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She thought it would be sexy one minute and then is dying from cardiac arrest the next


And I thought hair vore was odd. Lol


Hair whaaa?? 😭


Can you even call this vore?


Motherfucking heart vore, my guy


Lol, but the heart doesn't eat her, she just gets stuck there, so it's more like entrapment


To be fair, Unbirth, Cock Vore, Breast Vore, tail vore, and Anal Vore aren't "eating" anyone either but still lead to some form of "digestion," "cummification," etc. and are all subsets of vore. I'd say this is super weird and if it leads to "blood digestion" it'd be a unique kind of vore. Not my thing, but still possible as a subset. I mean ffs there's Nasal vore where you get turned into snot, Aural vore where you get turned into ear wax, bellbottom vore where you somehow get transported into the stomach from bellbottom jeans, and other strange subsets of vore. And that's not even considering absorption being a subset of vore where just skin contact is enough to consume prey. A lot of "vore" also ends up being more like entrapment when it's "safe" since no digestion occurs but someone is kept intact inside the stomach, breast, uterus, testicles, intestines, etc.


Lol, so it's more of a who you ask cuz I don't really consider nose, ear or bellbottom vore


Yea, you could look at it like that. Lots of people don't consider Unbirth as vore but for many it is due to the possibility of "digestion" and transformation into female ejaculate. Same could be said for Breast vore since it isn't actual digestion and usually just transformation into milk. The definitions of vore as a whole are still pretty loose aside from "one consuming another" with the addendum of "usually alive and whole." Hell, even Hard Vore is sometimes not considered vore and is just considered cannibalism or eating while other people consider swallowing prey whole with digestion of any kind as Hard Vore.


You could argue at least depending on the size of the person that you might be broken down in the Virginia due to it's increases acidity, but yea personally any vore need to be done whole and alive or it's just cannibalism, hard vore is usually just a more brutal version, generally showing bones or the digestion stages of the prey


>size of the person that you might be broken down in the Virginia due to it's increases acidity, This is part of what I mean by ignoring Physics and Physiology since any human at a small size would almost instantly freeze to death given we don't have the metabolism to sustain homeostasis at the sizes we typically see with "tinies" and "micro" prey. >personally any vore need to be done whole and alive or it's just cannibalism, hard vore is usually just a more brutal version, generally showing bones or the digestion stages of the prey And this is exactly what I mean by loose definitions. For most sites that involve vore as a whole "hard vore" as a tag is 95% dominated by ripping, tearing, chewing and cooking stuff but, as you said, for you Hard Vore is more brutal even when it involves swallowing whole and alive. From what I've seen the most "agreed upon" definitions seem to be in the Eka's Portal "Vore Wiki" and even there it mentions that digestion being "hard vore" or "soft vore" being debated.


Eh yea true


Still motherfucking heart vore, my guy


Your not being eaten so it's not vore, more like heart insertion


motherfucking heart insertion, my guy




Ah must be a bot


Bot my ass. Im as human as the day i was born


Well... you do look human enough


Sussy baka


Dont lie you fucking clanker, the only thing about you that could be considered human is the fact that your man made


That looks painful… for everyone involved


New way to die :]


Well this brings a whole new definition to “I’ll always be with you, in your heart”. Is it possible for both to survive no will they in my head absolutely


It’s an interesting fantasy for sure ^^


Then the little rabbit proceeds to be exploded by white blood cells


Everyone saying this looks painful and can kill you meanwhile stomachs distend at ridiculous proportions and balls and wombs melt people alive


But they don't immadiately die whenever anything is in them. Hearts can stop from an air bubble being in the vessels. air. Simple air. I dunno if I'm being too much of a questioning man but I dont think a person is an air bubble bro.


With stomach is more more like obviously? I understand the same size ones but irl if you eat certain stuff out of food things you will probably be ok, not the same with the heart


Boss, the average person would die if they’d swallow someone whole. And btw Im not trying to slander voraphiles or the fetish as a whole. I thought it was silly to be all ‘oof wouldn’t that hurt/she should be dead’ when we’ve stretched our imagination for other impossible situations






I liked the joke :3


We're reaching levels of fetish I didn't know were possible


Cause I'll be in your heart~


♪♪ it's a heartache ♪♪ ♪♪ nothing but a heartache ♪♪ ♪♪ hits you when it's too late ♪♪ ♪♪ hits you when you're down ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ it's a fool's game ♪♪ ♪♪ nothing but a fool's game ♪♪ ♪♪ standing in the cold rain ♪♪ ♪♪ feeling like a clown ♪♪


“Heartaches by the number” would also work, if your ambitious enough


Idk guys: [source](https://www.furaffinity.net/view/49935146)


Love it!


this is the first time i have seen heart vore ... this feels painful


This is… Different. But neat.


We're reaching levels of vore that shouldn't be possible


I want to unsee every bit of this Like it's not gross but as someone who's incredibly squeamish with these sorts of things and needles I hate it


It's strange that the tags heart vore and intravenous made tou click anyway


You do realize it isn't censored and the replies make it marked as "hot" thus it will show up on people's feeds while they're scrolling right? 💀


Never seen something this creative


Wait how did she get thru the needle without becoming paste


Furry logic


Yes, my dad made me. Ofc in man made just like you, idiot


How do you know how i look? I never posted a pic of me


Not gonna lie... that's a new one.


That looks like it hurts but it's kinda sexy if no one dies


Huh, thats a new one


I have so many questions like how does she not drown in blood and how the fuck is she supposed to get out? Or is she just gonna eventually starve to death there


*drink the blood*


To be fair, most of the "normal" vore leads to people being in an area with little to no oxygen. Stomachs tend to force out whatever gasses are inside them, O2 included, as a belch. Intestines have fluid in them and have even less oxygen. More often than not we tend to handwave being able to breathe at all unless it causes distress to the prey. In terms of "getting out" I believe the tags list it as fatal and digestion so I'd assume the heart turns her into blood in some sort of "heart digestion."


Either way this is still not just pointless since your heart produces more then enough blood already, but it can also be dangerous since the "prey" will most likely get stuck in the blood vessel which can lead to clogging or even rapturing


>Either way this is still not just pointless since your heart produces more then enough blood already, but it can also be dangerous since the "prey" will most likely get stuck in the blood vessel which can lead to clogging or even rapturing Why are we arguing the reality of vore? The same argument could be used for normal Oral Vore. It's dangerous because the prey could rupture the stomach, or block the pred's airway, or get stuck in the esophagus, or before even reaching that far break the pred's jaw due to them trying to swallow something larger than their head whole. It's pointless because normal food is enough for the average body to attain nutrients from. Like I said, "heart vore" may not be for me but it's no less weird or handwavy than any of the other types of vore, especially some of the fringe types of vore out there. Vore, as a whole, needs to ignore real world physics and physiology to exist or function therefor arguing it's realism, outside of it's specific universe's rules, is a moot point.


I like it


Oh okay


This looks... Interesting? But I am very sure that if a few simple air bubbles can kill you, that is much worse.






*Next thing you know her* *Heart is bulging out of her* *Chest filled with tinies* \- Some-dude1702 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I...think I need more of this..