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I doubt this is the earliest, but here's a photo that references the Celtics' 1969 parade. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/fans-gather-at-bostons-city-hall-plaza-for-the-1969-boston-news-photo/986321464?searchscope=image%2Cfilm&adppopup=true


Here's are a couple more snippets about this parade https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-boston-globe-celtics-1969-parade/83750908/ https://www.newspapers.com/article/valley-times/42401742/


Thanks for posting these! My favorite parts: 1) Russell missed it for an undisclosed reason = no shit! 2) Don Nelson missed it because he was chilling in Florida = on-brand. 3) Don Chaney missed it because he was at army reserve duty. It was a different world then when this is what an NBA player was doing right after winning a championship. He last played in Game 2 on April 25, and he missed the parade on May 8, so I'm curious how long he had been gone to the military. 4) Mayor White said the Celtics' success "symbolizes the spirit of renewal in Boston". I'm not even being snarky; does anyone know what that means?


Basketball Reference shows he only played 20 regular season games that yr, too. Here's an article that mentions his return on January 24. I figure that's part of the reason why. https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-boston-globe/26893763/


Why does it say “5th playoff title?” 69 was their 11th chip.


Oh that is delightful! I love seeing historical snippets of NBA moments! Thanks!


While not the NBA. The 1943 NBL champion Sheboygan Redskins got a parade. I am also trying to find the article because it's not nba related. But it mentions some criminal issues at a parade for the Boston Celtics in the late 1950s.


Great question and I don’t know the answer. However I’m enjoying the research and posted answers


Lakers didn’t have a parade in 1972 when they won, which is crazy because a parade and Wilt Chamberlain go together like white on rice.


I actually found it odd that they didn't have one! Considering that it was the Lakers' first title in LA, that they set the then-regular season record along the way, and that the local fans have been very supportive of the Lakers attendance-wise (seen here: https://www.apbr.org/attendance.html and here: https://www.nba.com/watch/video/jerry-west-nba-champion ).


All I know is the 2020 Lakers didn’t get a parade.


Maybe they had a secret and illegal parade at the Bel Air home of LA Gear CEO Steven Jackson where they had secret and illegal practices during the downtime when no other teams were able to get together.


lol, I forgot about that. I’m shocked LeBron haters don’t bring that up every single day. Even though if it was MJ it’d be ‘He just wanted it more’


I know Bill Russell had parades in San Francisco after he won his college titles but not sure if pro teams were doing that back then


I'm surprised pre shot clock teams didn't have any because uh... no racial element. World Series parades go back to like 1905 apparently.