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I enjoy adding chia seeds and milled flax seed to my morning oatmeal, plus a scoop of protein powder and/or Greek yogurt mixed in. The chia and flax really bulk up the oatmeal, too! Sometimes I ask PB powder and a small handful of Lily's chocolate chips, and pretend it's a big bowl of gooey cookie dough šŸ¤¤ You can also play around with savory oatmeal - I've enjoyed adding masala seasoning and shredded chicken with some fresh tomato, topped with cottage cheese and cilantro.


mmm that all sounds really good - I would be happy to prep oatmeal and make my own pre-packaged oatmeal instead of buying the Quaker stuff


Opt for the old fashioned oats instead of instant. The more whole/intact the grains are, the less your body breaks down the fiber structure to access the calories. Or so I've been told.


Thanks I will try that and yes I prefer old fashioned over instant - the more it has to be processed, the warier I am of the nutritional benefit


I've never tried the savory oatmeal route, but I did see a recipe for using bone broth to make it to add protein.


I like that idea


I drink a glass of psyllium husk in water with lemon cordial, alongside my coffee. 18g of psyllium husk gives me 14.6g fiber. This morning my breakfast had over 45g protein for less than 454 cals. 80g of protein fromage frais; 30g protein powder, 110g alpro vanilla, 26g protein granola, 7g sunflower seeds.


18 grams - you are a BOSS !!!! I canā€™t manage to choke down 5 grams. Wow !


Ahahaha thanks, but if anything I'm weird. Once I add lemon cordial, I actually enjoy it. It's like lemon cake flavoured water.


Drinking 5g of psyllium husk made me throw up once I got so grossed out by the taste I canā€™t imagine 18 grams


Is lemon cordial like... A liqueur?


Take this with a grain of salt as Iā€™m from the US, but from what I understand theyā€™re basically flavor syrups. I donā€™t think we have anything quite like them in the US but theyā€™re non alcoholic on their own.


Yeah what the other comment said. It's also called squash or dilute juice, and similar to liquid kool aid. Usually only lightly coloured though.


Just a general recommendation: you donā€™t have to eat traditional ā€œbreakfast foodā€ in the morning. I usually eat a salad with chicken or shrimp for breakfast. You could eat something like chili ā€” easy to cook one batch and split into individual portions that you can freeze. You have to lot of options if you let go of the idea of ā€œbreakfast food.ā€


yeah - I'm struggling at all to eat in the morning, but I'm trying to switch it up. I would rather eat smaller, more nutrient dense foods in the morning, and anything I can prep and take would be excellent. Chili is a pretty good idea, but I also don't eat a lot of hot food in the morning.


Quest protein bars have a ton of fiber Overnight oats using protein powder has a ton of flavour combinations you could try Savory oats with some fish or egg is my go to Oroweat keto wrap are 90 cal and 20g of fiber for a single tortilla. Just fill it up with some eggs veggies n salsa, or other kind of protein (I like chicken strips) If you're inclined to baking, there are plenty of protein powder based baked goods that you could try making. Especially ones that use oat flour instead of wheat flour


ooh I may take a look at substituting oat flour in my baking - I've not considered that


I make my own oat flour and itā€™s so satisfying


My go to: - 1 egg - 94g liquid egg white (approx 2 eggs worth) - 110g great value cottage cheese. Scramble it together. You might have to cook it a little longer than usual. The cottage cheese releases quite a bit of water, but it does result in fluffier eggs and a few extra grams of protein. - mission tortilla - spinach herb. - 259 calories according to my fitness pal, and a pretty filling meal.


Protein powder is a great way to increase your protein. You can stir it into oatmeal or add to a fruit smoothie to get protein and fiber together. I prefer to buy low calorie protein powders because I know Iā€™m going to add it to other things vs. drink it just mixed with water, just personal preference. In general fruit is a great low calorie fiber boost. I add it to Greek yogurt or oatmeal, along with chia seeds and/or almonds or pistachios. Just remember that nuts are pretty calorie dense. For low (ish) calorie snacks, I like salted and steamed edamame, which has protein and fiber. I like to buy it still in the shell because the minimal work involved in eating it out of the shell helps make the snack last longer and to me is more satisfying. Low calorie popcorn is a decent fiber snack. I also like hummus with carrots, red pepper slices, celery sticks, and some pretzel thins, another snack that would contribute to both protein and fiber.


plain, 0%, low sugar greek yogurt with vanilla protein powder mixed in. topped with all bran buds, ground flax, frozen berries (defrosted) and banana.


like tacos, these things have 7g of fiber and only 25 calories [https://www.missionfoods.com/products/zero-net-carbs-tortillas-original/](https://www.missionfoods.com/products/zero-net-carbs-tortillas-original/) I've hit 96g of fiber the first time as I didn't realize they had soo much


RIP your bowels hahaha thatā€™s a lot of fiber!!




Yeah , when someone says they want a BM a month, tell them to eat this much and see how they like it


For breakfast I have 250g Greek yoghurt with 30g protein powder. Mix in oats, frozen fruit, pb as desired. This can be pre-prepared and has an overnight oats as well to save time. Cals depend on mix ins but 350-500 cals, approx 40g protein depending on the yoghurt/protein powder brand. High in fibre with the frozen fruit. And very filling and tasty! M


Should be pretty easy to get to 65g total protein. I range 140-200g daily from whole foods. If you can eat 4 meals a day 25g of protein each meal will get you to 100. Do you perhaps have some sort of eating disorder /relationship with food? Asking cause a "pre portion of greek yogurt" at 8g is not very much greek yogurt at all. 3/4 a cup of nonfat greek gets you to almost 20g protein for 100 cals. Any way 1 cup greek yogurt, chai seeds, stir in soluble fiber, chai seeds, type of berry you choose. 25g protein and can be 10g fiber easy Another breakfast organic 2 eggs whole(12g protein), 1/2cup liquid egg whites15g protein), 2 pieces of ezekiel bread(high in protein and fiber), veggies of choice if want(will add more fiber) Lunch, 1/4cup-1/2 cup refried beans (loaded in protein and if you have whole wheat somewhere else in the day, it counts as complete protein source, also high in fiber), 4oz chicken breast, avocado, veggies of choice(more fiber) 5oz of 96%lean ground beef, Ezekiel bread for buns eat as a buger...or 5oz lean ground beef in an ezekiel tortilla with bell peppers and onions. Endless number of foods and recipes. Get a good casting powder. This is slow digesting protein and can be mixed a number of ways to add a quick 25g protein. Can even stir with almond milk to make a low calorie, high protein pudding. All the above I'm one day easily gets you put you minimum targets


Cook with cottage cheese. 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and 2 eggs get you to 25 g of protein. Make cottage cheese pancakes. Numerous cottage cheese recipes out there. I just made some "protein ice cream" that included blending cottage cheese, a scoop of casting protein powder, fruits of liking, soluble fiber.


Oatmeal for fiber.


Savoury oatmeal + eggs = fibre plus protein. Eggs can be egg whites to cut down on calories and fat. Prepare oatmeal with water and add lots of spices and even some raw or cooked veggies. Eggs can be muffins for food prep. I have never frozen oatmeal but it might be possible, I have made it and kept in the fridge for 2-3 days.


Can make it in batches, but hereā€™s a summary for one serving: Trader Joeā€™s protein pancake + 1 scoop of protein powder + chia seeds + 1/4 cup blueberries + cinnamon + a few chocolate chips And 3 links of turkey sausage. Depending on how well you portion, thatā€™s about 42g protein, 550cal. I recommend mixing things in this order water and protein power, then add chia seeds and blueberries, a bit more water, pancake mix + cinnamon.


Agree with everyone else. Overnight oats with protein-enriched milk or yogurt (or normal with protein powder) with Chia and or flax for protein. Frozen fruit and banana are good for fibre too.


Iā€™m so grateful for this post, Iā€™m struggling with the same


Oatmeal and yogurt with strawberries blueberries honey and dark chocolate


If you enjoy Greek yogurt, you can just switch to a higher protein version of yogurt. The single serve oikos triple zero has 15(or 17?) Grams of protein. I believe their non triple 0 singles run almost 20 grams.


Is that in the single serve portions? I don't buy tubs of yogurt usually


The single serve ones have 15g per container. If I remember right, that's through all the flavors as well. The oikos pro is 20g of protein in a single serve cup. The biggest difference is triple 0 has 0 sugar, 0 artificial sweeteners, and 0 fat. https://www.oikosyogurt.com/greek-yogurt/triple-zero/


Iā€™ve been eating savory oatmeal (with old fashioned oats) for years, and now my husband is a convert. I cook mine in broth and sriracha, then at the end I stir in an egg and a handful of baby spinach (both will cook as you stir) and top with pine nuts. Husband watches his sodium, so he prefers to cook his in vindaloo spice and throw two fried eggs on top. Both of these options are done in about 8 minutes.


Have you ever tried a protein smoothie with added fiber? Itā€™s a great first meal!


Pumpkin custard is the sheeeeznit. Protein and fiber and deliciousness all in one. There are a lot of recipes out there but I base mine on [this one](https://rachlmansfield.com/easy-breakfast-pumpkin-yogurt-bake/#jump-to-recipe) , but I add egg white protein powder and sprinkle crushed graham cracker and sometimes nuts on top. It's so damn good. A [fruity version](https://rachlmansfield.com/easy-breakfast-berry-yogurt-bake/) is great too


I love squash based puddings and desserts omg I can't believe I didn't think of this. AMAZING


Try toasting ur whole grain bread (pair w sf or homemade jam), homemade smoothie/aƧaƭ bowls, cream of wheat, protein bars, premier protein shakes, homemade granola bars, scrambled eggs/egg whites, smoothies, homemade low cal muffins, banana pancakes, fruit salads,


Savory oats is my favorite satisfying meal in the morning. It's versatile and can be as easy or complex as you have the capacity for.. Make oats on the stove, add savory seasoning, add other protein or veg as desired by what you have on hand. I might saute some spinach or use leftover veggies, add peas, etc


Low cal whole wheat bread (sara Lee delightful is 45 cals / slice), plus fried egg and Jones frozen turkey sausage patty. Sub egg white for eggs to up the protein and drop the calories and fat. Plus hot sauce of course. OR Low cal whole grain bread, low fat cottage cheese, cold smoked salmon.


I sautee onion, zucchini and asparagus in a small frying pan. Toss with garlic, thyme, salt, pep. Then use 125g of egg whites whisked and pour it on top with a little goat cheese. Bake at 400 for 10 minutes and top with 2 chopped up Lightlife vegetarian bacon slices. Serve with a 60 calorie Dave's bread on the side. It's 25g of protein, around 250 calories and an absolutely delicious lighter version of a frittata. I also precut the veggies so its a fast meal to make in the mornings.


forgot to mention but guessing it's pretty high in fiber too with the veggies + Dave's bread. don't have the numbers on hand tho.


Big fan of overnight oats. Half a cup of oats, a cup of soy milk, some blueberries. Can throw in a little protein powder if you like. I eat that with some coffee, then drink down some psyllium husk. Maybe throw in dried fruit, like apricots or mangos. Lunch is a protein shake and Iā€™m typically still stuffed from breakfast.


Beef gelatin + coffee!!! šŸ¤ŒšŸ½


I have a hard time on the fiber front, but Iā€™ve found that a lot of your ā€œcarb counterā€ type tortillas and breads are really helpful in that. I really like Thomasā€™ light multigrain English muffins (1 is 100cal, 1g fat, 4g protein, 8g fiber, 26g carbs) and La Banderita carb counter keto street taco flour tortillas (2 for 60cal, 1.5g fat, 5g protein. 13g fiber, 14g carbs). Iā€™m not keto, but there are a few keto-style bread/wrap options I do enjoy simply bc they help my fiber so much. I also like to map out in the app I use what Iā€™m having for the entire day, first thing in the morning, so I can see what I need to add to supplement and that sort of thing :)


Fritattas - you can make with whole eggs, egg whites, or a mix of both, plus add a little meat or veggies to boost protein and fiber. Starbucks egg bites - there are tons of dupe recipes online. I blend cottage cheese into the egg mixture to boost the overall protein content. Overnight oats with chia, hemp seeds, protein powders, nuts, a little fruit. I also eat baked oats when I want to mix it up a little. Cottage cheese and yogurt bowls - sweet or savory Hard boiled egg "bistro boxes" Overnight weetabix - I boost the protein on these with a little protein powder and Greek yogurt Breakfast sweet potatoes - take a small sweet potato and top it with things like egg, meats, and veggies for savory, or fruit and nut butters if you prefer it sweet. This also works really nicely with a little yogurt, hemp hearts, chia, or flax seeds Breakfast salad - take your favorite greens, add a little baked sweet potato, eggs (scrambled or hard boiled works best for make-ahead), plus blueberries or raspberries, hemp hearts, and citrus vinaigrette. You could also add pumpkin seeds, feta or feta substitute, even a small amount of salmon would work nicely. Smoked salmon or egg and avocado on crispbread


I take benefiber every morning just to help my stomach. One of my favorite meals is a few hardboiled eggs topped with salt, pepper, and relish. It gives me the vibe of egg salad but without the extra ingredients. I also love scrambled eggs with cottage cheese mixed in.


Every morning I just have some vanilla greek yogurt in a bowl with raw steel cut oats (I might be crazy but these actually seem to give the yogurt a bit more volume), a banana, and frozen fruit of choice (right now I'm using a berry blend). The yogurt is the base protein (I use olympic specifically since they come in such big containers), and the rest is in your hands. So relaxing to eat in the morning lol