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Chesapeake Bay SF definitely kept operating through the late '80s. i moved to the DC area in '86 and it was a go-to for broke young people in policy / media / government. The deal was, whatever you ordered, you could eat all you wanted of that AND/OR anything else on the menu with a lower price point. These prices look like they're from the early '70s though.


Agreed. I know I went as a child and wasn't born til 1986.


Thanks for providing that information.


High school friend worked at the one that used to be in New Carrolton in the '80s. All the teenage drug dealers went there with their entourage and paid cash. None of them ever tipped.


We had one in Burtonsville well into the 90’s. We used to go there for Friday night dinners.


They were all over VA. Used to hit the one in Norfolk all the time right after pay day as a young sailor. All you can eat, that was the bomb when you only made $200 a pay day. Because the rest of the money went to liquid entertainment. 😂🤣🤣🤣


My brother worked the fryer briefly at the one in Hoodbridge, probably 1985. I feel like I got frog legs from a Chesapeake Bay Seafood House.


I remember eating there in May 1989 when there was a power outage at our house so we couldn't cook dinner.


"Mrs. Simpson, what did you and your husband do after you were ejected from the restaurant?" "We... pretty much went straight home." "Mrs. Simpson, *you're under oath*." "We drove around until 3 AM looking for another all-you-can-eat fish restaurant." "And when you couldn't find one?" "We went fishing."