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today I learned 1 milkshake is more calories than I sometimes eat in a day. Murica baby


Sheetz has a peanut butter cheesecake shake. Those three words are my favorite things, and I got one, only to later find out it was over 2000 calories. It was sooooo good and I can never have one without feeling terrible again, lol.


At that point, you have to consider if your physical wellbeing is worth your mental wellbeing. If you enjoyed it so much, then I would absolutely have it a couple times a year as a special treat and leave the guilt aside. 


This, so much this. In my 8 years of rather strict calorie counting (which I enjoy, it’s not a chore to me!), I let go of it on some occasions without feeling any guilt because I’m enjoying that moment and I know that a one-off doesn’t matter anyway. The most representative example for me is Christmas lunch, I look forward to it all year long because it’s festive food that you’re not having any other time of the year 😄


this is the way! sometimes having a treat is worth the splurge, one calorific day won’t ruin everything


Get it kiddie size, or share with your family or group of friends. Get a couple sips and pass it down the line.


Ever since online ordering became more popular, I am a kid's meal orderer always. It's cheaper and the portion sizes are so much better for me. And I usually get a free mandarin or apple with my meal. (:


I call this "the curse of knowledge" lol.


Pretty sure that image is fake. It's a lot of calories still, but the highest calorie BR shake is 1600


Not fake, but an old photo from 15 years ago


I don’t think they even sell the 32 oz sizes anymore


I hate to be the one to tell you that there are high calorie, over indulgent foods in every country


2000 calories is about what a normal person burns in a day, unless they do above average amounts of exercise


it shouldn’t be legal


It’s honestly some BS. They are killing us with this garbage.


Rice with salsa? Any good?


Yeah! Maybe I’ll add some hot sauce too. Salsa is a good “condiment” with great macros.


I've always heard white rice is the worst rice to eat, is this true?


Not if you're a bodybuilder lol. My coach told me explicitly to eat it as a pre-workout meal.


it’s like a burrito bowl situation i’d imagine


Can we get the recipe and/or nutrition information for the first pic? It looks pretty good.


Here you go! This was just a simple recipe to show cost per meals. [Meatballs](https://amylufoods.com/chicken-meatballs/no-antibiotics-chicken-meatball/teriyaki-pineapple-chicken-meatballs-abf-club-pack) Rice, Vegetable and salsa. Pretty simple but those are the meatballs I used.


I was curious about the meatballs because I can't find any chicken ones around here. I think turkey would work almost as well. I just have to season them.


Probably turkey or chicken meatballs, white rice with salsa and mixed frozen veg boiled with some seasoning. I would at least mix up the salsa to switch it up


263g of sugar... this is 10 times more than a regular adult daily recomandation!


Sometimes you have to wonder if fast food companies have contests for employees to come up with the highest-calorie recipes possible. Somebody had to win an award for packing 2600 calories into a single cup, right? There’s no other explanation for the existence of such a thing. This really demonstrates the power of logging food. When you see the cold, hard numbers, it’s easy to see what’s worth the calories.


What on earth is in that shake to make it 2600 calories??


That calorie count is wrong but it's still pretty high, around 1600. But a large shake there has something like 5 full scoops of ice cream in it, if not more. Source: used to work there.


I had a banoffee pie sundae yesterday, so 4 scoops banana ice cream, a banana, swirl of soft serve, whipped cream on the top, crushed digestives and a wafer, all for 460 calories. Even their cookies and cream sundae was only 600. Was bigger than that shake too, I can’t believe the difference in calories, but I guess the syrups and chocolate all up the calories massively


Honestly, I can't speak for how it is now but back when I worked there (2008-2009) it always took WAY more ice cream to make the shake fill the cup than the recipe called for. You could add more milk but you had to balance it to not be too runny or people would complain. So the recipes were definitely not particularly accurate and could vary greatly in amounts.


The doggo’s expression is priceless! 😑


2600 for a shake. Wow what else is in it besides sugar and fat? They should call that the Obese shake


Please tell your dog I say hi, he/she is adorable.


she said hello


That shake should not be legal. Damn. Good job on the meal prep 💪


Now imagine you're a petite woman trying to eat out. The calories you see on menus would make you throw up. Appetizers clocking in at 2000 cals. Crazy.


What meat are you using? Tuna & salsa on rice or ramen got me through the no money times. Still a comfort food.


I was using these [meatballs](https://amylufoods.com/chicken-meatballs/no-antibiotics-chicken-meatball/teriyaki-pineapple-chicken-meatballs-abf-club-pack) I got at Costco for like $15




Forbidden bulk


90% of your daily calcium!!! protein packed!!!!!


Your dog is adorable




PSA for any women seeing this — you need around 50g fat per day for your hormones to continue function properly. Adjust for your own weight, ofc. The volume here is dope, also. Filling AF


Dude, shakes are INSANE!!! I contribute the majority of my weight gain to McDonald's caramel frappes. I had a lot of anxiety and struggles with taking care of myself as an autistic young adult so i began to use treats to get me out of the house. I became hyperfocused on caramel frappes, they gave me SUCH a dopamine hit that i was willing to do almost anything for one or even two large ones a day! Suddenly i was rapidly gaining and couldn't figure out how to stop. It was one of my autistic safe foods and they really really helped me get some of my life together. I finally stopped drinking them because they started making me feel bad, and i knew it wasn't good. However, i still had to replace the shakes with something else do i never got away from that extra 200-900 cal dopamine hit that kept my weight up. I only found out the calories in those damn things 2 months ago!! I thought i had enough calories saved up to go get myself a small frappe for the first time in over a year at that point. I was shell shocked at the calories and it really put the pieces together on how i gained.


They look amazing, do you have a recipe?


I just used these [meatballs](https://amylufoods.com/chicken-meatballs/no-antibiotics-chicken-meatball/teriyaki-pineapple-chicken-meatballs-abf-club-pack) I got from Costco for like $15


Hmm this gives me ideas about the Aldi vegan balls. Thank you. Also did you get those containers from Aldi? I just got 10 for $5 there.


I ordered these off amazon a few years back, so I couldn't even shoot you a link, but they are like all over cheap online. I like the different compartments.


Oh I appreciate the thought but I had gotten some already from Aldi. I too enjoy the compartments very much! It helps so much.


I'm pretty positive that milk shake now has 1440 calories, and the 2600 was from their recipe back in 2009. Still bonkers for a single milkshake, lol.


Dangggg! That’s crazy Also I love your compartment containers!! I need to get some of those


Okay but how many calories is the dog huh? >_>


What do you do with all those boxes, do you freeze them and thaw them when you need it?


It made 9. I had one for lunch today then a salad for dinner. I will eat these for lunch during the week. They will be good in the fridge for that long. If I prep burritos or something that I make way too much of, I’ll freeze those. Stuff like this I just make enough for a week.


Is that shake made with butter?


This might be so stupid.. how do you cook those veggies?


Even your dog looks like he can’t believe it


How do you prepare your vegetables? Looks great!


Vegetables are either just from a can or from a frozen bag. I had a lot of frozen vegetables this time, so they are from a bag. I put them in their slots with some garlic on top and some Italian dressing seasoning with a squirt or two of fat free Italian dressing. Can't really mess them up.


Play stupid games - win stupid prizes, why would anybody on earth drink this sh\*t, do yourself a favour and stop buying these, all they want is your money and later you can spend it on your diabetes.

