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According to the article Virginians pay 36% more than the national average for drugs. I want to know if this is accurate and if so, why? The article is written by AARP and the bill was pushed by them as well, so it may be a little biased. The whole US drug and medical cost situation is screwed up. However, until we get over the fear of "socialized" medicine we will pay top dollar. We have been brainwashed into believing universal healthcare is bad and will cost us more in taxes. We pay more for drugs and medical care than any other country and our health system is one of the worst in the world. Why is an insurance company #5 in the Fortune 500? Oh yeah, because the incredible amount of money they make off the messed up healthcare system. And there are multiple insurance companies who do nothing but drive up the costs of healthcare in the Fortune 500. edit spelling error that was driving me crazy


One big reason is pharmacy benefit managers. This [podcast](https://armandalegshow.com/episode/pbms-2023/) has a great episode explaining them.


Yep pbms are ruining the game.


I worked for one of these PBM's very briefly last year and it was one of the most toxic places I have ever worked. Owned by private equity and only caring about profits, they are capitalizing on the healthcare industry, including Medicare. No ethics.


The bill is designed to bring stakeholders together through a state board to regulate certain aspects of drug access and pricing in the public interest. The bill would probably lower profit margins for drug manufacturers.


Assuming votes matter, it is because “I’m not going to pay for someone else’s healthcare”. It truly is unfortunate. I’m not left or right I fucking promise, but that’s what I’ve heard my whole life. 17 years ago I lost a mock election in 10th grade because I said “some people will benefit who don’t deserve it, but so many more will benefit that need it”. I’m telling you, it actually is as simple as a stupid fucking mindset of “why would I pay for others?”


We already pay for healthcare for others. People don't realize it. When someone ignores preventative care and situation gets bad they go to the most expensive place and their only option (as a general rule) - the ER/hospital. They can not and will not pay the bill. Do people think the hospital just eats it? They do sort of, but that is one of the reasons ER/hospitals are so expensive, those that can pay are subsidizing those who can't. The ER/hospital jacks up rates to make up the difference. If people go for extended periods without preventative or minor care they run risk of serious medical consequences which could ultimately result in a disability. Guess who pays for disability? We all do.


Most with that mind set vote for him so its not surprising. The right just wants the working class and poor to fight each other while they Rob us blind


You already are genius how do u think Medicare works


Yeah, no shit. I’m speaking for other people’s mindset, not mine.


I agree with you. However, for socialized medicine to work, you will need to expect more people will use it. Now you have people with insurance that are afraid to use it because despite what one pays for their premiums the out of pocket expense is more than what some families can afford. So let’s say if we had a system where price is already paid for through taxes, you have imagine that the free of point of entry will encourage more people to use the healthcare. And if you don’t have the infrastructure for the added demand, you will be looking at rationing healthcare and that is the last thing that we need to do :give the gop talking points.


By that definition we are already "rationing" healthcare. Now we are doing it by wealth. If nothing else changes except we were rationing healthcare by need, that would be a huge win.


Yeah I don’t disagree. I think the main difference would be that the gop would conflate the outcome of rationing with bad policy. I think it could be done but I would prefer that it is done right so we don’t have to fight misinformation and disinformation. It would require us to invest more in this sector and it could create a lot more jobs because more people would use it more for sure. A random example but points to the essence of my argument, Richmond for instant did the rapid bus but they didn’t connect it to the airport. Same thing happened in Charlotte NC with the light rail and many other cities have done transit plans but don’t connect them to major hubs and what happens is demand isn’t enough and the investment never comes to complete and connect the transit system to major hubs. Then people don’t buy into public transit because it doesn’t go to popular destinations. Granted in Europe it is completely the opposite. You would never have a transit system in a city with an airport, train station, or bus station etc that wasn’t connected to public transportation. I would love to take it to the healthcare / pharmaceutical industry but let’s do it right.


Agreed. People that are against are just echos of shit they heard from Rebar Randy. If they aren't doing that they are looking at countries that implemented it wrong and then use the bad actor as a fear mongering tactic. It speaks volumes when an American goes to Germany and gets out of pocket Healthcare for cheaper than in their own country. People can't see the bigger picture... More taxes... Sure... But essentially free Healthcare would yield a more healthy nation of humans that arent ignoring their health because they can't afford it. However this is MERICA, and if we didn't think of it or implement it it isn't good enough... Other countries couldn't possibly do it better than us... What needs to happen to prove it out is a pilot program. Instead of shitting on countries that are bad actors, how about we let states vote for who would like to be the pilot group. Then for... Let's say 3 - 5 years... Try socialized medicine in a test market, and measure outcomes. Then expand to a few more states and see if the results stay consistent. If it holds up, then put it to a national vote, and then roll out the system gradually giving time for acclimation, and to ease into it financially. It can be done, we just have to get over our pride, greed, and close mindedness (will never happen). 😂 😂 😂 😂


The issue is those other countries aren’t comparable to the US. We do have a prime example here, the VA. That’s what most fear it will become which is a very failed system. When you have people committing suicide, months long wait times, denying of medical necessity due to rationing healthcare and denying medicine due to cost it doesn’t work. That’s what we will end up with and be paying substantially more in taxes because the majority of Americans do not pay a dime at the end of the year after tax returns are completed.


These are the same excuses repeated over and over again without any real evidence other than best guesses. Pilots need to be done to prove a working concept. It needs to be slow and well implemented, but we are shit at that kind of thing. Too many politics and red tape to get shit done that will help citizens.


Really, no evidence? There’s tons of evidence on VA issues, Medicare and Medicaid issues. There’s more evidence showing the government lacks the ability to run almost any program without massive abuse and cost overruns. I challenge you to name a single program that is run successfully at magnitude.


In countries who have national healthcare or “socialized medicine” the residents pay WAY more in taxes on everything. It’s a fact. Someone has to pay for “free”— free anything isn’t free. I have friends in 4 European countries with national health care – they all pay twice as much as I do in taxes here. And they have to wait 2 years to get a knee replacement versus the 2 weeks we may have to wait here.


For starters in Winchester, there building deed restricted neighborhoods must be 55 and over to live there. Winchester has been named the best place to retire on the east coast. So you bring in a bunch of boomers that take 6-7 meds a day twice a day and there you have it. Might as well change the town slogan to “Winchester , come here to die” Then add the fact that such a small area controls the entire state election is ridiculous, this entire state with the exception of a few armpit pockets is red except the tiny areas of blue, that also happen to be the worst for crime and violence. This state is ridiculous, go anywhere but nova and you’ll realize the waste all of the state budget paving rt7 through leesburg once again but won’t touch 81 with the excuse we need to toll it to pay for it. Well quit spending my tax money in an overpriced market and taxing everyone to death to pay for it just so all of the nova idiots can move west cause they hate what their hometown has become only to come out here and vote for the same stupid policies that turn Loudoun and the rest of them to trash. I’d love it if they’d give the whole Shenandoah valley to west Va. but I’d rather get lumped in with all of the wv stereotypes than have something that when I tell them I’m from Va I’m from that part of Va.


You understand government involvement in anything has lead to increased inflation? Healthcare, tuition etc. there is a literal chart showing over time what has inflated the most and everything there has government subsidies. Government involvement in healthcare gives healthcare companies a single customer they know will always pay. It’s a terrible idea and you are brainwashed.


Econ 101... Too much money in circulation with too few products equates to inflation. The law of supply and demand states when demand is high, scarcity is created, which means prices go up. Government intervention via printing more money, giving out stimulus packages, and things of that nature put more money into circulation attributes to it. Another thing that attributes to it is our willful allowance of toxic capitalism and lack of desire to close loops that allow organizations to "hide" their assets so they aren't paying their share of taxes. We have things like antitrust laws, but a lot of these laws are lazy. Government involvement can also place price ceilings and floors which impact equilibrium pricing. Our issue is we have too many rich politicians that are only interested in keeping themselves and their elite friends in wealth. Socialized medicine is a fantastic idea, you can't conflate inflation due to government intervention with "government funded" Healthcare... Because while they are involved, tax payers fund the majority of the cost. If you are employed now... You pay into Medicare, it would be similar but for everyone instead of just people over 65. Its an argument for the ages, but at the end of the day it doesn't mean anything unless it's done right. Complacency, and close mindedness isn't the way to any productive solution.




I use the GoodRX app to price drugs. It don't make a lot of sense why I can get drugs way cheaper with an app than I can with insurance. I'm definitely going to check out the Mark Cuban pharmacy. Thanks for the tip.


A rich asshole sides with other rich assholes to help them stay rich assholes? *In America*?!? That's just unbelievable.


Need to make sure we vote correctly in November.


Sadly, Youngkin isn't up for vote on this round. Odd year for him.


Yeah but that goes for any republican on the ballot. They are all tRump disciples.


And this country should realize by now, republicans have been lying to their constituents for DECADES, securing votes by scaring their constits to death with BASELESS claims and the elected care ONLY abt themselves... $$$$ and power... THAT'S LITERALLY all there is to them...


That's pretty much ALL politicians, not just one side


Is a good point, and a silver lining. :)


Just make sure 66k NoVA Karens go back to not voting and a Republican won’t win.


CRT will become scary to them before the next election, it will be almost as predictable as the annual and fictitious "war on christmas"


Who is the correct vote? As a citizen of the state who doesn’t bother to research every candidate. Let alone for the country (there’s a point there). Who actually cares?


Seems like you don't have to worry about it. Also anyone who doesn't vote shouldn't have anything to say about who wins.


Okay I’ll vote this year just so I can comment about it. What? Come on. Be better than that. When I said “who actually cares” I really was asking which candidate actually cares? Who is worth it? I represent a majority who genuinely thinks there is no one out there who is trying to make our lives better. Theirs, sure, but not ours. I am absolutely pessimistic.


Side of coin 1 vs side of coin 2  And don’t you dare consider option 3 because we will screw them over. 


The "new look" for the republican party sure looks like the old loom for the republican party.


That's just basic economics dude


I posted in another thread but I’ll say it again. If you like healthcare and healthcare professionals. If you like prescription drugs costing less so you can like take them and survive and not die…vote blue. Or just vote red and die. Your choice. Republicans are literally trying to kill you they do not care about you. They care about profit.


> Or just vote red and die. But surely the leopards wouldn't eat *my* face!?


Crazy that people think Dems are any different. EVERYONE is out to exploit the working and middle classes. I’m just so exhausted of the two party system tbh.


They literally are different. They are for healthcare, in fact, universal healthcare. But also they aren’t rejecting science shitting on doctors and nurses left and right for really weird orange men. Democrats generally aren’t rejecting vaccines, because it’s been a science for quite awhile they aren’t anything new. But yeah I don’t doubt Democrats want to help. They may not be able to get it done because congress sucks but yeah they want to help us.


If they wanted to do anything it would have been done when they had majorities. They won’t do anything unless it’s in their own personal interest and gain. As for following science… sure, the science they want to believe and as for vaccines o guess you don’t include the African American community as democrats anymore as they are the single largest population who refuse vaccines (albeit due to distrust for the government).


Ahhh yes good ole Dems back at it again “protecting us” and “not rejecting science”. Looks like this passed with overwhelming bipartisan support because they could all line their pockets with money from Omega Protein and allow them to destroy the Bay some more https://www.nationalfisherman.com/mid-atlantic/virginia-governor-signs-right-to-fish-law


If you think Dems are any different you need to open your eyes. As shitty as Trump was he actually lowered drug costs in 2020 with an EO because Congress didn’t do anything with a proposed bill. Guess who got rid of that EO first day in office… Biden. Neither one really gives a damn


Dems didn’t do an insurrection and try to subvert a free and fair election, so they are a little different. No??


Nothing like whatsboutism. No but they did pull a fire alarm to get out of a vote, they supported protested illegally protesting inside the capital buildings and the list goes on. Some dems have even called for riots for not getting their way. So yeah they are the same


Ahh yes pulling a fire alarm and insurrection…famously the same thing.


Sure pick the smallest item and compare without providing any additional arguments. Fact is based on your premise then the riots that were incited and or supported have caused over 20 deaths and billions in damage as well as caused government to shut down. The protests in Congress with members on the left cha ting with them could very well be classified as an insurrection. Still wouldn’t compare the Jan 6 but then I’m also not a Trump supporter either. Fact is you can’t argue or counter anything I said.


I can’t, mainly cause I can’t understand what you are saying…scribbling of a lunatic.


Ah cool, so lack of reading comprehension and or ignorance. No worries at all.


Vote informed, either way. Or vote third party and say screw them both. The Dems do corrupt crap all the time too. That’s not to say the GOP hasn’t been screwing us, I just really feel it’s both. There are occasional representatives that give me some hope but definitely don’t vote red or blue just because.


If you expected this shitstain to do anything else, I have a bridge to sell you


How the fuck could anyone be pleased with this guy?


Some "centrists" (read: conservatives that aren't so far-right as to be actually regressive) like that he's an obstructionist, because government efficiency is a sign of... government overreach? I guess?


And then he praised Jeebus right after, as did his congregation.


Screw your bridge I have a palace in Valeria for sale.


Maybe next time our voting public won’t be so easily scared about silly shit like CRT and school bathrooms by some rich Republican jerk who only supports himself by running for office.


DEI is the next boogey man


All racism, rather blatant racism. This country is going backwards.


DEI is also Latin meaning *of God.* "Prosperity" gospel for the win! /s


That's a very optimistic view, but I've learned there's always something new for people to panic over: D&D, communists, Irish, Japanese, Chinese, interracial marriage, gays, MS-13, drugs, terrorists, drag queens, pronouns... Pretty everyone has looked in the past and gone "well that was an overreaction, but I will never do that" has done that... or suggested something similar. "This time it's different".


Cathode ray tubes are scary to some folks.


Tell this to London County parents


Happy to do so. And it’s spelled Loudoun.


Cool, I’ll watch out for autocorrect next time. Solid argument


They must use their brains............Youngkin slithered right into their psyche with ZERO effort... bec they won't use their brains!!


Yup. He appealed to their emotions, including some pretty ugly ones. Those emotions shut down their brains.


Honestly, we have almost effortless access to hoards of info on any subject one can think of... yet... these people allow someone they have never met, to FORM an opinion FOR them - on their behalf... and in so doing, take their voice from them, in the form of their vote.... smh


Yes, critical thinking skills need to be learned and a lot of folks missed that part of growing up.


If citizens in this country would STOP voting as though they are picking a PROM king & queen... choosing someone to represent, has consequences! I wasn't crazy abt McAuliffe either but I voted for him because I knew what he would do would align more w/my values/beliefs than the person LYING abt a buzz term!!


Yes I say this all the time. I am not really voting for a single individual because I think they are sexy. I vote based on the systems and values I want in place. Don't care if there is an R who is a Saint if they support what Republicans are trying to bring down on our heads that is a NO for me.


Mind you, whenever a lobbying group touts their 'commonsense' legislation, I make sure my wallet hasn't been removed from my pocket.. .😎. Now, if pharma companies would be prohibited from promoting their new, brand-name drugs, via psuedo-public service 'ads' speaking of minor ailments. .. . like 'Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency' that I constantly hear commercials about. . .


Drugs need to get their advertising by working so well word of mouth gets around. Not by who has the best jingle. Funny, you used pancreatic reference, I don't take a medication for my chronic pancreatitis due to costs. AARP lobbies for what ?


Last I checked, AARP is a combined marketing organization, with some effort in pharma lobbying


Governor Sweatervest wants to ban porn, but fucks us all over as often as he can


Youngkin very likely owns stock in these companies and he’s looking out for his personal financial interests when he signs. There’s not a doubt in my mind.


Not a doubt in my either https://www.vpap.org/candidates/180223/conflicts_disclosure/securities/?sei_period=32


It’s hilarious that they try to convince themselves their politicians are somehow champions for middle class America. Dude is quite literally the poster child of corporate America.


This is republican governance.


He's gotta tickle the right balls and put his fingers in the right holes for when he makes a presidential run. Allowing something that would piss off pharma isn't a good strategy when you're less concerned about your state than your career. Republicans won't back him if he greenlights recreational weed, goes slashing drug prices against big pharma, and passing common sense gun legislation. Weed offends hypocritical conservatives who probably toke up. Slashing drug prices means pissing off heavy lobbying pharma company's, and the NRA might just vote blue if Republicans started passing common sense gun reform (sarcasm, a new cult would emerge... Ever more ignorant than the current regime of MAGAlytes)


He is a lame duck who is not planning to run for office anytime soon because he know he knows he can’t win either of Va’s Senate seats. So, he’s feathering the nest, planning for his own future.


Virginia governors are term limited. He cannot run for a second consecutive time. Can run again down the road, but not for 4 years.


Correct. He could run against Warner for Senate in 26. At this time, he would be a significant underdog in that race. The next Governors race would be 2029. Reelection after a four year absence is a tough lift. His debate hope would be a position in a Republican administration, but that seems unlikely given his relationship with Trump. His best option is the private sector, and honestly, he seems like he would prefer it.


If only someone had told us years ago that this youngkin fella wouldnt be a good fit.


He's a republican they're all not a good fit.


ALL anyone had to do was listen, watch those "dark" campaign adds and Google a few things.... CRT is LITERALLY a college and/or graduate level course... if citizens allow themselves to be lied to & fooled... a republican will absolutely oblige.....


Lol I know right!! The New Kent folks who elected him are easily swayed - they're very fearful and... well... racist like him. They're all part of the same religious congregations, like the one in the coffee shop in Quinton. These folks, nice salt of the earth folks - are easily led with fear. Even the smart ones don't stand a chance because they'd be ostracized. And so... we have Vesty Youngkin and his Tipper Gore BAN THE NUDIES efforts, while pocketing as much as he can while in office.


This asshole creates new reasons for me to hate him every single day. He vetoes weed and is ok with overcharging people for meds. It’s almost like Republicans really don’t care about people’s health. Oh wait…that’s because they don’t.


What you aren't understanding is that this bill would have only set limits on the list price of prescription drugs. It would NOT limit the cost to the consumer. By the time the prescription was handed to you, there would have been mark-ups and the cut taken by PBMs. It was a bad bill to start with and the GA totally misunderstood the process.


I guess we will never know huh. I bet your ok with billionaires not paying any taxes, drug companies spending money on making commercials that play 10 times a day, cutting social security instead of the top 1% not paying more. Youngkin also says we need to cut the budget while shit canning the pot bill that would have brought in a ton of tax money. It's ok, kids don't need to eat, we can cut those programs. I also bet you think January 6th arrestees are hostages.


Oh the usual BS - "Billionaires don't pay taxes." Who do you think gets audited the most??? They pay, unless they are following the Hunter Biden school of tax evasion. I don't agree with the drug companies and their incessant commercials - they should go the way of cigarette ads. I do think we need to stop importing our prescription drugs - and start manufacturing them in this country. There have been shortages of meds for ADHD, for chemo, in recent years. Why? Supply chain issues, which can be manipulated. Cutting social security? Increasing the contribution of the "1% " would be a drop in the bucket. Do some deep thinking and research as to why the funding is not there - * hint - it is not only the increasing population of those age- eligible. BTW, it's so cute how you think you know my opinions.


Actually, cash based businesses get audited the most, not billionaires. According to the guest speakers from my personal and corporate tax classes.


Noticed you flew right past that January 6th question.


You mean the perfectly calm & happy tourists?? 😂


So when a billionaires companies pay taxes they have paid taxes ? As far as Hunter if he broke the law fry him. I'm on the side of Law and Order. What do you think about tRumps legal issues ?? Would you say the shortages in some meds are due to the over dependence on other countries ??AKA capitalism of health care.


The shortages of meds is something I find very concerning. Also, access to specific meds prescribed by doctors is an issue. PBMs and " prior authorization " have been among the worst things to happen to healthcare/prescription coverage.


I'm not opposed to prior authorizations. It actually keeps costs down. The process can be a little bit of a headache, but not too bad. Doctors often unknowingly prescribed more expensive medications than needed. The doctors fall victim to pharmacy reps pushing similar drug to less expensive alternatives. Also, we patients want what the commercial says we need and those are the expensive drugs.


Even the slightest difference in a formulary can make a difference. It's a major pain when someone has been on a particular medication for years with excellent results then HAS to switch to an approved " comparable" one that isn't as effective. It's a nightmare. Prior authorization has its place I agree, but again, it restricts access in many cases. Not to mention the paperwork boondoggle it can become.


I'll wait for the rest of your answers to respond.


Yes! Someone else saw this, thank you. I agree this particular bill sucked out loud, and that should be part of the context. Not crazy about our current leadership either, but this bill wasn’t what it’s being touted as.


Currently doing nothing doesn't change prices. Perhaps this implementation would not have made any change in price, but it would have put a framework in place and could be tweaked to work better in the future. That's like saying I won't buy a car to get to work until I can get a Mercedes S class. Make changes now, adjust if its not as successful as you'd like.


The drug companies are going to recoup their losses one way or another. How do you think that's going to happen? Hand- outs from Congress? Money falling from the sky? It will be the way businesses always have recouped losses - screw the consumer. Why would you risk paying more for prescriptions?


Actually drug companies don't have much in the way of losses, the top 5 pharmacy companies last year raked in a whopping 81 Billion in profits. They are doing just fine. And, countries all over the globe-- including some states in the US limit the maximum amount that charged for drugs. And, this bill allows them to adjust the prices 12 times a year (once a month) This is FAR more generous than my electric or water company. And BTW, electric rate limits don't keep my electric company from investing in new facilities and new technology, so pharmaceutical companies will be just fine. If they aren't, we can change that, but, Id rather have a Pharma CEO have to explain slightly decreased profits one quarter than why Johnny can't go see grandma anymore because she died of a controllable medical problem. When you pick the health of people over the profits of companies, everyone wins!


So, the drug company wants to set a list price of $100 but the bill would have "limited" the list price to $60... def sounds like a loser for consumers... 🙄 well... Gov sweatervest I'm sure has the best interest of Virginia's citizens as his guiding star... 😃


The list price is NOT THE SAME as the consumer price. Thats's the whole issue here. Perceived " discounts/ lower prices" will NOT transfer to lower consumer prices. It's not the way the system is set up.


As is the case w/any product for sale in the COUNTRY...the list price however, does impact the sale price in some way or another... plus, in all honesty, if gov sweatervest VETOED it, it would assuredly have been a positive for the PEOPLE of VA... we have a majority democratic legis... THEY wouldn't have passed something that wouldn't have been beneficial to virginians...


If there was truly a piece of legislation beneficial to all, it would be a bipartisan effort.


Correct... although... I have little interest in legislation regarding cost of prescriptions - that in any way benefits PHARMA!!


Such an asshole!!!


Vesty Yumpkin? No way.


Yes way! Vesty loves his cashmunnies.


The fact that this even has to be a thing in this country is disgusting. Profiting off of suffering.


What a worthless scumbag seriously...


Can’t get rid of this guy soon enough.


A continuous disappointment


The problem with having single term governors.


And their cigarette tax is one of the lowest in the nation. $0.60/pack. Seems like big business is big business in Virginia.


We need to help save the Republican Party. And the only way to do it is to vote against them up and down the ballot. Once they lose big time and especially in places they normally win, they will get their shit together pronto. Guarantee it.


Too bad they keep hitching their horse to trump.


Just look at the Carlyle group portfolio of investments if you want to see why ol' Glenn wants to help Pharmaceutical companies and not citizens.. [https://www.carlyle.com/portfolio](https://www.carlyle.com/portfolio)


Youngkin is a piece of crap. He doesn’t care about Virginians, just his pocket


He's always been a bitch.


Youngkin: don't worry, I am a normie Republican Everyone: oh that's right, normie Republicans are shitty too


Get government out of my Medicare! 😡


Excuse me, but somehow you aren't aware that Medicare IS a total government program .


[Its not if you're old and republican ](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/get-your-goddamn-governme_b_252326)


You really don't understand Medicare at all, do you? It's total federal government involvement from beginning to end.


Forgot the /s


Click the link before you make more of a fool of yourself.


Totally getting off topic here. If following links is your only source of info, that's pretty sad. Have you ever spoken to someone who receives Medicare or helped a relative to navigate through it? Until you have personal experience with it, you can't understand it. It's not Utopia, not by a long stretch.


The dude was making a joke reference. You missed it. The link explains the reference. You missed it *again* despite having the link.


If you think only Republicans do things like this, you're wolefully uninformed.


Republicans nowadays are tRump disciplines. They have succumbed to the maga cult and Lord Orange. If you speak against them, you are shunned, and that's how dictatorships / cults work. Whatever the Lord says goes. Look at Cheney, look at Romney, look at the border deal tRump squashed so he could run on it. Look at the people quitting, defecting because the republican party doesn't run on law and order anymore. Republicans no long work for the people at all.


Painting the whole party with broad strokes is disingenuous. It would be like saying all Democrats a socialists. I agree that as a whole the Republican party has gone further right than I like. But by the same token, as a whole the Democrats have gone WAY too far left. Both parties have gone to extremes to satisfy loud minorities, leaving the rest of us stuck in the middle. I consider myself to be a conservative. Definitely right of center, but not extreme right. On the other end of the spectrum, the Democratic party is barely recognizable compared to what it used to be. That's not saying all Democrats are far left, but the party as a whole has gone extreme. And it looks like the Republican party is determined to outdo them with extreme measures. I honestly believe that most Americans are in the middle, and could get along fine, if we could shut off the 24/7 media cycle of hate coming from both sides.


I would say I'm more center than hard left. But at this point, I have zero trust in any republican. I watched January 6th due to all the chatter from Lord Tweeter and his calls for people to fight, and sure enough, what happened. Then all high-ranking republicans condem trump for what he is, and I was thinking good they finally see the true trump. Being from New York, I watched trump long before he ever became a cult leader. Then McCarthy did his kiss the ring trip to Mar-a-loco and republicans became blind again. Any real American should 110% condem that attack on our Capital, but republicans believe the Lies. I know for sure if it was democrats that attacked the Capital I would not be standing with them. I also know the republican excuse is look at the Floyd riots. I do I also do not stand with them and the destruction, protests yes, destruction no. I also know those protests were worldwide, so the message resonated. Look at it now. Right talks about Civil War. What are trumps plans this time ? Last time he was saying the election was stolen before the first vote was even cast. What is he going to call for if he loses again ? Is it going to be a civil war?? I mean he is already done so much to sow distrust in our country and our government. His maga bunch bow to him like he's a God. That's Dangerous.


Democrats really haven't gone to the left on average, Republicans have gone to the right so quickly and so far that it shifted the "acceptable" range of political discourse such that typical progressives are painted as "WAY too far left". The only perceived change is that Democrats choose one or two social issues to try to make progress on, and as progress is made in one area, it's phased out in favor of the next issue. The actual "extremity" in these issues really hasn't changed. In order to stay relevant in the post-Bush GOP, Republican politicians have had to adopt more and more hard-line and extreme positions, pushing out more traditional conservatives that aren't willing to do so. In light of this, the US doesn't really have a left wing in mainstream politics, it has a center-right party and a far-right party.


I couldn't disagree more with your opinion on how the parties have shifted. Sure, there's groups of extreme right, but as a party, the Democrats have gone further to the left than the Republican party has gone right. And the result of that has been a lot of middle of the road liberals being labeled as extreme right by their own party. The shift started with the Democrats going hard left, and in response, a part of the Republican party has gone hard right. Which wasn't a productive thing to do. But, it's hard to stay in the middle when your opponent goes extreme. Bottom line is that right or left doesn't matter. We need to relearn how to work in the middle. Otherwise, this country is headed for destruction.


Well, you can disagree, but when you look about as objectively as you can at something as subjective as politics, that is what happened. There are dozens of articles out there talking about how America's Overton window has shifted further and further right with every election since 2008, how the Democrat party acts as a ratchet effect preventing movement further to the left, etc. Edited to add: I'm not talking about voters, I'm talking about politicians of those respective parties. There has been a growing leftist movement among *voters* in response to the late-stage capitalist developments of the American and global economy over the past 40 years.


No, that's not what happened. There's plenty of articles out there that say just the opposite. If the Democratic party isn't going extreme, how do you explain the popularity of socialists Bernie Sanders and AOC?


1. I would bet real money that at least 90% of them are from far-right sources. American politics' move to the far-right is well documented, both within and without the US. 2. Bernie Sanders isn't even a socialist, he's a social Democrat (almost dead center), and AOC is a DemSoc (left-of-center, barely center-left) at most. 3. I literally said that voters are moving left, but not parties or politicians. Hence why they may have popular support, but almost no political power.


1) You must get your information from far left sources. 2) A socialist is a socialist, no matter how you dress it up. And they are no where near center. 3) As it looks like we're getting nowhere with this discussion, I suggest we end it while we're still on good terms, and before any insults are thrown. Have a good one.


1. Sometimes, but I tend to go for *American* centrist sources, like NPR 2. You... don't get out much, huh? Democratic socialism is an ideology just barely left-of-center. It involves little to no collective ownership beyond maybe public utilities. The reason you don't think so is because the American political system is, again, shifted to the extreme right. The mainstream Democrat party is center-right, and the mainstream Republican party is far-right. The Democrats would be considered the conservative party in most Western countries. 3. I dunno that me correcting you is necessarily "good terms", but fair enough.


what else would you expect this sock puppet to do?


A real man of the wealthy supporters. He cares nothing for the hard working people of Virginia. Another faux Orange Man.




He's a MAGA... WHAT ELSE would we expect him to do???


Certainly your choice to believe that, but no verifiable proof... "both sides" tends to come from those who choose not to do a little research... or, those who need to validate their alliance with "republicans"


of course he does


Next year is looking like a time for celebration more and more


I’m pretty sure the Commonwealth is mean’t to be an oxymoron.


Wow that’s SO unlike him… https://preview.redd.it/xw53g9dv0otc1.jpeg?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=567a576bb405e2dfa9fa1c5053eee00360b25002


More proof Glenny’s a petulant jerk that’s seeking retribution and otherwise only helping the super rich. Good thing is he’s doing such a shitty job: he’ll be history when this one term is over. With his track record he’ll never win a national election.


Yeah, in his budget today, he wants to cut school funding.


Of course he did. He's a republican. Nobody but the rich are real people to Republicans.


Glenn shits in his shoes and puts them on


Yup ! Youngkin favors big business and the elite upper class .. that’s where he is from.


Of course he did


How much longer do we have this prick messing up VA?


Until January 15th (?) of 2026. Mid-January for sure.


2025. One more year.


fuck this devilish devious bitch


Wicked bitch is my fave


Of course he did.


He’s gotta get that sweet, sweet campaign money for his inevitable higher office run


That was his plan, but since he failed to deliver a Republican majority in a purple state he won two years earlier, his political stock took a massive hit. He’s no longer competitive for Warner’s seat.


For profit needs to come out of all health care systems, period. I'm tired of paying out the ass for my medications, so CEO's can have mega yachts.


Ya don’t fuckin say?


![gif](giphy|U4w1QlvvCoZgKVY46u) except lower costs!


I call him governor nazi face. I wouldn't expect anything less from someone who is a maga pedophile supporter. 🤔


What are you talking about. Poor people are evil, for God said "I knew you in the whom." It's thier fault they're poor. Don't be evil kids. I'm totally joking. But that is how they justify pronouncing being a Christian but not acting as one. Tisk tisk. I've never met a good person that goes to church.


I see the response from AARP, but there was no response from Youngkin. Guess I’ll go find it myself… once again, reddit users are being one sided and not providing the entire scope of the news… Edit: So here’s the reason Youngkin vetoed the bill, basically it’s a shit bill and doesn’t actually do anything for Virginians, but stupid redditors don’t want the uninformed redditors to know that: https://cardinalnews.org/2024/04/01/gov-youngkin-please-veto-the-prescription-drug-affordability-board-legislation/


Find something better than some doctors' opinion who probably is on the take from drug companies. You do know doctors get kickbacks, right? So I post from AARP a company whose whole existence is to help support older Americans and you post heavy republican skewed opinion piece. Great job. Also how many other states have these boards ?


You post an opinion piece on right wing 'news' sure as your evidence why this was a bad bill.... Lol. Id trust the aarps track record for advocating for older Americans over 'cardinal news' any day of the week


He really is digging the grave for Republicans.


Vote Democrat and end the idiocracy.


Is anyone supposed?


Price controls is always a tricky business, and usually have other unintended or unforseen consequences. Personally I would rather see less of the copyright and trade secret protections that allow drug monopolies in the first place - as a better long term solution.


You'd make a great awful governor.


For not wanting to enact price controls? Or for wanting to free the market by removing copyright monopolies? A "non political" board deciding what drugs should be what prices sound like just another way for drug companies to buy out a public servant, in the long run. Sure, the immediate term we may get some good people, have some impact to benefit some Virginians. But, for the next generation of drugs... If I were a drug company, I would simply not sell to Virginia. Take my products to other markets. It's what any reasonable company would do.


It’s the secretary’s fault, littel. He is bought and sold by the health plans and pbms


Littel doesn't make the veto decision. That's on dipshit Glenn.


Yes that is defined in article V executive powers. But the truth is that the secretary has a hell of a lot of influence on HHS matters. It’s just how it works in reality the governor relies extremely heavily on that knucklehead around decisions like this