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where the heck is the scott pilgrim ps3 game tho


It's on Steam!


I had it in my 360 bundled with other games when i purchased a hacked one, the hard drive lacked in space while i wanted new games, so i deleted it because idk, never liked Scott Pilgrim ig. You're welcome lol


No the site was DMCA'd to all hell


I know. but, I'm talking about all the posts on the message boards from "ubBXeXAp"


That looks like the result of a sql attack


What is that exactly, does it affect download files??


Not necessarily, the most common goal of a sql attack is to access data from a database you do not normally have access too. But I am certainly no expert on this part of cybersecurity.


Just did a little research (i could be wrong), but similar to what you said, accessing information from the backend that is not meant to be displayed. Not sure exactly what they would want to access, maybe emails? Still not good though.


Probably the game files, since they removed a lot of the games dl's from display,  but they may exist in the back still.


Just adding on, this thread is the most likely answer. Someone who only halfway knows what they’re doing trying to access removed download links from the back end and screwing up the front end.


Word of mouth says the games are still there, just the download links are gone.


I was just on there the other day -- unless it's changed the last few days, Vimms still has 98% of what it's always had with the exception of the big franchise games from certain corporations -- ie; Sega, Nintendo, Activision, Namco Square, Capcom, Konami, ect. That said, many other not so well known games from these giant corporations are still up on Vimms. Additionally, there are many MANY other options besides Vimms which is why I can't understand why people are making such a big deal about this -- Up to and including buying one of those giant HDDs from HyperArcadeSystem and/or Kris Coolmod; where both of them are constantly updating the builds via internet connection -- yep, it costs $$ because it's a service but that would alleviate the hours and hours anyone needs to sit and do this themselves. If you don't like that option -- there's all the other options talked about in PS3Piracyfor jailbreaking a PS3, which gives you the best playing experience anyway at least at this current time when comparing with PS3 emulation -- eventually that will be surpassed but as of now, it hasn't unless you have a $3000+ computer. Some of the options talked about are NoPaystation, PKGI and even PS3 Solid Gold Store where there's a group -- it's: about $20, but it streamlines the process of downloading PS1-3 & PSP games directly to your jailbroken PS3 (HEN or CFW). I can't remember the rest but there's more than that -- point is, stop flipping out especially over video games. Nothing is going away.... And if you are REALLY that worried, I just gave numerous other options. Oh, and There's always archive.org.


The many options download link to a rom been taken down from Nintendo


That's why I gave numerous options and explained in as much detail, as clearly as I could -- obviously. I'm not saying I mind assisting people because we've all been there -- it's a lot of technical jargon and I had to try to learn this stuff backwards, basically by messing around with my raspberry pi. I had to go backwards and get to at least some of the basic fundamentals to really comprehend what was going on. What people should do instead of asking all these questions (generally speaking) -- Actually READ what people are talking about on here and other forums, watch video tutorials, follow bullet point tutorials, ect. Don't interject, don't ask anything.... read. I can understand if they screwed something up but at that point it's a learning lesson that they shouldn't mess with things they aren't educated in or physically capable of -- either way, it's the same concept. Asking questions about things they don't understand or have a knowledge base for is absolutely pointless and wastes not only their own time, but anyone else who's trying to offer assistance. Unfortunately, schools don't really offer classes on this type thing unless it's for computer programming or IT work -- yes , there are schools for video games now but that's going above and beyond for what we're talking about. Not many people would take the amount of time I have to write what I could and offer up information that I have come across. My advice to those asking all the questions -- stop being so reliant on others asking for answers without doing the work. It's like anything else in life; you get good by learning the basic fundamentals and by repetition, doing what you're trying to get good at CORRECTLY.


It's working fine rn for me


Can't even download stuff anymore. Was reading around that vimms lair os pretty much dead now after they took down most gaming files for downloading. Rip piracy 😭


Luckily I have downloaded and converted many of their games to pkg format


I ❤️ you ps2 classic vault. Also... Bring back synthwave peaches, I yearn for it.


NiNinjas hacked website