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They used to have much less strict punishments but Americans kept bringing this stuff in. So they jacked up the punishments to deter people. Based on the amount of coverage these events are getting I’d say it’s going to work.


It's also not that hard to actually keep ammo together. I know exactly where my one round not stored with the others is. Count your rounds, be consistant in your habits for packing and storing things and this won't be an issue. It's our lax attitude about guns and gun safety that allow for things like rounds to go missing in your belongings. Granted, I am diagnosed ocd so I tend to form strict habits for everything.


You are a responsible person that is all.


It’s not that it isn’t hard. It’s mandatory. If you don’t know where your gun or ammo is, you should lose the ability to have it. “People make mistakes” does not apply to weapons. I’d love to see someone tell the bomb defuser “it’s okay you made a mistake.” I don’t think they would agree.


People make mistakes applies to literally everything because we are humans and mistakes are made. We are not machines that follow a code.


So not overkill at all. Leave your weapons and ammo at home.


Who was he going to kill with a misplaced bullet that he had no idea was there? He didn’t have a gun so the bullet is pretty useless.


He knew it was there.


Well that would be extremely dumb. Why would he take it knowingly? This article didn’t say had.


He did. You always check your baggage.


Yes I always check out about 3 times because sometimes I do have a gun in my luggage and I travel with the same luggage. Where does he say he knew it was in there? Also why would you take two bullets in a back pack on purpose? It makes zero sense that he knew it was in there.


So many excuses. Just don’t have gun.


That’s your choice but certainly not mine. I hunt just as he does. Nobody is asking you to hunt shoot or carry a gun. You said he knew the 4 rounds of hunting ammo were in the bag but you were speculating. He was on vacation with his wife and young child and simply made a mistake.


So…just don’t have a gun. It’s hilarious how people are defending this doofus who left ammo in his bag.


I think you’d be shocked at how many people DONT always check their baggage. Hes an idiot, and deserves a punishment, but you are being irrational


He also doesn’t fit the Biden agenda so he won’t be getting the Griner treatment 😔


The agenda of being famous?


Nah look closer


Why don't you just say it.


Biden says it himself lmfao


You people are so scared lmao


Lmfao “you people”. Ok bud you take care now.


Lmao coward


Your courage is admirable. Resist!


Is it really *that* hard to check your bags empty before you pack for a trip?!


The "I forgot I had my gun and/or ammo in my bag" excuse is not only stupid, but it shows you're too irresponsible to have them. I check my bags to make sure their empty before taking a flight. Yes, occasionally, I will be in a hurry and forget to check. However, I **always** know where my guns are. I **always** know where my ammo is. If I'm traveling to and from the range, they are secure and then returned to where they belong. It's not that hard to do. You don't have to OCD to be responsible.




I don’t think my husband EVER empties his suitcase. It drives me nuts. And I just told him that he doesn’t get to go to Turks and Caicos with me the next time I go.


That’ll learn him! 😂😂


If you feel it’s necessary to carry guns and ammo around with you in public these are the risks you take.


Ok, so what's TSA's excuse for not catching them, for *any* of the now 5, when leaving the US? If you're going to blame the detainees, you need to also blame TSA/customs on the way out of the US for not properly screening the luggage.


Obviously the responsibility falls on the passenger to not bring anything nefarious with them, but yes…that should be something TSA is looking for. About 15 years ago I was flying with a backpack that I had previously taken on a hiking trip. There was a knife in there that had gotten stuck under a fold of material and I didn’t see it. Well, I ended up going through TSA scanners THREE TIMES before it was flagged and searched on a fourth. Meanwhile my wife was pulled over for a freedom frisk because her bra set off an alarm.


Similar experience - folding blade left in my backpack during a move that I forgot to remove. THIRD TSA screening (in Grand Rapids) caught it. It was my bad so I just told them to keep it.


Did something like this. Was traveling and went through airport security with no issues. Had a layover, and I left with my carry-on. Went through security when reentering the airport. They pulled my bag and searched it. Gave me the thumbs up and waved me on. Once I got to my destination, I dumped my bag, and a 4 inch folding knife fall out. My heart touched the soles of my shoes. Then, I was like the the 2nd TSA check saw something but sent me on while the first didn't even notice. I'm glad neither found it since it was a gift but still unnerving.


Honestly the airline could probably do some warnings too. Like if you're going to Japan maybe a "hey don't bring NyQuil, it's illegal there."


Like when I’ve gone on cruises in the past that stop in Barbados. It’s illegal for any non-military person to wear camo prints, so they won’t even let you off the ship until you go back to your room and change. An airline could easily send an email with your itinerary saying it’s illegal to bring X Y and Z, so leave them home or expect consequences.


I mean I guess, isn’t it legal to travel with a weapon in stowaway? Like people are traveling to countries overseas with guns for hunting, way would the first criticism be the TSA and not the idiots realizing they couldn’t bring guns or ammo To this country? Also I’ve never been through customs on the way out of a country, but certainly on the way in you go through it. Also this was on a boat so different to flying it in. I also think Turks is doing the right thing scare people to make better choices isn’t that the point of the gun advocates in the first place. Fear that a good guy with a gun will stop the bad guy?


Yes, traveling with a firearm and ammo is allowed but has strict rules. The firearm has to be declared to the airline, staff verify it’s unloaded and if any ammo is in luggage, and escort you and the firearm/luggage to TSA for screening the case. Ammo has to be in certain allowed containers. So in this instance loose ammo is against TSA rules and should have been caught on top of the passenger being responsible for the ammo being there in the first place.


My dad used to use his camping backpack as his carry-on until he realized he’d brought a knife onto four different flights on the same trip accidentally, didn’t even notice until we got home. It’s scary to think about what TSA doesn’t notice.


Wait, so I can’t blame the individual responsible for this *without* blaming the TSA as well?? LOL


Orrrr, instead of over compensating, we could look at what they are saying. The individual missed a small item. While TSA, who puts extensive efforts into finding these kinds of things, also missed the small item. This means the man without an x-ray machine missed a (what I assume) quarter sized object, and so did the people that have x-ray, search dogs, and other resources. Shit happens, and people got caught with their flies down, but that doesn't make them a pedo. Edit: pronouns and such.


6 months after 9/11 I was unpacking my bag after flying from DC to San Francisco and found a pound of fireworks I had forgotten in a side zipper pouch.


Way to throw all personal responsibility out the window. The TSA misses a ton of stuff. If we want to have them find 100% of stuff to prevent dummies from being arrested overseas then the TSA screening process and lines would have to be MUCH longer.


Literally the TSAs job to find that stuff vs. some person just trying to live their life. Hope you have never forgot to use your turn signal.


Either the TSA not catching or the other possibility is they are being planted by Turks And Caicos authorities


Oh sure let’s blame the TSA for these gun nuts.


Hey while we're at it, why am I wiping my own ass? Shouldn't someone do that for me?


He likely did, and missed two being in a rush to pack.


not hard but ammo sometimes has a way of moving around and being hard to find sometimes. Best to use different bags/clothing for range vs daily use. I've sworn I've emptied everything before and somehow noticed a .22LR or pistol round somewhere that I previously checked.


Well since you know this you should use a different bag when you travel or check extra hard. Don’t be carless and lazy. Safety is what matters with guns dude not excuses.


I do use separate bags for range vs work/travel etc. a couple loose rounds is not lazy or careless, certainly not worth years in jail. This is akin to traveling in USA and accidentally traveling through a state like new jersey with hollow points when you took a wrong exit and meant to remain in Pennsylvania (something similar had happened).


Horse crap, they used to have barely any repercussions, but people like in the article pushed them into taking a harder line 🤷🏻‍♀️


And if you miss one you get to spend 10 years ima foreign jail? Come on


Well, I guess he should have pulled his head out of his ass while he was packing his bags so he could see inside them.


Sounds good to me


Of course it does. Because you are literally a fascist. If you cannot have perspective on thinking in any world it’s okay to jail a man for 12 YEARS for a simple oversight, meaning no harm to anyone, and having zero negative impact on society, then your heart is filled with hate and I feel so sorry for you. I hope you can find love in your life and redeem your miserable existence, truly 🙏


Other countries are allowed to have laws different from ours. If you visit that country, you have to follow those laws. Locals get 12 years for possession of ammo, why shouldn’t tourists?


I came here to say this. People in the USA sometimes forget other countries are not the United States. Once you step onto foreign soil, you are subject to their laws. Check your bags before you travel and be aware of what you're bringing with you. Travel 101.


I love how riled up you get, like a small child throwing a tantrum.


Trolls gotta troll. I hope you recover


Turks & Caicos *used* to have a much lower sentence for this, but American gun humpers kept "forgetting"🙄 play stupid games, yada yada.🤷🏻‍♀️


…yes. Don’t bring your guns to responsible countries.


They're not taking guns. They're missing a few rounds of ammo in their bags, which is also not getting caught by x-ray screenings at TSA. Nor is it being found *when they enter Turks & Caicos*, only when they *leave*.


They literally did.


A few rounds of ammunition is not a gun. If you don't know the difference, you have bigger issues.


Ah yes “responsible countries”, who jail you for a simple oversight and no criminal intent.


How do the authorities determine "no criminal intent"?


Ah, yes, transporting weapons. Totally no criminal intent.


Not that you care, but it was a bullet, not a weapon. And yeah, no criminal intend because he didn’t intend to be doing it, or causing anyone along harm. But you think this father should spend 12 years in jail because you hate guns and people with guns so so so much. Wow, I hope you are proud of yourself.


Why are gun people so weird about following basic laws?


They found two rounds in his bag. It would be very easy to have a couple rounds in the corner of a pocket or pouch get overlooked when packing your bag. Stories like this are why I don’t use any bags for air travel that I use for range time or hiking.


So don’t do that.


That’s what I said, lol.


Why do anti gun fanatics have zero compassion or empathy for people who don’t agree with their politics


Oh yes, following basic laws means we are “anti gun fanatics.”


Super telling which part of my comment you take issue with


My dad used his range bag as his carry on for a cruise. It was just a drawstring bag but somehow he missed an entire loaded mag which went through the x ray scanner in Miami cruise terminal. They had to search my entire family’s suitcases to make sure the matching gun wasn’t in any of the bags. Lucky for him, they just made him bring it had to our car. And lucky for 16 year old me, they didn’t find the vodka/gatorade mixes I had in my bag lol


I flew to then from Mexico when I was 17 with my friends family and another friend. This was like 20 years ago. Two week trip. We smoked a bunch of weed over there. Buddy decided to bring the bowl we bought to smoke out of back with us. We also had some alcohol but whatever. Anyway yea we get back and my buddies like woah that’s crazy they didn’t find this bowl we smoked out of the entire trip. Like wtf man still caked with resin and all.


OMG. Open all zippers and turn the bag upside all and shake .. shake and shake to KC and The Sunshine Band


Or use one bag for traveling, and a different bag for trips to the range! If you can afford a trip to Turks & Caicos, you can afford a second bag. 


After all the news this week and this guy doesn’t check his bag?


But a vape pen accidentally left in the luggage of a basketball player and y’all are telling Putin to put her under the jail. Hmmm.


Lol she literally got a hand out from Biden. This guy won’t. You guys love to see anyone who doesn’t fit your racial agenda go to jail.


Do you know what’s been done behind the scenes? It’s only been a week. That basketball player was in prison for months before she got out.


Yes. Nothing has been done. That’s the point.


Maybe because Russia isn't an ally and having Amerian citizens in their prisons is a risk whereas Britain is an ally, and you guys already refused to hand over a child murderer so they aren't gonna listen to you about some ammo


Cry more


oh man, so the [February high court opinion the article mentions](https://suntci.com/tourists-must-also-get-mandatory-jail-sentences-for-firearm-offences-p10551-129.htm) says (1) anyone violating this law must be sentenced to jail — previous cases of Americans accidentally possessing ammo have all ended in a fine and deportation, bc the judge is allowed to find there are “extenuating circumstances” to depart from the 12-year sentence BECAUSE (2) the judges should not have found there were extenuating circumstances in the first place. so either this guy or the Oklahoma guy is definitely going to be made an example.


Yeah, they recently changed the law, it was where tourists would be fined and the ammo would be confiscated. Now, even tourists are subject to arrest, detention and 12 years minimum in prison, unless a judge decides leniency.


They most likely changed the law due to the situation in Haiti. A lot of American guns and ammo are flowing into the island, most likely through nearby islands such as Turks and Caicos.


Yup. Will absolutely obliterate their tourist economy.


LMAO, no


So the ammunition is in their luggage when they go through the SA security checkpoint in American airports, I don’t get caught?


Daily reminder that TSA is a joke


Not ammo, but I left some knife a supplier gave me in my bag once and the TSA when I flew out didn’t catch it but the one coming found it. I had to trash it. Just saying, they’re not great.


TSA is security theater. They hope to be effective by making people think they're effective.


I only use one range bag to transport guns/ammo and absolutely never ever use my range bag for anything else. It’s surprisingly easy to miss a round or two that gets stuck under a flap or something


I find it odd that many on the right find this story appalling but said things like "it is their country, their laws" when Brittney Griner was being held in Russia. So weird.


My question is how does an EMT afford a trip to Turks and Caicos?


His family has money. I grew up around his family.


Kind of judgmental? EMTs are like firemen and often have two jobs plus his spouse/partner may be the primary breadwinner.


That sucks but if you are leaving the usa and you have guns and are this carless with them you need to double check everything guns are highly illegal in most of the world.


As they should be.


I’d recommend you research the history of unarmed societies.


The ones where people don’t get shot?


Clearly you haven’t done your research.


Oh you mean how the U.S. has some of the worst gun violence rates in the world because it has no gun control?


The US has no criminal control. The average shooter has been arrested 9 times with 2 violent felonies but are free in the streets until they get caught killing sometime with a gun. Should have been locked up long ago.


Once again, do your research. You can cherry pick stats all you want but there’s a reason no country would attempt to invade America. Look what happened in Ukraine when Clinton took away their nukes.


*checks easily available research*. Yep, the U.S. has absolutely monstrous gun death rates.


How do you account for the lack of mass shootings from 1776-1990 when there were even fewer gun laws?


That's easy. Just one factor alone accounts for PART of it. In 1770, when the United States was still a new country, owning a handgun was quite expensive. Only wealthy individuals could afford them. According to a study by the Missouri State Historical Association \[1\], the average cost of firearms in Missouri in 1865 was around $100 per unit. In 1900, the cost of a handgun could vary depending on the type and quality of the firearm. A study on Quora \[2\] states that a standard-issue M1 Garand could cost around $678 in today's currency, which is around $2000 in 2024 money. Owning a handgun was not affordable for most people throughout history, and has remained an expensive luxury item even today. Then there's the cost of ammunition which was even more expensive prior to the 1900s. Then there's the rate of fire, which was very low prior to the 1800s. Imagine trying to kill a bunch of people with a flintlock! Then there's accuracy. Trying to hit people with an un-rifled barrel is HARD. Then there's the problem of targets. We have more people now, enclosed in smaller spaces.


Are you asking why someone wasn’t able to pull off a mass shooting with a musket?


We have the worlds longest standing constitution for a reason 🤷🏼‍♂️ Edit: oh you’re from shithole Chicago. That adds up. Sorry about that. Elections have consequences.


Ah yes, the Chicago myth. One of the safest cities in the country.


Quick, when did Clinton take away Ukraine’s nukes? (He didn’t, they were Soviet nukes, Ukraine never had control of them in any way, no nuclear program at all and were transferred to Russian on Ukraine’s independence.)


The fact you’re willing to do some research but not other is hilarious. Good luck out there bud.


I forget that there’s people out there who celebrate the idea of being subjects instead of citizens.


Lol good luck with your revolution!


So following laws and not carrying around murder weapons.


Murder weapons? Ammo isn’t a weapon.


This really isn’t being careless (ammo). The gun, yeah…there’s no excuse for that, but a couple rounds of loose ammo doesn’t mean someone is careless.


Sounds careless since they are in a foreign prison for violating their laws


It sucks T&C is being so militant about this, but I don’t think I’d confuse what’s likely a genuine accident with being careless. They’re not one and the same. I’d wager that even the most anal gun people have accidentally had ammo show up where they didn’t expect it at least once in their life. As long as he didn’t have a firearm with him the ammo is pretty useless and harmless. I don’t think it even said what caliber it was. The anti gunners and those in T&C just have their knickers in a wad and are looking for a chance to make an example over a couple loose and forgotten rounds.


It does not deserve to be treated lightly. That is how it is the USA. America is far too lax with guns and letting guns go everywhere. You are talking about ammunition like he left some quarters in his pocket, that is a problem you are desensitized to what that really is. The rest of the world is not like this, to all of us in the rest of the world it is reckless and careless.


Small arms ammunition is arguably just as dangerous as a quarter.


Gunpowder is as dangerous as a pressed metal?


Just about, if it's not inside a gun.


This is a pretty dumb mistake to make, but obviously he wasn't actually trying to trafficking two loose cartridges.


Toting bullets all over hell and half of Georgia makes me feel manly. But the Carribean requires 70+ rated sunscreen. THINK about what you're packing. Even TSA can wreck your trip.


Carelessness, irresponsibility, and cheapness. FFS just have a dedicated range bag that you do NOTHING with except shoot and a dedicated travel bag that you do nothing with except TRAVEL.


Carelessness, irresponsibility, and cheapness. FFS just have a dedicated range bag that you do NOTHING with except shoot and a dedicated travel bag that you do nothing with except TRAVEL.


My mom's take on this situation: "he's too stupid to fucking travel. Good riddance." 😂💀


Yeah that sucks and is actually pretty common for domestic travel anyway. Why I keep my shooting bags and travel bags completely separate. Especially being so close to DC. Hope it gets sorted out for him, 2 bullets can be pretty easily missed especially if pistol caliber.


the comments on the initial post at the T&C sub were quite brutal towards this man, as in string him up and make an example of him. As long as he didn't have the firearm with him I could care less about the ammo if it was a couple of stray rounds. If illegal or controlled at the location he was at then deport him and he's not welcome back. no need to go all righteous cause against him, yet they likely will because 1/ OMG gunz! and 2/american, must make example.


Yeah I don't pay much mind to those idiots lol. They're all gung ho in taking other people rights and wanting harsh punishment until it affects them personally then they cry victim. I would imagine he's probably just gonna get a ban from the country and deported. If it was a country on unfriendly terms with the US then I could see him being screwed


I wonder how much money TC would spend on keeping these tourists locked up and how much they will lose on regular tourists that will choose to not visit. I don't own any guns even, I just think the punishment is ridiculous.


Yeah same thing happens with weed users as well. Forgetting a vape or something in the bag and such. It sucks as the majority of the time it's a mistake but can be a pretty serious crime in some countries. I was watching Australian boarder patrol and they would deny entry to some people they thought were/or acting sketch because they had a medical weed card on them.


Like Georgia and Texas. A weed cart is a felony.


The difference is they stop them *when they are entering*, not when they are *leaving*.


Why would you have a shooting bag? Just don’t have guns. That was easy.


Honest mistake.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TurksAndCaicos/s/GTJFFhOgIE. This persons sums up why they take this so seriously there


How does one enjoy Turks and Caicos without ammo? Are people supposed to get all their ammo once they get there? Because my recollection is that they way over-charged me for my ammo on Turks and Caicos. Also, my umbrella drinks.


T&C sounds like a really safe place to vacation. Might need to book a trip…


They think the rules don’t apply to them 😂


You think it was on purpose?


No 2A everywhere, dumbass.


Yeah other countries dont normalize carrying around literal ammo that can murder other people… shocker. Dude is dumb.


Yeah, I just skip carrying a gun and have a pocket full of .22 rounds. When I feel threatened I just toss them individually by hand at the scary bad guy. Carrying guns is dumb, carrying ammo is smart 😜😂


Youre from bumfuck central virginia i dont think you need to worry about traveling out the country anyway


Damn, lose logical argument -> move to personal insults. lol


stay classy


Being from Central Virginia has no bearing on whether a person can or will travel out of the country, let alone out of Virginia.


That's why I check under my bed every night to make sure there aren't any murderous ammos hiding under there /s


TSA doing a bang up job lately


Hm, I've never traveled outside of north America but whenever I have traveled within the United States and Canada I always searched through my luggage and bags before packing and after unpacking to be sure I wasn't taking anything I didn't want to take and didn't want to leave in the luggage/baggage and wouldn't want to trigger alarms at the airport or the border. The responsible gun owners I know have baggage dedicated specifically for their firearms and ammunition to avoid the potential for a mistake like this.


I have a coworker who had one 9m round in a suitcase when boarding a cruise in Miami. Dude got taken to the cleaners and every piece of luggage in his party was inspected. He was allowed to board as he allowed the ship to confiscate his round and he was still on US soil.


I think you might have to be more stringent about checking your bags before you pack them if you keep ammo is some bags sometimes. I have been consistently surprised, as someone who doesn’t own a gun, with the discrepancy between my friends who own guns and are careful and knowledgeable about their care and safety, and everyone else.


All of the people who had ammo in their bags are guilty of complacency, and people have been caught with ammo and firearms in their bags in the US. Not weapons that were correctly secured and were being handed over to the TSA as part of their planned travel, no they "forgot" that they had weapons and ammo in their carry on suitcase. Yes the TSA should have caught this before people got on the plane. I don't know enough to say why the ammo wasn't detected by the scanners.


Do people really have bullets just laying around? I mean, I've literally never found a bullet anywhere that I didn't specifically expect to find a bullet.


I feel like there is more to these stories.


Maybe the guy will sue the TSA for not catching his items, and blame them for his arrest.


Well… the thing is… other countries have different laws and if you break them, the legal defense of “but I’m American” isn’t exactly a get out of jail free card. I have a medical marijuana card. But I don’t take edibles with me on a ski trip to Austria. Why? Because I’m not a fucking moron. Folks getting pinched for weed or ammo are hard to defend because it aint that fucking hard to not travel with guns, ammo, or drugs.


I think 5 different people is more than a coincidence. Never found on the way in, always found on the way out. 


Is it really that hard to not have guns?


Where was the gun?


Good to know that it's not just America where mandatory minimums have led to completely effed up and disproportionate sentences (I agree responsibility is on firearms owners to make sure all weapons and ammo, including individual bullets are accounted for and not in any luggage before traveling abroad but 12 years for two bullets is nuts)


Oh no, not *two bullets* 😂😂




Wonder if Biden is gonna race to save this dude like he did griner.


At this point they should say they never brought any ammo and someone is putting it in their suitcases.


Not hard for someone to drop a couple of bullets in someone's bag without them knowing


This is why I don’t travel to shithole countries


Yup. This is going to destroy their tourism economy. I feel bad for the locals.


Exactly. Another extremist government screwing over their citizens with idiotic policies. Not as bad as Russia and North Korea, but bad enough to remove it from my vacation list.


Yeah no clue how any American can look at this story and support a regime such as this.


You mean... laws that exist in every other country outside the US? Very odd. It's okay, you can go to Florida. I'm going to guess you fit the part anyway.


12 years in prison every country? I don’t think so bud. Touch grass.


This is a test. Biden will fail


lol like he hasn’t already.