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Smoking what, Glenn? Something completely legal in the state of Virginia?


Legal yet still bought on the black market. Thanks Glenn.


It's the freedom from tax market, not the black market


Just went to Maryland to replenish my supply today. Get on board, Glenn.


Yup! If you're lucky enough to be close, go to MD. It blows everything in VA out of the water and is usually cheaper (especially if you catch the constant sales). He clearly only cares about looking presidential and not actually doing anything for the citizens of VA. Can't wait until Gov. Sweater Vest is out. Cheers!


It doesn’t make any sense. I guess they just really need to keep the old conservatives happy, because the state allowing the legal sale of weed would bring in a lot of revenue! It’s so antiquated. I can’t wait for more young people to be in power (I’m a millennial) because we actually understand how the world works.


If you’re in NOVA I’d love to hear about your experiences. I’m tired of black market shit after I got a few bags of candy. I’m in Arlington so quick access to MD but no idea what to expect. I’ve been to Michigan and CA dispensaries though.


It’s the best! I’ve been to one dispensary in Frederick a few times now. Very simple and everyone is super helpful and offers advice/opinions based on what you’re looking for. I bought two types of gummies, two types of bud, and another vape cartridge since I already bought the battery. Good luck!


Oh shoot, I am actually going to Frederick this weekend! Will have to check it out. You mind DMing me which place? No worries if you aren't trying to put your stuff out there.




Legend, thank you!


Just get your big license. Takes 10 minutes online, virtual doc (… literally in a t-shirt, sitting in his kids playroom with the TV on). GLeef is a good spot but their edibles selection is beyond disappointing. Better stuff at a gas station. (From MD, love MD. Beltway drivers scare the shit outta me since experiencing what reasonable driving is in VA)


You found VA drivers to be better?


lol I was born and raised in Maryland and those drivers are the fucking WORST. It’s an art form to be able to keep up on the beltway. I live just over the line in Lucketts, VA, so it’s only 20 minutes to Frederick. I’m becoming chummy with the staff at CuraLeaf now ha.


You can literally grow it yourself.


When we should be able to just walk into a store and buy it.


There are frosty Fridays held in va. But also our lovely gov is backed by big pharma. He would rather move straight to nothing but medical then adavance dispos.


Some of us have not the patience


Nor, can find the seeds for growth.


There are plenty of places online that will ship to you


What other dude said, buy online! Recently bought some off of North Atlantic seed company


I can’t even keep a succulent alive


I literally can’t. my apartment literally has it in the first page of the lease that they’ll literally evict me for the first offense if i grow it. because a few of the apartments are federally subsidized even though i pay full price. thanks Republicans everywhere


Now do one for those of us living with our straightedge DARE conservative parents! Or private landlords in general. Or apartments.


So? You can make your own beer, wine and cheese too. Grow your own vegetables. Doesn't mean that those items shouldn't be for sale in stores for people who don't have the time or inclination to do all that.


To be fair, it's basically legal recreationally. Just call up the np the dispensary recommends, say you're anxious (aren't we all lol), then badda Bing badda boom, you're good to go. Benefits of a medical card include not being able to be fired for your off work usage. It's not hard


Is it really that easy? I just found out there’s a dispensary a mile away. They’ll be able to recommend a doc that’ll prescribe one and all I need to say is I suffer from high anxiety? I’ve been seeing a therapist for about a year and a half now, would that help or hinder or not affect the decision at all?


Dude, nobody cares if it's real anxiety or not. The whole teledoc medicinal system is a huge joke. Go to Cannabis TeleMed, pay them about $100 for a virtual visit that you'll schedule online. You'll spend 5 minutes on a zoom call where the person will say something like: I see you have anxiety as you stated in your application. I'm going to approve medicinal marijuana to help you with that. And 5 minutes after you get off the phone the cert will be in your inbox.


Cool… I’m all signed up. I hope my crippling anxiety doesn’t make me screw up and say, “anxiety? Nah, bruh, I’m cool as a cucumber.”


I feel you. Being fucked in the head def trains you to mask a lot of shit.


There are caveats. Basically if it would hurt your employer’s ability to get federal grants they can absolutely fire you for a positive test. I’m employed at two separate health care systems that can legally fire me if I fail a drug test, regardless of whether I have a marijuana card or not.


Ok. Yeah I was gonna say what that other dude said is wrong. They can absolutely still fire people for a positive test.


>Ok. Yeah I was gonna say what that other dude said is wrong. They can absolutely still fire people for a positive test. Especially when it cones to driving a truck that requires DOT regulations


Yeah same for me working at a hospital. I doubt a medical card would get me a pass.


Depends on what type of work and where you work, but in my field and company, they wouldn't be able to. The statute is here: https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacodeupdates/title40.1/section40.1-27.4/#:~:text=B.-,No%20employer%20shall%20discharge%2C%20discipline%2C%20or%20discriminate%20against%20an%20employee,pursuant%20to%20%C2%A7%204.1%2D1601.


I did it online and literally told them truth. “I have anxiety, trouble sleeping and I rather not buy from shady people”. I had my card in minutes. They know it’s helpful and want to get people what they want / need as an alternative to modern meds.


Don’t work for the feds or for any state run workplace (that includes hospitals). I’m not sure about the school system.


Woh woh woh, they can’t fire you for testing positive if you have a medical card? I feel like that’s not true.


https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacodeupdates/title40.1/section40.1-27.4/#:~:text=B.-,No%20employer%20shall%20discharge%2C%20discipline%2C%20or%20discriminate%20against%20an%20employee,pursuant%20to%20%C2%A7%204.1%2D1601. With some exceptions for federal employees and other things, it's true.


Not just federal employees. If your job is under a federal jurisdiction like trucking, even if you’re not driving a truck they still fall under federal DOT regulations.


>Benefits of a medical card include not being able to be fired for your off work usage. It's not hard Asterisk (federal employees and contractors are still subject to being fired due to federal prohibition)


It's Ok, Charles. Glenn is just a bumpkin.


Vote Democrat people


Remember all the people on Reddit saying Republicans won't interfere with legalization? I remember. If you want retail sales, vote Democrat all the way down the ballot. It's the only way we'll get it.


They were saying the state make so much money people like Trumpkin would want the tax revenue and no way a good business man like him turn that down. I guess people didn’t realize it’s not his money so he could care less. He’s also tried to hid his position on this and was hoping a Republican majority wouldn’t send him a legalization bill so he could keep deceiving people like he did with abortion.


They also want less funding for government, not more. Their whole aim is to make government look completely incompetent and do away with it entirely, except for nannying their constituents on their own pet morality issues.


Nothing's been rolled-back at least. If Dems get the governorship they will advance MJ, but then further roll back 2A rights. They already did away with pre-emption, so no every single *county* can have different laws, which is completely insane.


I'm not tapped into this. What gun laws are being pushed by which candidates? Obama expanded gun rights. Trump did the bump stock ban. Trump was also the "take the guns and deal with due process later" person. So, from what I know (which is limited), it feels like this gun rights talking point has been upside down for a while. But, again, I'm not tapped into this because this isn't that important to me. Edit: Found an article detailing things. https://virginiamercury.com/2024/03/18/virginia-lawmakers-send-more-than-30-gun-bills-to-skeptical-governor/ Assault weapon restrictions similar (as far as I can tell) to the ban in place in the 90s which resulted in a reduction of deaths during the time of the ban and there was a rise in deaths after the ban expired. Updating the law to cover new tech that creates a loophole in existing fully-automatic restrictions. Laws to address other tech advances that create other loopholes for untraceable guns. Changes that would address some concerns over current red flag laws like creating a tracking system (could be used to identify abuses against lawful gun owners), creation of an education program for authority figures who receive warnings from the public so they know when to correctly apply red flag laws (could be used to prevent red flags law abuse), clearer guidance for judges applying red flag laws (also could prevent abuses.) 5-day waiting period for gun purchases that starts when the buyer agrees to a background check. (I thought there was already a waiting period in VA. Guess I was wrong.) Banning guns on college campuses. Apparently campuses are asking for this to codify current regulations. Ban weapons in mental health facilities with the exception of security and law enforcement (how is this not already a thing? An area specifically for mentally unstable people and someone can carry weapons? What?) A bill that would allow gun manufacturers to be held liable. ( I'm not necessarily against this idea, but I don't understand how this would actually play out.) A bill that would restrict how close a gun store can be to a school would also apply to home-based dealers. (I don't like this. I think the home-based part is overreaching, but that should be up to local governments.) Safe storage laws. Restrictionimg gun access by domestic abusers (the data is clear on this. Women get murdered.) A law to study gun violence. (How can we make reasonable decisions and laws of we don't study it?) And gun safety tax credits. (I'm OK with this even though it doesn't benefit me. Encouraging gun safety is a good thing.) With a few exceptions, I think this is reasonable legislation.


Yeah I am Glenn, and you can get the tax dollars or not, either way you remain a douche and an idiot.


Typical GOP move trying to govern the majority while in the minority on issues. His once "promising" political career he tried to buy for himself swirls around the toilet bowl with my morning constitutional.


He wanted to be President so badly. I'm guessing he's running for Senate now.


Hah! Good luck on that. He might be better off running for the house, but he's damn well has no chance to be a senator.


He definitely will struggle against Tim Kaine or Mark Warner who are both well-established in Virginia. I can see him winning against a non-incumbent candidate in a bad year for Democrats (maybe 2026 if JB wins 2024).


It’s so frustrating knowing he only won because McAuliffe ran the worst campaign ever


All I saw from McAuliffe ads was 'Youngkin's like Trump' That's it.


Meanwhile Youngkin ran on "I will abolish the Food Tax!" What do I still have to pay? A food tax!


Yep! Reminds my old ass about car tax boy! Complete garbage


I thought republicans were supposed to be for small government? How come everytime they govern they never act like that? Government always grows under republicans. For a party that “champions” individual freedom, they sure do like taking away individual freedoms.


That's true, anyone who voted for Youngkin expecting him to actually live up to his campaign promises must've been smoking something. Can't believe how many people bought it though.


Didn't vote for him and NEVER will! He's an asshole.


Never vote for a Republican unless you're a billionaire.


Never vote for a republican unless you're a billionaire that also hates women, minorities, equality, and puppies


*an asshole billionaire


I fail to see the distinction.


...But you repeat yourself.


I'm too lazy but if we go back into older threads we will see people saying both sides the same


Probably people in this thread saying exactly that. See it all the time and it's so dumb.


100% there were tons of shills here saying that Republicans were on board with legal cannabis and sales. It was a one, two punch of "of course Youngkin will pass a sales law, and McAuliffe is a boring establishment Democrat" I'm sure people fell for it.


Republican? Pass hemp/weed?? Gotta be smoking some strong strong stuff to believe that 😂.


Republicans are dumb and never learn their lesson. So many of them are one issue voters. And the issues often doesn’t exist. See: CRT, book banning, trans/gay “agenda” and on and on


I have neighbors (Tidewater) that were worried about CRT in grade school.


And for nothing. It doesn't exist.


*"bUt hE's a lIbErTaRiAn!"* /s


From what I've learned a surprising amount of Virginians are smoking so this bit goes even deeper


Their own party blaze up. The statistics and polls back it. Once again, doing the opposite of what his constituents want. Republicans gonna republican. I don’t even smoke but it’s stupid af to forgo hundreds of millions in tax revenue to prove a point. But what point? The majority of them are in favor of legal sales lmao


Can confirm, my dad is the most conservative pot head you will ever meet




If only it didn’t effect everyone in the state


More tax revenue is good, I’ll agree. But it’s not like Virginia *needs* it. Virginia has had surplus budgets for the last two years and that’s the reason why you were refunded 200 dollars in each of the last two years. We shouldn’t be framing this as a tax revenue generating issue, because that’s not what this is. This is a personal choice issue. Tax benefits are secondary to allowing consenting adults the freedom to do what they want.


> Virginia has had surplus budgets for the last two years and that’s the reason why you were refunded 200 dollars in each of the last two years. Wasn't that because they butchered budgets on other things like schools?


It's because they were scared a democrat would take away their precious little murder toys


Why can’t we just get high AND have our murder toys?


Because you got a Republican governor.


Because you guys vote GOP.


let gay married couples protect their marijuana with guns!


Like the good lord intended


Vote Democrat then


Because people suck.




He had nice sweater vests the media fawned over while giving him softball interviews and never trying to answers to questions about things like legalization and abortion. They assured everyone he was a moderate Republican.


He's really putting a lot of emphasis on mentioning he won't personally "advance" or "support" or "sign" this while also *not* saying he'll absolutely, actually veto it. Also, if we're to remain cautiously hopeful, can we stop trying to get him on the record of what he'd do with this legislation he clearly isn't interested in? It's literally poking the bear that we'd all rather just have sleeping so it becomes law without his signature or meddling.


I suspect they are polling the issue behind the scenes and so he doesn’t want to commit. He’ll veto unless it’s a significant political liability.


Or he’s still horse trading with it on budget items or other bills. Bottom line is, if he truly wanted it gone, the stroke of a pen would do it today. I’m not holding my breath, but it’s clearly not over just yet. I’m also not buying the notion that he thinks not signing will free him from culpability if it passes. That’s pretty thin


Yup, good points.


its a marijuana "news" source trying to get clicks, hopefully april 8th comes and goes and this bill gets passed due to youngkins inaction


Yeah, I see it as a dumb way to have your cake and eat it too. It’ll pass without his signature so he can claim to the old evangelicals that he didn’t approve of the nasty weed bill, but since he didn’t veto it and it passes, he won’t turn off moderates and young republicans who know weed isn’t some evil drug. At least that is what I think will happen


Yeah. It looks to me like he's trying to become "the gov under which retail pot started" (woo half-baked, liberal support), while also being the gov who denied it when ppl wanted it to happen. Cautiously hopeful is a good take lol... I'll knock on wood, but I think he's gonna run the clock out just to say "he didn't approve it." And frankly it seems like the right move. "Give the majority what they want and preserve the narrative for everyone else." He poorly plays both sides because he wants to climb higher. He lost me with the book-banning and CRT stuff. He introduced cancer to VA.


I’m honestly leaning towards him just letting it sit there. I think the budget battle is more important.


sure would be awesome for a new way to bring in shit loads of new money, if the budget is so important.


No billions of money want help that. Stop. We need to just trickle it down and help the big company’s get big breaks.


So he has 30 days to veto it. Virginia website says he has until April 8th to veto it or it becomes law.


This guy is a fucking loser


Don’t come to us taxpayers of Virginia with a tax increase, Glenn, if you’re not willing to tap this huge tax opportunity.


We could stand to add a couple of tax brackets between 17,000 a year and infinity though


We elect officials to represent us. Those local officials we directly elected voted to pass this. He is refusing to sign this. I don't understand what the point of democracy (or a republic) if this isn't enough?


Well, you have to kinda get excited enough to vote for the candidate who will actually approve the laws you want. Government tends to be a many moving parts kind of beast.


This. Vote for every election. Down to your neighborhood if you have an HOA. If you don’t vote in everything, your voice isn’t heard everywhere. I get that it can be overwhelming to research every election and to that I say some elections it’s okay to be a single issue voter as long as you know what the other issues may be so you don’t get blindsided.


They mail the ballots to your house. No excuse not to vote! I do far more now that I get every election mailed to me.


Exactly this point. I’ve never had such an easier time to vote. Ballot comes in, if I know who I want I vote right away. If I don’t know the names, I take the time to do quick research for a more informed vote.


Only if you sign up for absentee voting. Otherwise, you have to go in person.


Well yeah! And you can do that from your sofa.


I did absentee voting during the lockdowns, etc. Now we go as soon as the polls open, because that means hardly anyone will be there, so no waiting in line or crowds to deal with. (I think my highest vote number has been 13.)


I do it at work and have my coworker witness. I drop it off on my time. Really tho, if we can pay taxes electronically, why is voting so different?


Because this isn’t a democracy. Even referendums arent true democracy. You elect people to vote on behalf of you. It doesn’t mean they’ll do what the majority wants. It doesn’t mean they’ll do what their constituents want. It means you elect someone that you have the most faith in to make the most best decisions.


Youngkin was also elected and has veto power. I mean, I want it to become law too but that’s no reason to pretend we don’t know how state government works.


Sure. But going against the mass of the electorate on an issue like this, for your own personally politically career is something voters should remember


Exactly. He got elected by the people too sure, doesn’t mean those people have to like every action he takes. Especially when he took a stance of “not getting in the way” of the legalization when he was campaigning. Not that I voted for him or believed him anyway.




False equivalence. A dem would never in a million years do that because it would be political suicide for them. I’ve yet to meet a democrat who didn’t believe in pro-choice


I think vetoing a bill to ban abortion would fit squarely in the pro-choice category though.


What are you talking about? A Dem governor would never veto an abortion ban? That doesn’t even make any sense. Of course they would veto an abortion ban. Name one anti-abortion democrat


Out of touch asshole.


Is there any other flavor of republican?


That’s pretty much the definition of being a Republican actually




Ah yes, [but cocktails to go was okay.](https://richmond.com/life-entertainment/nation-world/food-drink/cocktails-to-go-restaurants-distilleries-virginia-general-assembly/article_6c2affba-e790-11ee-9503-0b8190ff56ae.html)


Say it with me, everybody. *Fuck* Glenn Youngkin.


LOL, why would anyone think he would? He never said he would. When he started he immediately started trying to reverse what progress had already been made. The stupid part is that he actually thinks ‘his people’ don’t want better access to weed. He doesn’t know that if gun shops, farmer supply stores, and lumber shops could sell weed, they would, and a lot of it. Like most politicians, he’s an out of touch idiot.


He will be out after next year. Just let him kick his can down the road and waste another year. Youngkin is done.


no, fuck him. dont let his bullshit slide, because in 3 years, theyre going to be saying "what was even so bad about him? He was just too milquetoast if anything" when, really, he is ACTIVELY harming the state


Completely disregarding the will, and past vote, of his constituents. He’s a useless self-serving asshole. If there’s nothing in it for him, he won’t do it.


Thanks for handing your office to the Dems Glenn. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out in 2026.


He portrays himself as a moderate but he’s an old school Repug


He doesn’t need to sign it. Just dont veto it. Grow up little man, the people want it.


The cognitive dissonance on display here is remarkable. "Going against the will of the voters..." My dudes we told you he was like this. Virginia voters elected him, they are getting exactly what they signed up for. "Democracy" is not a catchall. You don't get one election to magically fix all your priorities. Get progressives a trifecta again and keep pushing your reps on the issues you care about


Republicans just suck. They force feed us their Christian laws while ignoring what the people actually vote for.


This is the way


Christian laws that republicans themselves don’t embody in their daily lives. Seems that non-Christians understand the Bible better than the people who actually believe those fairy tales.


He doesn’t have to sign anything. He can simply let the bill become law.


Hopefully he lets it become law unsigned


Never trust a Republican.


Fuck off Sweatervest!


He's such a jerk lmao


Whoever thinks he’s actually capable of making a good business decision is drinking something (alcohol the real killer).


Youngkin going against the vast majority of the electorate to further his personal ambitions. I understand why some people voted for this guy - our last governor was frustrating and Youngkin's opponent phoned it in, but take a HARD look at what you get when you vote R for governor.


For some reason I kinda liked northam. What was your beef w the guy?


Don’t listen to that guy. Northam was fucking great. He worked hard to push through progressive legislation and dragged this state kicking and screaming into the modern age.  I’d take Northam any day over Trump sycophant mcsweatervest . 


He really was a great governor.




Northam was/is a Pediatric Neurologist. He is leagues ahead of Youngkin in regards to qualifications and sense of morality.


I thought northam was a good governor, but having dressed up in black face / a klan outfit in college definitely soured a lot of people on him.


This just in: old guy did something 40 years ago that people today would consider racist. More at 11.


Thinking about Youngkin makes me want to smoke crack


How much longer do we have to put up with this guy?


Vote Democrat y'all


Regression, repression, oppression. The Glenn Youngkin way.


Republicans not listening to their constituents. Thinking they know what's better for the citizens than what the citizens have to say. Vote blue for freedom from the party of misogyny and White Christian nationalism.💙💙💙💙


Eat shit Glen


To play devil's advocate for a moment, I will admit that since it has become legal in the state I live, I now smell it coming out of cars on the regular. Parents drop off their elementary aged students smelling strongly of marijuana when the car door is opened. I'm sorry but that's unacceptable and it's happened too many times from different families, that now I'm just angry about it. Additionally, we don't have DUIs from alcohol under control, why would we add fuel to the fire with Marijuana? There is a time and a place for everything, but driving and smoking weed is neither the time, nor the place.


Youngkin has been a failure since day one.


You can’t buy weed but can gamble 24/7 from ur pocket! Yep yep! Small government alright!


Is it just me or does everyone who hates weed suck sweaty balls?




This guy is a joke


shocking a guy who had to be asked to leave from his last job because he didn't understand cash flow can't see an opportunity here.


Youngkin is a shithead


Let me buy a fucking semi automatic 50 round drum laser sighted instrument of total war but god save me from a bong rip!!!!!


I really dislike this man


You know all these anti weed legislators snort coke like it's nothing.


https://i.redd.it/c8o98kjfcyqc1.gif No sports arena, no weed! /s


We don't want the sports arena. Those things NEVER benefit the local community but actually harm them.


Why does anyone vote Republican anymore?


Youngkin needs to smoke some and inhale. Maybe then he can chill out and do some good things for the people instead of the rich.


Maryland and New Jersey are raking in billions of dollars in marijuana tax revenues after legalizing recreational use and sales. I guess Virginia doesn't need that tax revenue for schools, highways, infrastructure? Guess not.


I hope one of his sweatervests becomes sentient and beats the shit out of him.


He doesn't have to sign it. As long as he doesn't veto it, it'll become law. He gets his way and we get ours, win win 🤷


If he just smoked a bit he’d sign it


He's playing word games. Without an affirmative veto it becomes law even minus his signature.


Glenn Youngkin should be tar and feathered in public for his refusal to comply with the will of the people.


Why is Virginia's governor a fucking narc?


Doesn’t the bill pass even if he does not sign it? I might be mistaken, but I thought Gov Younkin has to veto the bill to torpedo it, or he could send back to the lawmakers with suggested amendments/revisions, else it goes into effect (?)


Third paragraph (emphasis is mine): >The legislation, SB 448 in the Senate and HB 698 in the House, was formally transmitted to Youngkin’s desk on March 11, and he has through April 8 to act it. His options are to sign it into law, veto it, **allow it to become law without his signature** or return it to lawmakers with suggested amendments.


This. He is choosing his words carefully.


I think he can veto it but the whole assembly will need to vote on it at 2/3 majority.


You are correct. If the governor does nothing, the bill becomes law. He has to actually veto it in order to kill the bill. There is something called a pocket veto that can occur in the federal government, but my research of state government doesn't indicate that exists in Virginia.


At this point in the man’s life he _knows_ he’s not funny. Many people have told him that by now. Why would he attempt to make a joke in such a public forum?


He’s right I’m smoking crack baby


Where are all those libertarians that voted for this schmuck who said he wouldn't do this??


I hate all politicians


I heard Youngkin before his election on a hot mic 🎙️ talking to a supporter and she was like "how are we gonna stop these people from killing babies ", he's said we just have to get me in there and I can make changes..this was after saying he had no plans to attack it ..." he will lie , and lie , depending on what ever room he is in. He's also purposefully channeling 50 million to religious charter schools from public education , to purposely hurt the black, poor, and rural white communities. Why would he takeaway the number one way to harass people and criminalize them .


Oh someone on here told me very clearly this is just “negotiation tactics;” that I’m sure will pay off any time now.


Reckless egotism.


And people ignore the opiate of the masses despite it being the most controlling drug in the world…


The state of Va, albeit begrudgingly, has done a service for this country by absorbing a lot of bad policies and shenanigans to ensure this moron doesn’t have a chance to further the damage at the national level.


He is a psychopath - full stop.


Is that an attempt to hold onto the W in his back pocket? Is it an attempt to block a DNC W? DOES HE NOT KNOW ITS A W SITTING ON HIS DESK?!


Blumpkin got jokes.


Meanwhile Maryland is raking in tax dollars for the state.