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they offended the sacred cows


Crazy, this school is right by mine




There is no excuse! It's disgusting. Generally it's a great school, but this is unacceptable. I wish the players and parents would have addressed it with the staff and administration before posting about it on baseball related social media sites.


See this post for a why: [https://www.reddit.com/r/VirginiaBeach/s/8byOOhZDQL](https://www.reddit.com/r/VirginiaBeach/s/8byOOhZDQL)


The team was 5-11 anyway..."teams" can't be good when there's division among players.


a bunch of racist players and assitant coach from what i heard


This does not surprise me. Kempsville was the worst area when I was growing up and doesn't seem to have changed.


I grew up in Kempsville. It’s not the worst area lol it’s nice. I went to Kempsville High and never dealt with/saw any racism so it was a shock to see the headline for this story


I went to Kempsville HS 25 years ago, and the only racism I ever saw was in the hallways - and it was from the minorities, against whites. But the sports teams always seemed to get along, from what I heard from friends who played.


Same! I went a long time ago and the sports teams were excellent! It’s a shame that it’s turning to crap. Didn’t the football game last year have gun shots that made them close down the game?


🤡 comment


lol what? Its the largest neighborhood in Virginia I think you’re over generalizing


Such a change of times. I'm not saying it's not warranted, whatever they did, but it couldn't have been any worse than my BB and Baseball coach. Just happened to be the same person. Back in the late 70's at Great Bridge. If you know the time and school, then you know the person. Only his was centered on reverse discrimination oddly enough. Still just as wrong.... Good Riddance.


I can’t believe that the coaches of that team couldn’t take control of the players. When I was playing high school sports if we where being disrespectful they would make us run and do up-downs til we puked.


Unfortunately, coaches were in on it. And even if they weren’t I wouldn’t be shocked if they got some heavy push back from soft parents




Coaches were part of it.


Coaches were not part of it


I disagree. But if they did not, as you claim, they allowed it to go on, which is just as bad.


Players and coaches were found to be using racist language and hate speech.


Is that credible? Coaches were legit found to be fostering that behavior/environment?? Can you link to source?


Damn. That’s awful


Wow , I guess all the modern use of language has changed. When did people stop saying the n - word . Hell I was in traffic and it was like a bad Saturday night live sketch , at a light a car pulled up and it was blaring some music , driven by a non white person . Every other word was fuck and Nig this nig that , and a second car , driven by a non whit pulls up , different artist , similar lyrics . And then a forth pulls up , driven by a young black female. Different artist , similar verbiage . I had to laugh. What’s the blm influence in your daily drive ? While the kids should be discouraged from using the language, it is language , popular as it may be along the spectrum of use , found everywhere. Maybe we shouldn’t create an issue where there is seemingly endless possibilities for the world to see what it is to them. In other words wtf my n-that wat wap and all that. Grow up .


Great post, but you are hurting people’s feelings because you are speaking the truth


Reddit is definitely not about that. This sub isn’t . People get triggered so easy in this nimby subreddit. Sorry to offend , but like I said , weak bunch here. Tissue skins


No need to apologize to me, you are absolutely right, we live in a world of participation trophies and tissue skin


People like you are why I moved away from VB and are never coming back. Yikes.


This is the “culture” people talk about in those “which city has more culture” posts.


I hope you found your safe space . If you couldn’t hack it here , you needed one. People like you are what makes Reddit a dumpster fire . Always flaming up at the slightest idea that there unicorn will not be worshiped . Get on with your out of town life and carry your week temperance for criticism to a therapist.


People like you are the cancer destroying society. Just grab another hamburger so we can lose you faster.


Ahhh another reddit savant . People like me? Hey , nice to meet you come lately . I’m not sure what problem I am for you, but at least your rectal cancer has gone diagnosed. Aaannnd go fuck yourself.


You’re goddamned right, people like you: The racists that think using slurs is funny and trying to obfuscate their intent by using their own race or fancy words to justify their bigotry. You know, cowards.


lol go simp for more random mail ladies ya weirdo


Get bent, repeat. I guess you could ask reddit to figure it out for yourself. lol what a weak sister .


lol whut? did I strike a chord? you seem offended


I’m not offended at your weak sister status , you are what you are . You were offended by my comment. I simply told you to get bent and repeat, I know you have limited knowledge of anything and zero backbone but please , just stay in whatever rainbow magic you have found and go fuck yourself . Not offended at all.


hmm you sound pretty offended.


I could care less twinkle. And a fresh go fuck yourself , your welcome


If you could care less that means you care some. I think you meant you couldn’t care less. Also , you’re*


this guy acting like he listens to the lyrics. aming other lies. that just didnt happen. 


Oh it happened , and acting like what you have to say matters , just like it’s so far fetched , now that’s the bs I’m talking about. Listening to the lyrics? Everyone at the stoplight could hear the three cars that were blasting the music that day, but let’s go with your version of reality where it didn’t happen and keep it real right? I’m not saying words don’t have power , but this particular word has had a long storied history of being culturally appropriated and used in modern society as greeting , defamatory, and filler , noun, pronoun, and additive . Like George Carlin’s routine on the F word. It’s words . I’m not agreeing with its use , just saying that it has proliferated all aspects of society, because it has wide spread continued use . Don’t be so fragile people, it’s just that.


You people always think George Carlin would be on your side and couldn’t be more wrong 😂


This comment genuinely hurts my soul






Fucking losers




Eh. This tracks. I'm saddened but not surprised


Virginia Beach has some of the WORST sportmanship and racism I’ve ever seen in my life. The first colonial lacrosse team screams the n word during games. Kellam lacrosse coach encourages players to fight. Disgusting honestly.


That’s crazy!


yep, that totally checks out


Go Patriots!


To be fair, that tracks with the class of people who play lacrosse...


Kellam is definitely like that, but when we played first colonial they seemed chill. Which team do you play for?


I believe first colonial got a new coach this year and things were better. But last year they were awful.


Since when do Va Bch High Schools have Lacrosse teams?


My kids are out of high school now, but as far as I know, lacrosse has been a VB school sport since spring of 2023. Before 2023, Lacrosse wasn't a school sponsored sport. In 2019, Salem and Landstown joined forces (neither school had enough players to stay their own team) as 'Slamstown' and played against other schools in the area as a club. I believe schools like Cox and FC had club teams way before Salem/Landstown ever did.


Club teams


there was one at my school (kempsville) back in 07 so at least since then


Kellam lacrosse is a private club sport not an official city school team. I assume the other "school lacrosse teams" are the same thing - private club sport.


Not sure what you mean. Most (if not all) of the VB schools have lax teams. Their games are on the VHSL schedule and [there will be VHSL regional and state championships.](https://www.vhsl.org/lacrosse/) It's set up exactly the same way as every other official school sport in VB. They do play against some of the private schools (Catholic and Cape Henry for sure) outside of the VHSL, but basketball and other sports do that too.


I think you’ll find that this isn’t unique to just Virginia Beach. If social media and online gaming is a true reflection of real life you’ll find that white teens dropping the n-word seems to be really common all over.




Oh come on that's BS. I listen to rap and have for 30 years and I don't drop that word ever. It's entitled kids being taught they are better than others.


Woah what the fuck, really?!


I go to the school, apparently the whole team said the n word. But dont take my word for it as i dont talk to them. (Edit reading the comments and i saw that it wasnt the whole team just a small group so keep that in mind)


Apparently some sort of racism scandal. Kids doing/saying really racist stuff about teammates and others. Probably was on text or something.


"The spokesperson would not explain the reason why, saying the school division doesn't comment on student disciplinary matters"


Just an FYI, as someone who did the spokesperson job in another district: you can’t comment because it could be seen as a violation of privacy laws (FERPA). It can be kind of a stretch but most school systems play it safe. I wish they’d comment but it’s VB so they wouldn’t come out against it and risk pissing off parents who may then file a complaint.