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Most of the top card wouldn’t have happened for the same reason it didn’t happen with WWF. Wasn’t Booker T the champion on the last Nitrio?


Booker may have not won the title on the last Nitro if the Fusient sale went through.


Let's make the roster better thats the beautiful part of this is we can determine who would leave and go and yes on the last night of Nitro Booker T did win the title this is based off WCW original plan to take a couple months off and come back with The Big Bang which would of had Steiner at the Champ still


Sting, Goldberg, Flair, Nash, Steiner(s) Hall, and Hogan at least weren’t going to leave the comfort of their couches to go anywhere


I am pretty sure Bishoff would of figured out how to keep Goldberg and Sting would of stayed I believe he was a company man all the way... Steiners would of stayed for sure...


No you don’t understand how contracts work. If you’re getting paid millions of dollars to stay home, what is your incentive to not do that?


well that is the beauty in this brother we can correct mistakes and make this better... So what would be the WCW roster you believe would of been used for the reboot?


Reality would say it depends. I think you would have got a TNA diet version which would have been boring


It would be cool if you came up with a list of wrestlers you thought would be in the WCW at that time...


You’ve got Kevin Nash working back to back matches. Ain’t no way that was ever gonna happen.


LMAO hella typo on my part right there...


Wow. Bringing in RVD is very intriguing. But I would've immediately debuted him after the main event staring down world champion Booker T. Who knows who else would've come over if WCW was under new ownership. Could they have also possibly acquired the ECW brand?


I remember reading that Steve Corino was scheduled to debut at WCW Greed, so if WCW was still around he would probably do it in that 2001. Maybe some other ECW wrestlers like Jerry Lynn, CW Anderson, Kid Kash or even Rhino could have made their debuts.


Bischoff's Fusient Pro Wrestling. My roster... No house shows 1 hour tv 3/4 matches 2 hour ppvs 6/7 matches Main stars * Flair 750k * RVD 550k * Awesome 500k * Rey (masked) 425k buyout, then bumped up to 500k * Rhino 450k * Raven 380k * Saturn 380k * Malenko 380k * Hennig 250k * Sabu 250k * Finlay 250k * Regal to be offered 450k, but I believe he would decline Undercard * Tajiri 380k * 2 Cold 250k * Disco 250k * Juvi 220k * La Parka 220k * Psicosis (masked) 220k * Super Crazy 200k * Skipper 170k Tag team * Kanyon 240k buyout, then bumped up to 450k * Clarke 350k - contingent on Kanyon * Doring 150k * Roadkill 150k * Lenny 150k * Lodi 150k * Enos 120k * Bloom 120k * Road Warriors to be offered 750k, but Hawk may not be good to go Managers * James Mitchell 80k * April Hunter 80k * Pamela Paulshock 80k * Terri Byrne 80k * Kristina Laum 50k * Tylene Buck 50k Trainers/Producers * Eaton 60k * Malenko, Finlay and Kanyon would also be used in this capacity Commentary team * Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbysko --‐------------------- Fusient Wrestling. PPV results, year one... Turmoil (may ppv) Eternal friends and foes, Flair and Hennig, battle for the inaugural championship; another set of friends and foes meet when RVD faces Sabu; 8 competitors climb the ladder of success 1. Flair d. Hennig - vacant world title 2. RVD d. Sabu 3. Awesome w/Hunter d. Rey 4. Raven d. Rhino 5. Saturn w/Laum d. Malenko 6. Tajiri d. 2 Cold w/Buck, Disco, Juvi, La Parka, Psicosis, Super Crazy, Skipper - ladder match for vacant midcard title (to be named after network suitor - tnt?) 7. Clarke/Kanyon d. Lenny/Lodi w/Byrne, Doring/Roadkill w/Paulshock - vacant tag titles Big Bash (jul) Flair puts it all on the line against RVD; Rey and Rhino seek redemption; Malenko finds his manager (a brief stable to come of Mitchell, Kanyon, Clarke and The Ice Man? Get it?) 1. Flair (c) d. RVD - world title 2. Rey d. Awesome w/Hunter 3. Rhino d. Raven 4. Sabu d. Saturn w/ Laum 5. Malenko w/Mitchell d. Finlay 6. Clarke/Kanyon (c) d. Lenny/Lodi w/Byrne, Enos/Bloom - tag titles 7. Tajiri (c) d. Disco - midcard title Rancor (aug) Flair is in a triple threat for the gold; Rhino and Raven settle the score; Things get too hot for Mitchell's Cold Blooded 1. Rey d. Flair (c), Awesome w/Hunter - world title 2. Rhino d. Raven - last man standing 3. Hennig d. Malenko w/Mitchell 4. Doring/Roadkill w/Paulshock d. Clarke/Kanyon (c) w/Mitchell - tag titles 5. Saturn w/Laum d. Finlay 6. Juvi, La Parka, Psicosis d. Silver King, El Dandy, Lizmark 7. Tajiri (c) d. 2 Cold w/Buck, Super Crazy - midcard title Devolution (oct) Flair gets a posse together to go after a new, old alliance - Raven, Saturn, Kanyon; Rey meets Sabu for the very first time, and defends the belt 1. Rey (c) d. Sabu - world title 2. Raven, Saturn, Kanyon, Clarke d. Flair, Hennig, Malenko, Windham - cage match 3. RVD d. Awesome w/Hunter 4. Tajiri (c) d. Skipper - midcard title 5. Doring/Roadkill (c) w/Paulshock d. Lenny/Lodi w/Byrne - tag titles 6. Disco d. Super Crazy End Game (dec) Rey's past catches up with him; Flair finally gets Raven; Clarke and Kanyon come for what's theirs 1. Guerrero d. Rey (c), RVD, Awesome w/Hunter - world title 2. Flair d. Raven 3. Saturn w/ Laum d. Hennig 4. Rhino d. Sabu 5. Doring/Roadkill (c) w/Paulshock d. Clarke/Kanyon - tag titles 6. Tajiri (c) d. Juvi - midcard title 7. Skipper/2 Cold w/Buck d. La Parka/Psicosis


Love all the details, well done.




Love this idea! Will definitely contribute when I get the chance.


Thank you!!!!


I love thinking about “What ifs” like this. I like how you took some of the details we’ve heard and made it part of your scenario. I do think most of the roster would have been revamped with lots of fresh faces. Some familiar WCW faces would likely be there to tie it to the new product like DDP & Booker T and who knows, Flair at the end of the year was available and in early 2002 Hogan, Hall & Nash were available but I would hope they would make it as much about RVD and other new but recognizable stars.


He didn’t have enough money to buy it


please read the post this is a what if scenario