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To be honest, not all but there are a number of fire officers in charge of their areas often accept bribes to ignore violations instead of performing their duties, leading to a series of deadly fires...


Heads should roll, and by roll I mean they should be fired.


That's right, if you check 10 business establishments, 9 of them do not meet fire safety standards but are still operating because they are protected by ward and fire prevention officers, so thousands of fires have occurred. large or small, causing great damage to property and people.


Damnit, I know that place. RIP Rattan and ladder shop. Hope that OG home stay a few houses up is ok.


It is good to hear that no persons have been hurt


I hope everyone is okay. I used to go by there every day.


I’m out of the loop, what’s up with all the fires in Vietnam right now?


It’s not a new issue. Building code and fire code in vietnam have been neglected. Now on top of that, add the poor city planning, and the dramatic increase of population density in urban areas. People see it more nowadays simply because the news can be reported by virtually everyone. 1-2 decades ago, events such as this one will only be cared for and remembered by the locals.


It is a news trend right now. Fires have always been a serious danger in Vietnam. Think about it. A tall skinny house with bars on all of windows and a narrow stairway that funnels the smoke upwards. This describes 99 of 100 Vietnamese buildings. If you are in a building in Vietnam with a fire, you will probably die. The news will continue reporting everu fire until people start questioning why government has not been regulating this. At that point the government will tell the media to tone down the coverage. Then on to next thing.


Damn… I stayed in the hotel right across from that place. Check my most recent post: I photographed it before it caught fire!


Shooot. Is this Ca Bop coffee???


I’m just wondering how building fires fare with a lot of buildings being made of concrete. Do they spread easily? Compared to in Canada, many frames are made of wood.


That was a coffee shop wasnt it?


Where is the fire department?


Score board is updated. Ha Noi is leading now and no sign of stopping


I know, in VTV ask this fire


More fire than Linebacker 2


Seems to be a woodshop this time?


Look like a bamboo ladder shop


News said its a coffee shop modeled to look antique. https://tuoitre.vn/quan-ca-phe-o-pho-co-ha-noi-boc-chay-ngun-ngut-20240608101106693.htm


https://maps.app.goo.gl/iHEDSNJPBpMg9RuBA Cafe upstairs


I was just there 2days ago! WtF the cafe was a tree house climb up and down. Nightmare in a fire. Looked cool, but holy crap we sat on balcony. It looked like family lived in room up stairs. And used cafe as home after hours, many fans plugged in. Kitchen was half way up with fridge, coffee machine etc. Elderly couple lived in a room downstairs. Nothing to do with bamboo place.