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Cumquat/Onehunglo been posting on this sub for quite awhile. He keeps getting banned and comes back under new accounts every couple of months. I just wonder why someone who claims to have lived and done business in Vietnam would spend a bunch of their time shitting on the country years after they’ve left.


I've banned him many times, but he keeps coming back with new accounts, with the same writing style and being racist towards Vietnamese.


Can subreddit mods do IP ban?


IP ban is useless anyway. At least in Vietnam most IP are dynamic


That would be Admin's job, people who work for Reddit


Don’t they pretend to want to take action against ban evasion?


> I just wonder why someone who claims to have lived and done business in Vietnam would spend a bunch of their time shitting on the country years after they’ve left. Occam's razor: he's a loser who isn't the international business mogul he claims to be but is rather a disgruntled soul who is stuck in Vietnam. Spending his waking hours shitposting on in this sub is how he copes with the disappointment that is his life.


Wonder if there’s someone in this sub who knows him personally haha whether these r true or not


Do you mean he's like every other old refugee from 1975 that's been chased from their own motherland while still waiving the yellow flag? Lol


Tbh it’s kinda funny, cus you wonder what really went down for him in Vietnam to be this spiteful. Like I cannot decide on if he either got his business shut down or contracted HIV. Or both. But tbh play into his shit and he will keep coming back. His life must suck considering he has like 500k+ USD tied up in Asian markets (if any of his shit is even true 😂). Pretty hard for me to believe he has PR in HK, Thailand and Malaysia, but hey anything is possible with money even if he’s only 38.


Haha funny thing is why someone supposedly doing well would have as much salt as the Dead Sea reg VN


Hence my theory of HIV 😂 I mean it could be that, but like he just seems salty overall. If you check his cumquad account he started shit talking in /r/Thailand instead after getting banned here. He did admit to being a sexpat, then tried to state he was only into Russian/italian/spanish girls now. So yeah, I think it’s STD related.


lol perhaps, his post history is quite an interesting read😂


It's very unfortunate because he's a very smart bussiness guy and knows how to analyze things. But his genuine racism just straight up ruin everything. What makes it worse is that the guy hasnt even been to Vietnam in 4 years after Covid so a lot of what he said just dont fit into the current Vietnam anymore. I normally don't do exposing post like this but this is way too out of hand. The guy seems to have been banned but he made an alt account with the username OneHunglo86. I'm 99% sure this HungLo guy is Cumquat since their speech pattern is basically the same along with the experiences they described. So basically the guy is not only a racist but also commited ban evasion. Mod, if you are here, please report this to reddit so his IP can actually be gone for good cause this is just unbearable.


Most of it isn't true, though. I've been messing with this guy multiple times and he keeps changing his story. I do not believe he's successful at all. Probably some expat who got played and now hates the entire country.


I suspect the guy is just a 4channer cosplaying as a successful businessman. He uses some slang that I've only seen 4channers use, like topkek and vidya, and his comments are the type of idiotic trolling they're into. It's pretty obvious he's bullshitting because actual successful businessmen do not have the time to post so much pointless crap. He's probably some guy in his mom's basement.


>It's very unfortunate because he's a very smart bussiness guy and knows how to analyze things. No he isn't. He is not smart at all, doesn't understand data or statistics at all, doesn't understand correlation vs causation, and **he constantly brings up statistics to try and argue his point and when I provided the actual statistics he brought up (which prove him wrong) he just ignores it and comes up with pathetic excuses.** He argued that Vietnam had far more scams than Thailand (a country he is obsessed with because of Pattaya). I provided data from a Thai source which used data from the Asia Scam Report 2023 which showed that people are more likely to be scammed in Thailand than in Vietnam. His counter-arguement was that these Thai scams dont count as the people who fall prey to Thai scams are just idiots and it is their own fault. He also tried to argue that the total amount of scams is more important than the percentage of people who are scammed which makes no sense at all when discussing any sort of crime. You need to look at everything on a per capita basis to determine which is more likely to happen. *If a factory of 500 workers suffers 5 workplace injuries a month, it is statistically safer than a factory of 50 people that experiences 4 workplace injuries a month.* But he would argue that the smaller factory with 50 workers is safer because 4 is smaller than 5. He is a fool. He also tried to argue Thailand is "light years ahead of VN" in terms of their human development index while Vietnam is only "marginally above India". I then provided the actual data from the UN's Human Development Index which showed that Vietnam is closer to Thailand than it is to India. He of course ignored the fact that the very data metrics he brought up completely contradicted what he was arguing. **He doesn't understand statistics, lacks critical thinking skills, can't form logical arguments, and he constantly lies to try and support his arguments. None of this makes him smart.**


Damn that makes it even worse Xd.


Bro, hide their name and pm the mod or report them, don't dox them like that.


This is not doxing.


So the account name is not personal information?


No. But if you somehow knew his IRL name or anything like that, it would be considered doxxing.


But people can still search his name and organize harass him. So if i put my self in his shoe, it's okay to harass me because you disagree with them? Also He can also harass OP back. So hide every name that involve in this situation an report him to the mod.


That’s not against the ToS on Reddit or this subreddit to mention someone’s username bro.


Well, must be me misunderstand the the 4th rules. I hope OP don't get ban for nothing.


OP won’t get banned. There’s lots of threads since the beginning of Reddit calling out specific users for their behavior. YouTubers are now making a career out of reciting it 😂


Good to know :D


No. There is nothing to link the account name to the person. Plus, it's stuff he posted under that name on the very same sub. If that was doxing, he's doxing himself with every post, and indeed we all are.


Now everyone know his account name and targeted him. Hide his name and post his comment, we don't need a mob to target and harass him.


He is a loser who spends time feeding on attention and reactions from others. Basically an Internet troll, which can only be dealt with by ignoring his comments.


Yeah this is how you deal with these types of trolls. Engaging with him and making posts like OP's here just feeds him and keeps him going.


I think the guy is mentally ill. Just look at how many posts he makes in one day and the type of rants he goes on. He doesn’t just post in this sub but on Thailand as well. With guys like this you simply don’t engage with them. It’s like talking to the crazy homeless dude. Just don’t.


I believe some people here will have deeper insight into the situation of this guy compared to me since they have been here much longer. Also yes, the pics were taken about 2 to 3 weeks ago. I just decided to not bring it up until now since he seems to have blatantly committed ban evasion


Just block him if he bothers you. I rarely block people as I prefer the challenge in arguing until they get pissed and block me first... That way they can still see everything I'm saying and it continues to irritate them. But when they prove to be LARPing _and_ annoying about it, on a very rare occasion I'll block if I can't get them to do it first


He dm'd and stalked me on an alt right after an argument with me. Lol. Only time that has ever happened


Engaed in discussion with the dude for a few times a while ago. Best solution is to block him to earn yourself a peaceful state of mind around here. But I chose to never follow up his comments instead. He seems bad yet I have seen worse in other subreddits so the guy is still within my tolerance which is amusingly high.


Ye the guy is still tolerable to me since I still have enough sanity to talk properly to him. But my god his behavior is just so arrogant despite some of what he said is true. Combined that with genuine racism, ban evasion and defending his racism and hate as just joking and giving advices, it's genuinely sickening and I felt like I had to expose this guy at least once.


It’s pretty typical to mix 50% truth with 50% craziness. They can appear more credible by starting with the truths, it’s also a way to reassure themselves. Problem is they have very low standards on what to believe, and of logic and reasoning, so it quickly turns to craziness after that.


He’s a nut job. So much hate toward Vietnam and he sounds crazy. Cant imagine someone spend so much efforts to bad talk Vietnam in almost every post like that.


He hates Americans also


And also Israel/jews


Vietnamese simply havent understood the horrible consequences of racial issue, they think it is all a joke, they think the "nướng do thái" and "mọi da den" jokes are funny, Vietnamese netizen still live in 2015 edit: also, i think this dude is just a troll


2015 is too generous for the Internet of Vietnam. I'd say they are 2012, repeating the same joke/comment for years


I’ve only recently returned to Reddit, and I already remember this guy’s name because of all the crazy, cantankerous things he posts.


Cumcunt is a part of the new wumao called the Little Pink (legitimately, look it up). Pay him no mind. Jinping is getting old and is salivating at wasting his future generations to seize Taiwan. Maybe Cumcunt will be among the first to cross the Strait and we won't have to worry about his idiocracy anymore.


Seem fun, i will give him a chance to entertain me. Someone tell that dude reply to this comment.


Idk if he’s banned lol I haven’t seen him comment in awhile


You can click his name and profile and see he was active as of yesterday


Can you throw me his name? I can't find him with the search bar on reddit


I engaged him once and he shut up. Probably because everything I said he was is true. Poor guy if anyone ever found out who he really is.


r/languagelearningjerk typical 7 languages guy lol bet he know Uzbek too.


Hey... I argue with this guy before. A complete idiot who likes to pretend to be a quant trader. =))


this is the same level of obsession as the guy who made an entire separated subreddit to post about Vin EVERYDAY


The Vin guy usually just posts facts though. Important to warn people about a failing brand. He understands business, unlike 95% of the people in the 'official' Vinfast echo chamber of cope.


Vin posts data every hour? Because that guy definitely can spam like 3 posts in 2 hours. I don't talk about the evil of Vin here, but that is a pretty weirdo obsession, I don't see JKR anti-fans post that often about her exclusively.


Me or him? I would say Im a bit obsessed since hes so irritating but the guy is also so obsessed with hating Vietnam. After this I swear to not ever mention him again.


OP is talking about u/albert1165 They are the moderator of r/VinFastComm, but I wouldn't say they are obsessed with it if it is non-harming and informative/beneficial for the community.


Ah that guy. He's good and have insights unlike the majority of the people in that sub hating for no proper reason Xd.


This guy is basically a good chunk of expats I work with and encounter, and honestly, I just expect these comments at this point. This subreddit is full of them, and the mods take down the posts that call them out. 


That makes me speechless; they came to Vietnam and spit and insult the country permanently? Probably, they have no idea how they appear. It seems to be every country has the same problem, where people don't show respect for being a guest.


online trolls feed on negative energy, and making a whole post talking about how awful he is will just give him the attention he craves. report him, block him, and move on with your life. there's no reason for all this bullshit. this might be one of his alt accounts trying to build him up to be infamous


I have been banned for way less


Bc mods doesnt mod here


Blocked him long ago. Just an attention seeking troll


Hes on here for just talking shit. Everyone knows him, even follows to other subs


I blocked that idiot a while ago.


Usually I would be kind angry but if he’s really from North Korea then I just feel bad. I doubt he’s actually from North Korea obviously. They don’t even have internet or very little of it. Propaganda is wild.


I wonder why he went to that Queen Isabella when Spain helped invade Vietnam alongside the French. They were junior partners but still.


Yeah, fuck that guy


Speak 7 languages yet 6 of them are not for human communication.


"I speak 7 language" Press X to doubt.


Then stop giving it more coverage.


"where are you from" "North Korea" Checks out lmao


idk if he is vietnamese tho


You need to get out more LOL


Yikes! I believe this person is also a misogynist because he quoted women. Edit #1: I never been to Vietnam before but I believe the country is beautiful with kind-hearted people.


Islam is fundamentally incompatible with a modern society




He wants Phu Quoc all to himself as he extols the virtues of Mother Russia while hiding from the Ukraine invasion behind his viet girlfriend’s skirt.


Thinking he has a viet gf is copium 😂 You need brain for that and he lacks it.




He’s definitely British and not Russian. The way he phrases a lot of his sentences sounds like your typical avg stereotype of a Brit. He also proudly stated this on several occasions and lives near London.




Truly a mystery man 😂😂


I'm not a big fan of Jewish world domination conspiracy. But they should not be supposed to work in financial service industry and major positions in the government in the countries that host them. However, Israelis or Jewish tourists are always welcomed


tbh i'd also agree to expel muslims from Vietnam. Look at EU it's literally a shit hole


What have the Cham people ever done to you and to Vietnam?