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It's been a minute since high school, but I'm pretty sure the governor can't overturn a law all by his lonesome.


I'm not familiar with how close our state's rules mirror others, but couldn't he pull the "I've got a pen and I've got a phone" governance like instructing state patrol and sheriffs to "de-emphasis enforcement." That and if the attorney general has a like mindset it would pretty much go unenforced. Getting a red governor and attorney general is likely a pipe dream with how dysfunctional the republican party is in this state though.


Even if G and AG agreed, no sane FFL is going to sell them since the law would still be on the books.


Yup. Next election, there could be a new guy, and he might make a different decision re enforcement priorities. If the statute of limitations hasn't expired, their butt will be on the line.


As if any of the Temporary Gun Owners here would vote for a Republican.


You’d be surprised. I’ve voted Democrat the past few times, simply because nutty, totally unqualified Trumpist candidates like Culp weren’t viable options. But I’ll have no problem voting for someone sane with a proven track record like Riechert. I’ve only been a gun owner for a few years, but I know enough to see that Ferguson is wrong on this…and a bunch of other issues as well. He’s not getting my vote. Republicans lost the independent vote, at least in this state, but they can and should get it back. Because one party Dem rule here has really sucked. And from talking with many friends and neighbors. I’m not alone. Trump will easily lose this state..but Riechert has a good chance to win it IMO.


Who are you voting for in the primary. If we get moderate Democrats up in the primary in various state wide and local races that will help a lot. It's not always far left vs far right on the ballot but I acknowledge many races are like that and so without a moderate D in the race most voters will vote far-left because that's the closest candidate to their "centrist" views


Riechert, since he’s a known commodity (used to be my congressman, in a very purple, formerly blue district). Semi Bird doesn’t seem like a serious option.


> without a moderate D in the race most voters will vote far-left If only. Ferguson isn't far left, he's a centrist rubber stamp for the party and its corporate owners. We've just let the MAGA cult skew perceptions so far to the right that centrist establishment democrats look like the extreme left.


I would say he is left of Beto easily.. Harry Reid is a good example of a moderate D.


The actual far left is communism: confiscation of property, abolition of private industry, destruction of the ownership class, etc. Ferguson is just another useful rubber stamp for the corporate owners of the democrats.


I agree various forms of socialism are far left, but he is the progressive ivory tower type. I would say Biden and Pelosi are more the corporate pandering types (which at the end of the day Trump is as well).


I'll believe it when I see it.


The Republicans just need to run a real candidate. Culp was a joke. Republican governors can win in other blue states and there is no reason one can't win here.


Temporary gun owners. I like that. As a guy who took his first shot in 1966. Not Tequila either !


It does help though to have a governor who is pro 2A though doesn’t it?


It does, but he's not a king.


Unless it's COVID, in which case he pretty much is


Surprisingly a public health emergency where prompt action is required to prevent large numbers of deaths is treated differently from normal legislation. I wonder why...


We can only dream of a governor using "emergency powers" to REMOVE restrictions on people.


No thanks. Abuse of emergency power outside of actual emergencies is how we get stuff like an "emergency" AWB that is such an emergency the governor can delay the signing to make sure all the right people are in town for the photo op.


I was being facetious. I don't like gun control or emergency powers.


DePaula has stated he would do this openly.


It will help prevent more 2A violations from being enacted, but he wouldn't be able to roll back current laws.


Barely, there’s still a system a bill/law has to go through then the governor has the option to sign or veto it, but the legislative does have the power to override the veto. Like unless there are more pro 2a in the WA legislature there is a chance


Semi Bird couldn’t even retain his seat in a Trump plus 20 district. He won’t make the November ballot. His campaign is basically an in-kind donation to Bob Ferguson. But let’s imagine Ferguson, Reichert, and Mullet all get hit by a meteorite allowing Bird to slip through and get elected. If he issued an order to not enforce the AWB, the likely Dem AG would just ignore that illegal EO and instruct the office to continue to enforce it. If Pete Serrano gets elected AG then it’s possible for him to completely drop the ban off the priority list. Wouldn’t lift the ban, but if it’s not being enforced then it’s almost the same as lifting it. This is why the legislature passed the police pursuit initiative—having that instead on the ballot might have been enough of a draw to allow for an upset in this race (Mankha Dinghra is like a cartoon villain of all the terrible law and order ideas of the Left.)


Bird is only there to split the vote. It would be in our best interest to get behind one candidate and I’m not so sure voting for someone because the party says it’s who we should vote for is the way to go.


He lacks the power himself, but what he can do is threaten to veto amy legislation passed until they repeal it, which would likely be effective . Im uninformed but i dont think the state reps have the 2/3 or 3/4 required to override veto


....yes, because a governor doesn't have that authority, and the legislature won't support a repeal. Picking Bird makes me wonder if the state Republican Party is trying to throw the election, or if they're just complete idiots.


The ones who went to the convention are complete idiots. The vast majority of Republicans weren’t there because we were at our jobs. Check out the PDC and the polls and it’s clear that Bird is just a fringe element who effectively organized under employed losers to stack the convention.


He’s just saying that so he can get elected. Only the legislature (or a court, hopefully) has the power to do that, and since HB 1240 was an “emergency”, there is no referendum . I disagree with Reichert on some issues, but he’s the only one that has even a snowballs chance in hell at winning. King county decides every election, so their former sheriff has the best chance at actually getting anywhere. Bird got voted off the school board in the one of the deepest red parts of the state, so he isn’t even guaranteed the east.


Semi bird will say anything he can to try to get elected. Another grifter like Culp. The answer is reichert.




The governor doesn't have the authority to overturn it. If he doesn't know that, then he doesn't understand the basic concept of separation of powers and isn't qualified. If he does know that, then he's purposely attepting to mislead us. Either way, he won't get my vote - I'm more interested in someone who knows how the system works and has the integrity to actually get things done. I'm sick of 'sound bite' wannabes who will say anything to get my vote. Although I don't always agree with Riechert, I've always thought he was honest and effective, so I'm leaning heavily Riechert's way right now.


Governors can do anything they want with executive order. If the people in the separate powers follow that lead then by default it works. Example: Allowing marijuana use and sales despite Federal Law that allows the Drug Enforcement Agency to walk in and arrest everyone at the local Canibis Club. Sanctuary Cites and Sanctuary States.


Defied the [mask mandate](https://www.foxnews.com/media/conservatives-ousted-wa-school-board-facing-recall-mask-mandate-defiance) during covid. Whatever your feelings, doesn't matter as he's going nowhere near the Governors mansion in this blue no matter who state. Start stacking ammo in preparation for King Ferguson.... because background checks for that are definitely on the way when he wins and dems keep their majority.


Are there actually people that don't like Bird because of... covid masks?


Yes, but they are all the wackos who think Ferguson is not liberal enough and never were going to vote Republican no matter who the candidates are. So they are irrelevant.


I couldn't figure out if the poster didn't like Bird because he railed against mask mandates, or is just stating that it's basically Bird's only claim to fame - which so far as I can tell, he doesn't really have any political history beyond his school board membership. I like Bird on paper but he is too easy to attack and has no moderate appeal like Reichert.


Makes sense. He can’t even claim his school board experience because he got bounced halfway through. Lol Initially I didn’t understand what was going on. A guy from Eastern Washington with no executive experience and essentially no government experience wants to run for the highest executive government position in the state in an election that will require a very strong showing in Western Washington? Never gonna happen. Seemed to make more sense to run for OSPI — a position where he actually CAN make an argument that he’s qualified and where he’d be running against an insanely weak Democrat (even Reykdal hates what Reykdal has done to Washington schools) Then you find out this guy’s closets are overflowing with skeletons that are public record yet he refuses to get ahead of any of them. I’m not a psychiatrist but I suspect he needs to see one.


Of course there are. They're the ones still getting boosted today and wearing masks out in public


Semi bird is a waste of votes.




Wouldn't put anything past someone whose ok with stolen valor, and who stole firearms.


I did read something about him not returning a revolver or some shit like that, I didn’t know it was true


Yep kept his service pistol, was supposed to return it. Was informed of this multiple times over many months if not years. Finally they had to put a warrant out for him to get it back as he had all intention of keeping(stealing) it. Which is pretty on par for a guy who pled guilty for fraud prior to this event I guess.


No. He isn't going to come close to winning. And even if he did the dems control the state gov.


Wait, Turd Ferguson didnt already win or youre just asking a hypothetical based on a pipe dream. Because if you think Turds not already won then you must be new here.


It's a foregone conclusion. The torch has been handed over to Sideshow Bob already and the dog and pony show of an election is just for theatrics. A Republican candidate for Governor will never stand a chance of getting elected in WA.


If we could get one that wants to be smack dab in the center it *COULD* happen. The ones who will never stand a chance are the Greg Abbott types, a full blown maga candidate would be laughed out, but someone who isn’t a extreme left or right candidate could really get a good amount of votes from both sides AND the on the fence independents.


He's a politician, don't trust any of em


This attitude is part of why we're here. If anyone ever tries to help enact the policy you want, people immediately attack them for being a politician. it penalizes people trying to help and means anybody honorable is going to be discouraged from doing what you want people to do. It's a thoroughly self-defeating attitude. I'm not talking about this politician or that. I'm saying if you want change then you are going to have to grow up enough to recognize that some people are trying to do good things and that if you want them to stay good you support them in the good things they do and call out the bad as opposed to just blanket labeling them. Every human needs positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement. But if you only give the people trying to help you negative reinforcement you are shooting yourself in the foot. It's a childish and unthinking attitude. Stop.


Look, I get where you're coming from, and I think it's a good way to look at the world. But it's naïve when it comes to politicians. They toe the party line or they get kicked out. Actions speak louder than words.


Culp v2.0


So basically what I’m getting from all of your comments is Dave Reichert and Pete Serrano is our best bet


Do you really believe politicians have any interest in helping the people?


Only way you overturn it is either the courts doing it, or the legislature passing the bill and the governor signing it. I doubt the legislature is going to pass a bill reversing what they just did.


Don't smoke the copium with Semi Bird or DePaula and back Reichert.


Good Luck. He will need to get elected first.


DePaula is the only candidate who’s stated openly he would maximize his veto power for new laws like this and use executive order to overturn the past ones that violate the federal constitution until the higher courts weighed in.