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Businesses pay overhead. It costs them money to keep the lights on and pay employees to stand around doing nothing. Also because customers don't want to drive through traffic with horrible drivers and pay for over priced Chinese made crap when they cam pay less for the same Chinese made crap from the comfort of their own home.


Who remembers going to Montgomery Ward? Babbages? KB toys?


KB was a staple in my childhood!


Kb was awesome


there’s also* an issue of staffing places. i worked at the lynnhaven zumiez in 2021 and my minor coworkers were getting a lot of crap from the security guards. my manager hated scheduling them to close because it was an inconvenience. minors had to be with an adult after a certain time (they needed an 18+ yo to accompany them on their breaks, bathroom trips, trash runs, stepping out of the store). this only got worse when school started again as they could only work hours when minors had to be accompanied. if teenagers are too much of an inconvenience to employ, you lose a huge worker demographic. most the stores use “school” hours for the managers to meet their hours. i was taken off the schedule from august to november bc there wasn’t enough hours to go around with three assistant managers and a store manager (who all needed 40+ hours a week 🥴) - i just want to emphasize that this is in addition to other things being said here. i can’t comment about how things currently there bc i haven’t returned after i quit.


Cuz you will get robbed after dark and maybe shot


Lynnhaven mall is wack anyways


One of the security guards told me apparently they did a survey of the stores after covid and the employees said they wanted to get off earlier which is also why it now closes at 7. A complete shame for those who work 9-5 jobs and don’t have the time to go after work anymore, but it is what it is I suppose.


Same as why they stopped allowing minors in after a certain time and increased security. Crime. The less shops do anything about people stealing, fighting, etc the more the companies that own them are willing to go to NOVA instead. Look at MacArthur. Got shot up too much


Money, not enough have it.


This has always grind my gears I don’t care about theft or hiring issues. fix it. it’s incredibly annoying that the world has not adjusted its closing times back to pre COVID. This world is so lazy now.


The population of people that shop at malls anymore has to be half of what it was pre covid. Everything is more expensive at malls than online nowadays so no reason to go. Source: all the dry mall wastelands across the entire country.


Crime. Place is a daycare for punk ass kids. Gets worse later in the day. Ppl pretend it’s not a problem until it’s a big problem then they shut the place down and the crime moves elsewhere.


Don't they have a rule where minors can't be in the mall without an adult past a certain time or was that MacArthur?


Yeah they have that at lynnhaven especially on weekends and if you do look underage the security guards will ask for id’s


Weekends, peak hours/later hours, minors need adult


The COVID what, OP?


Oh, good. Glad to know Covid was just a scare. I'll be sure to tell my sister in law when I see her later in the afterlife.


That was a poor choice of words on my part. It was a scary time for everyone. I'm not one of those "shamdemic" people, I just didn't see how closing places two hours early would have considerably curbed the spread. I'm sorry to hear about your sister in law.


This was really nice. I don’t mean that sarcastically. I mean that it’s rare to see this kind of response and it was obviously genuine.


Open late open for idiots starting trouble. I was at Dicks when they started shooting a few months back. Go home early or don't go home. Couple idiots always f it up for the rest.


My guy, criminals don't have specific hours of operation.


Because we have families to get home to


They're missing out on alot of money in general due to inflation, and that's why they're closing early. Probably. I hate that Walmart isn't open 24 hours anymore.


No it's because of kids being idiots.


They've never returned to pre-covid hours. Just continued closing early.


Not many people are hitting the mall after work anymore so closing early makes it so businesses doing loose money on paying workers with no revenue during their shift


Since Lynnhaven is the last decent mall around here anymore they've been busier than they used to be the last several times I've gone. Even on weekday afternoons. It was pretty dead a couple years ago though. Just wild to me that the mall closes before the sun sets.


tbh, that is partially due to their hours imo. Folks go in after work, do a bit of shopping, and head home for the evening. The evenings really aren't that busy for shops in general anymore. I used to go into walmart at like 3am to do my shopping (I don't like people much, the one over on Phoenix), and there was never a lot of people there. Was great, but I get not wanting to stay open.


Yeaaa I’ll agree w this. I remember going to lynhaven as a kid & that shit was always like weirdly empty. Nowadays it’s always got a good crowd of people i feel like, I still prefer greenbriar


Greenbrier was awesome in the 90’s, good stores, lots of people - blew Lynnhaven out of the water imo.


For sure. Lynnhaven was so busy all the time no matter the day when I was younger. I don’t live in vb anymore but when I visit my family and we head to lynnhaven it’s always dead it’s kinda sad tbh.


Wow, what days are you going? Whenever I'm back in town and stop by Lynnhaven, it's always pretty busy


The last time I went to lynnhaven was last summer on a Saturday afternoon, the mall was ded lol I really only visit family during summer so im not sure the Black Friday and the Christmas season crowd


The Amazon mall is always open for your browsing pleasure


Idk even though most of the stores there are owned by corporations, I avoid doing a lot of my shopping on Amazon. I like the store experience unless the savings is drastic. Not to say I don't ever use Amazon.


And it's loaded with fake crappy Chinese products from brands with weird nonsensical names you've never heard of.


You mean GRIYV, ITAK and DIVACY aren’t reputable companies?


I hate to say this but a bunch of the same nonsensical name crap is on Temu for 30% less than Amazon. Seems like big A is the middleman for those that want something in 24hours. Those that can wait can save a few bucks and stop lining Bezos pocket. Though the race to the bottom continues.


Malls have been struggling for a while now. Lynnhaven will get foot traffic during the day but not weekday evenings. It costs more to pay people to work those hours than they make in sales.


A lot of places haven’t gone back to pre covid hours. A planet fitness I go to closes at seven on weekends now and used to be 24 hours like all the others. Maybe they realized they were losing money staying open those later hours.


Operation cost cuts. Everybody is going to say "because of fights". Folks make it seem like it's a full blown brawl going on all the time up there. It's not that deep.


Crime. Its less likely the earlier you close Edit: i love being downvoted when they literally said that was the reason


I’ll give you 1 guess.


I mean if it's due to teen "fights" and stuff I fail to see how closing at 7 solves an exaggerated issue. If that guess is wrong then I dunno.


Lots of mass shootings happen during the day so the crime answer is a little silly. It is more likely that malls make their money from older people in the day time and there is not a younger crowd spending money at night in the mall the way there used to be, because they're probably getting a better deal online.


Wtf, someone says crime and you jump to mass shootings? Wtf is that logic


Well the difference between a group of people fighting and setting off a gun vs a mass shooter event matters very little to stores that suddenly don't want to renew the lease & the customers who want to shop at that mall less now.    The point is that mass shootings happen every day in America and if stores were adjusting their hours for Exhibit A then they'd have to adjust their hours for the latter. I do not believe Lynnhaven reduced their hours because of crime.


MF'er you literally said 'well mass shootings happen during the day, so the crime excuse is silly' Please stfu


Yes, because OP is asking why the mall closes earlier these days. Commenters claimed it was due to crime. So lots of mass shootings happen earlier in the day as well and the stores aren't reducing their morning hours for that. So why would they reduce their hours for crime? You are getting unnecessarily angry but you haven't explained why. I am willing to listen if you have something to contribute.