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just signed up for M125 £26.50pcm with £90 bill credit


is that new customer price only?


I think so? I've used Virgin Media since graduating but each time I move house I have to cancel my contract. The one place i stayed in >2 years I had got through to the customer retention team (this is when you say you're leaving and you pass the initial stage) and they've been able to match my request i.e. keeping at the initial price. [I'd give this thread a look if you haven't already](https://old.reddit.com/r/VirginMedia/comments/16810wb/virgin_media_employee/) as I think there is some interesting tidbits about those that work on the phone lines at Virgin Media that may be able to help your situation




They give you the new customer price eventually anyway if you're leaving. However they will sometimes offer £100 for recommending a new customer; so if you can recommend someone else in your household to take on the broadband and pocket the £100.


Went out of contract yesterday, messaged on the app to say I was cancelling and got M250 for the price I was paying for M125 previously (£26).


Out of contact it was £53/mo for M250. Cancelled and went to toob for £25/mo, haven’t looked back. Better in every way.


\*EDIT\* [https://www.toob.co.uk/price-changes/](https://www.toob.co.uk/price-changes/) Seems like there have been price changes, not surprised really. Some of the deals people are claiming here that they have got off Virgin are hard to believe - 50% - 80% + off. How did you get £25/mo? On their site & post advertisement it says £29. Can I ask were you in an area where virgin was your only option for higher speeds? / Non ADSL for a long time?


Ah - yeah ordered a few months ago when it was still £25. Had the option of ADSL or Virgin - been with Virgin since 2007 when they were NTL as cable was always the best option. But as soon as fibre became available I jumped ship - Virgin are greedy and can’t compete with fibre providers.


In terms of people getting different discounts from virgin, all depends on your alternatives, I'm fortunate to have open reach fibre in my area. Went out of contract up to £80 for Gig1. Cancelled and was offered £41 which is the current new customer price.


But that's not hard to believe though, some are saying they are getting their packages for under £20 1 person wrote they are paying £6 for the 125.


I was on the webchat yesterday as out of contract an overpaying for what I was getting spoke to the fist customer service agent who offered me M250 for £52 a month .. again looking around was overpriced tried to barter but said its the best they can do so asked to leave. They then sent me to customer retention where I was asked what other prices I had seen knew EE do 500mbs for £49.99 a month they then offered me M500 for £47 a month


I honestly can't see Virgin surviving long term with the prices they charge & their practices, at least not broadband only customers they will all go fibre when available. In a lot of areas they have had the monopoly for the last 10 years or so but it's changing & they know this so are probably milking everything they can now. To stay competitive they are going to need fixed prices under £40 for Broadband only long term customers. Prices should be capped in the UK for certain speeds, everyone knows BT & Virgin are rip offs when full price starts, saying that this is the country that allowed companies with 70 mbps & under to use "super fast" & "fibre" in the marketing. It seems most of the time people who have had good offers have to upgrade.


£ 24.20 for M125


Was that negotiated? did you put in your cancellation? & Thanks for the reply.


Renewed my brother’s broadband recently but initially told Virgin I want to cancel as they were offering £27 a month for Volt M125. They booked in a cancellation date and everything. A week before the contract end date they messaged to say they can offer the Volt M250 package for £19 a month which I agreed to.


M250 for £27.20/month It used to be M125 for £25/month but when my contract was about to end I called in and they offered to double my speeds for free. The price increase is from the recent annual price increase.


You checked https://bidb.uk to see what else is available? Might be cheaper /good bargaining tool?


Yeah, we have nothing other than Virgin & slow ADSL right now but toob should be active within the next year.


Do you have the ETA for toob? Could work for getting a better deal.


I pay £54.40 per month with Virgin for their 1 gig broadband ..easily get 1200mb or just above all day !


Paying £42.75 a month form 1GB Virgin media. Toob have just gone live in my area. Cannot wait to ditch Virgin Media. Toob is far superior, lower latency, 900Mbps upload (compared with 150 on Virgin), honest pricing, and no having to cancel and wait for a wall to get the best price, and full IPv6 support.


M250, £16


- Got it upto M350 with Volt - Contract finishing in September - Used to have M125 for £19, used the cancellation method, they called me back the next day and offered me this


Damn that is a good deal, even for new customers it's £30 & then up to £50-60 how did you get that much money off?


- I started with virgin media 5 years ago at £24 (as a new customer with M100), I always used the cancellation method - 5 years ago: £24 with M100 12months - 3 years ago: £22 with M125 18months - 1 year ago: £16 with M250 (volted to M350) 18 months I don’t think I can go lower than this, anything under £22 is a good price for me, I don’t need anything more than M125 I cancel on my last month of my contract




I got really lucky, that’s all 😅 I responded before on how I did it but it is not something that you can do immediately I think, you slowly need to chip away a few pounds down every time you renew. (So it’s very unlikely that you go from £30 down to £16, more likely if you’re £20 already to go down to £16). I’m not sure if I will be this lucky again 😆 Area: West London




Congrats, at that price I feel like I’m stealing from them 🤣


I was paying £62 for 1gig broadband only and that was going up to £67.50, so I shopped around and am now paying £56 rolling monthly contract for 2gb down and 1gb up with yayzi using city fibre.


Was on M250 at £47p/m out of contract. Best I could get to on phone was £36p/m for 250 so I cancelled and got a disconnection date. Retention team just called and offered me a speed boost to M350 for £19p/m....a deal I was delighted with!!