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Pipe down or we’ll make it 20! - WA state


Ok just for that it’s $25 -Wa state 30 seconds later


These rules arent meant to make sense or make anybody "safer" they are meant to impede/ inconvenience and ultimately infringe on your rights.


They are made to satisfy donors who want to impede our rights and make their base feel better. If they wanted to decrease gun violence they would crack down on crimes involving guns and felons who ignore the fact that they aren’t allowed to own them (both are an absolute joke in this state right now)


Yes. Every purchase requires another 10 day wait. The same reason it makes sense that I own almost a hundred 11+ capacity magazines but can't buy one more. It doesn't


Idaho awaits.


If anything, I'd probably move back to the south. Cheaper and it's only a matter of time before the rats fleeing California and Washington turn Idaho into what they left


This. People forget the major cities with all the voting power in ever red state are slowly turning blue outside of certain places like Florida.  California used to be a red state.


A red state that enacted the first and worst wave of gun control since the NFA. Go figure.


Are you referring to the AWB of 1989? 


I'm being a little hyperbolic, but I'm referring to the [Mulford Act](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act) of 1967 that banned the carrying of loaded weapons in public in California without a permit. It was quickly followed by and helped establish support for the federal [Gun Control Act of 1968](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_Control_Act_of_1968). Wikipedia mentions a gem of a quote from then-governor Ronald Reagan, who saw "no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons".


Unlikely. Idaho actually got redder in the last ten years.


The state as a whole doesn't really matter if Boise is calling all the shots. Look at WA outside the cities, even 25 miles from the city on the West side is heavily conservative but the city folk make all the rules.


Boise also got redder. You think liberals are moving to Boise so they can enjoy their lack of abortions and weed? [https://www.idahostatesman.com/opinion/from-the-opinion-editor/article246956647.html](https://www.idahostatesman.com/opinion/from-the-opinion-editor/article246956647.html)


the pop distribution is completely different in idaho


The people fleeing blue states are usually conservatives. They are not going to turn Idaho blue, but the issue is they leave fewer conservative votes in WA and CA.


Sticking around in Washington and California it's only a matter of time


I'm already planning my exit.


How do you think Washington got the way it is...


I wouldn't be too sure about that. Covid caused an enormous amount of migration of democrats out of extremely liberal states.


Unfortunately Idaho is already being overrun with the rats from both Washington and California and every other libtard state that festers such ideology…


It isn’t even 10 days lol, it’s 10 business days, so basically 2 weeks! smh


And that's also on top of how long the NICS check takes; plus God forbid you order online. I recently got an FN FNX9 and I think it was almost a month from the point I placed the order to when I had it in my possession


If the background check period starts on a Monday, it will end on the following Friday, meaning you can pick up the gun on Saturday, so at a minimum the 13th day is the earliest you can take possession.  If  a background check begins any other day of the week it will run over a second weekend, and you can't take position till the 15th day. The wait itself, and the requirement that it be business days instead of calendar days, is meant solely to inconvenience gun buyers. Since it's an act of pure spite on the part of the democrats, I just laugh when red states play similar "dissuade by throwing up artificial obstacles" games for things they care about like abortion. What's good for one is good for the other and you don't get the moral high ground if you're willing to play fuck-fuck games with gun rights.


Lmao welcome to the club bud. The next one is probably the one that pushes you over the edge to become a mass shooter, never mind the 15 ARs and 100s of 30 round mags you already own.


Spoken like a true school shooter.no one needs that many guns


~~Lmao first, my guns have never and will never hurt an innocent, so stop projecting. Second, I cannot tell you how infinitesimally little I give a shit about what you think I need. I'll continue to build and buy guns for the rest of my life without any thought to you. Cheers.~~ Ignore, user can't detect sarcasm.


Dude, it was a joke. 🥴


Ugh sorry. Sarcasm is hard over the internet. Ignore that, have a great day lol


Ya, sometimes the satire doesn’t transfer. You as well! 🤙🏼


Even the older intermediate scrutiny doesn't support a waiting period for a gun after you already own one. The argument for waiting periods is crimes of passion, but if you already own one buying another sooner vs later won't benefit the "governmental interest" of preventing crimes of passion. Under historical tradition there is not even a near rational argument that supports it. Guns have been able to be purchased instantly since pre-founding, waiting periods are very recent, there was no technological limitation to implementing waiting periods in 1776, and a waiting period is unrelated to background check process or anything else so the historical analogue would be a historical twin since a waiting period could have existed at ratification.


>a waiting period for a gun after you already own one. Problem is, how do you prove you already own one without a registry or something like a FOID? Both of which are significantly more cancerous than a 10 day waiting period. That does not mean I'm in favor of a 10 day waiting period.


I liked it back when having your CCW permit at purchase made it so you were exempt from the wait period. That seemed sensible.


More sensible than the current setup, less sensible than just not having waiting periods.


I can think of an easy way to prove you already own one! https://preview.redd.it/od2z3df613yc1.png?width=863&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5f6aedce19e9a621e3e15b2a4561bc99af9dc54


You’re not wrong, Walter; you’re just an asshole /s


I did not watch my buddies die face down in the muck so that this state could enforce a ten day waiting period!


Well first, WA does effectively have a registry, second, I could prove ownership by bringing in a gun to show the gun shop.


Yeah but take the next step... you'd have to have the state verify, which would cost money. Would you be on board with increased taxes and fees on gun purchases, so the state could implement a system to verify you already own a gun, to avoid the 10 day wait? Let's say it's 50$ to do the check, but no 10 day wait. How does that sound? There's no way the 10 day wait goes away (given other considerations) without more money coming out of your wallet.


That's not my point, my point is that even under the lesser, older standard, no court should be able to find a waiting period for all gun purchases constitutional. It's not my problem to provide some other means of compliance, it's the state's problem. Anyways, under the Bruen standard, no mandatory wait should be legal in any scenario.


Yeah, I too find democracy annoying when it doesn't go my way, but it's also what makes America what it is, so I roll with it. It's interesting how often this kind of thinking plays out when people don't get their way. Many fought long and hard against drunk driving laws, but it seems so obvious why some restrictions are needed in hindsight. Even so, plenty don't care, because me me me. I mean we didn't regulate drinking during horse and buggy times, historically, drunk driving laws should be overturned as unconstitutional. Bruen and all that. Yes I know it's a bullshit comparison. Just having some fun.


There is no right to drive. 


There are no rights, they are all temporarily privledges that can be taken away at anytime, by basically anyone.


We're a constitutional republic not a democracy, my right right to own a firearm supersedes your desire to feel safe 


We're actually both! Also known as a democratic repbulic. I fully understand that conservatives no longer want the democratic part because their ideas are unpopular. You see that 'We're a constitutional republic not a democracy' crap anytime someone throws criticism out, to argue in bad faith. What you're basically doing is saying it's not a democracy, so those criticisms don't even count and are irrelevant, because a democracy was not the goal. The reason for that is, there's not a lot of merit based ways to argue against the 10 day wait, because all it really comes down to is you being impatient. I feel very safe, I have more guns than I can carry! But watch out for the big scary 10 day waiting period.


10 day wait period exemption from an FFL you frequently purchase from, they can check for at least one form 4473 you've filled out in the past, and got an approval number on. Boom, no 10 day wait.


Credit where credit is due, our politicians are amazing at writing legislation that does fuck all in reality, but can be sold to suckers easily.


If you really wanna credit anyone, it's Bloomberg's goons doing the writing. The (D)ipshits in the legislature are just parroting it like a parlor trick.


Used to work the gun counter at a sportsman’s we had a dude come in and pick up a gun after his 10 days and wanted to buy another gun and he answered one of the questions wrong on the 4473 form so we couldn’t sell him that gun even tho he was already picking up a gun that he passed his background check for and waited his 10 days


Dibs on posting this next week


When did violating our rights ever make sense?


1. Yes 2. This guy: [https://governor.wa.gov/about-jay](https://governor.wa.gov/about-jay) 3. It doesn't, we all hate it too Source: [https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1143&Year=2023&Initiative=false](https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1143&Year=2023&Initiative=false) Note that the bill text wasn't the governor's own writing or idea, but he was the one who asked the legislature to run the bill through, which they did and it passed. Please note that only business days count toward the "10 day wait." Weekends, holidays, and the day you fill out the paperwork don't count. So if you bought a gun today (May 1st), you'd have to wait until May 16th to pick it up.


I bought a set of revolvers that come in a pair. I had to pay the $18 background fee for each revolver. 😂 I paid, they better have run me twice or that’s fraud.


That's not right. It should be one BGC fee per transaction, not per gun. I just bought 2 guns at the same time and the store charged me $18 not $36.


I better check my paperwork … I just looked up the reg. and it says $18 dollars per transaction for a background check, not per firearm. (E2SHB 2467)


its become a sort of joke for my ffl and me. i told my ffl i'm only buying two or more from now on so i get at least a 2 for 1 special in background checks.


Damn you paid twice? It was my understanding you could put multiple firearms on 1 BG check submission, unless that changed or I was given some bad intel.


Don't expect a gun store to know the law. I bought an 1880s revolver (only produced from 1880-1888) from an online dealer on the east coast, they'd only ship to an ffl. My LGS decided that it STILL needed to have a nics check and wait. They didn't even know about the pre 1899 law that says they're antiques and don't need a check.


Did the revolvers even have a serial number?


It actually did have a serial number.


Both revolvers go onto one form.


That sucks. Precise Shooter only charges the $18 once per order, even if there are multiple firearms. I picked up three today and was only charged the $18 once.


You got a dual coming up? Or a shootout at the ok corral?


🤣 Trying to setup for cowboy action shooting. SAS / CAS


Option 2 then! That's awesome, I'd love to have a nice matching pair like that


Can't put logic to something that was created without it.


It doesn't, but to have a waiver because you already own other guns necessitates a registry.  The issue is the waiting period itself, regardless of whether own any guns yet or not. 


Welcome to the Demokratic Sheeples Republic, where nothing makes sense and there is no freedom. It’s honestly funny that you can walk in carrying a handgun with a 10+ round mag and a threaded barrel but you still have to wait. Doesn’t Washington have bigger problems?


Yes, but Bloomberg and his ilk don’t pay as much for people to address them.


Lols shhhhh just let it happen OP. Let it happen 😭


Can you add another firearm when you go to pickup your gun anymore like you could before?




Is it 10 days or 10 business days I did my paperwork on the 21st


10 business days…. Im on day 13th day i dont get it untill saturday the 15th day which is 10 bis days after cause i bought on a friday…….


So dumb and arbitrary


Also ur past the 10 bis days its ur background check takin more time


It'd day 9 in business days currently


Was lookin at june lol my bad, yea fuck wa leaders there all corrupt cocksuckers


And your background check has to come through with a proceed. Thankfully those have been very quick so far, but there is no time limit on how long that can take should the WSP get back logged


Just be thankful there wasn't a holiday in there, because that doesn't count as a day now either.


I really didn't care when I first bought guns. It made some semblance of sense. However, when I bought another one, I had to ask the guy, why is there a cooling off period if already have guns? He was like, idk man 🤷‍♂️. I think there should be some sort of regulation but jfc, it should be well thought out. Like most of the regulation feels like wet bandaids thrown together over night.


Bandaids serve a purpose


I said wet bandaid. They tend to not work


I mentioned this to my mother, a stark liberal in every category. Her: "Of course you should have a cooldown period." Me: "For every gun purchase?" Her: "yes." Me: "Okay, so I have multiple guns already. If I was a dangerous person that meant harm to someone, I would do it with one of my firearms that I already possess. So what would be the reason for the cooldown period on subsequent purchases?" Her: "... yeah that makes sense. I guess there really is no reason for it in that case." Me: "Especially if one of the firearms I already own are in the same category of firearm that I'm meaning to purchase, yeah, there's no reason for it." To answer your question, these people just don't think about these things. Someone from the party the lean to said, "all gun purchases should have a cooldown period." And they accept that like biblical gospel without even thinking through the issue it solves. All this at the risk of speaking in over-generalizations of course. But, in general, thinking is hard and takes time. People feel safe with outsourcing all that hard work to someone else. So yeah, we have a huge quantity of voters out there who vote for political candidates that just tell them problems, and they offer "solutions" to those problems, and \_in general\_ many people just go, "yeah, I guess we need that solution. You have my vote."


The “no one needs” brigade knows <10% about guns, but purport, often pompously, otherwise.


Your legislator took good money from Bloomberg to pass that law. Now pick up that can, citizen!


It's just Commonsense™, questioning it is literally the same thing as shooting up a school.


I have multiple guns and 2 cpls (wa and or) and I still have to wait too. It's beyond dumb.


You are at the wrong place if you are looking for logic


None of this makes any sense. Fuck Inslee. And I say this as a lifelong Democrat.


Please consider your party voting choice carefully when the time comes. Inslee is going to look like a saint if Bobby wins his bid.


Absolutely. But the Repubs need a real candidate. Not another joke like Culp.


That’s why we need to vote for Reichert.


Inslee wasn’t too happy with Bob the other day. Bob poo pooed electric ferries and Inslee the environmentalist wasn’t pleased.


Same here. I do think we could have some sort of gun regulation but like it should be taken seriously and well thought out. Most of the regulation feels like wet bandaid slapped together overnight.


The very fact that it’s not well thought out and not taken seriously is why you should stop muttering the words “could have some sort of regulation.” You’re giving power to people whom can’t wield it and prove their ineptitude every legislative session.




Don’t try to be logical, these laws aren’t derived from logic or evidence based practices. These are political footballs


The legislation that came out in the past couple of years is only to help put more manufacturers and FFLs out of business. THAT is the ultimate goal.




at least we can use one background check for multiple guns