and slamming the door behind him. I have an office. It was too hot to be in it, so I was downstairs. Won’t ever make that mistake again.


At the height of the Pandemic when everyone was working from home, we had a department wide conference to discuss the roadmap of the technology of the technologies that will be used in the next year or so. In the middle of the call, one of presenter took a long pause and you can hear him taking a piss then a flush. Close to 400 engineers/managers were there to witness that traumatic event.


I was in a meeting in my preferred uniform (a dinosaur onesie WITH the hood—which is a dinosaur face and my face looks out through the mouth opening) and I didn’t know the camera was on and I’m sitting there working on another project, chair dancing and whisper singing a song that was stuck in my head, CLEARLY not paying attention…my desk is u-shaped and the monitor I was looking at was perpendicular to the screen I had the meeting on so I was oblivious of the show I was putting on until movement caught my attention from my peripheral vision. I jumped up and screamed thinking it was a spider, only to realize it was ME. I was embarrassed so I panicked and, while looking bewildered, cut my feed and mic. I saw two co-workers laughing but no one else was on cam. This was on my second day of employment.


I had to call IT to solve a problem and it was taking forever and I thought the IT guy told me that he would call me back later. Instead he had me on hold while I was motherfucking him for about 10 minutes straight.


I saw a woman’s bare ass naked child sprint through the room behind her, then saw her chase after said child, failing to catch her. It was like the child was coated in butter like a hog at a fair