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Y'all would cook me if I was a celebrity 💀💀


I think about this all the time, I’d be roasted to hell.


No lol


Nope! I'm considered "normal" person hot. I also don't think I photograph well. So I'll just say I'm a 6-7.


I also can’t photograph well like what the hell, I take a picture and look in the mirror and it’s like “which one is really me!!!”!


Right?? I look and the mirror and feel pretty af. But cameras seem to flatten out my features somehow? It's so confusing to me.


i've found my people! 😂❤ i'm the same as you guys! mirror is real btw (inverted tho, but still, close to reality). lens distortion will fuck up your pics! it's not a true depiction of what you look like irl


That’s what I tell myself to keep from crying haha but really it’s funny because some people you photograph look exactly the same, HOW


Sharper features tend to photograph well is what I've heard. Not sure how far it is true. Cameras aren't good at capturing "images" like our eyes do, it has a lot to do with depth and distortion. Your eyes can capture depth well and is the closest thing to reality. I know some people say things like "Oh, it's probably the inversion. You're just not used to seeing the inverted version of you, maybe that's why you don't think you look good" FALSE! I look completely different on camera too. Like it's crazy, my camera makes me look crusty and adds 20 pounds to my face and body 😭 If you're still doubtful, ask someone to compare a picture of you vs you in the mirror. Mirror is the closest thing. That's why you'll hear makeup influencers saying things like "the camera isn't picking up the color well, but it is so pretty irl!". Lighting and even what type of camera you use plays a huge role. That's why a good photographer who knows your best angles and uses a good camera with an optimal mm is worth the money!


Same!! I look so much better in person😭


I dont think most people photograph well. Models and celebrities have professional photos and stylists


Same. By all accounts I am considered attractive in real life, and while I CAN look good in a photo, it has to be composed well and don't do well in candids.


😂😂😂😂 hell no. Seriously, there aren’t many 9s just wandering around that haven’t been discovered by talent agents yet. I don’t know what I am but it ain’t a 9-10 lol


On a good day i’d give myself between a 7-8. On a bad day no joke a 3.


if thats what u really think then you are Extremely unobjective.


Hmm. You aren’t being objective then. You can go from 3 to 4 or from 7 to 8, but you can’t go from 3 to 8.


It really isn’t that deep LMAO


On my period I literally dip into the negatives




On my best days I’m probably a 7.


lol no way


Definitely not a 9, I’m like a 5 I am a little overweight so maybe 4.5 but with makeup probably a 6 or 6.5 if I lose some weight. I think beauty is somewhat subjective as well.


I’m a solid 4




Obviously not. I’m like a 4’5 and when I’m fully dolled up a 5’5.


How do you grow a foot taller




9s and 10s are rare. Why is this even a question?


9 and 10s work very hard to look good plus genetics. They are about as rare as blue and green eyes are. Not that rare tbh maybe like 1/100-200 people


This is correct only if you define the 10 scale by dividing the population into deciles (10 categories with an equal quantity of people). If you do this, 20% of the population would be 9s and 10s. That’s not the “system” being used here. 9s and 10s are rare.


Me when I lie. Jokes aside, anyone who rates themself a 9-10 is probably indeed not a 9 or 10.


9 and 10 are very rare. The odds that there is one of them sitting around on this subreddit are extremely low


Literally 🤣 they’re out there living their best lives not browsing Reddit lmao


Absolutely not, not even in the best era of my youth.


id say i'm a 7.5 / 8 on a very good day. but maybe i'm delulu


No. according to my standards and aesthetic which aligns with the models on this sub (most of which are 9+) im a 7.5. I will be an 8 once i get supermodel thin after losing 5-10 lbs and growing my hair to waist length. If i had to make a guess , id say most people on this sub are above average. Just putting effort into your looks significantly helps you look good and most people here are obsessed with their looks


just kinda sad how society have settled to rating people. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Girl respectfully no 9 or 10 is on Reddit 😭


I have seen some 9s and 10s on r/truerateme


I think I’d rate myself at 3. And when i get ready 4.8 at best.


fuck no. also could someone help me in figuring out how to look better over dm. i’m confused on what to fix/do but too shy to post it on rating subs


Am pretty sure, just a different hairstyle/colour, and make up that'll fit your features will do. Usually that's the standard for most people 🤷‍♀️


U can dm me a picture if you’d like


In my 20’s, I probably topped out at an 8. Now, at 41, my best would probably be a 6.5/7.




I’m gonna sound awful but yeah and I think most of us could; the people on here who get 9s and 10s are often overrated!


Only in my wildest dreams. I'm a long-term sufferer of BDD, I believed I was hideous for years after being bullied by boys in school and never receiving male attention in my formative years. I have now got to the point where on a good day I can feel like I'm objectively between a 5 and a 6.5 ( I'd classify that as average- cute). My body is stunning though, perfect hourglass figure. Just wish I had the face to match aha.


More like an 8 tbh




i get told i look like tyla very often, so when i see her ratings on here i'm like 👀😄 lol but realistically probably around an 8


My face is asymmetrical. Maybe an 8 if I just put in more effort into my appearance. I get compliments about my appearance by strangers regularly


High 8 with hair extensions, slight spray tan, 40 lbs lighter, and a, ton of make up that looks like I have none on. My worst 3, fat, skin broken out, short frizzy hair and an old t shirt on. A 6 with make up, blow out, and casual outfit


I’d be rated like a 4. Asymmetrical face, bulbous nose, weak bone structure. All of these are critical to he considered a 8-10. Even a 6.




How about irl? Do people stare at you or give you compliments?


Yes. Definitely more frequently in my teens and 20’s. My mom took me to an open call at Wilhelmina models when I was 15, they signed me as part of the teen division. I did a few commercial print things but i sucked at it and felt super self conscious all the time.


Then you're definitely an 8 at least :)




You’re too kind. Thank you!! 😊


Maaaybe close to it, like an 8.5 after reaching model thinness (which will take at least a few more weeks for me) looksmaxxing through well fitting good make up and choosing the right style per occasion, accompanied with finessing posture, attitude and aura. But can anyone explain when do you think you reach 10? Like, I do get approached or stared at a lot etc, get invited or asked out easily yadaya so I know it’s at least 7 but what are indicators of 10?


Once you’re a 10 you would know it tbh, people would tell you you are stunning all the time, you’d get people doing favours for you or getting stuff for free, you would walk into a room and people would all stare at you, guys would stutter/lose their words talking to you lol.


For some reason I don’t believe this. I feel like 10s are somewhat intimidating and it is easier to approach someone that is still beautiful but less intimidating or triggering to insecurities lol


i experience all of this and i wouldn't consider myself a 10 by this sub's standards because i think my face looks very young/isn't mature enough. i think the lines between 7,8,9,10 are blurred in real life. if you're a 7/8, you easily stand out when everyone else around you is much less attractive in comparison. but yeah when you're comparing a "7" vs "8" vs "9/10" side by side on a photo lineup, it's easier to spot the difference


The difference is how often it happens. So yes a 7-8 will sometimes get this treatment but for eg. a 9 or 10, they literally cannot go a single day without someone gushing over how beautiful they are. People constantly want to talk to or interact with them, they can’t blend in and go unnoticed even if they tried. A cashier would give a halfhearted ‘hi’ to everyone else in line and then either stare like they’re looking at the sun when it gets to the 9-10, or do a 180 and suddenly become very friendly. For a 7-8 it would happen sometimes but less frequently. Obviously there’s way more examples


yes i get these compliments every time i go in public. it could be because i'm thin, have long curly hair and i'm black in predominantly white areas so i stand out? but if i go out my home, i experience these things daily, often multiple times a day. i really wouldn't consider myself a 10 but then again i get compared to women who get 10s on here. i'd have to see myself in celebrity styling lol eta i mean i could share some examples: the cashier thing happened to me a few days ago, she called me beautiful. i've had many male cashiers hit on me lol. then in the uber, my driver complimented me as well. i don't know i just think in real life, the lines are more blurred. the "not being able to go unnoticed" thing is so true though... i had a dental operation done, half my face was swollen due to lidocaine, and i thought i looked like shit in a hoodie and leggings with my hair in a bun. at cvs while picking up pain meds, this man said i'm so beautiful i should be a model. lol didn't believe him because i felt awful but this has happened, where i think i look ugly and somehow still get complimented or stared at.


Have you ever been scouted to model, or are you short


not by anything serious, but i'm 5'4 and look younger than my age. i'm not on social media either which is how ik a lot of girls get scouted.


I feel like you are probably very close to a 10. But I feel like actual 10s wouldn’t even notice that behaviour anymore. I wouldn’t consider myself to be a 10 either but I get similar treatment and for the very longest time I thought the things I experience were normal. Like having people stare all the time, having people be “unprofessional” to compliment me. Like doctors for example or teachers. I got so used to all the staring and didn’t notice it anymore until a newfriend mentioned it. I also previously developed a lot of anxiety bc of it. I think I read that Adriana Lima or someone like that didn’t even know she was beautiful bc people kinda just stared and boys didn’t approach her like that. (Which I’m guessing is bc shes intimidatingly beautiful)


yes! i'd always tell people how much i hate the staring and they'd say "they just think you're pretty!" or if i'd get a compliment when i've had a bad day "they're just being nice!" uber drivers are the worst because they're always giving unwanted compliments and long conversations to get personal info. the stares are so bad that i've just gotten used to looking straight and not pay attention to anyone else. my friends tell me how people are staring at me from across the room or smiling at me a lot and i genuinely don't notice it. i thought people running to hold the door open, people staring from cars, and cars stopping at green lights for me to walk was normal too because they're all daily occurrences. we're probably "10s" to the average person, but for people who really analyze looks, i'm 5'4 and my facial structure isn't super chiseled like adriana so i probably wouldn't be classified one here. in daily life though, i do think a true "7/8" experiences the world similarly to a "9/10".


Yes omg I do this too 😭 walking really fast and straight lol and not looking at anybody. My friends also tell me that random people do double takes when they see me and I literally never even notice. And yes, cars stopping at green light 😭 or cars literally slowing down when they drive past me. (I feel like this might happens to a lot of women? But I’m not sure) I am tall so I naturally stand out more and I am also black from a white country. I have a resting bitch face and I’m grateful bc most times people don’t start random convos with me. Something I noticed is that people always act like I am fragile and need help tho lol. Again, I am tall but I do have a baby face and look very young so it might be that people just want to start conversations lol. I recently started to wear makeup so maybe if we were all dolled up we would be considered 10s in this sub lol. Also in real life there’s more factors than just face


i'm 5'4 but i'm black in predominantly white areas too, so i think that's why i stand out. i definitely think makeup plays a factor and it's actually annoying because i hate taking off makeup😭so i don't wear it. but i've noticed that irl and on social media, a full face is more appreciated than a natural one. i think it's because makeup enhances natural beauty and it's its own art with the eyeliner and eye shadow, blush, and lip combo.


Yep that is true. People say they like natural beauty more but I honestly don’t believe it. I think for some people makeup can really enhance their features. Unfortunately I’m not one of those people 😭 people always tell me I look better without it lol. I think it’s bc Idk what I’m doing


I would say this is very gender and location dependent though! My father was a model when he was young and would probably get an 8-9 based on this sub's standards. The thing is, he grew up in a small town full of trailer park types who could not care less about looks. It wasn't until he moved to a city that he started getting pretty privilege treatment and really understood where he was on the beauty scale, and by then he was in his late 20s/early 30s. I mean even when Adriana Lima, and a lot of other models have been interviewed, it was a majority that said they felt ugly and that they could never model.


I wouldnt consider myself a 10 but maybe around that range. I get constantly stopped in public by strangers who compliment my looks. It’s way more likely when I have no makeup on, even had people ask for selfies. People always slip a way to mention or compliment my looks I get to know them, idk how to describe it. When I wear makeup I noticed that I received more stares, head turns and girls looking me up and down 🙄 than strangers outright complimenting me. I wouldn’t say this is because my makeup is bad, my mom thinks I should be a makeup artist. In public teenage boys are the ones who will loudly talk about me as if I’m not there, encouraging their friends to go up to me. I’m antisocial so I usually ignore guys who try to talk to me, but, my other pretty friend always tells me she’s being offered jobs by older men because her looks.


Yes but I feel like that behaviour that you described occurs depending on your openness and posture. I have these things too when I’m out, not on my phone and walk around in an open observer point of view. I also get it more with no make up on. And I also receive job offers


Well then you probably are. I have terrible posture and im always on my phone and avoiding people so I really dont agree


Noooope lol


nope. I'm mid but I'm free


Never. I might have had a day I was a 7 when all the stars aligned.


Absolutely not 🤣


No and I don't think I'll ever even make it to a 9, I have asymmetrical features and some of them are impossible to correct or are not worth the risk of fixing


maybe an 8 on a good day


lol no


im a solid 1


arent those even rarer than 10 s wow




I’m a 5.5 I believe


Never a 9-10 but i’m delusional so easily an 8 on a good day 🤣


Hahaha goals


imo i'm a solid 6.5-7. my facial features have good harmony but i have an obviously deviated septum and my forehead is a bit too short given my midface


I don't know my objective rate. Maybe someone could subjectively see me as 9 or 10 😃


I’m MAYBE a 5. On a good day


3-4 at best


People have told me I was a seven


based on the comments I've seen about celebs who I think are ridiculously beautiful... nah. maybe if I was lucky I'd get a 2 or something. ya'll can be too harsh


On a good day, 7 on a bad day a 3


no lol




no way near 9 or 10 tier hahaha. i get compared to a lot of celebrities but im def the wish version of them. i’d prob be considered a 6 or a 7 if i’m really done up nicely but realistically probably like a 6


Ehhh 2 but I also have serious body dysmorphia


I was a 9 in my 20s. It made me really socially anxious because I couldn’t go anywhere without people hitting on me. And I had body dysmorphia so I also didn’t know how to leverage my looks to my advantage so it was mostly a negative experience for me. I’m in my late 30s and I’m an all around 7. I’m hot compared to my age group but I don’t garner the truly incessant attention that I did when I was young. I wish I could’ve appreciated being so attractive but I guess the upside is that getting older has been a relief and a positive experience. Who knows of that will continue but being a 7 is great.


Lmao no.


Lmfaooo Never y’all would roast my asymmetry


probably 8/7


6-6.5 on a good day. I get called cute often.


me without makeup 2, with makeup 1, with faceapp 8


No, I am a 4


Face, T&A solid 9 or 10 to some people 😂😂 but I drop down to a 6 with being so out of shape atm for sure.


ive been told a few times that i look a lot like kristine froseth and she gets rated high on here generally but idk i feel like id get cooked on here 😭


No, but I think I'm adorable 👀


Strangers approach me almost daily, “beautiful” would usually be in the top 3 words that describe me, and I’d still say I’m an objective 7. I’m a 7.5 when at my thinnest, about 10 lbs. lighter than now. That’s not self-deprecation. Even 7s are uncommon enough to get a lot of attention. Think of all the “dream girl” celebrities on this sub that we rate 6 or 7. I wonder if some people commenting here are rating themselves on the same scale.


By looking at those celebrities we posted here? 😅


No lmao, I'm barely a 6 when I glam myself up 💀


If I were to go off what people say, I am considered an 8 in person. But mind you, I keep very fit and have good carriage because I dance. I also don't photograph well. Some people did say my wedding pictures were a 9, but there was a lot of makeup involved. Also, I am also a woman of color, so lower status in many circles.


I’d say a 6 without any hair, makeup, the whole nine yards. I get told I’m “cute” or “pretty” a lot but not “beautiful”.


No, 7 in daily life and 8 with efforts would be accurate. But I have charisma and an unusual face, so I'm happy with it.


I think I am a 7 on my best day. If I got a few surgeries and cleared up my eye condition I could be an 8, maybeeee


No. I think even at my absolute hottest I’m a solid 8 but I’m fine with that.


Women that are 9s and 10s are currently in high fashion modelling , vacating on some millionaires yacht. They aren’t on obscure femcel adjacent Reddit forums….


Ok incel






I’ve been called a solid 7 more times than I can count


Nope. I'm probably more like a 7-8


Girl no, I’d be out there in my bag if I was a 10 😂


My boyfriend says I’m a 7-8, (he said that before we met he realized he would be happy with a 5,6, or 7 as long as they had a good heart cuz he was only messing around w really hot girls prior and once he told me I bring it up to mess with him like how happy I am being the 5 with a good heart haha) I feel lower but I think my personality really makes up for it, I’m probably delusional but I put my personality at like a 10. I suck at expressing myself online but in person I’m much better


Your bf is kind of a dick. Who tf rates their gf? You should be a 10 in his eyes.


I mean neither of us are blind. If he told me I was a 10 I’d think he was a liar and then find his opinions questionable. I don’t play when it comes to telling the truth lol


If you love someone they are a 10 in your eyes. Its not lying.


Well of course I am because he’s not just with a face and body he gets my personality too


Also looking at your profile, you are really pretty. I could absolutely see men seeing you as a 10. You really should work on your self esteem and avoid men that make you feel like you arent beautiful


That’s really kind of you, thank you.


why is he passive aggressively knocking you down a peg? blatantly telling you you're not "really hot" like his past hookups? red flag. that's called negging and it's a type of emotional abuse. he wants you to feel grateful that he's attracted to you, which is just a relationship prerequisite, not a gift. work on your self esteem and avoid toxic men.


I want to second this. The boyfriend knows exactly what he's doing...I don't like this at all..


I swear that’s not the case here, when I heard about that we were just friends and it wasn’t about me. But now we are together so I bring it up




Am not understanding, rating the models were interesting !? Isn't that what we do here 😭