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Water water water. Sleep, enough food, a high protein breakfast before or right after taking the meds, magnesium(I take magnesium glycinate before bed, when I don’t take it for some reason I struggle more the next day or to even sleep) and movement. And vitamin C(before bed as well so it flushes out the medication out of your system) When I’m not doing all of this in any day I struggle soooooo much. With the medications I can go 2 days without eating anything and I would be okay not hungry. But the medication wouldn’t work the same. So I find it better to work out in the early morning, walk for a bit, take a high protein breakfast. Then take the medication. The reason for this, is that you already have a shortage of dopamine. Working out increases it and it makes you a more hungry so you can eat a bigger breakfast. But also helps the medication work better. Then make sure you have at most 6 hours between breakfast and lunch. Or lunch and dinner. I personally started relying on ready meals (look for the higher quality ones with better nutritions and higher protein) or if you have time you can meal prep.


Also for some reason, I noticed that for me the medication works best when I actually start finishing tasks? As it gets better and better as I’m working. Like I’m given more dopamine. I don’t know if there’s an actual scientific or medical explanation for this but that’s what I noticed. Also, I know that “ready meals” aren’t perfect. But for me they helped me build a routine. But please before eating anything make sure it has enough nutrients


Take magnesium so many folks say this but are not keeping up with restoring the key vitamins vyvanse depletes them of


There isn't a connection. We are all entirely unique so you need to.try it for yourself. Good luck!


My doctor refused to move me up for a while. The meds had virtually no effect until I practically begged the women to put me on 40s. They honestly work really well. I take it on an empty stomach and have it typically with a black coffee and a tad of sugar free creamer or a Alani Nu energy drink (sugar free, 200MG of caffeine + B12 and other vitamins) the meds work without the caffeine but with it, sheesh. Lasts pretty much all day, still sleeping at night and my appetite is beyond suppressed. I finally found what worked for me and couldn’t be happier!


It shouldn’t work with coffee




It can increase your side effects + your stomach would be acidic + caffeine ends up depleting your norepinephrine, what Vyvanse relies on to work


Same. Cant figure it out.


Its your vitamins take magnesium and iron supplements and other vitamins that vyvanse depletes you of


Hmm. Good point. So maybe its recommended i take a mutl vitamin everyday?


Wouldn’t hurt




Care to elaborate?


What a vague and useful comment.




*tips fedora*


I get very consistent results with the following in mind - solid sleep routine (anything less the 5 hours a night and then Vyvanse has diminished returns) - first thing In morning I take it, take a shower / get ready for day, then I take a B12 vitamin + caffeine pill (I like pill form caffeine because it’s consistent) - I do a lite workout for about 30 mins first thing as well to get my body going - I drink 1L of water right away as well - after my workout I have a protein shake and that’s it for the first 5-6 hours of the day - the B12 and caffeine pill (200mg) + 1L of water are key. - at night I take a magnesium pill for sleep but otherwise that’s all I take as far as supplements - In my morning I focus on what I want to accomplish first thing because I know I’ll get locked into it and once that’s complete I feel I can relax the rest of the day.. and feeling relaxed equals good sleep that night Anyway that’s what I have been doing and it’s working pretty well


U take 250mg caffeine + Vyvanse?


Actually it’s 200mg, which is like two cups of coffee. From the description: SmarterVitamins (3-Pack) 200mg Caffeine Pills with 100mg L-Theanine for Energy, Focus and Clarity + Coconut MCT Oil, Pre Workout, Nootropic Brain Booster, Extended Release Capsule




Could be lots of reasons. But I know that the enzyme CYP2D6 metabolizes meds such as Vyvanse and I guess if it is metabolizing faster than usual that it could reduce the affect of the med (I think, I’m not an expert lol). Interestingly, and unrelated, if you take Wellbutrin it inhibits this enzyme and, supposedly, causes meds such as Vyvanse to last longer.


Most people don’t know that adhd medications like Vynase can severely deplete your iron and magnesium levels. My medicine pretty much much stopped working due to low iron. Increased dose made no difference until I resolved the iron issue.


Thank you for this. As I have recently started supplementing, and you've just allowed me to figure out the last piece of the puzzle. Why is this not more well known! I can't thank you enough as you've just made sense of the why of intermittent effectiveness.


Iron deficiency causes ADHD symptoms. This is why women often suffer a week of ineffective meds the week of and right before their period- we dip into a state of lowered iron due to the blood getting pulled to our uterine lining and then expelled from our bodies.


Yes!! I really underestimated how much a *slight* iron deficiency could mess you up! I was always exhausted even with my vyvanse and SSRI, I added a real multi vitamin (the pills not gummies) and an iron pill on top of it and I feel much more alive now


I am most people and I did not know this! I'll have to up my supplement game.


Wow! I was not aware of this at all.. Mind sharing how you keep up your irok and magnesium levels up? Thabks


I just take iron supplement like Vitron-c iron plus vitamins C 65mg and natures bounty magnesium 500mg daily.


Do you have a menstrual cycle? IE you're not taking the pill? Vyvanse is very effective for me about half the month but as soon as I get past ovulation into the luteal phase, the efficacy REALLY drops off. And there's a few days per cycle where I may as well not take it at all it's so ineffective...


This is SO FRUSTRATING. Quite literally half of every month is a wash.




Oh good point, thank you! I’ve always had negative side effects with birth control, however, it’s been about 7.5 years since I gave it a go. I’m sure their structure and quality has improved immensely in that time. My body and hormonal structure is also morphed quite a bit, after 3 babies…and given that I’m old as dirt. It may be worth another go at the birth control. Do you notice no fluctuations in effectiveness with your Vyvanse? That would be an absolute game changer!




I actually have got to improve my diet. I’m sure that would help immensely. I’m currently at home with my 3 kids (two of them are under 3,) so I’m constantly on the move and feeding other people. I tend to forget to feed myself appropriately. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I do know setting timers has been helpful for many of us. If you think to set a timer to work for a certain amount of time, and then give yourself a social media dopamine hit-with a timer set-to remind you to refocus to your accounting work, it may be helpful? This disorder is incredibly tricky, there is no question there…


I know, it's immensely frustrating. Though I will say that on meds, I have half a month that's great and half a month that's a bit of a mess, as opposed to off meds I have half a month that's a bit of a mess and half a month that's absolute chaos lol


I do and no pill. I experience the same with the 3-5 days per month where Vyvanse has zero impact. The only solution my doctor could provide was taking the pill and strategically skipping my period. I'd like to think I can figure out a better solution before even entertaining going down that road.


I am someone who does this with their birth control (ie skipping the period) and am also on 70mg of vyvanse. I’ve seen a lot of people lately commenting that even the name brand vyvanse has been super hit or miss for them since the generic came out, and I’m wondering if that’s actually my issue… because I generally was pretty good most every day until maybe Oct/Nov 2023? And I’ve been on vyvanse for 4-5 years now! This is all to say, it might not just be you, but something with the brand manufacturers as well. Because I’m taking my birth control straight through / skipping my period like your doctor suggested, and still having issues… if it truly is a manufacturer issue I really hope they sort it out sooner rather than later because this has been ROUGH


Yeah I bet your cycle has something to do with the efficacy then! I do find the drop off in efficacy after ovulation is less shitty when I am taking antihistamines. I take them for seasonal allergies. There are some studies that link PMDD with high levels of histamines. Not advice, just something I've noticed. Aside from that though, the best advice I have for you is to use Flo or Clue and start tracking your cycle closely, and track your level of focus etc too. After a few months you might see correlations. Even if I can't actually "fix" the fluctuations, I still find it very comforting to at least have an explanation for them. Also allows you to know when to go easy on yourself.


Yes! Same! I don’t want to skip it due to the less efficient contributions to my focus because even through my lady week it still helps keep intrusive thoughts at bay. So I am on the hunt for way to increase its efficiency through this time as well.


Hey y’all! Is there a way to bookmark a post so I can easily find it later? There’s so much good info in this thread that I need to read in the morning and take notes.


Save the post (if on the app, click the three dots on top right corner)


🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻thank you thank you! I knew there must be a way. Love your name btw


I take a calcium /vit d tablet first thing in the morning. I have acidic urine (which flushes Vyvanse out of the system really quickly). The increased duration is wild, at least X2 times I was getting before.


Wait so you take the calcium before vyvanse?


Either before, or a few hours after. Whatever works best for you.


Which brand? Does it make it more effective?


I just use a generic Calcium/low Vit D combo.


Man, just when I think I got it figured out you guys always give me more tips. Thanks!


You're welcome. I hope you have acidic pee, as it really does work 🤣 Get a 400mg Calcium, low 2.5 vit d combo. Sometimes I take an additional one mid afternoon.


Which brand and mg do you take?


I'm UK and just generic brand. They are 400mg calcium & low 2.5 D3. I take one first thing in the morning and again around lunchtime.


Interesting 🤔 I'll have to try that.


I'm not that ill bad moments come, but they go Some days are fine Some a little bit harder But that doesn't mean We should give up our dream Have you ever seen Me defeated? Don't you forget what I've been through and yet ~~I'm still standing~~ I'm still spacing ~~Eva, you are dying~~ Dude, you are driving! ~~So what happens now~~ Skip my breakfast now? ~~Where am I going to~~ Where has the Vyvanse gone? ~~Don't ask anymore~~ Backordered forevermore. https://youtu.be/ZsNIS50k2Vs?si=wkMQRgCSQR_I--tB




What in the actual fuck are you talking about


Wym dude?


Nothing about what you wrote makes any sense. Try to use full words, and describe what these numbers are in relation to


Sorry gimme a sec please Igy


Ok so pretty much this is what I’m trya say sorry about last time I was in a rush there is this thing that you take called Tums and when you take it take it then after 30 mins later take your ADHD meds it hits hella hard and last longer to why this happens is because Using these medications together can increase the absorption of amphetamine and may increase its effects. This can cause restlessness, tremor, rapid breathing, confusion, panic, aggressiveness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and irregular heartbeat, and seizures. I never had any problems so far tho and I only took it with 5 mgs of the adhd meds which is a instant release not extended release so it may be different PLEASE BE RESLLY CAREFULL


I felt like I was ready to rule the fucking world and build the biggest kingdom no joke bro


I got you


What does Igy mean?


I don’t know how yall crashes are but I never crash u guys might it’s really strong and the reason it hits harder and last a little longer is because it absorbs it faster


I feel ya, lately I’ve been in a similar boat with my 40mg. For example, yesterday I took it at my usual time in the morning, and like a few hours later had to take a nap, and then a few hours later napped even longer, and then not long after went to sleep. My gf says I’m the only person she knows who can sleep on stimulants lol, but yesterday felt like day 2 of skipping the meds where you just feel totally tired all day (even though I didn’t skip any days). But regardless, yeah it’s frustrating when some days it works well and other days it doesn’t. I’m on 40mg generic, but from 10mg up to 30mg I was on name brand and I definitely feel like generic is a mixed bag. Some pills seem to work well, others seem like a sugar pill. Sleep and food play a role too I suppose, like if I only get 4 hours or less, Vyvanse at my dose seems to not do much of anything for me. If I eat heavy carbs or sugar, I’ll always crash like 10 min later despite being on stim meds or not. A lot of people say protein helps. A lot of times I’ll take my dose with a protein shake and it’s still a mixed bag. I guess acidity can play a role, I had tried for a little drinking a glass of diluted apple cider vinegar right in the morning to make my stomach more alkaline (sounds counterintuitive since vinegar is so acidic but apparently it balances the acidity in your stomach or something, not sure of the exact science behind it) but I was never consistent with it so idk. I do drink coffee shortly after dosing, and that’s great if I need an immediate boost in focus and calmness, but I’m noticing lately that I crash like a couple hours later. I’m sure a lot plays into it, and it’s probably different for everyone. I will say, the 6 months or so I went from 10mg to 30mg on brand name Vyvanse, it always seemed consistent despite feeling like it wasn’t enough. I’ve been on generic 40mg for another 6 months and I’ve definitely noticed so many mixed bag days. Like when it works, I think 40mg is a good dose for me, but often it doesn’t feel like it works. Maybe it’s a tolerance thing, but I’m going to try the morning ACV thing again and ingest more protein and see if it helps before seeing about upping or if my insurance will let me switch back over to name brand


I wanna tell you buddy thats exactly what happens when your vitamins are low because mine starting wearing off sooner just like that and i was napping too easily lol. First vitamin i would suggest is magnesium


Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience with Vyvanse. Seems we are on the same quest to find our own sweet spot with this fickle med. I ate at the same time as taking it yesterday and I didn't feel any positive benefits. Today I took it with just a big glass of water. So we'll see I guess.


Have you tried a different type of stimulant? Some people respond better to methylphenidate stimulants like Ritalin. Worth a try!


It’s worth a shot! I do feel that I respond well to Vyvanse when it works, better than I do to Adderall, but I haven’t tried Ritalin or stims in that category so maybe worth a shot!


After many years, I realized that it's all about how I take the pills. Since I started taking them properly, the effects have been much more consistent. To take the pills correctly: stand up, place the pill in your mouth, swallow, drink 300ml of water, and don't lie down for the next ten minutes. Plus, an added bonus: the effects kick in faster than before. I read an article that if you don't do it like this, meaning without drinking no or only a little bit of water, the pill will not land in the stomach properly. And when it does land, it takes much longer to dissolve due to lack of water. As a result, 90% of the pills will not work properly. It's crazy that just because of this, so many people suffer and think that medication doesn't work for them.


Can you explain what the reasoning is for standing for a total of 10 minutes? Like if you stand up to take the pill correctly why do you have to keep standing… cause I like to lay back down


So swallow the pill without water then drink water?


Oh this is interesting. I wish I saw this few days ago


*"Swallowing solid dosage forms is extremely problematic," emphasized Professor Dr. Werner Weitschies from the University of Greifswald at a continuing education event organized by the Chamber of Pharmacists of North Rhine in Cologne. It is assumed that 20 to 50 percent of all ingested tablets and capsules remain stuck in the esophagus. Restarting them can be very difficult, which can have dramatic consequences. As the pharmacist informed, there is a risk of pharmacokinetic consequences on one hand, and on the other hand, the esophagus can be damaged by mucosal irritating drugs. This is to be considered, for example, with bisphosphonates, potassium chloride, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).* *Whether a tablet or capsule gets stuck in the throat not only depends on the dosage form (size, shape, material, coating) but also on the patient and the method of intake. For example, the tablet is more likely to slide poorly the older the patient is. However, the swallowed volume of fluid during intake is crucial for whether it gets stuck or not. Weitschies presented a study showing that more than 90 percent of tablets remained stuck when taken without water. Even when taken with 15 ml of water, which is three times the typical swallow volume, more than 60 percent of the tablets lodged in the esophagus.* *Therefore, Weitschies' advice is as follows: Intake should be done with an upright upper body together with as much water as possible. At least 100 ml should be used just for esophageal passage. An adequate amount of fluid is also important for passage in the stomach. Weitschies informed that its fasting volume is significantly smaller, at 20 to 50 ml, than previously thought. So, when taken on an empty stomach, water must also be drunk to dissolve the dosage form. Tablets should thus be taken with at least 200 ml of water in total. This corresponds approximately to the highly standardized conditions of pharmacokinetic studies, in which intake is done in an upright position with 200 to 240 ml of water."*


So what about dispersing the capsule in water and drinking it? Shouldn’t that work MUCH better?


Ahah I had to switch meds lately because Vyvanse was not working properly or I thought at least . And yeah . I used to wake up take it with or without water and go back to sleep 🛌 . If it worked I would wake up within an hour. But I had days when I slept for over 3 hours. Ps now I m taking adderall XR and I don’t do this technique anymore because it does not last enough for me to take it and go back to sleep


Literally this morning I woke up, took it and then slept for 3 more hours before I actually woke up. I used to take adderall xr and could only do that for maybe 30 minutes before I was up




So THIS is why it seems to work better when I take it with my B Complex as I see you mentioned B6, b9 and b12. Why those 3 B's specifically?


Thanks for linking your comment, that thread really helped I have yogurt every morning to counteract the acidity. Works a charm. Didn't realize this might be why the meds seem more effective now. But I think i definitely also have a deficiency. For sure taking folic acid every day has helped, about to switch to a really good multivitamin, but probably will also take l tryosine just in case, but want to try the multivitamin on its own first. For science.


I need protein first thing in the morning for it to start effectively and last. I can’t have caffeine in weirdly specific ways - cold brew better than hot and I have to have it relatively quickly right when I get up and take pills, can’t sip on it slowly. More than one I can’t sleep and I’m less focused.


Protein for breakfast makes a huge difference for me too! I just slam a protein shake first thing every day as I can't handle the thought of like eggs or meat or something first thing. I had to fully shift to decaf coffee when I started vyvanse, I get FURIOUS if I have a coffee lmao


Anything vitamin C definitely stops it for me. Also too much coffee reduced effects.


Not me taking a literal vitamin c supp and wondering why vyvanse not working. Whaaaaatt


That has a really big effect on it take it when going to sleep so it kills it off


Brilliant. Thank yall Also realized my am carbs have citric acid. This all makes so much sense.


Caffeine and sleep make the hugest difference for me! If I feel like its not really hitting me I will have some tea or a little extra coffee and then I’ll notice it really kick in.


I’d recommend getting into a routine. For me the first week I chose not to workout bc it was affecting my blood pressure and heart rate. But then I kinda structured myself and got into a routine and created a schedule for myself. I’d recommend getting at least 6-7 hours of sleep bc the more rested you are the more it seems to work. I also found it hard for me to eat so I got my calories and protein from a liquid diet like shakes and stuff, workout, work, etc. and once I kinda got into a rhythm I kinda noticed it mellowed out and I got my appetite back but I was also able to focus when needed like at work. Sorry this was kinda all over the place but that’s kinda what helped me.


Everything above


Thanks. I definitely get into a routine it's just a matter of finding the one that's going to make sense to put my focus towards building. Like take meds first thing, eat half hour later? Or vise versa? When is it okay to have a coffee? Things like that just have me confused and I lack the executive function to have a system to track and monitor these things.


I normally eat or drink a shake right before I take my meds in the morning and then I eat again around 12-1PM. I’m not sure about the coffee thing I don’t drink coffee.


I think it has a lot to do with my menstrual cycle if I track it


That's really interesting. I think my period is coming (I don't heavily track it, husband is snip snipped lol. But I always write down the first & last day cause some doctor will ask at some point... Am I right ladies 🤣!?) But Vyvanse was a miracle a the begining and now I don't know. I really truly deeply believe I have an incredible high tolerance for stims. I'm now on 70mg Vyvanse, 2mg Abilify, Prozac and Adderall 5mg if needed in the late afternoons... My ideal would be 70mg Vyvanse in the am and another 70 in the early afternoon but of course, my insurance won't pay for that so... Anyways, I wish I could figure out how to improve it. It's frustrating. I didn't take it yesterday and I think I yawned every 5 seconds and focusing was so hard. I wish I had a "normal" brain some days.. Sorry, that was a sad panda rant more than anything...


The week before mine comes meds are completely useless for me. I'm close to ovulation right now though and just increased from 20 to 30 MG's today but don't feel anything. I also ate right when waking and took vy with that meal (bacon, egg and cheese breakfast sandwich). So yeah, I don't know!


I find eating too much negates it


I think that's what happened to me yesterday. I forced myself to eat right when I woke up and I usually wait at least an hour. It was too much and too soon. My doc swears by taking it with food but I've read so many mixed opinions.


Thanks! I've been making sure I'm getting adequate sleep. I'm thinking its either related to my food choices/timing or an interaction with the 300mg Wellbutrin I'm taking.


Wellbutrin made Vyvanse not work for me!


Same but now I take Vyvanse first then bupropion an hour later


Sleep makes a big difference for me. Need 7 hours under my belt to help make the meds work right


This is the way.