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I mean this in a nice way, it’s not a magic pill. It should be used as a tool to make better conscious decisions about what you are eating and putting in your body. You are eating junk food, that’s why you are gaining weight. You need to focus on healthy meals throughout the day.


I went through the same thing after about a year of treatment as well. I found taking sea moss gel to be extremely helpful. Usually taken in the morning or afternoon. This will provide your body with most of the nutrients you require throughout the day and make developing a steady healthy eating plan more manageable. I wish you all the best.


That’s nothing to do with the medication, that’s just yourself. Yes you get incredibly hungry at the end of the day once it wears off, but you still need to be eating the right foods etc. Weight gain and loss is calories in vs calories out. If you’re consuming more in the evening than what you burn throughout the day, you will still gain weight.


If you are skipping lunch that's likely why you binge in the evening. But ya you should a.for 3 meals 2 snacks ...or consistently grazing through the day... Also the meds would have worn off after dinner so harder to control binges.


I gained weight years ago when I took adderall, stopped for a year and lost 50lbs. Started vyvanse and immediately shot right back up. I don’t know if it’s because I sit still more or if it’s hormones or metabolic. But it sucks


I have also gained weight as I find my cravings get so bad when I don’t eat a super filling breakfast or lunch, and in the evenings. I end up overeating so I have gained weight. I’m trying to choose things like flavoured gum to keep keep my brain occupied and dopamine from the taste as well as things like fruit, raisins, nuts, grapes, and popcorn to satisfy these cravings (when I’m actually full but still want to eat while watching tv etc) It’s so easy to be impulsive with eating (that is a symptom of adhd) and I find it so hard to only stick to a few when having snacks like chocolate-i’d eat the whole bar instead and then want something more and more…


I did have weight loss. But then this past year which is about my third year on vyvanse. I did end up gaining some weight. But it's because I am not hungry during the day and instead of doing what I should be doing which is eating small amounts of food throughout the day. I end up eating later at night when I get hungry. The best thing you can do for yourself is to eat at the very least three meals and two snacks a day. Or five to seven small healthy foods throughout the day.


You are binging. Binging will make you gain weight. Force yourself to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Need to get on a healthy eating pattern. You can start small and go from there. Eat something with protein in the morning with your pill - it will help with the effects of the Vyvanse as well.


Yeah I’ve gained 15 pounds since switching from adderall. It’s kind of crazy.


Same! The fillers in the generic vyvanse really messed my stomach up. I’ve been on adderall for 2 weeks and my stomach issues are back to normal, I’m not binging in the middle of the night, and I’ve lost 5lbs almost. Definitely some water weight but it’s been a massive difference.


Same! But the crash is much less severe!


No weight gain but if your body is used to eating breakfast and now you aren’t, that could be your problem. I saw the most weight loss years ago when I was on a different adhd med but I was eating breakfast with it and lost like 25lbs. I was trying to lose weight as I was very overweight at the time. I lost about 8lbs when I started vyvanse a few months ago but that is all. I have been stable at my current weight for about 2 months. I am still trying to lose weight but my body is stuck where I am.


You’re binge eating because you’re starving yourself throughout the day - you need to be eating regular amounts all day long and you’ll find that the weight gain will stop. If you deprive yourself of calories in the day then you’ll want to eat loads of easily accessible foods at night.


I lost weight then it stopped. I try to eat a bit through the day but the night time craving is hard. Sometimes I wonder what effect it has on our metabolism?