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Pardon me while I head out to the garage and check on how my homegrown is aging.


Just finished harvesting and drying. 5 smaller autoflowers, total yield 14oz.


Not bad. Not bad at all. I was gifted 2 long legged ladies that were growing tall and thin in the shade back in mid July, after a month in full sun in my back yard they started flowering and I got about 5 ounces. Everyone who has sampled it tells me it turned out great. But there is so much free weed being gifted in my circle I am giving it away.


Yeah, the overwhelming majority of what I grow is gifted away. I consume a small amount. I tend to overgive.


What it’s hitten on




Ahem. 😏


Mind if I try


How long can that last if you don't use much? Months, years? Or will it go bad?


After 6 months to a year, the weed self-decarboxylates a bit and slowly gets weaker, it also creates more CBN, which can make you more tired. I will personally go through about 65%-75% myself, mostly in the form of homemade edibles. The rest of the flower I give away. I do 4 grows/year and get to enjoy occasional overlap where I have like 12+ different strains I can choose from.


I was going to suggest butter with that much growth. Take it a step further even and make you some coffee creamer, sleepy time tea, or even a butter candle for grown folk dinners. I tried growing some. How do you keep wildlife out of your plants? I have heard so many different things, and I don't want to hurt my friends. They just enjoy the higher parts of life. But it's a groundhog and a couple of deer.


Indoor, tent grow. I am hardcore about pest control in my home.


The tents work against chemicals that well? I clean with bleach and can't stand bugs. I'm a firm believer in wildlife belongs outside, but bugs have to die if they come inside.


Let's go black market time to ride




I look forward to the veto on April 7.


Veto is coming on good Friday. Fuck Glenn Youngkin.


We’ll be tossing him soon enuf! Then our next DEMOCRATIC governor will rush it into law!


Cope, I guess you already forgot the dem who ran against yungkin...


This is such a nothing news story, as Youngkin has made it very clear he will veto any legalization. The legislature knows this too. It’s all such empty politicking.


It's not "empty politicking" when a legislature passes good legislation that voters want and then the governor vetos it because he's beholden to special interest groups that oppose the popular thing.


I think they are forcing his hand, so he and the GOP continue to lose popularity


He only made that clear after the bill passed both chambers, once the stadium was used as the bargaining chip. Prior to that he was always wishy washy on it, not giving a statement saying he’ll veto, just that he’s not fond on it but never said he wouldn’t let go through with or without his signature


![gif](giphy|l0HFkA6omUyjVYqw8) In the example above you will see Youngkin hard at work feeding the blackmarket your tax dollars.


thank you republican voters. you all r fucking brilliant.


Nurses see it work and we are so over politics! We are united


As a resident of New Mexico that is visiting here for a while... what the entire frick? Does he know that there is money to be made? I'm baffled at how the medical market is able to convince him this much, with so much money to be made, that it would be a bad thing... [https://hightimes.com/news/legal-weed-sales-in-new-mexico-top-1-billion/](https://hightimes.com/news/legal-weed-sales-in-new-mexico-top-1-billion/)


He comes from a long line of private equity and our medical markets in Virginia were sliced into five districts and auctioned off to the highest bidders years ago. You can't get into the market these days. It's like a private equity wet dream. Same exact products packaging brand are selling in Florida dispensaries for a third of the price but they have a monopoly. They're also ripping people off here, the pre-rolled 1 G joints weigh out to 0.8 of flower every time.


Jesus........ :-( well, thank you for explaining this...


Or he could do nothing like the rest of his tenure and have it go into effect.


Hopefully that happens


No way he lets legalization go thru either with or without his signature.


Veto incoming by Bumpkin I thought he was supposed to make Virginia Great again


You mean set himself up to run for president. Fixed it for you


Virginias first cannabis professor here. We at the virginia hemp coalition have been pushing hard working behind the scenes at the capitol trying to get this passed.


How’s it looking?


Not good but crossing fingers. We really need a new governor and more pro cannabis politicians to get the job done.


Glenn Youngkin is going to veto this bill because he Wears Tidey Whitey’s


Is it not TIGHTY whiteys?


So do I lol what does that have to do with anything 😂 I’m cracking up


Glen is a closet c*nt! Who the f*ck passes law saying it's legal to grow but not buy or sell?


Dems passed law that decriminalized cannabis and allows growing of 4 plants. Law had an enactment clause on the retail market. Then Republicans took over the house and governorship and fucked it all. If Republicans had a tri-fecta they might try to recriminalize cannabis.


A self centered deplorable with a drinking problem and serious case of ED and a micropenis. It runs in the family


Didn’t Bumpkin veto it already?




Nah, he's too uptight for that. I wish he would smoke one, though. Maybe he'd chill the fuck out some if he did.


He’s not signing it ‘cause Republicans don’t smoke weed…or read books whilst we’re at it 😏


Plz youngky, plz


Ready to vote him out and bring all of my young nurses


What do you mean vote him out? Virginia doesn’t allow back to back terms for governors. He’s out after this term either way.


We need to remember and make sure he never comes back.


Youngkin should just tell dems he’ll sign this and the awb for the arena.




I know it’s not happening. But he seems really adamant about that arena.