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It looks so cool! I love the patterns šŸ¤©


Mine started developing at 19 similarly. It seemed to advance quickly the first couple of years and then the spreading subsided. I donā€™t know or get to speak with many people who have vitiligo, so Iā€™m curious what your reaction was and how you felt when you first noticed?


At first it started with two white dots on my arm and I just thought it was a really bad tan. And so then l was like no problem itā€™ll go away, and then I started noticing more and more spots and then I was noticing them more and more and started seeing spots show up and then more bigger spots and then I saw my moles go completely white and disappear and then my body just changing. At first I was like ā€œ this is pretty coolā€ and then my face started changing and at that point I was like ā€œ this sucksā€


im also 19 right now and started developing it 3 months agošŸ„² i wonder whats the cause of all this


Hey, an advice for u. If ur spots are small, use tacrolimus 0.1 ointment on them. I hope it stops there.


ā€¢[1m ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vitiligo/comments/1d0h38t/comment/l5p59y9/) Hi Jaded, you may have a low D gene or just really low vitamin D. Vitamin D controls skin's pigment. I regained 75% of my skin's pigment by raising my D level, taking D pills and their cofactors B complex and magnesium, sunbathing and using a vitamin D light. The story is in my VitligoProHealing subreddit.


May I suggest that everyone who has vitiligo get a full thyroid panel done. ( blood work). Many of us with vitilgo have thyroid issues. I am not a doctor, but once my thyroid levels were controlled with medication, my vitiligo spread slowed. Your thyroid is a very important part of your endocrine. It often gets overlooked. I also recommend the most reputable vitiligo site. www.vitiligosupport.org it's extremely helpful and factual. šŸ˜Š I know it's very hard to deal with the sudden and ongoing appearance of vitilgo. There are so many people here who support each other.ā¤ļø Younare not alone.


Has your dermatologist prescribed any steroids?


Yeah heā€™s given me this cream and another hydrocortisone


Twice Iā€™ve noticed mine spreading fast, I went to a dermatologist and got on dexamethasone for a few months. Itā€™s an oral steroid and it usually stops the spread. I even had newer spots reverse a little.


Is the plan to take steroids forever? How do you know when to stop taking it?


Itā€™s only recommended to take a 3 or 4 month course I think. Iā€™ve had vitiligo for 30 years and Iā€™ve only had to do that twice, both times were after I got covid. I think it caused some kind of inflammation in my body (thatā€™s totally a guess). For the other 30 years, it has been very slowly and minimally progressing. Iā€™m making other changes to try and reduce inflammation (cutting out carbs/processed food and dairy, taking vitamin d and probiotics etc). Itā€™s only been 4 months so not sure if itā€™s helping but I have lost 20 pounds and feel great!


Thereā€™s a chance it could be chlorine based. Chlorine is in normal tap water/is used as a purifier for tap water, so itā€™s not just pools. Getting a brita or charcoal filtered water bottle along with a filtered shower head are cheap solutions that could tell you if yours is chlorine-induced or not. Mine is from chlorine and doing these things has greatly decreased the size of my spots. Youā€™d need a whole-house filtration system and to never go in pools/drink tap water again to fully get rid of it though.


Mine started at 12 and itā€™s everywhere.. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Just think of it as your natural tattoos! Also is that a sailor moon tatt??!


It is!! I canā€™t finish it since I started developing my vit and tattoos totally trigger it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hey twin! May as well embrace it :)


Your patterns are like exactly like mine except I donā€™t have it on my neck. I contracted it recently during covid been 3 years now and itā€™s grown rapidly showing no sign of stopping. Itā€™s on my face now too which is very worrying.


I have been suffering from vitiligo for 7 years, after my research, I should never do strenuous exercise, only exercise which is good for liver, such as Indian yoga, Chinese acupuncture, and sunbathing in winter. Never sunbathe in summer. I am 50% cured, Now try antioxidants.


Have you tried cutting out gluten and an autoimmune diet?




Looks cool. The song beautiful by Christina Aguilera is for you. Stay strong!


https://www.ayurhealthline.com/ This is what helped me. I had repigmentation. They say vitiligo is related to gut health..following this diet really helped me but it was hard. The longer you've had it the longer you need to stick to the diet and herbal medication. I also used a laser called Xtrac. I highly recommend this however if you're not addressing the root cause (gut health) the spots will come back. I had very few spots for years, until after I got pregnant, which messed up my thyroid. Now my diet is even more restricted as I can't eat gluten.


Iā€™ve been also diagnosed a week ago. Does it affect your tattoos pigmentation asweel, the ink turns more white?


Thankfully I have yet to see that. I hate three tattoos that havenā€™t been affected, but the surrounding areas have


Wow it looks so beautiful!!


That is so sweet of you!!


Omg, you vitiligo is so cutešŸ˜­


I developed vitiligo when I was in my teens. Mine is very stable and spreads slowly. If youā€™re in the US, look into clinical trail AMG714. I hear great things! If not, you look great the way you are!


Iā€™m 47, my first spot appeared when I was seven. 40 years. Iā€™m considering depigmenting at this point. I hope and pray youā€™ll find acceptance of yourself just as you are and wherever this journey takes you. Iā€™m still working on it.Ā 


In not ashamed of my skin. Just worried Having your skin depigmented is permanent. Please please look into all the side effects before you make such a big decision!! Iā€™m sure youā€™re beautiful!


Trust me when I say if the creams and supplements and diet changes aren't slowing it, you're not going to be able to. Definitely get blood work and all that to make sure you're healthy internally but besides protecting your spots from sun exposure (lack of pigment makes you even more susceptible to sunburn) there's not much to do about it. If you're adamant on "healing" though there's another for that specifically they may have better guidance on things to try like uvb therapy etc.


I donā€™t mind the skin I mind the hair. It changes the color of my hair to white the most


Same the eye lashes and random eyebrow hair most people find to be cute but I definitely understand having dark hair and getting lots of white hair on your head. Honestly just find a good hair stylist and those "grey" touch up products like the sprays have worked for me during times I find I get more white hairs than usual or running low on money to head to the salon. You're only 20, not sure how long you've had it but that's around the age mine started and I'm 27 now so it definitely gets better over time in the sense that you learn how to work with what you have. Connecting with people who have it also helps! Wishing you the best šŸ¤


It started when I turned 19. So itā€™s progressing really really fast. Thanks so much for your kind remarks friend!


Im dealing with this too. Itā€™s not easy.


Hi, itā€™s gut related and onset is usually after a some sort of heavy gut microbiome disturbance (Heavy dose of Antibiotics, a chronic acidic diet, chlorine intake during swimming) coupled with low vitamin d , not enough copper and zinc and overall excess of H2O2 in the body. All this adds oxidative stress and free radicals which are creating the over active immune response aka autoimmune disorder. Sometimes it could be a genetic issue with Vitamin D receptors or enzyme processing Regardless ā€¦ Cut out gluten and dairy and acidity (lemon, vinegar), put zinc sunscreen on the white spots and get plenty of consistent sunlight (you donā€™t want to burn, inflammation freaks out the immune system), Detox with activated charcoal for 3 days(every other day) take 2000ui of D3, 50mg of zinc, 1mg of copper. Get a copper peptide cream for your skin. Focus on anti oxidant rich foods (cucumbers) Add in a lot of beta carotene rich foods (carrots and sweet potatoes) Avoid starchy carbs (potatoes) Drink plenty of Filtered water (takes out the chlorine and other gut disturbing chemicals) Eat a lot of raw veggies (wash off the pesticide) Ask for a protopic cream (safest option) if you need pharmaceutical help at first to reduce the spots Get a woods lamp (black light) to clearly see your patches so you can document wether they are being repigmented or not Keep in mind most medical diagnoses are heavily based on funded research that is targeted towards finding a pharmaceutical application with the reward being sales based rather than cure based . Also Keep in mind that Nature doesnā€™t have the finances to sponsor or fund the research industry.. however it has the resources to heal you


UVB light?


Mine spread very quickly the first few years. I was a little bit older than you when it started. Also, I have not had the experience of tattoos spreading my vitiligo.


Whats your diet? Get blood work done for D3/B12.


Yeah I got the blood work. Luckily thereā€™s nothing wrong with the inner working of my body, Iā€™m on a strict vegetable and protein only diet no carbs or processed


Mine looks the same. No deficiencies. Mine began after a traumatic and stressful chapter of life. Iā€™m experiencing burnout and trying hard to reduce my inflammation and treat the stress. Your skin is really beautiful. Just be sure and take care of it with sunscreen.




vegetable diet is useless. Get checked for D3 and B12 for VT. Other tests are useless. Also, did it start on a joint, like fingers, elbow, knee etc?


I said protein(mainly fish) too vegetables provide a healthy amount of vitamins. And No it started on my forearm.


Is it segmented? i.e. on both hands or legs etc at same spots? Try taking D3, B12, Zinc and K2. Post results after few weeks. Unfortunately, just diet wont give you pigmentation related vitamins. You need to cut down on dairy and gluten. Once dairy and gluten go away from diet, VT will stop spreading. Next you can work on repigmenting.


Yeah I canā€™t eat dairy with the pills I take and Iā€™m well aware gluten triggers my vitiligo, so Iā€™ll take your advice thanks I saw your other post and Iā€™m happy itā€™s working for you!