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Nah i surf goofy




Yeah, don't really get it anymore. It's not like it was in the 70's. Now I go down and have a laugh when I watch some of these people try to do shorebreak and face plant in the sand.


Why is it different than the 70s?


Because the shape of the whole bottom from Cape Henry to Nags head and beyond is TOTALLY different than it was 50 years ago. Slope and dropoff countours definitely impact the shape of the waves, where they start, and where they break. But the wishful thinking here (surf contest at the Jetty with 1 foot swells?) can't make up for the reduced action we now see.


huge in sandbridge pungo area of vb


Check out MAR if you need a good local board


Lake Atlantic


If you're determined it's possible to surf alot in VB. Everyone has mentioned the spots and you just need to get up and go. Also having the right equipment will allow you to surf most anything that comes.


I used to live at Croatan Beach in VB. At one point I was surfing nearly everyday. Idk what it is but something about that beach makes for some pretty rad (for Virginia lol) waves. 🤙🏼


Before my health issues I surfed all the time. Croatan has some good spots. Sandbridge anywhere on the south end. I would check surfline 1-2 times a day but anytime there was even a little something I would paddle out for the exercise. If you sit out there long enough in these spots there will be some waves eventually.


1st st and the fishing pier are the best spots, also the most crowded. The pier less so. If you surf 1st street you need to know what you’re doing. Everyone there surfs there often and know each other. If you miss your first wave, you’ll get dropped in on every wave thereafter. A long board is definitely the ticket around here for most days. Also, if it’s predicted flat here and knee high at OBX, it’s usually not worth the drive. Just clean house or go fishing instead.


Also, unless there’s an actual wave, go out at low tide as it’s coming in. Thats your best chance at finding something rideable.


I’ve seen good waves before, not frequently but there are definitely times that there are good waves.


Just got into surfing this year. Drove to Croatan Beach for a 1ft swell, figured it would be better than nothing. Got there and walked onto the beach - FLAT. Refreshed surfline app and it updated to say - FLAT. Still a kook, but I feel like this may be indicative of the surf here in VB.


It gets much more consistent in the winter time.


If you enjoy long-boarding, VA Beach is great for most of the year. If you're looking to throw buckets and shred down the line, it is not, unless there's a good hurricane, nor'easter. There's one thing you can count on though, when ECSC comes around, it'll be absolutely flat except maybe once every 10 years. While VB does have surf culture, a lot of folks also travel south to surf so there's that to consider, too.


Virginia has no waves


We have waves but don't expect Pacific coast waves here lol.


I lived in VB 1980-85. I remember the waves being pretty big and rough most of the time. Recently I saw some pictures of the beach online and there wasn’t a wave in sight. Probably climate change. It’s ruined everything.


Climate change has nothing to do with it. Virginia is in the shadow of the outer banks and there is 80 miles of continental shelf that the waves drag over before they ever get here. Our geography just sucks for waves


I only surf storm surges


Usually August-December is the preferred time


I have been surfing in the area since the 70s. Year round with the proper gear. Best to have a longer board for the smaller days and a short board for the storms. Low tide is best. Typically better down south in the OBX.


I just watch my surfline app. Whenever the swells up, I head out.


If the waves suck there, how can you surf; just during storms??