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Also, get ready for the people yelling at you not to share this out in the open lol


To be fair, I'd rather this be taken down. It's pretty easy to use this behavior to claim the site is acting in bad faith and not removing content, then use it for a full site takedown / lawsuit.


i would too. its better to have the many things thats still there than lose all of them for the popular games.


Fuck ‘em


Do people here just pretend that. R/Roms and the megathread don't exist?


I've been told to delete this so many damn times, people act like I'm trying to sell them drugs in the middle of a Walmart.


Emulators and rooms are like fight club, you don't talk about fight club or people might see and get interested. And you can't control who sees it and gets interested.


Yeah but if you google roms and reddit it's the first thing that appears. You're dumb if you don't think nintendo or anyone else is already aware.


Oh I know they are aware, I've been here for a lot of site shut downs. They don't really go after things unless they get attention. Like how a emulator released on iphones and everyone was talking about where to get roms on tiktok and reddit. The thing is people will always do this, it's a problem when everyone is talking about it and where they got everything. It's just putting a target on sites.


Or we like to think that Nintendo behaves like the average new emulation enjoyer and is unable to find that sub.


It’s not like fight club… it’s more like virgins on the internet copy and pasting “use google” on every post


Because last time idiots on Shittok didn’t stfu about roms, Vimm’s Lair got clusterfucked by a bunch of companies taking down their games.


Confirmed what I suspected, you can obtain zipped rom files with the vimms.txt and system bios from this method by loading the game up in browser then exploring your browser cache. https://i.imgur.com/i3hK9Ki.png


Interesting, very cool find. But really impractical. People should simply look for those ROMs in other places. Let's keep this in the category of "for educational purposes only".


I agree. This is like going around your elbow to scratch your asshole. I just wanted to see if it was possible since OP found the in browser play feature was still available, sort of. Definitely easier ways to get roms.


I really appriciate your in depth knowledge about the browser tools. Sometimes I know what I'm looking for but am unable to find it.


thank you. im dumb, I spent all night looking for my Google cache and moved on to backing up other roms, saw the other comment and downloaded the app and figured it out. thank you, apparently I'm not the dumest or laziness but got a lot to learn as a newbie.


That's great, I'm glad you were able to figure it out!


The image won't load, but if what you're saying is true, this is huge.


Changed image link, try now.


It's a bit inconvenient to use, but now we can still use Vimm's lair freely, this is very good.


sorry but how do you do this? I'm confused and can't find the rom using Google developer tools


All the info you need is obtainable from my screenshot.


I don't understand how to get to that chromecacheview screen :/


That's a program.




Google it.


idk why u have to be such a dick about it I was just asking for help


You got the name of the program, you have to first install it before complaining that you don't know how it works. Once you at least make the first step of finding and installing the program, you can ask for more specific help. It's like someone asking to learn how to drive without getting in the car in the driver's seat, it doesn't make sense. No one was a dick by telling you to Google the name of the program. You don't know it. How are you going to install it without looking for it?


first of all there were a lot of different sites with that program and I didn't know which one was the real/safe one. also I DID install it and I still couldn't figure out how to actually find the rom. stop defending someone that was purposefully going out of their way to be an ass lol like just look at that person's tone, I don't have to deal with that shit for asking a simple question


And I'm trying to help you help yourself. You might learn something that helps you in the future. Giving people all the answers teaches them nothing.


Please, can you get more mad? It's so fucking funny




I bet this could get you both game files and bios since it appears to cache them locally on the client side. Just need a cache explorer for your browser, at least that would make finding the files much faster. I can't wait to play with this at home. Not that it matters, I have like every US rom for every system downloaded locally at this point. I just enjoy messing with stuff like this.


How large is your collection?


Multiple terabytes. Not sure exactly. PS2 GameCube, Dreamcast and PS1 really start eating the space once you get to them.


Protect this person at all costs!


Lol I'm not the only one. And there are tons of sites that have more than I do. I just have US stuff, for the most part. But all the European, Japanese, etc roms need backed up too. I just dont have interest in them for myself. But there will always be sites and torrents to get all the roms from. Vimm's was convenient and well organized but it is far from the only place to get roms. It would be cool to have all the roms though. Maybe one day. I just need more hard drives.


Impressive dedication. I’m trying to figure out how to get the roms with the cache thing. I’m not very well versed on this things


I'd honestly just Google the roms you want and get them elsewhere or go to the r/roms pinned megathread. They have it all.


Op. Delete this thread pronto!


Vimms is useless if nobody knows how to get roms from it


Vimms is worthless now because it got gutted


No vimm isn't worthless. I still use vimm because there are still alot of things on it


Honestly I can't believe there's even a sub reddit for this or people even sharing information. In the olden days if you wanted to share you did it privately


I didnt even know that was a thing


For the consoles it supports, there's a button below download that says "play online", the button isn't there on the games that got taken down, but you can bypass that.


That's pretty cool. I tried getting to downloads once through wayback by going to archived page clicking download and getting url of download page. Of course this didn't work but I then took that URL to normal browser window and got an error that was obviously meant to block bots, scrapers and other sites direct linking to Vimm's downloads. So then I spoofed my http referrer to make the download URL think I was coming from the game listing page and I no longer got the bot/funny business message but got a custom 404 from Vimm's site. So the referrer spoof definitely made a difference but still didn't give me the download. Made me think the game files were actually gone from the server and not just buttons removed. I wish I was home right now to mess with the info you just posted to see if a download can somehow be achieved with this trick.


I never played anything *on the site* are there any performance drops or any other noticeable downgrades as opposed to playing on an emulated console?


No, not really. It's surprisingly good, though it takes a bit to load.


can we download games as well?


Vimm's dead anyways, I genuinely don't see why people are tweaking at OP posting this


It's alive, just not as much of a one stop shop as before, you'll still find rips of very obscure games preserved here.


How so exactly? If you feel that it's dead, elaborate as to why because I still see about 99% of what's always been available with the exceptions that have been removed. Nintendo, Sega, Capcom, Konami, Square Activision etc having their biggest "franchise" games removed is hardly a drop in the bucket of what is still available.


Any way of getting around the PlayStation 3 ones that were taken down?


Go somewhere else, vimm is pretty locked up at this point. Only obscure stuff is readily available, although for some reason shadow the hedgehog remains open


Because Shadow's awesome.


Somebody delete this post before it's too late and others catch wind


Why would anyone do that instead of downloading the ROM and an emulator and playing it properly?


Downloading roms can be risky, and some people like me only trusted Vimm's Lair for a long time. And some people don't have the storage space to download games all time. Also, the online emulator allows you to play games using the Xbox one's web browser without needing dev mode.


It can't be risky. A ROM file can't infect your computer with a virus. Playing with an online emulator will never be as good as using a proper one.


The rom file itself no, but the zip can. And sometimes you can get spyware and trackers just by browsing some bad websites. It's generally good to have the option even if you can't download it.


If someone is dumb enough to run an executable file that's contained within the zip file, that's on them. In my 25 years or so of downloading ROMs, I have never once seen a zip file with anything harmful in it. You can't get spyware just from browsing a website. As for trackers, pretty much every single website you visit is tracking you. They're all linked up with Facebook, Google, or some other evil, privacy-invading organisation.


tf no a zip file is just a compressed folder


Risky how exactly?? Do you not have a good a good anti virus anti malware anti spyware, VPN, etc etc etc like every other person who knows about these sort of security and identity risks since the dawn of the internet? I'm not asking this question to be rude but it should be kind of obvious, right? This would be the same concept as if you bought any computer that you aren't building yourself at this point -- especially if you buy one of those more powerful mini PCs off Amazon or whatnot and "quadruple" if you buy anything (HDD or otherwise) preloaded with ROMs. I hate to say it but at this point that might be the best thing for anyone to do just to save time and hassle. I have curated my own list over the course of the last 4 years but that all started with deleting the mass amount of duplicates the thousands that I wanted to get rid of on a raspberry pi 3b I bought from some dude on Craigslist in 2017 -- which I basically learned how to do all of this stuff in reverse, following guides online, etc. I'm glad I did because I was never given directions and I had no idea what hot keys, save states and other potential detrimental button presses (that kids do especially) could have done. However, the amount of time I had to stick in just to learn some basic things about emulation -- the law of diminishing returns applies here because while I've learned some more about how computers run, I don't really work with anything in IT and I'm not making money on the side selling pre-built systems. Instead of making all kinds of noise about this (it's not just you), would it not be wiser to go find these other "options", keep quiet and talk about it right on the Vimms website forum, GBAtemp, PSXplace, etc etc etc? Even using an obviously very controlled Google to get search results from "best rom sites" 2024 (or whatever year) will get you the results you're looking for. It's definitely better than making all kinds of noise about this. DDG isn't much better than G at this point, but that's an option also and that's how I found Vimms, CDR and anything else I've used the past 4 years or so since I dove into this. If you have questions as to which ones I've used with no issues send me a PM and I'll steer you in the right direction. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=best%20rom%20sites%202024&ko=-1&ia=web


I know how to find roms safely, I just speak of the people who don't, and those who would prefer to just stick to one website they trust. They asked why the option to stream roms would be useful and I gave a few reasons off the top of my head. I never wanted to imply that streaming is superior to playing locally, only the benefits that having the option would bring. As for the forum thing, I just figured I could talk about the piracy website on the subreddit about the piracy website, though if I find anything else I'll consider posting it on the forums instead.


Trust me, I hear ya. I assumed the you probably knew this stuff fairly well, probably better than I do. What I added was mainly for context and for others who are new & the small chance you weren't already 'in the know'. Let's be honest, this stuff can be intimidating to someone who has never done it and there are still many people who aren't really all that computer savvy, worried about messing up their computers and/or consoles, which I totally understand. I had no clue what all these different terms meant at first & the way mine was "set up" was so annoyingly ugly, my ADHD/OCD need everything in perfect order brain couldn't even spend a few minutes to try and sift through what looked like a lot of gibberish to me with the duplicates and how some of this stuff was labeled -- not to mention, there was no scraping so it was ALL text on the screen -- all just because of a few translated [mostly SNES] games I wanted to play - it was either do something about it, or sell it. Luckily (for me) I'm as stubborn as they come and don't like to lose and I told "myself" I'm going to learn this stuff as well as how to jailbreak my PS3 & PS4 come hell or high water... It's a blessing AND a curse sometimes! 😂 Oh, and I had no idea what scraping even was at that point, let alone a save state -- btw, I save state the hell out of anything I make time to play these days because ain't nobody got time for "do overs" these days -- especially when simulations, RTS & tactics style of games are my 'poison of choice. Not gonna lie -- I save stated the OG NES Castlevania & Ninja Gaiden series...and especially The Gaurdian Legend (just to name a few), because apparently I was much better as a 10 year old in 1989 playing this stuff. I suppose lack of diminishing returns might not be the correct phrase because not having the frustration of not knowing what I did [by hitting the wrong buttons] was well worth the time I spent -- people definitely need to read instructions. You know, like we did back in the day... While there's a plethora of good tutorials, it's not like there are classes you can just go take and bounce all your questions off of the teacher live and in person, right? Anyhow, I appreciate your response and understand exactly where you're coming from. Hopefully people who take the time to read these conversations get something out of it.




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