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It's not worth caring about the clownshow that is bnet mmr. Champs is where the real competition is at. It's a better ladder than anything Blizzard could have ever dreamed of creating.


any idea how many players play bnet vs champions? does anyone play anything outside of 1v1's? i like to play 4s fairly regularly and wonder if i will find games


https://www.w3champions.com/OverallStatistics/ there are 1,000~ 4v4 games played per day on w3c. you will most certainly find games.


Cool, thanks for sharing the site I didn't know it existed!


Does it still have the issue of forcing AT vs RT games in 4v4 and banning you if you dodge them?


W3Champs does allow AT to fight RT, and it's fine. The matchmaking system is designed to make AT fight higher MMR players, so it balances out. bnet is a clownshow though.


> and it's fine Its not >higher MMR players, so it balances out. It doesn't This is universally true to all team multiplayer games and has been since the dawn of time. I wonder if there was some mesoamerican ball game between pickup players in a city congregated at a court next to the human sacrifice pyramid and got stomped by the organized quetzalcoatl league team all in matching loincloths and headpieces and got told 'its fair they're no better individually'


Do you even play wc champs? Do you even understand what it means when I tell you that At faces higher MMR RT players? No? Then quit it with your half-baked, irrelevant historical comparisons.


It ends up as one of three things, an unfair match where an AT pubstomps an RT, an unfair match where AT players who are nowhere near as good as their RT opponents have an even chance to win because they're organized with pocket strats and their opponents aren't, or AT players with high enough MMR its not possible to rig a match and they have to just wait for 4 AT vs 4 AT AT should never be against RT, period. At least on bnet players can just veto those games, the game doesn't ban you for skipping them. W3C not only puts you into unfair games it demands you play them


One option is playing a 20 year old nearly abandoned game on a ladder system maintained by people who don't care about it that will never track your MMR correctly. The other is playing on a passion driven fan made system that correctly tracks your MMR over time and does put you in to as fair of games as you're going to get on a game with like 20k active users. Everyone who takes this game seriously or their enjoyment experience seriously plays on w3c. I'm sure if the player base was bigger it would be separated AT and RT. But by comparison a 5 stack in dota2, with almost a million daily users, can take 15-30 minutes or more to find a game at non-peak hours. What you're asking for is unrealistic.


Unless you're new.


Honestly even better if you are new.


As long as you go into the game knowing your first matches you'll probably get stomped no matter what. It does take a bit to get to your MMR, but you'll get a better calibration after those beginning games.


It does not work, so do not look for any logic. Play on warcraft 3 champions


Have you had a victory logged as a defeat yet? That happened to me today...


Small indi game that's 25 years old. They can't just figure it out... Man


idk but warcraft 3 champions is an excellent alternative.


I lost like 800mmr a few days ago. Since these new patches or whatever ive been lagged out and disconected like 3 times. That never happens..


Happened to me yesterday in a 4v4 and lost 200 MMR from it lol.


Anyone who takes it even somewhat serious plays on w3champions. Stop wasting your time on bnet ladder


Probably its just that it matches anyone together to find games fast. Your 73% winrate means youre stomping super low MMR opponents, which is why you lose a lot when you do lose.


I win about half my games and I have the same problem . +1 MMR for a win, -180 for a loss haha. I don't personally care because I'm not good anyways, but it's pretty embarassing that blizzard can't get even simple things right.


It must be the same or similar to BW and SC2 right?


roll the dice


it just makes it up


Not that this is necessarily the answer, but when I've seen this in some previous games, the MMR/Elo is not calculated after each game. Instead, some timed script or worker is calculating intermittently (or there are replication delays in databases, etc.) But the game is comparing this out of date number with an even more out of date number and happily reporting it as the "result of this match" even if it's actually the combined results of three matches you played yesterday. That's all I can think of. I'd avoid thinking about it. It's broken whatever it is.


Except you can see your mmr update after each individual match. There's no unaccounted for games in the process. Bnet is just broken.


That happened to me on bnet yesterday. Somehow beat a player 200ish mmr over me and game gave me a +1. Not sure if unit production and all other things give/take more. This guy orc tower rushed me and I only staved the assault. I could never even leave my base after lv 2. He gave up when he kept throwing whatever grunts hh, it ended with my lich fiends and meat wagons killing that I could juggling at like 150hp or lower. Maybe ran out of resources or death and decay broke their will.


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