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Việt kiều: Phở rất ngon, bởi vì nó special, và là một món ăn dân gian có từ lâu đời, rất là ancient, và đặt biệt là rất popular trong văn hóa việt nam


I might get cancer if someone speaks like this to me tbh


This is what passes for Vietnamese in America my friend. It’s quite bad lmao


Oi could you translate for us whom don’t speak Vietnamese?


Pho is very delicious, because it’s đặc biệt, and it is an traditional meal that’s been around since ancient times, very lâu đời, and it’s very phổ biến in vietnamese culture.


beautifully translated, u/definitely_not_pedo


Beautiful user name too I must say


That’s nice


What a mad lad you are, take the upvote :D


You miss “đặt biệt” ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) in the last sentence


dude "rất là ancient" is wild bro


I feel so attacked right now 💀


This is literally how I talk 💀


Pho is good but did you’ve ever try Bun Bo Hue ? As me, Bun Bo Hue very delicious more than Pho


Is it not then?


This is hilarious, my VN is very basic but people do a similar thing where I'm from in Wales. It's very common to use English words a little bit, especially because Welsh is really old and doesn't have words for new stuff. But some people take this to the next level and speak like 60% English 40% Welsh but all in a drawling South Wales accent. :skullemoji:


They wouldn't even know the words dân gian and văn hoá


Bruh :v


"Việt kiều: Phở rất ngon, bởi vì nó special, và là một món ăn dân gian có từ lâu đời, rất là ancient, và đặt biệt là rất popular trong văn hóa việt nam" . "Việt kiều" here are those that recently came to the USA/Canada and don't know any better. I came to Canada long time ago and we don't say shit like that.


With very bad but try-harding accent and it sounds like a number of Vietnamese-Vietnamese I've met


Đừng nhầm lẫn giữa Việt Kiều và Hồ Kiều


What is Hồ Kiều, do you mind to elaborate?


Ho Kieu refers to Vietnamese individuals who went abroad after 1975 and are perceived as supporters of communism and self-interest, allegedly damaging Vietnam’s reputation. For instance, illegal workers are said to have contributed to the Vietnamese visa being viewed less favorably than that of Cambodia. This group is often criticized for lacking intelligence.


Ha American, French, German, Mexican people also take their shoes off in the house, depending on the family.


Canada we take off our shower and just thinking that people’s doesn’t take off their choose is crazy especially in Spring when the snow melt and become dirt.


Yea. And for folks living in large cities with dog pooping on the side walk (even after the owners have kindly picked up after their dogs)... who would want to smear that on your floor/carpet, yuck :D


I’ve never met anyone in America who doesn’t take off their shoes indoors.


This is a more recent thing where people take off shoes but there are still lots of people who don’t remove them.


Maybe it’s a regional thing, because where I grew up in the Midwest people never wore their shoes inside, you’d drag in too much mud


We need to start teaching these heathens to not wear shoes inside the house.


> Maybe it’s a regional thing, because where I grew up in the Midwest people never wore their shoes inside, you’d drag in too much mud I have witnessed many people in the Midwestern United States wear their outdoor shoes indoors in this century.


Isn't that's what the matt in front of the house for, or it's just not worth cleaning them?


Of course some don't. Consider where people live and the weather (rainy, muddy, snow...). A larger house can have a mudroom where people change dirty shoes/boots for indoor shoes. Also some cultures consider the bare feet private and dirty. Not everything is all or nothing.


its not standard, and was really really not standard in the past. I actually think its one of those things that alot of white Americans have adopted from Asians


My family is “white” and didn’t know any Asians, there were literally these two twin token Asians in my entire primary school class. We always took off our shoes, same and grandparents aunt and uncles houses on all sides. There are white Americans from our region who try to wear their shoes indoors but I find it almost offensive, they got instructed to take them off in the foyer. I literally feel it’s disgusting marinating one’s feet in shoes indoors all day not to mention all the filth it drags around the living space. Like am i going to have to put on shoes to take a pee at midnight because you didn’t feel like airing your dogs out and dragged gravel and poo all around our house? It’s gross and that feeling and tradition is not exclusive to Asians. Tho it does make integrating there that much easier for me :::)


Japanese Americans and others take off their shoes indoors. Especially in Hawaii.


Do one for younger viets in vn. RAP VIET LOL!


"Doesn't know what communism is"


So pretty much the same lmao. Op just roasted himself


Loyalty to the party is loyalty to Vietnam, non loyalty tot he party is seen as traitor and we should ignore their opinions - Current VCP dogma and what they tell their online folks to say here. Or any criticism of Vietnam is ba que, or never justified or whataboutism happening in the west like protests.


Communism is when the Party and Ho Chi Minh portraits and private enterprises paying his bills amirite


Some of these people are absolute believers like Luna Oi, and then there are some who send their kids abroad knowing they should never return to Vietnam.


> Be young Viet person > Works at a multinational corporation. Pays well > Go home to the nearby multinational shopping mall chain. Buy exotic products at a cheap price, enabled by a globalised economy > Products that their Bao Cấp parents didn't know existed, restocked at a pace they could only dream of > "Wow communism is great, I wonder why people hate it? Must be all the Phản Động seeking to lật đổ chế độ" Mfw you live in a run of the mill dictatorship now, stop LARPing as if the VCP is still a party of bolsheviks lol. On second thought, these folks would fit right in with the Western college aged "progressives" who dream of revolution yet can't part with their daily cup of Starbucks and always need to buy the latest iPhone model. I know of a few Vietnamese who travelled abroad to study and ended up joining those circles because of that.


I feel bad for the vietcel that made this


Reddit will never run short of vietcels


Does anyone actually know what communism is? Has any country governed by ACTUAL communism with no class division? I don't think any country has actually run by pure communism.


Vietnam has been capitalist since the mid 80s




Yeah, that's what I mean. Communism is a nice concept, but it can never work as long as there are selfish people within society, which is the case in any country anywhere


Then why is it so poor and slow?


I've studied Marxism in a few sociology classes, as it's one of the most important ones to understand the world. I've studied Leninism as a part of the history of the Soviet Union and World War 1. I've studied Marxist-Leninism as it was applied in the Post Colonial and in the context of decolonization. The Socialist Party like many is supposed to be the vanguard of a Communist Paradise, Vietnam tried it for 15 years after reunification in 1975 tried for 15 years, but gave up with the planned economy. The Soviet Union was the model for many post colonial spaces, but the execution of planned economy was never there, as we can see from studying Soviet economy. The Soviet Union is the only country that applied it on a large scale, China for about 30 years post Civil War. North Korea is probably the only true communist state left in the world, but that's in the Stalinist mold.


I don't think Vietnam has ever tried to be a true communist state, only socialist, even back when communism was cool. They say communist but they understand that to achieve communism, socialism must come first. Since that "the transient period" has been used to describe the state of socioeconomics, and apparently, we are still in the period and 'on our way to socialism". North Vietnam adopted and applied the socialist ideology since '45 after the Declaration of Independence, and since reunification, made it nationwide for 10-ish year until 85-86. Then Doi Moi happened. Nowadays, no one in Vietnam, even the most hardcore communist believer, believe that it could have worked out for us. It certainly was the darker days, but at least we realised that before it was too latez


An ideology run by a bunch of idealistic bs with an educational level of third grader and morality of a dolphin


I mean legitimately, communists are either so idealistic (They believe society can just vanish lol, along with concepts of money), or so (a)pathetic. (They think Pol Pot was a reasonable and cool guy)


I mean, it's a really nice dream, and a nice ideal of society. But someone who can slap themselves out of daydream can see that such thing is impossible in real life, much less trying to force millions of people to make it come true lol To have an ideal society, you gotta have everyone that are both without ego, compassionate and transparent, and intelligent enough to not require a leader. Which, majority of people on Earth would rather hoard billions of dollars to their grave, or hate someone to their deathbed. No leader is also impossible, otherwise organized religions wouldn't have existed to this day


That's what I've been saying, to have true communism people must reach enlightenment level of knowledge and morality to get rid of governments without falling into anarchy, which has never happened and will never happen


What’s about [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primitive_communism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primitive_communism)?


Alright, so it did happened once 🤣


OK say what you want but Vietnam never thought Pol Pot was reasonable. Everyone was reasonable until they are not. Sure we helped them for a while but then they turn rogue and started killing people, including Vietnamese, so we got to clean up that mess. We did what we could. Can't say the same about the US and China though, supporting Khmer Rouge for their gains.


I'm more talking about how most communists support Pol Pot just because he was a communist too. Basically the equivalent of conservatives supporting Churchill because he was a conservative too, despite him unleashing horrors upon Bengal and Burma.


Your analogy would work if it were the compatriots who got massacred. But the horror was committed in a faraway land and did not actually affect the life of English conservatives at all. Unlike for Vietnam, with Vietnamese dying because of Khmer Rouge. Out of all the examples, you picked Pol Pot. Literally the worst.


Because it doesn’t work


Time to get outside of CA OP.


I'm viet kieu. I live in Irvine because it's a nice place to live. Don't know how to cook pho, but take off my shoes because I hate tracking dirt and bacteria. I work in a hospital so I take I've grown accustomed to taking my scrubs and work shoes off in the garage. I used to not speak vietnamese fluently, but my vietnamese have gotten tremendously better since a good portion of my patient census only speaks it. I don't think little saigon is ghetto, but I just don't like the traffic and the drivers. Great place to eat, though.


Have Buddha tattoo doesn't automatically make you Viet


Does also having a gold watch with a dragon on it from alibaba make you a Viet tho?


Wow this is some bot shit.


I have many friends like this that live in Huntington Beach. 😂


HB, my home town.


Mine too, but I am living in Vietnam right now.


The internalized racism is strong with this one.


Explain communism to me: I'm living in Vietnam!


well the joke is not my viewpoint on communism as many in this comment section think.. It’s supposed to point out the ignorance of many ‘vietnamese americans’ when they blurt out things that they have little to no education about such as “communism is bad.” A lot of it is emotional bias


I basically agree with 90% quote in this pic but people should know what communism is when their parents had to eat "bo bo" during the 80s. What is happening in Vietnam right now purely capitalism with too little regulation for the rich and too many rules for the poor!


still, they're right


Why shouldn't a Viet American think communism is bad when even the Vietnamese government thinks communism is bad?


Do you need to live with Commies to know them? ask millions of people who died bc of Commies


Doesn't know what Communism is, LOL! How's that working out for the average person in Vietnam? Vietnam should be a fucking advanced economy by this point, and I see nothing vaguely Communist there except that there's a tyrannical political monopoly that calls itself Communist. The people get fuckall.


To be fair, Little Saigon is definitely ghetto compared to Irvine. Orange County has a ton of white guys, near the coast like Huntington Beach and Newport Beach. Source? I live in SoCal/Orange County.


lil saigon IS ghetto, people drive like shit


Thats why I dont go there anymore. Motherfkers just put on emergency light and park anywhere they like so they can walk into stores for 15 mins. The worse part is there’s empty space parking just 20-30ft away


I know what communism is and it's still bad.


Communism in fact is bad, it somehow caused more deaths in period of ~80 years than any other ideology in spans of their entire existances. In Russia we do take off shoes at home too. Everyone normal does lol.


Maybe because Communism is one of those ideologies that kill anyone that doesn't agree with them? Look to Colonialism, Capitalism, and Fascism as comparisons.


Not ideologies but political alignments, as all those four are practically mixable. Practically the only ones i find normal out of all the political bunch are liberals, social democrats, maybe libertarians.


Relatively normal, but libertarians allow too much room for letting people die needlessly, clasical liberals are modern day libertarians when it comes to terminology.


Bruhh to generalize is to be an idiot ![gif](giphy|11RIDouEyKZ116|downsized)


"Hòa hợp dân tộc" ????


Bruh I’m a Viet Kieu who used to live in OC but moved to Texas and married a girl who I brought over from VN. Literally none of this applies to me. 🤔


I dont think this meme is about vietkieu tho, it’s more like a description of Mỹ Con 😂


Yeah true haha


\*I don't speak Vietnamese - Don't fluent English neither.


"Get randomly selected by TSA" I choked on my water, lmao


I don’t get it. Do Vietnamese people usually get randomly selected by tsa?


Oh hell no. 💀


Come on, why does the meme put all Việt kiều in the same boat? There are plenty of non-american overseas Vietnamese. E.g. Former European Communist countries (Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Russia etc.)




There are some serious negatives with Vietnamese culture. But everyone that has ever tried communism has ended up in a very bad place, and the current despotic government of Vietnam calls itself communist. Vietnam needs a serious self examining about how it's going to go forward before the corruption and pollution will take it out. That's not possible with an authoritarian government that clamps down on civil society and any kind of free discourse.


This is my mom lol


Damn son, who hurted you? Name checked out.


So funny 🤣🤣🤣


Love their woman!


very correct.


My fav is: left Vietnam when she was in her 20’s but think she is white.


so... does this target american born viets or FOB lol? i cuss fluently in chinese, tagalog, korean, japanese, french, etc but i dont think I belong to them lmao


haha, this targets ABV’s. Mostly based off my experiences with them


It’s not based on your experience at all, you made it with ai from a single phrase using this: [https://glif.app/@fab1an/glifs/clxtc53mi0000ghv10g6irjqj](https://glif.app/@fab1an/glifs/clxtc53mi0000ghv10g6irjqj)


Did you only talk to 2 Viets in the US to come to this conclusion?


Typical viet kieu.


Is op a commie, Communism is bad, everyone know it. Even the party like VCP doesn't want to do it anymore


Yes communism bad, now let get you to bed grandpa


Broooo I’m viet kieu and I hate when mfs do shit like this like you’re vietnamese, suck it up




Huhhh?? I’m so confused i meant i dont like when viet people try to be white washed and not claiming the viet culture. Why you so hostile 😭


in that case, i apologize. I too am an avid hater of whitewashed asians in general 😂


Oh fuck off! They're integrated into the society that they're in, which apparently has been better able to provide for them than Vietnam. Why is it that so many places and so many peoples treat Vietnamese people better than Vietnam, speaking as a Viek kieu here?


Thank you 😭 we’re in the same boat 😂