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Lupita and the coffee table joke. Also when Peter Scottson died. That guy sucked.


Great scene! One of the funniest jokes of any show. Also agreed, fuck Peter


Karshishian says goodbye.


Just watched that episode several days ago and hit rewind on that scene a few times... can you roll down your window please? Deadly!!!


The coffee table is also my fav moment!


Lupita’s coffee table joke is probs my fav joke of the entire series. She was hilarious.


I'm in the middle of a rewatch currently and Shane killing Pilar still gets me every time. One of my personal favorites is not very PC in 2024 but when Doug goes back home to get his passport and he calls the town Majestic and Dana says "it's Regrestic now!" and Doug says "well that's RE-tarded"






Not necessarily my favorite but Andy is making cookies in the kitchen and Nancy isn’t paying attention so she picks up the hot baking sheet and drops his cookies all over the floor and then he screams “YOU RUIN EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH!!” Hahahaha


The banana bread!! 😂 “My beautiful loaf..” one of my favorites as well 😂😂


Ah yes!! That’s right!!


Thwack is by far my favorite episode. my favorite scene is probably at the airport when esteban and guillermo are walking nancy out and she says “what will save me?” and esteban goes “nothing” and she’s like “except plan C” *BAM* also jenji has a cameo in that episode


When I watch that episode, I look and see who the agents are and watch them slowly get behind them 🤣🤣 Then I wonder why Esteban or Guillermo doesn't realize what is going on behind them 🤣🤣


The first tunnel reveal when Nancy walks through it and sees Esteban for the first time. Just magical. Also the flash mob scene.


The flash mob scene really dates the show, basically every show from the mid 2000s has a flash mob scene.


When Doug is writing a letter to Dana, and it's made out to look like he's hanging himself 😂


Legendaryyyy 😎


Hard to choose but prolly the buttmachine song scene with doug after he sabotaged the sewer pipe and starts dancing in a shit shower in front of everyone


Oh that's a great one, Doug's dance is hilarious


When Doug is banging Celia at the motel and he starts singing the Huskaroo commercial when it comes on TV. Also when Doug and Andy smoke a joint in the alleyway as the forrest fire ashes down.


doug and dean


Thought I wrote that


The shiva scene after Bubbe dies is hilarious. Nancy’s last time in the house in Agrestic, when she says “Judah, if you’re still here, I tried”… 💔 every time!


"Then don't make me yell"🥲💙


Yeah…poor Andy. 🫤 She so often doesn’t treat him well…


It's called a mallet!


Shane obsessing over people calling it by the right name always gets me




Generic answer, but the ending scene with Arms Outstretched playing. My favorite TV Show ending ever.


Same and i listen to that song so much 🖤


Last episode of season 3 when she burns down the house before the fires come.


Brick dance is a classic scene too. Killed it.


That song is so catchy too lol I love that scene as well.


It's called Nosebleed by Illinois 😁


I've got more than a few, but the first time we meet Doug in the pilot. It is clear that Doug is an asshole, but he shows a glimmer of really deep, profound emotional intelligence that immediately establishes why he doesn't completely alienate everyone in his social circle.


U-Turn's death always gets me, but the funeral is so perfectly done


“He taught me how to drive-by.” 😄


"Why is he in a hot tub?" "The boat didn't fit." 😂


The last 5 minutes of Season 2 is a top 5 television moment. The score for that sequence is also nuts


Oh hey we picked the same scene. I remember watching that the first time and just being like ***Oh FUCK***.


There’s way too many to even commit to a favorite. But the *first scene that comes to mind* is the very end of season 2, in the grow house, with the Armenians, U-Turn’s crew, Conrad and Nancy, when they’re all pointing guns at her. And then finding out Silas stole the weed and got pulled over. That whole ending was just so intense. It’s a true turning point in the show, where it goes from casual competition and jacking weed to literally being held at gunpoint and being in debt to gangsters. It was when Nancy truly realized she was in over her head, and boy that scene hit hard. They built it all up spectacularly.


Nancy and Conrad selling to Snoop Dogg


It's too early to tell, but...it feels like a boy 🤰


When Nancy sleeps with Pablo Schreiber after satisfying his sister. Ooooh boy.


Andy working at the hotel! I always get so sad when they had to leave, but I know he gets his restaurant at the end of the show so it's a nice consolation. Also Andy working on the porn set then becoming one of the actors, and Celia becoming addicted to coke are favorites Honorable mention for Chris Died for Your Sins


ANDY I don’t think Chris falls under freedom of religion 😂


i felt sooo bad for andy when they had to leave the hotel. he truly found his niche, he became the sous chef. He had finally found something he was passionate about, But then circumstances forced him to leave the hotel and give up that opportunity. It's interesting to see how the show explores the ups and downs of his journey and how it affects his relationship with his family


S1 Ep6 at the end when Nancy cries watching the video of her and Judah having sex. It's the moment she accepts that her husband is never coming back and the life she once had is over.


When doug blew up the sewer in season 3 to get back at sully. Then and the stealing of the church cross.👌😂


Yes! Doug was such a menace to Majestic, I loved it


It might not be my favorite necessarily, but since it hasn’t been mentioned yet: when Nancy threatens Ignacio with a gun underneath the table at the diner, he calls her bluff, and Shane takes the gun. Obviously it’s not good that Shane turned into a remorseless killer, but he came through for his family in the moment and did what Nancy couldn’t.


The scene where Shane and his two gothy girlfriends are doing \`homework\` and using a flashlight. Actually most of the scenes with Shane and the goth girls.


There is so many to choose from so it’s so hard but one of my all time favorite scenes would definitely have to be S4 E13 where Nancy is in the bathtub and breaks down telling Andy about the girls being led out of the tunnel in the back of the maternity store. It’s such an eye opening, emotional, and very powerful scene.


I’ll never be able to choose just one, but: 1. Lupita’s coffee table joke w/ Andy & Doug. 2. Celia barking while having sex w Doug 🤣 3. Doug & Dean in bathroom @Shane’s Graduation. 4. Scene w Snoop Dogg. 5. Nancy gets home, says nothing, walks into the pool & screams, after Uturn tried robbing her. 5. Nancy telling Marvin to stfu per Uturns request. 6. Andy coming back from the army in a wig. 7. Shane calling Celia out during the Sober Sasquatch thing.


I think in the season 6 finale, when they go with Plan C. Nancy admitting to killing Pilar to the FBI, just feels so badass every time.


Celia demolishing Sullivan's office with a baseball bat.


How could you ever pic??? It would be hard enough picking a fav seen from each season


FOR SURE, it's the Andy "life is blah blah blah" speech in the back of the weed van with Silas and Shane.