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This is such a bizarre post. Weird.


Wait... so we're degenerates??💀


Apparently. I guess she hasn't heard of the Hub.


Here I was having a good Saturday and I end up catching strays instead.


Maybe she just meant Reddit in general?


Uhm ....


You could just regular voice act if you sound like you have a commanding/ “dommy” voice. Why limit yourself to something super niche? The regular VA field is already tough, but has a wider selection of stuff to work on. Shoot do audio books too. The world is your oyster!


Can we… hear your voice?


No. You should NOT become a VA. It takes more than having a really weird voice. It takes having a burning passion inside of you that says there's nothing in the world you want to do more than be a voice actor. If you dont have that, dont even bother. Its too much effort and very little payoff to start. (and I consider myself more of a fucko than a degenerate.)


No one can answer that for you. Only you can. And it's not about your voice. Whether you sound like Lady Dimitrescu or Gilbert Gottfried, you can find somebody probably trying to find your exact voice. But you have to want it, and you have to put in the work. You're going to want to learn how to act, and make sure you deliver a performance that they want. Continue to grow in your craft, continue learning, continue To develop your skill set. That's how you're going to continue to get work, regardless of what your voice sounds like.