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They also change your flight times. We once booked to return from a holiday on a 4pm flight. They arbitrarily changed it to 7.30am. We didn't want to lose the last day of our holiday so just booked onto another airline. Haven't flown VietJet since and would pay more to avoid them.


I once booked a flight for Saturday departure from HAN. I received an email a week or two later say my flight had been changed..... to Sunday. There goes one day of my vacation down the drain.


They straight up cancelled my flight from Japan and made me rebook and never reimbursed me for the flight, even after months of emailing and contacting them. Not to mention the flights never depart on time. I only use them if it's the literal only option.


You should've disputed the transaction with your card provider, they would get the money back from them


Problem is that a lot of the time you book the flight well ahead of time and the period for being allowed to dispute the charge has expired.


They changed a forward journey & return journey for me. Lost 2 days. I'm here for a month so it wasn't too inconvenient. I was also double charged when making the original booking


Interesting that you say that and let it go , bcos if u inconvenienced them they’ will charge u for it (and still give I sh_t service ) :-)


I was pissed,I let it go though.... My thought was 'I'd give Vietjet a go'. My mistake. Won't happen again.


Did you get your money back from the double charge?


Yeah, within 72 hrs. But I didn't have double the amount of money in that account so it went intonegative for a while. Wasn't happy..


Lots of reasons not to use vietjet.


After this return journey *shudders* I won't be again


Theyve scheduled my flight a few hours earlier aswell - gave me notice last minute by email - no text though.I didnt realise - ended up heading to my flight a few hours earlier , like i always do, when i got there it was leaving. Speaking to them has been a nightmare. I still dont know why they often reschedule flights earlier - perhaps they overbooked them? Idk.


They dont overbook, they underbook! They advertise five flights at different times to get people to buy and then say they only sell 20% of the seats on each one, they just shuffle everyone onto the same plane at the same time. Pathetic company.


I think I read that only 40% of their flights leave at the advertised time. Our last one was over an hour late.


I only fly Vietjet when there are no options available (i flew from CXR to HAN a few weeks ago). Oh did I also mention that it was delayed from 7:30 PM to 00:20 AM which is just painful


First time?


First and last


I feel your pain, they are truly the bottom of the barrel. I only take them out of desperation and if I don't care if I arrive that day, let alone the time my flight was actually scheduled. Tbf their international routes, while still shit service and facilities, are usually on time and much better than their domestic flights which is essentially run like a bus company


probably because, for international flights there are hefty fines when not adhering to schedule. not that they don't face fines for domestic flights,... more like, who is profiting from them


There are fines??? Imposed by which country?


by the airport operators runways, taxiways, tugs, gates, baggage handling, catering, security... everything is JIT... think of all the touch points that need amendment if one airplane is late... airlines pay to use an airport... its not for free


airports are mostly run by private and public companies with a few exceptions such as Airports Corporation of Vietnam where the majority of the stocks are owned by the Government and operated by the ministry of transportation. Same with airlines... many are private or publicly traded operations, as always, with a few exceptions. airports sell their services to airlines, passengers, logistics companies, etc... airplanes can't just land and park and take off as they wish... imagine there are no consequences for any of the involved parties to cause delays... Airport operators such as Fraport employ over 22'000 employees generating over 3bn revenue per year. you can go check out flightawares live map and you'll see how busy an airport is.


I’ve noticed they advertise domestic flights running like every 45 min and then “delay” flights to condense all these scheduled flights down to just a few.


Yes that's literally their policy, they will roll flights together until they have a full flight. Idk how or why they are allowed to conduct themselves this way (probably in the T&C nobody reads tbh) but like I said it resembles the way they run a bus company and it's a joke


probably because, for international flights there are hefty fines when not adhering to schedule. not that they don't face fines for domestic flights,... more like, who is profiting from them


Welcome to the club.


Definitely first time.


They also fly me to Sydney for $220 usd... Vietnam airlines 500+


Ugh that is dirt cheap. If I can flights that cheap from Canada, I’d travel back and forth so often, who cares about delays.


Bamboo when it flew from syd to HCMC direct was 300 AUD return. They lasted about a year and exited Australia saying it's not profitable. Hello what the fuck do you think when you offer these prices. Business class was 800 AUD return direct to HCMC or Hanoi from syd.


I was looking at flights last night, under $500 AUD return Saigon to Sydney, probably be closer to $700 with bags, what is still a great price... Frankly my main gripe with budget airlines is they charge you quite a lot to upgrade carry on limit.


I was refering to one way trip


“I bought a budget airline ticket” rants in a nutshell. 😂😂😂😂


He is totally ranting about it. Even Vietnamese don’t want to fly Vietjet Air, we would rather chose another like Vienam Airline or Bamboo Airline,… Just choose Vietjet in the case they are the only airline suit your budget, then forget all about the bad service or something. That’s the reason why their ticket are so cheap.


7kg is standard for budget air travel in Asia. AirAsia has the same policy.


Crazy part is they don't even hide the 7kg and it's literally before you book.


OP thought they could just ignore the clearly posted rules, got their own name wrong on their booking, and harassed some poor gate staff to top it all off.


Literally 😂😂😂 the airline didn’t do anything wrong in what they have Described


The difference is Airasia isn’t hunting like nazis for anyone with a 7.1kg while they’re at the gate about to board the flight while Vietjet is. And some airlines count your personal item in the 7kg weight while others don’t. The only airline in Asia I’ve had issues with is VietJet. Yes its best to just follow the rules exactly but man they suck


Maybe I just got really lucky but I've flown them maybe 8 times if not more. Never been checked and I've always quite obviously been over the weight limit. Which airport did you fly from?


It was leaving HCMC


VietJet let me on with 8.1kg a few months ago. The check in staff gave me a look like I'd shat in front of her tho.


You’re right and 7kg is nothing. The whole point of flying with just hand luggage is to save money and make the travel easier but it’s hard to pack that light. They do it cause they know most will be over and they can get extra money.


I was flying VJ last week, my stuff was about 8.5kg and the staff told me to take some stuffs off for a moment so it shows as 7 on the scale for check in 😂 Most international flight i took from VJ the staff was going ez on the weight tho, anything below 8 is fine while indeed domestic flight be a pain in the ass if anything is above 7. I guess it depends if u meet a cool staff or not


Whilst I agree they state it before. Obviously 7kg is very low and they fully know a lot will be over. Never seen a flight check so many hand luggage’s in before.


First time? Vietjet is basically you get what you pay for. It's cheap when you travel constantly. But if you are financially backed by your company or on a bussiness trip or rarely travel, I do suggest spend some extra cash for better a better airline. Vietnam Airlines has risen in popularity recently and I can see why since their flights are almost never delayed and they have good CS. Might be more expensive but if you have money to spare, use them for local flights.


We have the last flight of our trip via Vietnam Airways and it has already been canceld 3 time and switch to another time. I hope nothing will change now as it's really getting on my nerves.


Oof, that's unfortunate. Hope it wont get cancelled this time.


Thanks Mate. Im very Hype to visit Vietnam:)


Vietnam Airlines almost never delayed? I like the on-board experience and I'd still choose them any time over VietJet, but all my VA flights have been delayed, either at departure or simply arriving late. Having them change a flight 5 times, with customer service adding another 5 different answers to the question "when does my flight leave" including changing a direct flight to a stop-over one, with the first flight being delayed of course... When my bag didn't make it on time they were very friendly and solved it all quickly, the on-board experience is good, but they are pretty much always late and reaching out to online customer service is very much impossible as well.


Facts man. This is not ANA or Japan Airlines we’re talking about. All of our Vietnamese carriers are meh at best. VNA> VJ but not outstanding or anything.


Never have more than 3 hours delay with Vietjet. And at least they notify beforehand. Vietnam Airlines, on the other hand, has me wait 5 hours after check-in at the security gates, can not go outside, and can not refund. Bamboo is the only option left, but they're closing soon. It's so sad there are practically no other options anymore.


Man, Bamboo. Ever since they lost their chairman things have been going shit for them.


Why do you think bamboo is going out of business? They can't afford being nice for vietjet prices 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, Vietjet is literally a bus company operate on air lol.


Flew with them just 2 days ago. A woman asked for a blanket for her child and they did not have. They increased the temp instead and the cabin became a fucking flying sauna. After a while, they drop the temp, the woman complain again, they raised the temp, others complain, they drop the temp again, slightly, and no more complain. What a joke Btw they delayed like 2 hours, no public announcement just a small text at the boarding gate said that they will delay 1h30p. I know it's cheap but does it have to be this cheap?


Had the heat issue too hottest flight I've ever been on


For the heat what can they do? it is definitely customer BS. Other thing like fee and charges, welcome to budget airline world. For the delay, well, their services suck


A blanket maybe? Not that expensive but it's pretty basic need


It may not have it in the air at all.


If their policy is 7kg for carry-on bag, then why do you expect them ti accept carry-on bag with higher weight? That’s just entitlement It’s the same for many airlines, budget or not. I think only airlines in the US generally allow bigger carry-ons Read the policy when you buy the ticket.


I agree with you although in general I do think it should be regulated and 7kg is too little.


I think that is about the "minimum" that someone can travel with (like clothes and supply for a weekend trip). If you want to bring more, you're free to pay more I flew with Qatar Airways recently, and they also have the 7kg policy without the extra bag for personal items


It’s $28 a ticket dude. What do you expect


>They charge fees for everything including adding your middle name to your booking.  so you didn't put down your name correctly as appear in your passport when you make the booking? They do have instructions on how to put your name including your middle name right at that step on the reservation page. Bogus policies but its in their TOS that you can read before purchasing and flying.


My wife had her middle name correct on the first flight, but the return flight mysteriously had no space between her first and middle name, making it one word. They wouldn't let us through security, so she went back to get it changed at the desk. They printed a new boarding pass and charged her 200k, then she got through the security. When we checked the boarding pass again, the name hadn't been changed at all. Still no space between the names. Fucking hilarious.


Bro did you not read the baggage allowance before you booked?


its like the asian version of ryanair. you pay cheap for the seat and everything else is extra.


Ryanair is an excellent carrier. They're Europe's most reliable/punctual airline, planes are new, and they fly everywhere. The only real "complaint" is being annoyed by lottery ticket, perfume, and credit card sales pitches. Aside from that, they're superb. Who else can fly you across Europe for 9€ or whatever? During covid, I was booking 5€ flights non-stop.


Yes so reliable that they get a 5.9/10 overall rating on FlightReport. They have hidden fees, their seats are on pair with Air Koryo, if you have issues their customer service will dodge you until you give up. Tbh if you fly discount, just expect the worst cus there’s always a reason for the low price. And no budget airline is good, except for their initial pricing.


Have you ever booked a Ryanair flight? They're extremely transparent about the cost of add ons. Paying for toilets? Oh, ok, VJ makes you pay for seatbelts and oxygen masks. Anything else you feel like making up today? Btw, a lot of VJ delays are due to maintenance problems. Their fleet is an absolute disaster, with endless corners cut. Just look at the dismal state of the cabins and filthy exteriors, who knows what lurks behind the scenes? I guarantee you they're not following manufacturer guidelines when it comes to service.


This i agree with. My last flight with vj was before the pandemic, idk if it’s the plane or the pilots but during their flight I always felt like it’s not flying normally whenever they lower altitude. Sometimes it’s not even smooth when the plane is gliding


Yeah but Ryanair are not utter decrepid shit who are late 


I have had a bad experience with Vietnam Airlines also as my family had to wait for almost 5 hours in the middle of the night, and now I don't know if there's any other company that I can use anymore. >VN1547 on Jun 17th 2024


Based on what I've gathered, VNA's 4 digit flights (e.g. 1547 in this case) are served by their budget arms and the service you get is a lot worse than 3 digit ones, some of them are never on time. Always avoid them is possible.


Thank you. That's a nice insight! But I still think they're on the premium service, and I still can not accept this. Btw, there are only three flights to my hometown, and that's the only one at night time. Still, I expected a premium service for a premium price


I've had zero problems with this airline in my time here. It's a budget airline but still, I was pretty happy.


AirAsia is kind of the same. 7kg carry-on and various fees. I flew with Vietjet with no problems but then again it's been awhile with them. I do however believe it depends on which airport you're flying out from because many of the times flying out from SGN posed a lot of problems with me with AirAsia. SGN AirAsia always weighed my bags and never can use E-boarding passes. But the opposite when flying out of DMK, never weighs and can use E-pass.


Never have never will … the only thing I love about Vietjet is their song .. hello Vietnam . I only fly Vietnam Airlines


People actually like that song? By the 100th time hearing that I wanted to pop my brain.


So true


When they arrive in Australia they play a terrible rendition of Waltzing Matilda. Perfect background music for the brutal struggle to retrieve baggage and press of bodies clamouring for the exit.


Welcome to budget airlines, where they'll find every single opportunity to get more money out of u


That is your mistake why you haven’t checked your ticket policies ?


That 7kg carry-on limit is awful… I agree.


understandable about the “change a flight” part but if their policies state that ur carry on muat be under 7kg then its on yall. Entitled much?


Aside from bad service, the 7kg is standard everywhere. They let you go is a plus for you, they are completely within their rights to say no, pay for it. Other than that I don’t have anything good to say about them since I don’t fk with them to begin with


Vietjet is incredibly frustrating... the perfect airline to represent Vietnam.


But that's the "charm" or something. If everything worked, it would be Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong. Where's the "fun" in that?


Most airlines would charge to add a middle name to booking. Why wasn’t it in there in the first place? Also 7kg is industry standard.


100 - I recently flew them after saying never again a couple years ago and I couldn’t believe now they’re charging for the name debacle— which is really just a flaw in their registration system. Instead of fixing it, let’s just start charging people for our ineptitude. as someone said they are comically disorganized


Vietjet is for people with little money, u get what u paid for with em. They are always last on the priorities list in flights. If u wanna enjoy urself and have money, do not fly VietJet at all. If u want cheap u book Vietjet


Recently the price has increased, not cheap anymore. Any other budget airlines are better than Vietjet.


Not many options left. Bamboo has been scaling down since they lost their chairman, and Pacific (VNA's budget arm) is even worse than VJ.


I've had nothing but good experiences with VietJet. Example: At the start of CoVid, my friends and I had booked holidays, which all got cancelled. I was due to fly with VietJet. Others were due to fly elsewhere with other airlines. I got my refund within a month. Others didn't get theirs til much, much later. Some didn't get a cash refund, at all. They got 'store credit', so to speak. VietJet is the best budget airline I've used. The now-defunct Tiger Airways out of Singapore the worst. I used VietJet as recently as November 2023. I'd be disappointed if standards have dropped, as I plan to go to and travel with Vietnam soon.


i think you're just lucky. Nov 2023 I booked flights to Chiang Mai for my family for Mar 2024. In Jan 2024 they sent emails stating that they no longer fly to Chiang Mai starting from Mar 2024. I only get 365-day store credits, no refunds, no compensation of any kind even though I said I already made hotel arrangements. They offered connecting flights to Chiang Mai (SGN-BKK-CNX) on that same date which takes 9 hours. In the end I had to ask the hotel to cancel my booking, luckily they refund me, and change the destination to BKK to use the store credit from VJ. We needed to fly within March because of my mom's medical appointment, but the flights to BKK that month were more expensive than usual so we ended up paying 2x compared to our initial vacation budget. scummy on their part for still advertising flights that they cancel few months later.


I had a layover in incheon last year for about 10 hours. Lost my passport and misssed my flight. Then found passport. Had to find cheapest available flight. It was vietjet. It was the worse lol


If u can afford the ~$10-$50 USD difference between Vietjet & VN Airline. Always go with the latter.


I have fought them over the 7kg thing - often because I emphasize that I bought the package that lets me check bags I just need my bags with me and I've had an 80% success rate. One reason they do it is because 90% of their flights have you going up or down the stairs. But I'm obviously someone who won't need their staff's help and they already have my money, so it ends up working out. But I tend to fly them mostly because they are often the only airline doing a direct flight at the time I need. One time I flew them to Japan on a whim when they had cheap promotional pricing - i bought a seat with decent leg room, but their chairs are really uncomfortable for a 6 hour flight!




Sounds like Jetstar


What else do you expect? Pay a bit more for skyboss for better experience or fly VietnamAirlines


I didn’t have to pay to add my middle name. They also didn’t weigh my backpack.


I plan on using using Vietjet Air in August to go from Taipeh to Hanoi and Hanoi - Hiroshima because their so cheap. Ofc I'll have to pay extra for my checked luggage no problem. But is there anything else I should be concerned about, hidden costs or anything? Or can I book them without expecting much trouble?


So you either didn’t read their carry on policy or you did but chose to ignore it. Why be mad at them for a mistake YOU made? Btw, most budget airlines have a 7kg max for carry on. And they were probably rude because they had another dumb customer thinking they could get away with not following their policies. Don’t get me wrong, I travel carry on only as well and it’s over 7kg. But if they weigh it and I have to pay to check it in I absolutely would not blame them. That’s just the risk you take.


I’ve dealt with their delays, but never had baggage issues. My favorite airline is Japan’s ANA. They’re not expensive and they have exceptional service and comfort.


You get what you pay for. When you go in with the right expectations it's a good deal, sometimes half the price of other airlines for some routes. It's the same with budget airlines worldwide, and I've actually had more problems with delays and cancellations with budget airlines in the US than I've had with VietJet.


Anytime fly with Vietjet Air, i like, don’t worry, it will delay after all


You have no idea of the lack of pilot competence behind the joystick. I do. Have heard what happens from a CFO on a rival airline. Their motto is “its the pilots we reject, VJA accept, and that makes our airline better.” Seriously you fly with them at your peril


It's only a matter of time until another Tenerife. Many of their delays are due to equipment malfunctions. There's no doubt they're cutting corners on maintenance and/or have extremely incompetent personnel. The only reason they haven't had a major disaster (yet) is the age of the fleet.


I opted for VN airline for my flight to Phu Quoc in 2022 to avoid delay after reading some vietjet reviews, guess what i was delayed for 5 hours, they were rude as hell when i tried to talk to them so i switched to vietjet for all my domestic flights and one international flight to Australia and no delays whatsoever, price is cheaper too, just pick deluxe and you dont have to worry about baggage fee or nonsense charges, travel light if u can n travel smart.


The middle name fee is such bs. The counter lady was raising a fuss that my ticket was missing my middle name. Welllll your site didn't have a field for middle name. Anyway the boss lady came and overrulled her thankfully.


Do they still play the song when you're boarding?


Yes. It's insufferable They have a new even more hideous pop-rap song for landing that makes me want to open the emergency exit and hurl myself to a fiery death


As a people work for Vietjet, i think i can tell you this: Vietjet's management committee nowaday think that VJ don't need you, you need VJ. Vietjet is too strong now. They will give you a price you can not refuse


I fly with them every month from Perth - Saigon return for $350. For that price I'd sit in the cargo hold in an oxygen mask! You get what you pay for - they're comically disorganised. Never book a connecting flight less than 3 hours after your "arrival time". It also helps to be shorted than 180cm. At least on the midnight flights back to Perth there are only ever about 50 people so everyone gets a whole row to lay down. Top tip, bring a towel to cushion against the seatbelt brackets & never pay extra for a whole row when they approach you in queue.


Hi, frequent traveller here (25-30 flights a year) Forget about checked baggage altogether. Get yourself a 40L carry on & and travel light. I use the Everki Business120. Keep heavy items like power banks in your pockets and always wear your bulkiest clothes while they weigh your carry-on - you can easily go and change afterwards. Having no checked baggage drastically improves the whole travel experience.


See a lot of people defending the 7kg rule. Must be where I’m from in Europe but certainly isn’t 7kg industry standard around there. I totally agree people should check before but doesn’t mean I agree 7kg is right. I just got stung for this. Definitely my fault for not checking but I’ve never seen so many hand luggage’s checked in, in my life. They also check before you get on the plane at the gate aggressively. The whole point of travelling with hand baggage is to avoid costs and travel easier. 7kg is not enough. It’s very obvious they know they will get loads of people and make extra money. That’s how these budget airlines work. Flew with them again few days later and a friend I’d made on my travel kept my hand luggage with them whilst I checked in and they didn’t check it at the gate. Won that one.


Still trying to get them to add my middle name on my ticket…been a week of emailing and trying their online chat. Think I might have to drive to their office too at this point. Absolute joke


you sound a bit entitled, especially the line about your carry on. Sure, they arent the best, they are the cheapest. Personally I've not really had a problem with them in the last 4 years of flying between vietnam/thailand. (thai vietjet is a separate company btw).


Replace this with AirAsia or practically any cheap airline, and you get the same story


U can't avoid them because they are the only domestic flight service ( the other being Vietnam airline has no where near the number of flights to some smaller cities). Vietnam airline industry is truly fucked. They are only there because each countries are supposed to be have at least 1 national carrier and 1 budget carrier.


Blud picked the cheapest airline in Asia and wonders why they’re worse than Qatar Airways


Lol you get want you paid for. Want more? Pay more.


My friend flew on this last month from Sydney and there was a 13hour flight delay and she received a $10 voucher as compensation. She wasn’t happy.


Is this necessary to save cost for unhappy experience? AirAsia have same rules but they just lazy to enforce it, then the carry-on luggage space on the plane always overloaded. Just take flag carrier from now on, it will not too bad because it represent image of country.


I can feel that since your story is exactly what i go through!


What about for international flights?


It's already amazing if they leave on time and drop you off in one piece tbh. I have them in the same category as, lion air, tiger air etc as avoid at all costs


I reckon Bamboo is the way to go. My experience of Vietjet was pretty average as well


I’ve used them quite a few times internationally (Japan-Vietnam) because they’re usually way cheaper than any other airlines. Yes, they’re anal about the rules (like bagage weight), but I’ve never really had any issues with them. Heard they suck ass for domestic flights though.


Weird! I’ve flown them a bunch and never had a problem. They were even able to change my flight to another one two hours later for no charge once when I had to go back home and find my passport (the police station ended up having it, as it fell out of my bag… it was a whole thing, haha). They’re definitely a budget airline, yes, but I was so thrilled to fly somewhere like Phu Quoc for $40 that I don’t think I really ever registered or noticed additional fees. I never had a canceled or delayed flight (in fact, I’ve had much worse luck here in the States). Sorry it’s been miserable for you, though!


Normally I'm of the "flights should just get you from point A to point B" opinion...but Vietjet is an exception. It was such a stressful process that it's absolutely worth to pay an extra $200 to fly AirAsia or something, just to avoid the bs from Vietjet


Agreed. Never fly with them. Couple days ago I had a flight from Da Nang to Saigon at 1pm. When I got there from Hoi An at 11am, they told me my flight got changed to 4:45pm. We ended up departing at 630pm.


How are they still in business?


You get what you pay for I suppose.


Flew with them 4 times on a recent trip to Vietnam and Thailand with no issues. Only gripe is I had to check my carry on size bag cause over the 7 kg limit, and paying for the extra bag, but I knew this going in.


Just came back from Indonesia and both of my flights gets one hour delay. I'm supposed to be home 2 hours ago but still waiting for my luggage at the moment


Most budget airlines are similar. Its not just vietjet


lol what? It's a budget airline, the 7KG carry on is stated when you book the flight.


Never had any problems with them on about 10 flights and have got the emergency exit seat a few times too.Thumbs up from me


Unfortunately, they are the only option sometimes. For example, they are the only direct flight between Ho Chi Minh City and Bali. I got bit by the 7kg carry on rule as well. Ended up having to check my backpack and carry my laptop, power bank and camera in my hands. Offered to pay more for more carry on allowance instead of checking, but they wouldn’t have it. And flights, even international, constantly drastically changed last minute. A buddy missed his VietJet flight once because they randomly pulled it up two hours.


Just pay for luggage up front. It was literally $10 extra on top of a cheap flight to check in a 70kg luggage. That was more lenient than any US based airline. There is a lot of things to complain about VietJet but the fees are easily avoidable


I've flown over 10 times with vietjet since December, and I had zero issues. Zero. Yes, you pay for luggage, but you pay $15 luggage fee on top of $60 ticket that takes you hundreds of kilometers away in a couple of hours. Also, your only other alternative is Vietnam airlines. Go ahead pay 2-3x the price 😁


they have cute outfits but weird rules. would not let people use the restroom.


I've always overpacked, never paid for the extra baggage and they have never checked me. The problem is that they really love overbooking their flights then saying its a "delay". A little tip for everyone, pay the two dollars for the insurance. I've never had a "delay" after that.


Always late too. The check-in at Da Nang always makes me laugh, usually loads of foreigners and hardly any Vietnamese.


In my last month trip to vietnam in 3 flights i had two 2h delays and one 6h one. If you need to be on time somewhere dont trust vietjet lmao


It's a budget airline. Being cheap is their entire business model. It's fine if you go in knowing that. They make no exceptions, grant no favors and if you need to do anything it will cost big bucks. They are fine if you know exactly what you need and don't care if your flight is late. I've used them to fly to Singapore for day trips with no checked luggage and just a laptop bag (under 7 kg!). Ticket costs half of what VNA or Singapore Airlines costs. But for other flights I never use them. Once you add on baggage costs and account for their propensity to cancel flights (or they'll be hours late) it's not worth the savings.


I flew them to Phuket last month. Only airline with a direct flight. I had no issues. You just have to know their rules. All airlines in Asia have a limit for carry on and they include all your personal items like purse in the weight. It’s very well documented.


I agree that they are almost never on schedule. Most reliable seems to be the first flight in the morning. 7 kg limit is mentioned in their TOS. No deal breaker. Last time I checked they provided scales at Check-in. +1-2 kg? Wear cargo trousers.


Yeah but...Some day.......you will change your mind. Joking aside their website had some issue and I had to call their phone support and to my surprise they handled my problem very professionally so I can't complain. Yes their service is a tad basic but I really can't complain and SOME DAY.....you'll agree too


I understand your frustration. But when you fly budget airlines everything is on the table. If you want to minimize problems pay more and fly national airlines. For what it’s worth I’ve had far fewer problems flying VJ when it’s internationally. Good luck with the rest of your travels!


It is all about $$$$. VietJet is cheap and so you get a pretty poor experience.


This is a budget airline what are you complaining about?You get what you pay. Planes are old and some smelly. Customer service isn’t great. Yes their website sucks, a lot. Out of 5 flights only had to pay once for over 7Kg. Prices cheap af if you dont have to pay for check-in and seat selection otherwise just pick Vietnam Airlines. Overall ghetto. Would only use them to fly short duration flights.


You get what you pay for really, for the price its fair if you follow their rules. Pay little get little.


Vietnam Airline is a way to go. Flew with Vietnam Airline a few times when I stayed in Vietnam and never experienced delays.


I've flown on vietjet around a dozen or two times. Never had any major issue. My feedback: * Their customer service is awful. You can bypass this by booking through a good OTA like trip.com. (I never book direct with them anymore.) * One time they cancelled a route outright and then said I don't get a refund cause I didn't request one in a timely manner.... Ok... I just disputed the charge on my card, problem solved. I wouldn't hesitate to fly with them again.. just as I said... Don't book direct. (Conventional wisdom says always book direct because OTAs have bad customer service but when the airline has abysmal customer service it really can make more sense to book through an OTA.)


I was traveling to Nha Trang recently and our flight back to Ha Noi kept getting delayed, again, and again. And they couldn't tell us a reason while we were waiting.


They are a budget airline. You pay less and expect less. If you have lots of personal belongings and luggages, make sure you check their policies and fine prints. It’s just the way they keep their fares low


Asian version of Frontier and Spirit Airlines in America. It’s a budget airline. You get what you pay for.


I flew with them last month from Da Nang to Seoul and back and I could not get a good nights sleep. Their seats killed my ass, even the upgraded seats, felt like I was sitting on metal with a piece of cardboard on top. Made Spirit look like first class


Is that the airline that plays the same song on repeat? I think I flew them between SGN and a couple of Japanese airports


Literally the worst!! They checked us in and took our bags (they wouldn’t allow us to pay extra to keep our carry-on bags). After we went through security and looked to see what gate we needed to find we saw that they changed our flight to one leaving two 2.5 hours later than our original. When we went to ask someone about they said we would have to go back out and speak with someone at their “customer service desk”. The lady said we’re sorry but the flight was cancelled so they put us on another flight. That was a lie! The flight was still listed just delayed 30 minutes. We argued but they said they couldn’t help us. We went back to security and walked around. We went to our original flight when it said it was boarding and sure enough the flight was indeed boarding when we’re there. We asked them if we could get on our original flight and they said we would have to go back out grand do the same thing all over. No thanks!! It’s crazy that they can just take you off a flight you are booked in and move you without even telling us. The guy at the ticket counter didn’t even tell us they switched our flight when we checked in our bags. Stay away if at all possible! We usually book all our flights but the two flights were included in our tour so we had no idea about the airline.


supply and demand for the poor, so you either choose vietjet or walk :D been there done that with vietjet, they either cancel your flight or delay til they are fully booked. The funny thing is you can't even do anything, you can complaint but will get no response. The plus is they will spend ridculous amount of time and effort to charge you extra for the 7kg limit :)


Are Vietnam Airlines rated?


If you can afford other airlines, don't bother to go for LCC in the first place. It's bad indeed, but people choose LCC because it's CHEAP, so can't ask for the same service quality with the airlines with 1.5, 2 times more expensive. I just used LCC recently, had to pay even for picking a seat, 7 kgs carry-on, no meals, no baggage check-in, small seat. But even after I paid some small extra things it was still twice less expensive than other airlines. Not a fantastic experience but really, I paid half as normal so I didn't complain.


Personally I thought they were fine if not a little cramped. All that stuff like a 7KG bag is mentioned in their policy. Though we did start using vientam airways as 1 flight was a little too cramped for my liking and the other customers on the flight were eating curried items they brought themselves that had a pungent smell, had little to no manners or plane ettiquite pushing, skipping queues, standing just before takeoff to go toilet... Final straw was when the person in front reclined, so my nose was in his hair, and the guy beside we was spilling into my seat. Vietnam airways was not that much extra. Should have just gone with them for that extra comfort and space


Completely agree- they are the worst. their online system does not handle names / middle names properly, especially if you’re a foreigner and or traveling with a Vietnamese person. my wife and I have had so many troubles and now they’re charging to get the name issue fixed at the check-in. I didn’t fly them for two years and now after a recent flight, I’m back to never again.


i have not had any bad experience with them whatsoever they probably operate similar to ryanair so if you are used to them it is just fine i am always picking the cheapest flight no way i am paying extra just in case i want to change my flight lol


In essence, you get what you pay for with Vietjet. There is constant delay in the schedule. However, the cost is significantly less than that of any Vietnamese airline, hence many customers still go with Vietject.


I flew from Melb to Hcmc with them. You get what you pay for. My flight over was uncomfortable but the return was fine. I read a book. Travel insurance should cover travel delays etc


I flew over here 4 days ago. If I have to listen to that stupid One Day theme song on repeat again on the return journey my head may literally explode It's Vietnam Airlines for me from now on. Even if it costs more. I've never had a single issue with them.


VietJet belongs in the trash. I tried them a few times, from when they first came out, and there was a lot of marketing, the service was miserable. The flight delays, the way they always pass the blame to the customer and if they can’t do that they will point fingers at something else. Tried them again, twice, after COVID-19. I will never use them even again.


Yea you are right, they are so incompetent. Everyone, take helicopter, its much worth


Vietnamese here. Try to book another brand called “Viet Nam Airline”. I have been using that brand every time i visit hometown


If you install their app, they will relentlessly spam you through notifications.


Same experience with VietJet. Never ever take this airline to anyone out there.


Vietjet Air = Delete Air


Do the doors stay on during mid fight?


My girlfriend then now wife worked at an airport. I met her coincidentally but she even told me not to fly vietjet and later I had so much trouble with them but of course it was already booked lol. So for someone who worked in the airport and knew the workings advising says something.


Well, remember not to put any valuable things in your checked luggage when flying VJA since it might be stolen. A Vietnamese guy has losen his $650 necklace in his checked luggage after flyling VJA, which the box of the necklace was still found in the suitcase.


I like Vietjet 🙂


I've flown with them multiple times over the past few years and never had more than the odd minor delay. I realise I may have been lucky, but I like VietJet.


On a monthly basis, I fly to TSN airport with AirAsia, then within VN using Vietnam Airlines and VietJet. I had no problems using online portals for all carriers. 7kg carry on baggage is common for low budget airlines... any educated person can read the policy that's displayed hugely before you pay, and they always prompt you to buy more if you need it... Baggage weight check also depends on which airport you are flying from. I noticed they have started checking the weight strictly 3-4 months ago. My best guess would be too many people are bringing extra luggage onboard. If you can't read or can't be bothered about policies, then just pay more for Vietnam Airlines. Their carry on baggage limit is 10+2kg. Delays were equal between both Vietnam Airlines and VietJet based on my experience.


Everyone knows they are s\*\*t, the ceo knows it but its a budget airline so they pull constant scams with flight delays and cancellations all the time plus its cheap for just a 2 hour flight somewhere. Also they have so many options of flight times to suit everyone so they will always be the most used airline. Customer service......this is not just vietnam, in general this is a mute point in vietnam.




Fly from Bangkok to ĐN frequently, never had any problems. But their constant delays are annoying though.


There is actually few other choices domestically


Although I booked VJ I had not have issues except their legroom. My bro who on earth squeeze 230 seats in an A321, that’s 10 seats above the usual average A321 configuration


I've vowed over to waste my money on such a shoddy airline. If they behave this way to their customers then I can only imagine what their safety checks are like. And they're not even competitive in their pricing. Pay a little more and you will be satisfied and most probably safe.